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Turning up the Heat

Page 5

by Erika Wilde


  “Oh. My. God!” Kerri sat in her seat, stunned by what had just happened. Her entire body felt flushed and overheated, and tonight it had nothing to do with the building’s faulty air conditioner and everything to do with the man who’d just issued her an on-the-air challenge. She glanced into the booth next to hers where her friend stood with a goofy grin on her face.

  “I can’t believe Ian did that,” Kerri said, tugging off her headset as she vocalized her upset. “On the air, no less!” They’d been flirting, engaging in their nightly ritual of scintillating banter and heating up the airwaves, and then bam! “He asked me out on a date in front of thousands of listeners!”

  Carly shrugged very unsympathetically. “What can I say other than it’s about damn time!”

  Kerri gaped at her in disbelief. “How can you be such a traitor and side with him? What Ian did is like…like…” She grasped for the right words and blurted them out in a rush of breath, “Emotional blackmail!”

  Carly frowned, her expression turning perplexed. “How do you figure that?”

  She waved an impatient hand in the air, the gesture doing nothing to ease her frustration, only serving to stir the stifling, stuffy air around her. “He put me on the spot, knowing that if I said no and rejected his overture it would bring on a whole lot of sympathy for him with my listeners.” Her lips stretched into a grim line. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.” Ever.

  “It was a natural progression, Kerri,” Carly said, her tone much too logical for Kerri, who was feeling anything but reasonable after being thrown for such an unexpected loop. “Honestly, I’m surprised it took him this long to ask you out.”

  “I liked things the way they were, thank you very much.” No pressure, no expectations. Just harmless fun and playful flirtations. Ha! “What the hell am I going to do now?”

  “Well…” Carly’s eyes glowed devilishly. “You can always say yes.”

  “Are you nuts?” Jumping up from her chair, Kerri paced her small cubicle, keeping an eye on the two minutes she had left before she had to be back on the air. With Ian. Addressing the issue he’d dropped on her and her listeners.

  She groaned. “I didn’t ask for this. I don’t even know the guy. Not really.” He was a seductive voice she debated with, and a gorgeous, arousing figment of her imagination. A perfect, illicit fantasy she took home with her at night to keep her company in the darkest hours before dawn.

  Now he wanted to become flesh-and-blood real. She shivered at the thought.

  “You know him, Kerri,” Carly said, trying to convince her. “Better than you want to admit. The two of you have been on the air together nearly every night for a month.” She laughed with a small degree of amusement. “Heck, the two of you communicate better than most husbands and wives. You’re open, and candid. And you have to agree that all your sexy talk is great foreplay.”

  Kerri rolled her eyes. “It’s entertainment, Carly!”

  “So is accepting a date with Ian. Your listeners would eat that up.”

  They stared at each other through the glass partition, neither one willing to back down.

  Carly sighed. “What could it hurt to say yes and go out with him? You’ve been on blind dates before, and this basically would be the same thing.”

  “All my blind dates have been disastrous,” she reminded her friend pointedly.

  “You might get lucky with Ian.” She waggled her brows in a very suggestive way. “In more ways than one.”

  Inhaling a calming breath, Kerri dragged her fingers through her loose hair, pulling the strands away from her face. How could she explain to Carly that she didn’t want to shatter the fantasy she and Ian had created on the air? That a part of her didn’t believe that reality could come close to matching the torrid, perfect fantasies she had about him? That meeting in person could destroy the sensual magic between them? That she harbored insecurities that went way beyond that initial face-to-face meeting with Ian?

  “The phone lines are going crazy, and you’ve got about another thirty seconds before you need to get back on the air.” Carly’s voice gentled. “It’s all about ratings, Kerri, and you know that can’t hurt any of us right now.”

  She pointed a finger her friend’s way. “Now, that’s emotional blackmail.”

  “No, it’s the cold, hard truth,” she stated bluntly. “But imagine what this could do for your name, Heat Waves, and the station.”

