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Dragon Passions: Three fiery & suspenseful paranormal romances!

Page 18

by Anna Lowe

  “Well, then, I just need to figure out a job. I guess I could probably build up a new clientele here.”

  “And go to stranger’s houses to cook?” Kai didn’t actually say no, but he sure didn’t look happy. “I have a better idea.”

  “Let me guess. Something that involves cooking for five bachelors, maybe?”

  “Four bachelors and one happily mated dragon,” he corrected. “But seriously — you could try out new recipes on us while you write your book.”

  She stared. She’d mentioned wanting to write a cookbook the first time they’d talked, before any of the ensuing craziness had occurred. And yet, Kai remembered. He’d been listening that closely?

  “That would be…nice,” she said while her heart pounded and her mind spun. She got to live in Hawaii with the man of her dreams, the job of her dreams, and someday, maybe even have the family of her dreams. A dragon family?

  She gulped a little and decided not to think that far ahead.

  “Just nice?” Kai arched an eyebrow.

  “It would be great. A dream come true,” she admitted, flinging her arms around him.

  Kai laughed. “Just remember me when you’re famous.”

  “What do you mean, remember you?” She smacked his arm lightly. “Mates are forever, right?”

  “Just checking,” Kai chuckled, then pulled her in for a long, lingering kiss. “Like being married, but better.”

  “I like the sound of that,” she said, snuggling closer. “Not so sure about the mating bite part, though.”

  “No?” he murmured, kissing his way down her cheek to her neck. “Then we wait. We’ll wait until you’re ready, no matter how long that takes.”

  She tilted her head back with a sigh as he kissed the remaining tension out of her and chased it over the horizon.

  “So good,” she murmured.

  “Good?” His next kiss went to the hollow of her neck and ended with a light scrape of teeth that turned every nerve in her body on.

  She groaned, it felt that good. So good, the sound of the sea amplified in her ears as she wiggled her body against Kai’s.

  “Really good. More. Please.”

  When he nipped her lightly, her blood surged. Dragon blood, maybe, assuring her how good a mating bite would feel. Even giving her ideas about how to plant her own bite on Kai’s neck.

  “So how exactly does this mating thing go?” she murmured as he kissed her collarbone.

  “First, I take you to my lair and show you how a dragon loves his mate.”

  She giggled. “You already showed me that, I think.”

  “It gets better.”

  “Even better?” She snaked a leg up his thigh.

  “And just when we think we can’t keep it up — that’s when I deliver the mating bite.”

  She arched her shoulders back to give him better access to her neck. Somehow, he made it all sound so good. So good, her body was already begging for it, there and then.

  “There’s a puff of fire, too,” he added quietly. Carefully.

  Somehow, that didn’t scare her. If anything, it turned her on.

  “And then, when you’re ready,” Kai said, “you do the same.”

  She ran her hand over his neck, feeling his pulse. Instinctively knowing exactly where she’d plant her bite — right there, where instinct told her she wouldn’t do any harm. Her mouth heated up as her dragon side thought about the branding part of the mating ritual, and she had a vision of her big, powerful man coming totally undone.

  “I think I like the sound of that,” she murmured, already mixing up the present and future. Her body was already on fire, begging to claim and be claimed right there and then.

  “You think you like the sound of that?” he asked, not quite satisfied.

  “I love it. And I love you, Kai.”

  He pulled her close, sniffing deeply, possessively. “Forever, my mate.”

  “Forever.” She nodded, tickling his ear, then slowly lowered her leg to the ground. “Now take me home and show me your stuff, dragon.”

  “Are you telling me what to do?”

  She laughed. “What if I ask nicely?”

  He grinned and kissed her, hard. Then he took her hand and led her uphill. “I like the sound of that.”

  * * *

  Lure of the Dragon is just the first of six spellbinding stories in the Aloha Shifters: Jewels of the Heart series. The action, emotion, and passion continues in Book 2, Lure of the Wolf, in which wolf shifter Boone Hawthorne meets his destined mate and faces the ghosts of his past. Get your copy today!

