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Bad Boys Teaser: A Sizzling Bad Boys Anthology

Page 24

by Warren, Rie

  I couldn’t breathe except to get more of her perfume. Fuck, my brain was scrambled. I couldn’t blame it on the heat, it was all her. “What are you doing here?”

  “Jules told me about the photo shoot. I had to make sure you kept your pants on.”

  The dress, her body, her curves slid against me. My inhale was sharp. My fists balled beside me because I still wasn’t sure if she was real or just a mirage. Or if she was staying, or what the hell she was really saying other than maybe I did it for her.

  “My pants only come off for you, babe.”

  Her bottom lip pulled between her teeth before it slipped out, plump, pink, and wet. “I might just like to see that.”

  A zap of testosterone sizzled up my cock. I could barely speak my voice was so gruff. “What’re you sayin’ here, Leelee?”

  Her hair waved with another whistle of wind, strawberry blond heaven. I captured a strand, teasing it between my fingers. We could’ve been on an island, not on the forecourt of my shop where Peeping Toms spied on us. The sun simmered, saturated us together.

  “I love you.” Clear and green, true and trusting, her gaze never wavered.

  My heart flipped, it filled. So tense I vibrated on the spot, I asked, “But what about no second chance love stories?”

  Shut up, Stone.

  One hand lifting to caress my face, she murmured, “This isn’t a love story. It’s life. Our life.”

  The second she rose up on tiptoes to kiss me, my control snapped. All the frustration, the month of distance fueled the fire to feel her. My arms caging her, my mouth crushing hers, I took it out with teeth and tongue and lips.

  Short, harsh breaths flared my nostrils because I wouldn’t let her mouth go. Not ever. So goddamn good. I was one stroke away from tearing it up right here, right now.

  A gasp flew from Leelee’s lips when I dove lower to her neck.

  Claps came from the peanut gallery, of course, and “Way to get your woman back, Stone!”

  I flipped them off, still kissing Leelee.

  Her hands skimmed down my back to land on my butt. “You’re an asshole though, for what y’all did.”

  I snorted. Did I give a shit? No. She was here, and I couldn’t stop grinning. And she had a point. “Been called worse, babe.”

  Savoring one last, long suck of her lips, I held her by the hips and pushed her back. “I’m not exactly cleaned up here. Don’t wanna fuck up your dress.” God, she smelled like paradise, looked like a wet dream, was too good for me.

  Leelee smiled. Her fingers skipped down to the crotch of my coveralls, slowly stroking. I grunted and thrust forward, but she lifted her hand off.

  “I love the way you smell.” She kissed my throat. “I love your rough hands. I really love your ink.” Her tongue slid over my chest and found my nipple, toying with the flat disc until my dick almost reared through dark blue cloth. “Rip off my dress, buy a new one, get it dry cleaned, I don’t care. I need your hands on me, Stone.”

  I grabbed her ass, jerking her to me. Her backside felt delicious in the dress. She’d be even better with it hiked up to her waist, panties pulled off and legs spread wide, dangling over my desk. “I need to fuck you now.”

  A slow smile etched across her mouth. “Office?”

  Fucking hell yes.

  Clasping her hand, I led the way. The clack-clack of her heels—not that I had a frigging shoe fetish or anything—blasted fresh, uncontrollable need to my balls. Against the wall, in the hall, fuck, I’d have it all.

  A zippy Merc convertible with the top down cruised into the lot and careened to a stop in front of us. Shit. Ma exited the car, zeroing in on my hand around Leelee’s.

  All I wanted to do was hustle Leelee into my office, lock—no, bar—the damn door, and screw her brains out. I kept a tight hold on her hand, wondering if we could make a break for it.

  I decided to cut Ma off at the pass. “Where’s the kid?”

  “He’s over at Nicky’s mimi’s. I just stopped by to switch out the magazines.” She turned her back on me to beam at Leelee. “And I am so glad I did.”

  I groaned. Make nice, introduce, yadda yadda. I needed to fuck!

  “Ma, this is Leelee Songchild.” As if she didn’t know, Mrs. Google Fingers. “Leelee, I’d like you to meet my mother, Georgette Stone.”

