Delphi Collected Works of Hugh Walpole (Illustrated)

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Delphi Collected Works of Hugh Walpole (Illustrated) Page 108

by Hugh Walpole

  Bunning, his whole body strung to a desperate appeal, caught Olva’s hand. “Take me with you, Dune. Take me with you. I’ll be your servant — anything you like. I’ll do anything if you’ll let me come. I won’t be a nuisance — I’ll never talk if you don’t want me to — I’ll do everything you tell me — only let me come. You’re the only person who’s ever shown me what I might do. I might be of use if I were with you — otherwise — —”

  “Rot, Bunning. You’ve got plenty to do here. I’m no good yet for anybody. One day perhaps we’ll meet again. I’ll write to you. I promise not to forget you. How could I? and one day I’ll come back—”

  Bunning moved away, his head banging. “You must think me an awful fool — of course you do. I am, I suppose. I’d be awful to be with for long at a time — of course I see that. But I don’t know what to do. If I go home and tell them I’m not going to be a parson it’ll be terrible. They’ll all be at me. Not directly. They won’t say anything, but they’ll have people to talk to me. They’ll fill the house — they won’t spare any pains. And then, at last, being all alone, I shall give in. I know I shall, I’m not clever or strong. And I shall be ordained — and then it’ll be hell. I can see it all. You came into my life and made it all different, and now you’re going out of it again and it will be worse than ever—”

  “I won’t go out of it,” said Olva. “I’ll write if you’d like — and perhaps we’ll meet. I’ll be always your friend. And — look here — I’ll tell Margaret — Miss Craven — about you, and she’ll ask you to go and see her, and if you two are friends it’ll be a kind of alliance between all of us, won’t it?”

  Bunning was happier— “Oh, but she’ll think me such an ass!”

  “Oh no, she won’t, she’s much too clever, And, Bunning, don’t let yourself be driven by people. Stick to the thing you want to do — you’ll find something all right. Just go on here and wait until you’re shown. Sit with your ears open — —”

  Bunning filled his mouth with toast. “If you’ll write to me and keep up with me I’ll do anything.”

  “And one thing — Don’t tell any one I’m going. I shall just slip out of college early the day after to-morrow. I don’t want any one to know. It’s nobody’s affair but mine.”

  Then he held out his hand— “Good-bye, Bunning, old man.”

  “Good-bye,” said Bunning.

  When Olva had gone he sat down by the fire again, staring.

  Some hours afterwards he spoke, suddenly, aloud: “I can stand the lot of them now.”

  Then he went to bed.




  On the next evening the sun set with great splendour. The frost had come and hardened the snow and all day the sky bad been a pale frozen blue, only on the horizon fading into crocus yellow.

  The sun was just vanishing behind the grey roofs when Olva went to Rocket Road. All day he had been very busy destroying old letters and papers and seeing to everything so that he should leave no untidiness nor carelessness behind him. Now it was all over. To-morrow morning, with enough money but not very much, and with an old rucksack that he had once had on a walking tour, he would set out. He did not question this decision — he knew that it was what he was intended to do — but it was the way that Margaret would take his confession that would make that journey hard or easy.

  He did not know — that was the surprising thing — how she would take it. He knew her so little. He only knew that he loved her and that she would do, without flinching, the thing that she felt was right. Oh! but it would be difficult!

  The house, the laurelled drive, the little road, the distant moor and wood — these things had to-night a gentle air. Over the moor the setting sun flung a red flame; the woods burned black; the laurels were heavy with snow and a robin hopped down the drive as Olva passed.

  He found Margaret in the drawing-room, and here, too, he fancied that there was more light and air than on other days.

  When the old woman had left the room he suddenly caught Margaret to him and kissed her as though he would never let her go. She clung to him with her hands. Then he stood gravely away from her.

  “There,” he said, “that is the last time that I may kiss you before I have told you what it is that I have come here to say. But first may I go up to your mother for a moment?”

  “Yes,” Margaret said, “if you will not be very long. I do not think that I can have much more patience.” Then she added more slowly, gazing into his face, “Rupert said last night that you would have something to tell me to-day. I have been waiting all day for you to come. But Rupert was his old self last night, and he talked to mother and has made her happy again. Oh! I think that everything is going to be right!”

  “I will soon come down to you,” he said.

  Mrs. Craven’s long dark room was lit by the setting sun; beyond her windows the straight white fields lifted shining splendour to the stars already twinkling in the pale sky. Candles were lit on a little black table by her sofa and the fire was red deep in its cavernous setting.

  He stood for a moment in the dim room facing the setting sun, and the light of the fire played about his feet and the pale glow that stole up into the evening from the snowy fields touched his face.

  She knew as she looked at him that something bad given him great peace.

  “I’ve come to say good-bye,” he said. Then he sat down by her side.

  “No,” she said, smiling, “you mustn’t go. We want you — Rupert and Margaret and I. . . .” Then softly, as though to herself, she repeated the words, “Rupert and Margaret and I.”

  “Dear Mrs. Craven, one day I will come back. But tell me, Rupert spoke to you last night?”