  The full series includes the following titles, which are all available in ebook, paperback, and audio:

  Book 1: Lure of the Dragon

  Book 2: Lure of the Wolf

  Book 3: Lure of the Bear

  Book 4: Lure of the Tiger

  Book 5: Love of the Dragon

  Book 6: Lure of the Fox

  These titles are also available in the following box set collections:

  Lure of the Alpha, Volume 1

  Lure of the Alpha, Volume 2

  Aloha Shifters: Pearls of Desire

  Connor Hoving and his band of Special Forces brothers are looking to leave trouble behind when they move to Maui, but destiny has a few tricks up her sleeve. Join these hot-blooded shifter siblings as fate confronts them with challenging new obstacles, vengeful enemies, and true love worth living — and dying — for.

  Rebel Dragon

  Aloha Shifters: Pearls of Desire, Book 1

  Can this rebel dragon learn to play by the rules when his destined mate’s life is on the line?

  Off to Maui for a relaxing vacation? Hardly. Surfer Jenna Monroe is on the run from a stalker who lusts after her blood. Instead of combing the beach for lost treasures, she’s forced to venture deep into the terrifying world of shapeshifters. There, even the good guys are hard to trust — all except for the hot-blooded rebel she can’t get out of her head.

  Connor Hoving and his band of Special Forces shifters were planning to leave trouble behind by moving to Maui, but destiny has other ideas. His whole future — and that of his brothers — depends on acing his new job as head of security at an exclusive seaside estate. But Connor can barely get his inner dragon to focus with alluring, off-limits Jenna around. Can this rebel dragon learn to play by the rules when his fated mate’s life is on the line?

  The closer Connor and Jenna become, the higher forbidden passions blaze. The more they give in to simmering desire, the more impossible love seems. And the more secrets they uncover, the closer their enemies creep. Vampires and ruthless dragons lurk in the shadows, and it’s impossible to tell whose side fate will take. Only one thing is certain: great heroes don’t get to pick their destinies — only the choices they make.

  Chapter One

  Jenna’s fingers were shaking so hard, it took her three tries to buckle her seat belt. Then she peered out the airplane window, watching the last streaks of sunset paint the sky the color of blood. A red light flashed at the next gate, dragging her gaze to the right. Beyond it, shadows danced over unlit areas of the terminal, and she squinted at every one.

  On instinct, she reached down as if to scratch her ankle, then stopped. Shit. The knife wasn’t there. Of course, it wouldn’t be. She’d had to pack it in her luggage for the flight.

  She took three deep breaths and glanced around the plane, counting rows to the next exit. Then she watched baggage handlers thump the last suitcases onto the cargo belt. Which was fine, right? The likelihood of her needing that knife in the next six hours was close to zero — or so she hoped.

  You’ll probably never need it, her sister Jody had said when she’d handed over that frighteningly sharp blade. It’s just in case. You know how it is.

  Jenna fidgeted with the bangles on her wrist. Up to a few weeks ago, the you know part would have made her draw a blank. Like most people, she’d grown up believing vampires and other supernatural creatures were only legends. Her sister Jody
had too. But after Jody’s fateful trip to Maui, everything changed.

  You need to be careful. The monsters who attacked me might come after you, Jody had said when she’d last visited California. She’d taken Jenna over to a quiet corner of Old Town Park and explained.


  Apparently, those weren’t just a bunch of harmless legends. They were real — and any one of them might come after Jenna for a taste of her blood.

  Jenna shivered and hugged herself.

  Yes, there really are vampires, her sister had said in a hushed and scratchy voice. And other evil creatures. You need to keep your eyes open, okay? Not that I’m aware of a specific threat. It will probably be all right.

  At first, Jenna had thought it was all an elaborate joke, but the fear in her sister’s eyes was real, and it had jumped over to her. Especially when the stalking began.

  It started with one text — then another and another.

  Dear Jenna. I know we are meant for each other. I am your destiny, and you are mine.

