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The Footman (The Masqueraders Book 1)

Page 35

by S. M. LaViolette

  There was a long moment before she heard the muffled command, “Come.”

  Ben had only been in Lord Trebolton’s study one time—the same day she’d come to beg the earl for a job. The room was small, dark, and ill-situated with its only window offering a view of the stable block. It was as tattered and worn as everything else on the estate; everything except the man who sat behind the big scarred desk.

  Benna experienced the same reaction she always did when she was near her employer: knees like water, palpitating heart, sweating palms, and a heated face. Jago Venable, the Ninth Earl of Trebolton, was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen—more handsome even than her prior employer, the wealthy American banker Stephen Worth and more physically perfect—if not as physically imposing—than her cousin, Viscount Leonard. But unlike her cousin—who used his appealing looks to seduce and control and taunt and manipulate—the earl seemed utterly unaware of his physical perfection or how devastating his appearance was to members of the opposite sex.

  Benna knew she wasn’t the only female who swooned in the presence of his elegant, long-limbed body, blue-black hair, and long, heavily lashed brown eyes.

  And when he smiled. . .

  “Ah, Ben. Thank you for coming.” He looked up from the mass of papers on his desk and smiled.

  And that was another thing. Well, two other things, actually. First there was that blasted smile of his, which made her feel like dropping to her knees and begging him to forgive her deception.

  Thankfully she had managed to resist that impulse, although it became more difficult to do so every day. He would be a laughingstock if it was ever discovered that he’d hired a runaway duchess as his head groom. Benna couldn’t face the thought of causing him such embarrassment.

  The second thing was his manner. He was always so kind and so polite no matter who he was speaking to. She’d heard him use the same pleasant tone toward the scullery maid, his nieces, and his sickly sister-in-law, the Countess of Trebolton.

  Ben had never met anyone like him. Not in looks, not in demeanor. Oh, David had always been polite to their servants—when he’d actually noticed them. But her brother had never thought of the dozens and dozens of servants who’d catered to his daily needs as actual people. Not like the earl, who was smiling patiently and making her realize she was still gazing at him like a star-struck dolt.

  She began to drop into a curtsy and stopped herself just in time to make a particularly awkward bow. When she looked up it was to find a look of gentle amusement on his face. It made him devastatingly beautiful and Ben could only hope he would keep his glasses on when he smiled like that.

  “Have a seat, Ben. I’ve hardly spoken to you in the past month. Tell me, how are my stables progressing?”

  Ben took a deep breath and then hesitated. What could she possibly say that he would want to hear? Surely if she told him the truth that achingly kind look would melt from his gorgeous face and—

  The earl sat back in his chair. “It is alright, Ben. I would have you speak plainly.”

  Urgh. And the man was a mind-reader, too.

  “I’ve done a number of small repairs and there are now twelve stalls ready for occupants. Naturally Asclepius has the largest,” she added, referring to Lord Trebolton’s horse, a magnificent animal who resembled his glorious master in both his dark coloring and regal temperament. “I’ve seen to the small pasture, turnout pens, and the larger arena. I’m still working on the smithy, tack room, the remaining stalls, and the lower paddock.”

  The earl shook his head, his handsome face transformed by a look of wonder. “You are a whirlwind, Ben. I never expected even a fraction as much could be accomplished so soon. I am ashamed that it slipped my mind that you had no help in your monumental task.” His smile turned wry. “I have no excuse other than life’s distractions. The first thing I am going to do is increase your wages and the second is to authorize enough money for a groom and stable boy. Naturally you will be given the authority to hire as you see fit.”

  Benna gaped.

  Lord Trebolton laughed and it was like a cannonball through Ben’s chest. The man was enough to break a girl’s heart. Even a tall, gangly, coarse handed, big footed, flat-chested, gawky female like herself.

