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An Angel of A Different Order: Dr Peter VonNetzer, the bloodletter (Danger Angel Book 1)

Page 12

by S. R. Rashad

  “Ok but, I’m sleeping in the car, then,” Jen says with a smile.

  “To hell with that, young lady. We are taking turns driving and I’m not taking a chance on you sleeping again. You are definitely a hard sleeper. So if you need, you’re taking some 5 hour energy, lady. And look,” as Laura holds up a bottle of mango flavored… it comes in fun flavors too.”

  “Okay, we’ll take turns but I can’t promise my driving won’t be wonky.”

  “Did you just say, Wonky?”


  “Where the hell did you grow up? Mayberry in the fifties, shit!”

  “No, silly” They both laugh.

  “Go change. Enough playing around. Let’s get going.”

  These dark country roads at night are always soothing and meditative for Laura. Especially, tonight, the stark blackness, with the contrasting bright gleam of the hi-beams as they cut a path through the cold dark, while illuminating the rushing asphalt, to the sound of crickets and other nightly creatures, is proving comforting. Laura rolls down the window to feel the rush of the crisp night air on her face and the breeze through her hair. The chill is both vibrant and soothing at the same time. She doesn't much like driving she thought, but she knows what she really doesn't like, it's driving in the city. Also when she drives, she is usually alone, but she is liking her driving companion. All and all, not a bad driving experience for her, this night.

  Laura never lets Bambi drive. She drove the whole way and Jen did fall asleep as promised. But Laura never woke her. She found she enjoyed watching her sleep. Jen even looks happy in her sleep. This put a smile on Laura’s face. Perhaps it was all the 5 hour energy she took or maybe it was something the doctor awoke in her, in either case, Laura is feeling more alive, more her old self, again. Before she became obsessed with winning, money and trinkets.

  She pulls into the building’s garage…

  “Hey sleepy, we’re here.”

  Jen wakes slowly, looking around.

  “We’re here. Hey! I was supposed to drive too, Laura. Why didn't you wake me?”

  “Well, that's cause, I didn't want any ‘wonky’ driving,” Laura says, laughing.

  “Shoot, now I feel bad, Laura,” Jen says with a pout on her face.

  “Don’t worry. I enjoyed the drive, surprisingly. And hopeful, now I’ll sleep like a log tonight.”

  “Ok, Laura, but I’ll find some way to make it up to you.”

  “Nonsense, Jen. Let's grab your stuff and get up stairs. I still want a decent amount of sleep before attacking the day, tomorrow.”

  They wait for the elevator. Jen doesn't think she'll sleep tonight. She just slept a few hours in the car and it's been like Christmas for her. She gets to work with her idol, and now, she’s staying at her place in Chelsea. It's all too exciting for her.

  They go into Laura’s apt. Entering the apt, triggers the motion detection lights. There are six embedded into the bamboo floor outlining the entryway. The first two light up upon entry, as they continue a few feet, the next two light up and then finally the last two just before they reach the threshold of the fabulous sunken living room. It's all magic to Jen, a simple wondrous magic. Just like she knew it would be at Laura’s.

  “Wow, Laura. Now, that's cool.”

  “Yea, it is pretty cool. No need to look for a light switch on drunken late nights or nights when my hands are full.”

  “Yea, I love it…what other cool things, Laura?”

  “There's a lot, but remember the talk we had earlier. I'm gonna show you where you’re sleeping and we'll chat in the morning. I’m dead.”

  “Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.”

  “It's ok, Jen.” They get to the guest room … “ So here it is. I hope you’ll be comfortable. So, I'll see you in the morning, lady.”

  “Ok, Laura. Good night. I hope you’’ll be able to sleep.”

  “So do I, girl…Good night, Jen.”

  As Laura leaves, Jen sits on the edge of the most comfortable bed she's been on in awhile, smiling and wide awake, no sleep for her this night. She decides to explore. She looks around the room, at the lovely floor to ceiling Calvin Klein drapes. She slides them open and sees there's a balcony, and probably a great view of the city. She begins to slide the glass door when she sees a reflection of the room across the hall, Laura’s office. This would be the perfect time to check it out. She is a little hesitant but her curiosity is far too great. The balcony can wait.