  The mystery texter would ask her to meet, and he’d follow up afterward, sounding hurt that she hadn’t come. At first, she’d ignored the messages, but the tone had gone from relatively harmless to dark and threatening.

  My dearest Jenna. We’re meant for each other. Don’t you see, my pet?

  She held her head in her hands, desperately wishing she could go back to her old life. Helping her dad at home and in his shop, surfing or beachcombing in her free time, and generally putting off the serious stuff in life. And why the heck not? She’d felt a decade older than her true age for a long time now, so she’d given herself license to live a simple, carefree life for a while.

  But here she was, jumping at shadows, suspicious of everyone.

  The texts were followed by little gifts and trinkets. Flowers delivered with unsigned notes. Seashells with little hearts scratched into them left on her locker near the beach. An antique music box — all of which meant the stalker knew where she lived, where she worked, and where she surfed.

  Did you like my gift? I thought you would.

  No, she didn’t. Not one bit.

  She sat back, forcing herself to take a deep breath. There was no reason to be paranoid. Everything was going according to plan. She’d taken a circuitous route to the airport, and only her closest family members knew where she was headed. Now that she was on her way to Maui, she could finally relax.

  Or try to, at least.

  She kept perfectly still, tuning into the hairs on the back of her neck. They weren’t registering the slightest hint of I’m being watched — not the way they often had over the past few weeks, so that was promising. She’d never seen her stalker — well, not that she knew of — and frankly, she never wanted to. She just wanted him gone. Forever. She wanted her freedom back, her innocence. The ability to wake up and enjoy a day without the feeling of impending doom hanging over her head.

  Except she couldn’t, not with the specter of some creep sneaking up on her from behind and—

  She cut the thought off and fidgeted with her bangles — a gift from her mother, who’d died a long time ago. So long that Jenna had more memories of memories than direct recollections of her mom. But deep in her heart, she held on to the lessons her mother had taught her and her dad had reinforced. Life was for living. Enjoying. Making the most of each and every day.

  So, no, damn it. She wasn’t going to let her imagination run away from her. Especially not when she was traveling to beautiful Maui, where she’d be able to talk to her sister and figure things out. Not only that, but she would make the most of an incredible opportunity to apprentice with a master surfboard shaper for a few weeks.

  A phone pinged — not hers, but with a tone just like hers — and her eyes snapped open again.

  “Welcome aboard,” the flight attendant said as each new passenger filed by. “Welcome aboard.”

  Jenna scrutinized each and every one. Even if they appeared normal, you never knew. Her eyes darted from the near to the far aisle, checking every man against a mental lineup of shadowy faces provided by her imagination. There was a tall, pale guy who looked a hell of a lot like a vampire — up until the moment the woman behind him handed him a baby and rooted around in a diaper bag. Okay, so maybe he wasn’t a vampire, just a really overworked dad. But what about that fiftysomething woman with long, unkempt hair who scowled as she shuffled down the aisle? Was she a witch, maybe? According to Jody, there were all kinds of supernatural beings living secretly among humans.

  Jenna closed her eyes. She would drive herself crazy if she kept this up. Any minute now, a perfectly normal human would take the seat next to her, and the worst that would happen would be a conversation that dragged on for too long.

  Still, her heart beat faster as witch lady approached. But the woman passed without so much as blinking in Jenna’s direction. An older woman in a flowery Hawaiian dress moved past next, flowing more than walking, almost like the fairy godmother Jenna had always wished for. Then came a scary-looking bald guy in a rumpled suit and a too-wide tie, and Jenna’s nails dug into the armrest. Was he a vampire?

  She inhaled and wrinkled her nose at his body odor. That meant she could strike him off the lists of suspects. According to her sister, vampires had no smell. So as long as Tie Guy didn’t sit next to her, she was okay.

