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Hard To Love You (The Love Series)

Page 14

by Smith, Megan

  I stop dead in my tracks. Lily is standing there. She hasn’t noticed me yet and I could easily back up and leave but before I get the chance she looks up. Panic flashes across her face.

  “Oh hey, Hailey.” Lily says as the panic leaves her face. Lily is a nasty person and cries for attention from anyone that has a dick. It’s a shame that her good looks were wasted on such a sleazy whore bag.

  Someone clears their throat behind me. I turn and I’m almost face to face with Brittany.


  This situation could go one of two ways. I could completely ignore them and leave or I can stay and stand my ground. I’ve never fled before and I’m not about to start now.

  “Well who the fuck do I owe this surprise to?” I say with a sweet voice.

  Brittany walks past me and stands next to Lily. I look down to what Lily has in her hands. Two different kinds of pregnancy test.

  What. The. Fuck?

  “What idiot would fuck you without a condom? He’s gotta be fucking stupid.”

  “That fucking idiot would be Mason.” Brittany taunts.

  I want to punch this bitch in her face. There isn’t an ounce of relation between her and her step-brother and step-sister. She’s vile. I pity any man she ever ends up with.

  Lily plasters a fake smile on her face, “You know how Mason can get so caught up in the moment he forgets to use a condom sometimes, and now look what’s happened.”

  I feel all of the air leave my lungs. Please, please, please let me have misunderstood what she just said.

  “Mason’s not sleeping with you Lily. I’d know if he was.” I would. Jaylinn or MacKenzie would tell me. Wouldn’t they?

  Lily lets out an evil laugh. “I don’t recall seeing you at any of his away games. Mason got me a room every time they were away so we could spend some time together. He’s a wild one in bed.”

  She’s lying. She’s fucking lying.

  “Looks like Blondie here doesn’t know, Lil. I thought Mason was going to tell her right after the wedding.” Brittany says as she twirls her blonde hair around her finger.

  Lily looks over to Brittany, “He hasn’t had a chance yet.”

  “So that night at the bar wasn’t your first time?” I barely get out.

  “Oh no honey, we’ve been at it for months. You just caught us at the bar. Mason couldn’t help himself.” Lily explains.

  Mason wouldn’t do something like this. He told me just last night that he loved me. He made love to me yesterday, twice.

  “He’s been sending me flowers for the last two weeks, Lily. If he’s fucking you why is he still trying to get me back?” I ask through my teeth.

  Brittany doesn’t miss a beat and answers for Lily, “He was just trying to smooth things over before the wedding. He didn’t want to cause anymore drama.”

  I’m going to be sick. I leave the shopping cart in the middle of the aisle and run to the exit. I barely make it to the car before I empty my stomach on the pavement.

  “Hailey?” I heave again. “Hailey, are you alright?”

  I’ve gotten everything out I think. My stomach feels all twisted, I’m clammy and sweating. When I look up Cole is standing beside me, holding my hair.

  “Are you ok?” Cole asks with concern.

  I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. “I’m fine. Just not feeling well.”

  I hear the evil bitch and her twin walk out of the store, laughing. Cole goes stone solid next to me when he sees Lily and Brittany. As luck would have it, I’m parked right next to Lily’s car. They walk over and Lily eyes Cole. “Hey Cole.”

  What the hell is going on? Please let this be some fucked up dream. How in the hell does she know Cole?

  Cole puts his arm around my shoulder, “Come on, Hailey. Let’s get you in the store and find something for your stomach.”

  We leave Lily and Brittany laughing as we walk away.

  After I ensure Cole that I’m fine I drive back to MacKenzie’s house. I never question Cole about how he knows Lily because I’m not sure I can handle anything he might tell me right now.

  I leave the car running when I pull into the driveway. I run in and hand Jaylinn the Orajel.

  “Hailey what’s wrong?” Jaylinn asks as she takes the bag from me.

  Ryder is sitting in his highchair. “I’ll be fine. Can you keep an eye on Ryder until I get back?” I tell her. “There is an emergency that came up and I have to figure out what’s going on.”