  “Yes, he has made me so very happy. Last night we were the same again as we used to be, and even, I think, more than we have ever been. Rupert is growing up.”

  “Yes — Rupert is growing up. Did he tell you why he had, during these weeks, been so strange and unhappy?”

  “No, he gave me no real explanation. But I think that it was the terrible death of his friend Mr. Carfax — I think that that had preyed upon his mind.”

  “No, Mrs. Craven, it was more than that. He was unhappy because he knew that it was I that had killed Carfax.”

  He saw a little movement pass over her — her hand trembled against her dress. For some time they sat together there in silence, and the red sun slipped down behind the fields; the room was suddenly dark except for the yellow pool of light that the candles made and for the strange gleam by the window that came from the snow.

  At last she said, “Now I understand — now I understand.”

  “I killed him in anger — it was quite fair. No one had any idea except Rupert, but everything helped to show him that it was I. When he saw that I loved Margaret he was very unhappy. He saw that we had some kind of understanding together and he thought that I had told you and that you sympathize with me. I am going down now to tell Margaret.”

  “Poor, poor Olva.” It was the first time that she had called him by his

  Christian name. She took his hand. “Both of us together — the same thing.

  I have paid, God knows I have paid, and soon, I hope, it will be over.

  But your life is before you.”

  He looked out at the evening fields. “I’m going down now to tell Margaret. And tomorrow I shall set out. I will not come back to Margaret until I know that I am cleared — but I want you, while I am away, to think of me sometimes and to talk of me sometimes to Margaret. And one day, perhaps, I shall know that I may come back.”

  She put her thin hands about his head and drew it down to her and kissed him.

  “There will never be a time when you are not in my mind,” she said. “I love you as though you were my own son. I had hoped that you would be here often, but now I see that it is right for you to go. I know that Margaret will wait for you. Meanwhile an old woman loves you.”

  He kissed he
r and left her.

  At the door through the dark room he heard her thin voice: “May God bless you and keep you.”

  He went to perform his hardest task.


  It was the harder in that for a little while he seemed to be left absolutely alone. The room was dark save for the leaping light of the fire in the deep stone fireplace, and as he saw Margaret standing there waiting for him, desperately courageous, he only knew that he loved her so badly that, for a little while, he could only stand there staring at her, twisting his hands together, speechless.

  “Well,” at last she said. “Come and sit down and tell me all about it.” But her voice trembled a little and her eyes were wide, frightened, begging him not to hurt her.

  He sat down near her, before the fire, and she instinctively, as though she knew that this was a very tremendous matter, stood away from him, her hands clasped together against her black dress.

  Suddenly now, before he spoke, he realized what it would mean to him if she could not forgive what he had done. He had imagined it once before — the slow withdrawal of her eyes, the gradual tightening of the lips, the little instinctive movement away from him.

  If he must go out into the world, having lost her, he thought that he could never endure, God or no God, the long dreary years in front of him.

  At last he was brave: “Margaret — at first I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and soul and body; that nothing that can ever happen to me can ever alter that love — that I am yours, entirely, always. And then I want you to know that I am not worthy to love you, that I ought never to have asked you to love me, that I ought to have gone away the first time that I saw you.”

  She made a little loving, protecting movement towards him with her hands and then let them drop against her dress again.

  “I ought never to have loved you — because — only a day or two before I met you — I had killed Carfax, Rupert’s friend.”

  The words as they fell seemed to him like the screams that iron bolts give as a gate is barred.

  He whispered slowly the words again: “I killed Carfax” — and then he covered his eyes with his hands so that he might not see her face.

  The silence seemed eternal — and she had made no movement. To fill that silence he went on desperately —

  “I had always hated him — there were many reasons — and one day we met in Sannet Wood, quarrelled, and I hit him. The blow killed him. I don’t think I meant to kill him, but I wasn’t sorry afterwards — I have never felt remorse for that. There have been other things. . . .

  “Soon afterwards I met you — I loved you at once — you know that I did — and I could not tell you. Oh! I tried — I struggled, pretty poor struggling — but I could not. I thought that it was all over, that he was dead and nobody knew. But God was wiser than that — Rupert knew. He suspected and then he grew more sure, and at last he was quite certain. Yesterday, after the football match, I told him and I promised him that I would tell you . . . and I have told you.”

  Silence again — and then suddenly there was movement, and there were arms about him and a voice in his ear— “Poor, poor Olva . . . dear Olva . . . how terrible it must have been!”

  He could only then catch her and hold her, and furiously press her against him. “Oh, my dear, my dear — you don’t mind!”

  They stayed together, like that, for a long time.

  He could not think clearly, but in the dim recesses of his mind he saw that they had all — Mrs. Craven, Margaret, Rupert — taken it in the same kind of way. Could it be that Margaret and Rupert living, although unconsciously, in the shadow all their lives of just this crime, breathing the air of it, and breathing it too with the other air of love and affection — that they had thus, all unknowing, been quietly prepared?

  Or had they, each of them, their especial reason for excusing it?

  Mrs. Craven from her great knowledge, Rupert from his great weariness,

  Margaret from her great love?

  At last Margaret got up and sat down in a chair away from him.