  Kerri hated like hell to admit it, but Carly was right. Hadn’t she, herself, seen the interest in Ian’s nightly calls to the show steadily climb? Her devoted fans were demanding more, mesmerized by her on-air relationship with Ian. Now he was offering her the incentive to keep her listeners’ interest piqued in a whole new forum. A very public forum.

  Her stomach twisted in knots and she chewed on her thumbnail. She disliked the thought of depending on Ian, or anyone else for that matter, to raise her ratings. But she couldn’t deny that he’d helped to elevate her standing in radio during the past month. And with the sale of WTLK, her future as a successful talk show DJ was on the line…whether with this station, or another.

  Bottom line, she needed those ratings. And she needed Ian to help her increase her listener base.

  And there was the rub to the situation. Three years ago she’d sworn she’d never need another man again, yet here she was, put in the position of relying on Ian to push her career to new heights. She couldn’t make that climb without him, not easily, anyway. Not after the way he’d made himself such an integral part of her show. Not after the way he’d endeared himself to her audience.

  And especially not after he’d asked her out on a date. Refusing him would cast her in a very insensitive light to the thousands of women who’d accepted Ian as their fantasy, too. Turning him down would be professional suicide, and both she and Carly knew it.

  “He’s waiting, Kerri,” Carly said, interrupting her thoughts. “And so are your listeners. Ten seconds to airtime.”

  Taking her seat in front of the microphone, she adjusted her headset and prepared to sacrifice herself at the proverbial altar…all in the name of ratings and preserving her professional integrity with her audience.

  She lifted her chin and bolstered her fortitude. If Ian was intent on taking their on-the-air relationship out in public, then she’d take advantage of the situation for all it was worth and grasp whatever attention and publicity that came her way as a result of their date.

  She pressed a button on the control panel that put her back on the air. “Welcome back to Heat Waves, and we’re definitely sizzling tonight. I apologize for leaving you all hanging. If you were stunned by Ian’s proposal, then you can imagine how I felt.” She laughed lightly, forcing the tension within her to dissolve. “But that’s one of the entertaining things about live radio. It’s unrehearsed, and sometimes uncensored. Ian’s question was both.”

  She closed her eyes, and took the big plunge. “I’m sure you’re all wondering what I told Ian…yes, or no. Actually, I haven’t spoken to him since he popped the big question; he’s been on hold all this time. Since you, my listeners, have been following my nightly debates with Ian, I’ve decided to let you decide whether or not I should accept a date with him.” She blinked her eyes open again and looked at Carly, who expressed her approval with a grin and thumbs-up sign. Kerri wished she felt half as enthusiastic. “The phone lines are open and I want to hear from you, so call me and cast your vote.”

  By silent agreement, Carly spoke to Ian privately and jotted down his phone number for Kerri to call him back later after she’d polled her audience’s opinions on the air. Listener reaction to the unexpected twist in her show was enthusiastic and supportive, and the results of her inquiry were concluded in a resounding, unanimous yes.

  The man had way too much influence over her listeners, who were completely and totally enthralled by him. Not that she could blame them when he’d managed to charm her, as well, over the past month. She’d just never, ever, expected to find h
erself face-to-face with Mr. Sexy Voice.

  She was going out on a date with Ian. She shook her head in final defeat, wondering how tonight’s topic had gotten so out of hand. Good Lord, if talk of sex and kisses instigated a date, what would happen when she discussed orgasms on tomorrow night’s show? At the erotic thoughts filling her mind, her skin puckered with gooseflesh.

  During the next commercial break, Kerri took a private, off-the-air moment to dial the number Ian had left with Carly. She assumed he’d been listening to her show during the voting process, knew the outcome had leaned heavily in his favor, and her calling was just a formality to congratulate him and set up the where and when of their date.

  Obviously expecting her, he answered with a deep, gracious, “Hello?”

  She couldn’t contain the smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, despite the turmoil he’d put her through. “Looks like you win, Ian.”

  “I’d like to think we both win, Kerri.” His sensual insinuation was unmistakable.