  Jaylinn’s eyebrows burrow but she doesn’t question me. “Yeah, sure.”

  I kiss Ryder on his head. “I’ll text you as soon as I figure out what’s going on.”


  I don’t look back at her as I leave. I get back in the car and text Mason.

  Me 12:11p.m.: Meet me at your house. We need to talk.

  I go over to Mason’s house and let myself in with the key that he gave me months ago. I go into his room and let all my anger out on it. I tear his clothes out of the closet and throw them all over the room. Tears are streaming down my face. I open his drawers in his dresser and dump everything out. How could I have been so stupid? How did I fall for his lies? I pick a signed baseball that is on his dresser and throw it at his closet door. There is a picture of him and me from this past summer, we’re lying together on the beach, I heave it at the wall. I run my arm across the top of his dresser knocking everything else that was on there off. I go over to his desk and do the same thing; papers go everywhere, his laptop crashes on the floor. I stomp on it and the screen cracks.

  I storm out of Mason’s room and grab a knife from the kitchen then go into the living room. I go to work on cutting all the wires for his x-box, cable box and his TV. I knock his DVD stand over and all the DVDs fall to the floor. I pick up another picture of us both at one of his games. I have my legs wrapped around Mason and he’s kissing me. It’s one of my favorite pictures. He looks so hot in his baseball uniform. I fall onto the couch where I cry and cry and cry. Sobs rock me so hard I can’t breathe and I beg the next breath not to come. I don’t want to feel the pain, the betrayal, the heartache.

  Once I’m all cried out, I sit in complete silence in the rocking chair, rocking back and forth until Mason comes home.

  Practice drags at a snail’s pace today. Come to think of it Mondays just suck in general. I just want to go home to Hailey and finish what we started last night. When it is finally over I take a quick shower, wrap a towel around my waist and head to my locker. I pick up my phone before getting dressed to see if I missed any calls or texts. I see one from Hailey telling me to meet her at my house. Strange.

  “What’s up with you?” Cooper asks as he roots through his locker for his clothes.

  I tap out a quick text to Hailey.

  Me 4:15 p.m.: Heading out in 15 mins. See u soon.

  “I got a text from Hailey asking me to meet her at our house.” I answer him. I set my phone on the shelf and start to get dressed.

  Cooper pulls a shirt over his head. “Hmm, I got one from Jay asking if everything was ok.”

  I look to Cooper and give him a ‘what the fuck’ look; he shrugs.

  Fifteen minutes later we manage to get out of there with no one wanting to talk about the upcoming away game on Wednesday.

  Cooper calls Jaylinn when we are in the car. “Hey.” Cooper drums his fingers on his leg. “She didn’t say what the emergency was?” Cooper looks over to me. “Alright. I’ll see you soon.” Cooper ends the call. “All Jay said was that Hailey ran out to the store to grab something for Ryder and when she came back she said there was an emergency and she would text Jay as soon as she found out what was going on.”

  I’m worried, what the hell could have happened? “Where’s Jay now?”

  “At Kenzie’s. Drop me off there and then go home and see what’s up with Hailey.”

  Whatever is happening with Hailey I know it can’t be good. This makes me shudder at the thought of the last time Hailey said there was an e
mergency. She never used the word emergency unless it truly was one. We set a rule years ago that if something really bad ever happened at home that she would just text emergency and I would come running.

  At the end of Hailey’s parents’ divorce, right before her dad moved out, things turned ugly and mainly for Hailey. I got a text from Hailey one winter night when she was around fourteen. I had just gotten my driver’s license and she sent me a text in the middle of the night to come and get her. I jumped out of bed and rushed to her house. When she got in the car all I saw was red. I was livid and she hadn’t even explained yet. Hailey had a cut on her eyebrow, thankfully it didn’t look like she was going to need stitches but then she turned on the light and I saw a black and blue mark forming on her cheek.

  “Hailey, what the fuck happened?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “Hailey I need you to tell me right now. I want to go in that house and beat the living shit out of your dad.” I said with rage dripping from my words.