  She rushes over to where the magic happens. Jen knows Laura is a very private person, so she is a little afraid at first, but she also remembers Laura saying to feel at home. Well, there would be no rooms off limits at ‘home,’she smiles. So, why should this room be off limits. She walks in. She sits at Laura’s desk, in a lovely ergonomically designed Knolls chair. Jen loves it's smooth swivel and roll action. Like a kid, she feels the need to spin in the chair. She's gentle at first, then she decides to really give it a go. The chairs’ wheels have little friction on the hard bamboo floors, causing her to twirl out of control, banging into the wall. Jen stops, sits in fear, listening for Laura to approach. She's sure the noise woke her. A few minutes pass, and no Laura. It's safe. She looks around the room and sees Laura's wall dedicated to her achievements; pictures, diplomats, and awards, and just at the top of all the memorabilia is a Newsweek mag encased in glass, on the cover is Laura and a group of young lawyers. Jen is very familiar with this issue; it’s the one where they do the spread on New York’s top 30 lawyers under 30. This is the first article she read about lawyers when she was in High School. This is when she knew she wanted to be a lawyer. Jen begins to feel overwhelmed and in awe, as it hits her to know where she is and in whose home she's in. She doesn't explore anymore, feeling the way she does. She heads back to the guest room and lies on the bed, not a sleep, just lying there with all her feelings and emotions running wild.

  The morning comes and Jen hears Laura is up. Laura runs the shower. Jen bolts into the kitchen hoping to surprise Laura with a lovely omelette breakfast. There’re eggs, spinach, tomatoes and feta, perfect. She cuts up bits of fruit and pours a cup of grapefruit juice, sets the table. Everything is perfect. She’s happy. Wait, she remembers there needs to be coffee. Heck! She is frantic. She doesn’t see any, anywhere. She searches her Starbucks app. There’s a Starbucks just down the road. She believes she can make it there and back in no time.

  Laura calls for Jen, no response. That girl is probably still sound asleep. Laura thinks. Then, she is overtaken by the smell of eggs and roasted veggies, Nice, Laura thinks. She goes into the kitchen…

  “Hey chef, smells great.” Jen hasn’t returned, yet.

  “Where is that girl?”

  Then Jen’s back.

  “Oh, I was hoping to get back before you finished your shower.”

  “Omelettes, Jen?”

  “Yes, and now there’s coffee. So let’s get fueled up. Then go do some lawyering, my fine criminal attorney.” Jen says in her best Laura impersonation.

  “Sounds just like me,” Laura says. The two have a good laugh.

  Laura enjoys the meal and the coffee. What a great surprise for her. She could get used to having this kind of company. The two finish up and head over to the 71st. The Taskforce is out on a case. And, that’s fine with Laura because she wants to speak with Sgt. Harris, Jim’s buddy, first. They approach the desk Sgt.

  “Hello, we’re looking for Sgt. Harris. We’re attorneys with Kern, Davis and Kern.”

  Laura chooses not to say who she’s representing. She feels that would make them less agreeable and more hostile toward her and Jen, if they mention dr VonNetzer.

  “His desk is just there. He’s with the captain now, though. He’ll be back soon. You wanna wait?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  They go and wait by Sgt. Harris’ desk.

  “Laura, how are we going to approach this?”

  “Very delicately, lady, very very delicately.”

  Jen gets Laura’s a
ttention as she gestures to a big burly guy heading their way…

  “Look, I think that’s him coming now.”

  “Hello, Sgt. Harris.”

  “Yes, What’s the matter. How can I help?”

  “Jim, said we should speak with you.”

  “Jim Kern?”


  The Sgt. Looks around cautiously, then leans into the ladies.

  “Let’s go for a walk. Let me buy you ladies some coffee.”

  “Ok,” says Laura.