  “Twenty-six D, right over there,” the flight attendant said, making Jenna gulp. A moment of truth, because that was the seat next to hers. But she couldn’t see past the next couple in the aisle — a happy twosome who looked like they’d come straight from a wedding chapel. It was only when the groom turned his head to kiss the giggling bride that the view behind them finally opened, and Jenna’s mouth cracked open at the sight of the next man in line.

  Not the man of her nightmares. More like the man of her dreams.

  He had dark, piercing eyes — an intense green with a hint of brown. Below them were thickly muscled shoulders and a chest a mile wide, construction-worker style. His gray T-shirt couldn’t quite contain his bulging biceps, and his jeans were just snug enough to show off a tapered waist.

  Jenna’s eyes went wide. Even a woman on the run from supernatural beings could stop to admire a good-looking man, right?

  His short brown hair was spiky and a little mussed, but he didn’t seem to give a damn. Another passenger stood for a last stretch — a big islander — then hastily sidestepped at a single, expressionless look from that man. Then he strode right up to her row, checking his boarding pass, and even that little motion made his chiseled forearms bulge.

  “Hi,” he murmured, towering over her.

  “Hi,” she said, playing it cool.

  He put his khaki-colored duffel bag in the overhead compartment and closed it with a decisive thump, then sat down beside her with a faint jingle of the dog tags around his neck. Jenna inhaled a lungful of his scent. It was pure, airy, and fresh, like he’d spent the past hour flying an open biplane and had only now switched over to a regular commercial flight.

  No way was he a vampire. But, damn. For all she knew, the flight attendant was a witch and the pilot a warlock. Now that a terrifying new world had been revealed to her, she didn’t know who to trust or what to believe.

  Except every vibe in her body told her this man was honorable, through and through.

  I’m Jenna, she wanted to say. Nice to meet you.

  Her pulse quickened. Maybe he was one of those air marshals placed randomly on flights. That would explain his size, his black belt aura, and his vigilant eyes. And that meant she could relax, right? Or at least try to, because the second he slid into the seat next to her, her pulse skipped.

  Definitely not the stalker type. If that man wanted a woman, he’d come straight to the point and ask her out.

  So she was strangely deflated when, ten minutes later, he hadn’t uttered so much as a word. Up to that moment, she’d been hoping for a not-too-talkative human to sit beside, but she started wishing
for the opposite. Who was he? Was he working or vacationing in Maui? How long was he going to stay?

  Get his number, a giggly inner voice told her. You know, just in case.

  Yeah, just in case her vampire stalker showed up? Jenna kept her mouth shut and spied on him from the corner of her eye. No book, no music player. Not even a phone. Nothing to keep him busy on the six-hour flight. His lips were pulled in a firm, straight line, his hands quiet on his thighs. He hardly moved, but she had the distinct sense of some slumbering giant inside.

  And the good news? Anyone who wanted to get to her had to get past G.I. McStud first.

  Ha. She’d like to see her cowardly text stalker try that.

  But that was the problem. Her stalker wasn’t man enough to approach her in the open. He’d sneak up when she least suspected and—

  A shiver went through her, and she went back to gripping the armrest hard enough for her fingers to turn white.

  “You okay?” her neighbor rumbled in a deep, resonant voice.

  She looked left, meeting his hazel eyes. The mottled greenish-brown formed twin pools that seemed to connect to a soul with fathomless depths. An impenetrable soul, too, one that had seen much more than a guy in his early thirties ought to have seen.

  She slapped on a chipper smile. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “It’ll be all right, you know.” He nodded to where her hands were twisting her seat belt. “I’m sure we’ll have a smooth flight.”

  She laughed. He thought she was scared of flying? How cute.

  If only she could say, I’m terrified of the stalker who’s turned my life into a nightmare for the past few weeks. A stalker who might be a vampire. Any way you could help me with that?

  “I’m sure we will,” she said, releasing her death grip on the armrest.

  His eyes dipped, catching that detail, and she wondered what else he noticed. The nibbled fingernails? The shadows under her eyes? Or did he stick to the superficial like most guys did — her blond hair, blue eyes, deep tan.


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