  “I’m fine Mason. I just needed to get out of that house. Can you take me back to yours?” Hailey whispered.

  I took a quick glance over at her and she was holding the side of her face where the black and blue mark was.

  I didn’t say anything else. Hailey wouldn’t tell me. She was closed off; she was protecting herself and me. I hated that she wouldn’t tell me but I understood that she knew if she did I would stop at nothing to get to her piece of shit dad.

  When we arrived back at my house I expected her to go to MacKenzie’s room, at least for a little while, but she didn’t. She bypassed it and went right into mine. I followed behind her and closed the door. Hailey took her socks and shoes off and climbed in bed. I pulled my shirt off, then left to go to the bathroom so I could grab her some pain medicine and a cup of water. I went back to the room handed them to her before turning the lights off and climbing in bed with her.

  I was still pissed off and irritated so I didn’t pull her to my side like I normally did. After a few minutes I heard her sniffling and then I felt like an asshole. I turned on my side and wrapped my body around her.

  “It’s gonna be ok, Hails. I’m sorry I was acting like a jerk.” I whispered in her ear.

  She sniffled again. “This was my fault. I egged him on. I don’t know why but I was sick of his shit Mase.”

  “It doesn’t matter what you did, Hailey. He shouldn’t be laying a hand on you.”

  Hailey wiped her eyes with the palms of her hands. God I hate that she is going through this. I wish there was something I could do. I knew if I talked to Mom and Dad that they could probably do something, but Hailey made me promise that I wouldn’t and if she ever needed their help she would go to them.

  “He came home late from work and was drunk. He was pissed that his dinner was cold and he blamed it on me; said I should have kept it warm.” She turned her body so she faced the ceiling. “I told him if he didn’t get home so late it would have still been warm.” Hailey took a breath. “He picked up the first thing he could lay his hands on, which happened to be cordless phone, and threw it at me. I tried to duck but I was too slow. Then I was in shock and holding my eye so I didn’t see him walk over to me. He slapped me across the face and told me to never talk back to him.”

  I swore under my breath and turned Hailey so she was facing me. “I hate that man, Hailey. I’m so sorry he did that to you.”

  “It’s ok Mase. I’ll be fine.”

  I knew she wouldn’t be fine deep down inside though, and my heart broke for her. I wanted to keep her locked away in my room and never let her leave.

  I drop Cooper off and tell him I will text him as soon as I find out what the hell is going on. When I pull into the driveway at my house Hailey’s car is there. I turn the engine off and run up to the house.

  “Hailey?” I call out.

  No answer.

  I kick my shoes off by the door and take the few steps that lead upstairs two at a time.

  “Hailey?” I yell out

  Then I notice the scene before me. My living room is fucked up. My DVDs are thrown around, all the wires to my cable box, TV and x-box are cut and the cushions for my couches are spread out all over the room. Hailey sits in the only recliner, rocking herself. She has her knees drawn up to her chest. Her face is blotchy, eyes are red and puffy and her hair is all crazy.

  I kneel in front of Hailey trying to see if she is hurt, “Hailey? What the fuck happened? Are you ok?”

  I reach for her and she flinches. “Don’t fucking touch me Mason!” Hailey yells.

  I hold up my hands in surrender. Something is seriously wrong. “Hailey, tell me what happened. Are you hurt?”

  She stares at me like I’m stupid. “Yeah I am hurt, Mason.” She says in a calm voice.

  Panic starts to set in, “Boo, please tell me what happened. Where are you hurt? Talk to me.”

  She laughs an evil, sick laugh that hits me right in the gut. “You want to know where it hurts? My heart Mason! You fucking ripped my heart out, stomped on it and then fed it to the wolves.”

  My stomach turns. “What are you talking about, Hailey? I don’t understand.”

  She stares at me. I feel her reach in and grab my soul. “I woke up this morning and had to run out to the store to get something for Ryder. Well I wasn’t expecting to run into Whore 1 and Whore 2 when I was there.”

  She stops talking and the world around me stops, very, very slowly. Without her saying their names, I know exactly who is she referring to. What the hell did Lily and Brittany do? FUCK! I’ve waited too long to talk to Cooper and figure this shit out. She knows the secret I’ve been keeping and she is blaming me.