  Benna closed her mouth and swallowed, her face so hot the earl could probably feel the waves of heat across the room. “Thank you, my lord. You are generous. But I am quite able to manage the stables myself for the time being—at least until such time as there are more cattle to see to.”

  “I appreciate your attempt to practice economy on my behalf, Ben, but I’m afraid I’m rather set on my decision.” The words were spoken in the usual gentle fashion, but Ben heard the steel beneath the velvet. Lord Trebolton was reserved and soft-spoken, but he was every inch an aristocrat. Just like Benna’s brother David, and their father before him, the earl exuded a quiet air of command. He would expect obedience from those in his employ, he simply had a gentler way of going about it.

  Benna dipped her chin. “Yes, my lord.”

  The earl rewarded her with a smile that sent her heart staggering drunkenly around in her chest.

  “Which brings me to my second order of business, my nieces.”

  Benna did not think she could have heard him correctly.

  “I’m sorry, my lord, but did you say your nieces?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid they haven’t ridden much since they outgrew their ponies and my brother never replaced them. They will require general instruction, although I suppose it will be more in the nature of a refresher. I have witnessed firsthand that your skills on a horse are unparalleled so I am going to heap yet more duties on your shoulders and ask you to see to both lessons and the mounting of them. Having worked at one of the most prestigious posting houses in England I presume you are competent when it comes to judging horseflesh?”

  Finding horses for the girls would not be a problem, now teaching them, on the other hand . . .

  The earl’s shapely black eyebrows rose fractionally and Benna realized he was waiting for an answer.

  “Yes, my lord, I know something of horses.”

  “Good. I have business in Truro on Wednesday. You will accompany me and see to both my nieces’ mounts, a gentle hack for the countess, a gig horse, and suitable replacements for our ancient carriage horses, which should be enjoying retirement rather than hauling that old bucket of a coach about.” He smiled at her and Benna felt exactly the way she had after her very first pint.

  She cleared her throat. “Very good, my lord. I will see the coach is prepared and ready.” It was a struggle to keep the skepticism from her voice. She had seen the Trebolton coach in the carriage house and it looked to be a disaster. She doubted three days would be even enough time to make it functional. But then, three weeks probably wouldn’t be enough, either.

  Lord Trebolton came out from behind his desk and strode toward Benna, who fought the urge to run in the other direction. Instead, she shot to her feet, her hat clutched in her hands.

  The earl laid a long, elegant hand on Benna’s shoulder and her chest froze. It was a gesture more suited to a father with his son than an employer to his servant. His smile was kindly and his intoxicating, velvet brown eyes were only an inch above hers. “I want you to know how much I appreciate your hard work here, Ben. Now that I have some idea of how matters stand there is no need for you to stint on the items necessary for smoothly operating stables.” He gave Benna’s shoulder a light squeeze and released her. “Do not shy away from telling me about any other needs you might have.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” Benna pivoted on her heel and all but sprinted from the room, her heart pounding and shoulder on fire, as though the earl had touched her bare skin.



  Keep an eye out for The Postilion,


  Coming January 19, 2021!

  In the meantime, check out one of her other series….

sp; SM/Minerva’s THE ACADEMY OF LOVE series












  Looking for something hotter, steamier, kinkier?





  ****PLEASE NOTE!!!!***



  BDSM, S&M, M/M, menage, humiliation/degradation, marital infidelity, abuse.

  Basically, don’t read it if you’re easily triggered.

  About the Author(s)

  SM LaViolette and Minerva Spencer are one and the same.

  SM has been a criminal prosecutor, college history teacher, B&B operator, dock worker, ice cream manufacturer, reader for the blind, motel maid, and bounty hunter.

  Okay, so the part about being a bounty hunter is a lie.

  SM does, however, know how to hypnotize a Dungeness crab, sew her own Regency Era clothing, knit a frog hat, juggle, rebuild a 1959 American Rambler, and gain control of Asia (and hold on to it) in the game of RISK.

  Read more about SM at:

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