  They leave the precinct and head over to the park a block away.

  They sit on a set of benches in a secluded part of the park. Then the Sgt. Begins.

  “First, I am glad we got that guy…but if we can’t make it stick then…”

  “Listen, I want you to know I respect what you guys are doing here. I’m a criminal lawyer, yes. And that’s just cause I respect the law, not the criminal. I want to be clear on that.” Laura says firmly.

  She knows cops hate criminal attorneys. He needs to feel comfortable with her. Even though he’s a friend of Jim, he’s still a cop. And they have an unspoken code. And she wants to be careful.

  “I’m not trying to get anyone in trouble. I just want to make sure we are all acting in accordance with the law. That’s my first priority.” Laura says with a look of concern and humility.

  “Am I being recorded?”

  “No, Sgt. Harris…what you say remains with us. I won’t identify you, in what you tell me or what we discover here. We are just concerned with the law, pure and simple.” Laura says reassuringly.

  “Ok, I was on duty the night or I should say the early morning when they got the guy. There was no radio dispatch saying anything about Ms. Stallman’s place. As a matter of fact, the Taskforce was on a drug stakeout a few blocks away. Then the next I hear, they are at Ms. Stallman’s. So, I am sure there was no time to get a warrant, but when the DA shows up, all of a sudden, a warrant appears. And now, no one knows what happen to the warrant and the radio dispatch tape disappears. This is all I know. And, I’m not the only one that knows this. This is all you’re getting from me. I am heading back now, by myself. Here’s where we part, ladies.”

  There is a cover up. It could be department wide, it could be an individual, it could be a few. Laura is uncertain, her main concern is with her client, not the possible police corruption. She has enough now to go confront the DA.

  “Wow. Laura. Does stuff like this happen often?”

  “No, not often. But it does happen. We need to get to the DA’s office and see what he has to say about this.”

  “Ok. This is exciting. I still don’t like the fact that it’s the doctor.”

  “Nor do I, missy. But this is the job.”

  The DA’s office is still riding high on this big win. The Taskforce assembled by the Mayor’s office just a few short years ago, to be tough on crime, has brought him another win. He is proud of the work he’s doing as DA. He’s sure he’ll be re-elected for another term. Then after that, he has his eyes on bigger things.

  “DA Ortiz, there are attorneys for Dr.VonNetzer here to see you.”

  “Is that so, Linda. They are probably here looking for a plea bargain, but we are going to the full extent of the law on this one…send them in.”

  “Ok, sir.”

  “You ladies can go in.”


  The DA didn't expect for the doctor's attorneys to be here so soon, but it doesn't matter.

  “Hello, Counselors. How can this office help you?”

  “We're here to talk about our client, Dr.VonNetzer.”

  “I see. What do you need from me?”

  “We need some clarity on some trouble we’re having with the arrest.”

  “And that is?”

  “We seem to be missing Probable Cause and we can't find a warrant anywhere.”

  “Is that so.” The DA thinks they're bluffing. He knows he saw a warrant. He’s sure of it.

  “Is this the best you can do, counselors. Come on. This is amateur night. Why would I prosecute without a warrant or Probable, really.”

  “Your office sent files to us, correct?”

  “Yes, and?”

  “Do you remember the name of the judge who signed the warrant?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Well, since we don't have the file, I know it would be no problem to call the judge who issued the warrant.”

  “Are you kidding me. You can't be serious about this.”

  “Oh, we are, DA Ortiz. We are.”

  “Ok, let me look in my records…here, it was judge Nolan, ok.”

  “Good, I’ll call judge Nolan, now.”

  “Be my guest, counselor.” He says arrogantly. “Here, let me help…Linda, get me Judge Nolan, please.”

  “Yes, DA.”

  Linda reaches the judge.

  “I got him, DA. Great, send him through.”

  “Here, counselors. I have him. Let's see if he would agree to be on loudspeaker?”

  “Hello, judge Nolan. I have you on loudspeaker.”

  “That's fine, DA Ortiz. What can I do for you?”