  “I guess I hit my target huh, Mason? Feeling a little guilty now that you got caught?”

  I have to figure out a way to explain why I didn’t say anything to her. “Hailey it seems really bad but I don’t think it ever happened.”

  Before I could finish she cuts me off. “You don’t think it ever happened? That’s rich Mason, really rich.”

  “I didn’t get a chance to figure out what I was going to do about it yet.” I say.

  Hailey again cuts me off. “There isn’t much to figure out now, Mason. Lily told me everything that has been going on for god knows how long now.”

  I’m confused. “What are you talking about? What’s been going on?”

  She laughs once, “Why are you still hiding it Mason? Lily told me everything. Are you really going to break my heart even more and make me repeat it?”

  I didn’t think this could break her heart. She would be hurt that I didn’t tell her, yeah. “Hailey this doesn’t have anything to do with you and me. I mean, I get that you’re pissed that I didn’t tell you but I promised I wouldn’t ask you to keep secrets anymore.”

  Hailey stands up from the chair and it causes me to fall back on my ass. “Ok Mason, you want to play stupid? That’s fine.” She starts pacing back and forth in the only area not covered with my shit. “At the store, when I turned down one of the aisles, Lily was standing there shopping for a pregnancy test.” She stops walking and looks over at me. I’m not shocked; actually I’m a little surprised that this hasn’t happened to her sooner. “A pregnancy test, Mason. She thinks she’s having your baby.” Hailey starts pacing again.

  What. The. Fuck?

  Now I’m stunned, shocked, “What do you mean mine? I haven’t touched that whore in years, Hailey. There is no way in hell it’s my kid.” My heart is pounding a mile a minute. “You actually believed her?”

  Hailey snaps her head in my direction. “What the fuck do you think? She said she’s been staying with you while you’re on the road. You get her a room at whatever hotel you’re staying so you can spend time with her after the games.” Hailey huffs. “I can’t believe I was that blind and didn’t see it. Does Cooper know, Mason?”

  Anger is setting in deep in my bones. She can’t be serious. “You really believe her; you aren’t even going to listen to me are you?” />
  Hailey nods. “What do you expect, Mason? You haven’t told me shit about what happened at the bar.”

  I pick up the remote control that is sitting by my side and throw it as hard as I can. I’m boiling in my own skin with rage. The remote crashes somewhere in the kitchen, just over Hailey’s head; I glare over at the angry woman in front of me and her eyes are wide. “You. You actually believe those tramps over me?”

  Hailey looks scared now. “I’m not always there, Mason. You will not tell me what you’re hiding. What the hell am I supposed to believe?” Hailey starts to cry. “I wasn’t enough for you was I, Mason?”

  I have to get the hell out of this house. I’m going to do or say something that I don’t want to. I can’t even see straight right now. I stand up and walk over to Hailey and get up in her face. “I didn’t fuck her and I have never given you a reason not to trust me. Ever. I love you Hailey but if you believe this shit then you are fucking stupid and you’re as bad as them.”

  I clench my fist and walk past her to my room. When I open the door my vision goes blurry. She’s trashed my room and destroyed my shit. I punch my bedroom door with my fist, turn and leave this fucked up situation behind.

  If she wants to accuse me of cheating I might as well do it.

  An hour later I’m sitting at the bar, the bartender is keeping a steady flow of beers coming. A few local fans bought me a few shots and I gladly accepted. On my way over I call up a few of the guys from the team and ask if they want to hang out. I never did bother to text Cooper and I don’t plan on it either. I’m sure Hailey is crying on Jaylinn’s shoulder by now. I can’t believe she wouldn’t even listen to what I had to say about any of it. I thought our relationship was strong but I was so very wrong. This destroyed me.

  Pat walks in first. He slaps me on the back as he takes a seat next to me. Then Carlos, Chase and Shane follow behind him.

  “Damn, Mase, Coach is going to be pissed.” Chase says as he takes a seat next to me.


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