  More tingling along her arms, across her breasts, down to the pit of her belly. Oh, Lord, what had she gotten herself into? A big mess, that was for sure!

  She rubbed her damp palms down the skirt of her dress and got down to the unavoidable business at hand. “I have a few stipulations I need you to agree to before we take this any further. First of all, this has to be a double date.” There was no negotiating that request. She was being cautious and playing it smart. There was safety in numbers, and considering she didn’t really know him, despite how Carly felt, Kerri wouldn’t meet him alone and take any chances.

  “I understand,” he said easily, and without any hesitation. “In fact, I’d be worried if you didn’t bring someone along this first time.”

  This first time. As if there would be many dates to come. Sheesh. The man’s confidence amazed her. And excited her.

  “It’ll be with my station manager, Dan, and Carly, whom you’ve already met over the phone,” she said, reeling in her two friends on this scheme whether they liked it or not. “And we’ll meet you at a designated place.”

  “All right,” he said agreeably. “Name the day, place and time, and I’ll be there.”

  Without argument, he was leaving all the details up to her. She appreciated the control and his cooperation. It made her feel much more comfortable knowing she was the one in charge of their…date.

  “Let’s make it for tomorrow night,” she said, figuring Friday evening before her show would be ideal for all of them. And in a casual setting, too. “Do you know Pizzeria Uno?”

  “The one on East Ohio Street?”

  She nodded, then realized he couldn’t see her. “Yep, that’s the one. I take it you’ve been there before?”

  “Umm, they make the best deep-dish pizza in all of Chicago.”

  He was familiar with the city, at least. She wondered how long he’d lived in Chicago, what he did for a living…the kind of personal stuff they’d avoided talking about on her show, but would now have the time and opportunity to explore deeper.

  Oh, boy. “How about we meet there for dinner at let’s say, seven?”

  “That works for me.”

  Two thoughts occurred to her at the same time. “Ian?”


  “I don’t know your last name.” It hadn’t mattered before, nor had it been necessary. Now it was one more step to becoming familiar with each other beyond the on-the-air acquaintances they’d been for the past month.

  “Carlisle,” he said, his voice low and seductively rich. “Ian Carlisle.”

  Nice. Very nice. She bit her bottom lip, worried on it for a few extra seconds before posing her next comment. “And I have no idea what you look like.” She hoped he’d give her something to banish the image she’d given Tori earlier that day…of a couch-potato kind of guy with a beer belly and receding hairline.

  “Don’t worry, I know what you look like and I’ll approach you when you arrive at the restaurant.”

  She frowned. “You know what I look like, but I don’t even know what color your hair or eyes are.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her skin along her neck damp to the touch. “I’m feeling at a distinct disadvantage here.”

  “You won’t be for long,” he promised, but offered nothing more.

  She accepted his terms, figuring he was entitled to a few of his own. “After our date, you can call the station at ten tomorrow night and we’ll give everyone details on the air. Will that work for you?”


  “Great.” She swallowed against a sudden fluttering in her throat and sealed the deal with “Then it’s a date.”

  There was only one question that remained…how would their date end…with a chaste kiss, or something more?

  She’d have the answer to that in less than twenty-four hours.

  * * *

  Friday was the longest day of Kerri’s life, even though she and Carly spent the better part of the afternoon trudging down the Magnificent Mile on Michigan Avenue. Her good friend insisted that she needed a new outfit for tonight’s occasion, and Kerri didn’t argue. Not only did she need to keep her mind occupied or go crazy, but she figured a new dress wouldn’t hurt, either.

  Much to her dismay, she’d splurged on more than a soft suede miniskirt and silky tank top at Ann Taylor. After a spontaneous stop at a beauty shop for a manicure and pedicure, Kerri hadn’t been able to pass up the pretty open-toed sandals she’d been eyeing for the past few weeks that matched her outfit perfectly. And when Carly pulled her into Victoria’s Secret for a lacy teddy in Carly’s quest to “bring Dan to his knees,” Kerri hadn’t been able to resist buying something frilly and sexy for herself, too—something other than the practical cotton underwear she normally wore. With Carly’s coaxing, she’d indulged in half a dozen bikini-style panties, and an under-wire bra in sheer chantilly lace that lifted and enhanced her B-cup size breasts and gave her more cleavage than she’d ever had before.