  “There was a warrant issued by you to enter Ms Joan Stallman's house a few weeks ago. Is that correct?”

  “No, DA. That is not correct. I issued no such warrant, son.”

  “Is that certain?”

  “That's correct.”

  “Thank you, judge Nolan. That's all I needed.” The DA says with a confused look on his face.

  “Ok, then. Good day, DA Ortiz.”

  “Good day, judge,”

  The DA is at a loss. He’s sure they showed him a warrant, issued by judge Nolan. This is not good. Someone is lying and passing false documents. He knows he can't take this case to trial and expect to win, now. No judge will go for it. His case is built around this warrant, no warrant, no case.

  "DA Ortiz, we demand all charges against our client be dropped and that he be released immediately.” Laura says.

  “I’ll look into it, counselor.”

  “No, DA Ortiz. Dropped and released.” Laura says again firmly.

  He shows them to the door.

  He knows what he has to do and he doesn't like it.

  Chapter 11

  Bambi at the door of evil

  Not all open doors are meant for us to walk through. Sometimes we can peer at what's on the other side and choose not to walk through.

  “Jen, are you sure, you want to go to the prison with me?”

  “Yes, it’s part of the job,” she says shockingly, my words, which are really jim’s words, back at me. Look at my Bambi. Just a few days ago, she was going to toss her cookies at the sight of the doctor’s handiwork. Now, she’s ready to go meet the man himself. I still think her first case out of the office should’ve been a tax evader, but right into the fire with this one.

  “Good for you, Jen. You may have what it takes after all…so you wanna be a criminal attorney, lady, eh…Let’s go then…Let’s go meet some criminals.”

  The drive over seems longer than usual. I look over at Jen periodically. She still has that nervous school girl look about her and I’m sure she is gonna throw up, at any moment. Yeah, the doctor’s gonna eat that up for sure.

  “Jen, you okay? I can turn around at anytime, you know.”

  “I know. I’m fine,” she says, as her body and facial expression totally say something different.

  We arrive without incident. No one lost her lunch or demanded we turn around…

  “Jen, are you still with me?”

  “Yup, why do you say that.”

  “Well, cause we’re here. As a matter of fact, we’ve been parked here for a few minutes and you haven’t taken off your seatbelt yet.”

  She looks down and sees she is still strapped in.

  “Oh, yeah, you are right,” she says as she then undoes her seatbelt nervously.

  “Come on. Let’s go…chop chop.”

  Looking around at the massiv
e prison and its formidable walls, Jen begins…

  “Hey, this place is so scary looking? I mean this is kinda Hansel and Gretel scary.”

  “I know. This is one big and scary looking prison for sure, lady. But, it is better to keep the bad people in.”

  “And here we are trying to let one out…doesn’t seem right.”

  “I know my fine young attorney. I know… a few pointers when you meet him, try not to act scared, that just gets him riled up and don’t say anything condescending. That won’t go over well with this guy, just stick to the facts and show little emotion. Let’s just get in and out, without incident, understand?”

  “I think so. I’m ready.”

  No you’re not, Bambi. No you are not even close to ready. Yet, here we are.

  “Fine then. Also try not to piss off the guards. Just do what they ask, ok.”

  “Ok, I'm ready.”

  Yeah, sure you are. So why are you shaking and rubbing your arm. This is a bad decision, Laura. Nothing good is gonna come from this I feel it in my gut--damn it.

  The guards come to escort us through the maze. Everyone of them is looking more tense than usual, and that's saying a lot, cause these guys always seem on edge. Perfect time to bring the new kid, Laura, impeccable timing. Fuck, I can’t turn back now. Just breathe, lady. Take your own advice. Just tell him the facts and clear out.

  Ah, here comes a friendly face among the serious sternness that surrounds us…

  “Hey officer Russo, it's good to see you. How are you? This is attorney Jen Bromley. She is assisting on this case.”

  “Oh hello, attorney Bromley, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

  “It's a pleasure to meet you too, officer Russo.”


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