  “Olva dear, you ought to have told me. If we had married and you had not told me—”

  “I was so terribly afraid of losing you.”

  “But it gives me now,” her voice was almost triumphant, “something to share with you, something to help you in, something to fight with you. Now I can show you how much I love you.

  “How could you have supposed that I would mind? Do you think that a woman, if she loves a man, cares for anything that he may do? If you had killed a hundred men in Sannet Wood I would have helped you to bury them. The thing that a woman demands most of love is that she may prove it. I know that murder has a dreadful sound — but to meet your enemy face to face, to strike him down because you hated him—” Her voice rose, her eyes flashed — she raised her arms— “You must pay for it, Olva — but we shall pay together.”

  He knew now, as he watched her, that he had a harder thing to do than he had believed possible.

  “No,” he said, and his eyes could not face hers, “we can’t pay together — I must go alone.”

  She laughed a little. “How can you go alone if we are together?”

  “We shall not be together. I go away, alone, to-morrow.”

  He knew that her eyes were then, very slowly, searching his face. She said, gently, after a moment’s pause, “Tell me, Olva, what you mean. Of course we are going together.”

  “Oh, it is so hard for me!” He was fighting now as he had never fought. Why not, even at this last moment, in spite of yesterday, defy God and stay with her and keep her? In that moment of hesitation he suffered so that the sweat came to his forehead and his eyes were filled with pain and then were suddenly tired and dull.

  But he came out, and seemed now to stand above the room and look down on his body and her body and to be filled with a great pity for them both.

  “Margaret dear, it’s very hard for me to tell you. Will you be patient with me and let me put things as clearly as I can — as I see them?”

  She burst out, “Olva, you mustn’t leave me, I—” Then she used all her strength to bring control. Very quietly she ended— “Yes, Olva, tell me everything.”

  “It is so difficult because it is about God, and we all of us feel, and rightly I expect, that it is priggish to talk about God at all. And then I don’t know whether I can give you everything as it happened because it was all so unsubstantial and at the end of it any one might say ‘But this is nothing — nothing at all. You’ve been hysterical, nervous — that’s the meaning of it. You’ve nothing to show.’ And yet if all the world were to say that to me I should still have no doubt. I know, as I know that we are sitting here, as I know that I love you, that what I say is true.”

  She brought her chair close to him and then put her band in his and waited.

  “After I had killed Carfax — after his body had fallen and the wood was very silent, I was suddenly conscious of God. I can’t explain that better. I can only say that I knew that some one had watched me, I knew that the world would never be the same place again because some one had watched me, and I knew that it was not because I had done wrong, but because I had put myself into a new set of conditions that life would be different now. I knew these things, and I went back to College.

  “I had never thought about God before, never at all. I had been entirely heathen. Now I was sure of His existence in the way that one is sure of wood when one touches it or water when one drinks it.

  “But I did not know at all what kind of God He was. I went to a Revival meeting, but He was not there. He was not in the College Chapel. He was not in any forms or ceremonies that I could discover. He might choose to appear to other men in those different ways but not to me. Then a fellow, Lawrence, told me about some old worship — Druids and their altars — but He was not there. And all those days I was increasingly conscious that there was some one who would not let me alone. It fastened itself in my mind gradually as a Pursuit, and
it seemed to me too that, as the days passed, I began slowly to understand the nature of the Pursuer — that He was kind and tender but also relentless, remorseless. I was frightened. I flung myself into College things — games and every kind of noise because I was so afraid of silence. And all the time some one urged me to obedience. That was all that He demanded, that I should be passive and obey His orders. I would have given in, I think, very soon, but I met you.”

  Her hand tightened in his and then, because he felt that her body was trembling, he put his arm round her and held her.

  “I knew then when I loved you that I was being urged, by this God, to confess everything to you. I became frightened; I should have trusted you, but it was so great a risk. You were all that I had and if I lost you life would have gone too. Those aren’t mere words. . . . I struggled, I tried every way of escape. And then everything betrayed me. Rupert began to suspect, then to be sure. Whether I flung myself into everything or hid in my room it was the same — God came closer and closer. It was a perfectly real experience and I could see Him as a great Shadow — not unkind, loving me, but relentless. Then the day came that I proposed to you and I fainted. I knew then that I was not to be allowed so easy a happiness. Still I struggled, but now God seemed to have shut off all the real world and only left me the unreal one — and I began to be afraid that I was going mad.”

  She suddenly bent down and kissed him; she stayed then, until he had finished, with her head buried in his coat.

  “It wasn’t any good — I knew all the time that it could only end one way.

  “Everything betrayed me, every one left me. I thought every moment that Rupert would tell me. Then, one night when I was hardly sane, I told a man, Bunning — a queer odd creature who was the last kind of person to be told. He, in a fit of mad self-sacrifice, told Rupert that he’d killed Carfax, and then of course it was all over.

  “I suddenly yielded. It was as though God caught me and held me. I saw Him, I heard Rim — yesterday — in the middle of the football. I know that it was so. After that there could be only one thing — Obedience. I knew that I must tell you. I have told you. I know, too, that I must go out into the world, alone, and work out my duty . . . and then, oh! then, I will come back.”


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