  Now, wearing the complete ensemble as she, Carly and Dan crossed the parking lot and headed along the sidewalk leading to the front entrance of Pizzeria Uno, she was glad she’d treated herself to those simple luxuries because it gave her a much needed boost of confidence. Anticipation and anxiety clashed inside her; the butterflies swarming in her stomach were a result of pure adrenaline and frayed nerves.

  She had no idea what to expect of Ian, or tonight, and that had her tied up in knots, too. She’d dated a few men since coming to Chicago, but none had had the restless kind of effect on her that Ian did—just from the sexy sound of his voice and the seemingly effortless way he seduced her mind. All of those other men who’d come and gone had been safe, because they affected neither her emotions nor her hormones. Ian had a way of shaking up both, and that was a combination she’d avoided for the past three years in an effort to focus on her career.

  She’d be a liar if she said she wasn’t drawn to the Ian she’d come to know on the air, and making this leap to something far more tangible and real struck a dose of fear within her. By agreeing to meet with him she was tearing down the barriers that kept her safe and secure behind a microphone. Untouchable. Now there was nothing to stop temptation from taking its natural course. And because she was so strongly attracted to Ian she was afraid of getting carried away into a deeper, more serious involvement. Afraid of forgetting lessons learned and losing herself as she had with her ex-boyfriend.

  Never again. She refused to become a carbon copy of her mother and sister—using men for security and sacrificing everything in return. Being meek and mild and always answering to a man. Giving up the freedom to do what you want, be what you want, without having to ask permission or approval.

  Banishing those thoughts to the far recesses of her mind, she smoothed a hand down the side of her skirt. Remembering a caller’s advice from a few nights ago, she pulled her shoulders back, lifted her chin, and did her best to exude poise and confidence. It was all a matter of keeping everything in perspe
ctive. And that meant staying in control, keeping her emotions at a distance, having fun with this and keeping it light.

  “You really do look like a million bucks, Kerri,” Dan complimented from a few steps behind her and Carly on the brick-inlaid sidewalk.

  “Thanks, Dan,” she said from over her shoulder, and grinned wryly. “That’s just about what the outfit cost me.”

  “It was definitely worth it.” His dark eyes took in the little red dress that Carly wore just as appreciatively. “I’m guessing that you spent twice that much,” he said to his girlfriend, “because you look like two million bucks.”

  Carly beamed, her skin flushed from his praise. “If you think the dress looks good, just wait until you see what I’m wearing beneath it.” She wiggled her bottom enticingly.

  Dan groaned. “You’re going to kill me yet, woman.”

  Kerri laughed, grateful for the lighthearted moment. “Then give her what she wants.”

  “I give her plenty to keep her satisfied,” he replied. “I’m in the same mind as your Ian. Romance and seduction. Besides, she might not buy the cow if she’s getting the milk for free.”

  Kerri heard Dan’s amusing witticism, but her mind latched on to only one part of his comment. “He’s not my Ian.”

  Carly gave her a playful nudge in her side as they rounded the corner to the restaurant. “I’m sure he could be, if you played your cards right.”

  Kerri wasn’t sure what cards she wanted to play with Ian. She supposed it all depended on how tonight went and if their on-the-air chemistry was evident once they met face-to-face. Even then, where would it all lead? She’d find out soon enough.

  A small crowd stood out in front of the establishment as people waited for their names to be called for a table. Heads casually turned her way as she approached the entrance, and she found the combination of subtle and bold stares unnerving. Especially since she had no idea who Ian was or what he looked like. He could be watching her at this very moment and she wouldn’t even know. A shiver coursed down her spine at the thought.


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