  “Oh lawzy!” Ma’s sterling silver hairdo swung with her head nods and handshakes. She was flustered, flabbergasted, and a bunch more f words I didn’t need to elaborate on. She finally gave up on the polite form of greeting to grab Leelee in a hug. “I have been waitin’ to meet you, girl.”

  Leelee hugged her back, giggling—cute, adorable, totally fuckable. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Stone. Josh told me so much about his family.”

  “Mrs. Stone. Pshaw.”

  Leelee asked, “Georgette?”

  Ma reached out to smack me without even looking. She had good aim. “I don’t know why he said that. Ah can’t abide by that name. Everyone calls me Gigi or Ma.”

  “Okay, Gigi then.” Leelee drew closer to me and I rested a possessive hand on her waist.

  “And you bein’ famous and all! Fancy that. Thank you for the book. I think your writing is delightful. A little naughty, and ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.” Ma’s cheeks were pink, her eyes lively. “I never did get the full story ’bout what Josh did to make you go off mad at him in ’Lanta, I’m sure he deserved it, but I am so glad you’re here. He’s been sorrier than a bluebottle stuck in a jar of jam since he got back.”

  “Well, I heard he was gay and that he and Nicky were an item,” Leelee blurted.

  Aw shee-it. Now we’d never get out of here, to the office, where fucking would happen.

  “Gay?” Ma’s eyebrows shot up her forehead, and then she started laughing. “Joshy? Oh, no. He’s one hundred percent red-blooded male, all about the women, judgin’ from the stories I’ve heard.”

  I grouched under my breath. This was worse than pulling out naked baby photos of me.

  She continued, “You know how small town gossip is.”

  I harrumphed. Mt. Pleasant wasn’t a small town by any means, anymore. People just acted like it was.

  Leelee was laughing it up with Ma, although at the mention of my reputation as a lady’s man, the green of her eyes turned laser sharp.

  “Not that there’s anything wrong with bein’ a homosexual.” Oh, Christ, please, Ma, stop. “Take Javier over there. Queer as they come.” She waved over at him and he returned a thumbs up.

  That got my attention. “What?”

  “Where ya been, boy? Everyone knows it.”

  They do?

  Well, all righty then. Maybe Javier hadn’t minded the Stone’s Roses poster I’d stuck in his truck after all.

  I tapped on my watch to get Ma’s attention. “Shouldn’t you be getting back to the kid?”

  “Oh yes. ’Course.” She embraced both Leelee and me before standing back. “You’ll come to dinner tomorrow and I’ll drop JJ off at six-thirty tonight. Will that be enough time for you two lovebirds?”

  “That’d be great, Ma. Thanks.”

  I didn’t watch her pull out onto 17.

  Office. Sex. Leelee. Sex.

  I waved, nodded, grinned at everyone who cheered or whistled or wanted to greet the lady, telling them later. I took her behind the counter but didn’t introduce her to Ray. I told him to keep everyone out of the back hall for a half hour—no, an hour, maybe the rest of the day—and guided Leelee to my office. One hand on her lower back, my fingertips touched the swell of her ass.

  The door closed, locked, chair propped under the handle for good measure, I stalked to her.

  She stood by my desk, a hand on her hip. “A real lady killer around town, huh?” Heels, dress, tits and ass, eyes smoldering—green, hot. “And here all I had to worry about before was Nicky.”

  “I’m not saying I’m an angel or a eunuch or whatever, but there’s been no one since you, babe. Not even Nicky.” I coughed
over the last part, hoping she got my joke. I moved up to her. “No more carousing.” With my hands buried in her sunshine-warm red tendrils, I pulled her head back to kiss her neck. “All that’s over. Just you.” I kissed her mouth, dipping my tongue inside, touching and seeking, finally retreating. “I love you.”

  Wicked, a temptress—that’s what she was when she pressed me back. “Clothes off, Stone.”

  That I could do. Untying the sleeves of the coveralls from my waist, I attacked the zipper. I didn’t get far. Leelee placed her hands on my chest and . . . shit.

  I groaned. She toyed with my nipples until breath slammed in and out of me. Her touch, her mouth, her words against my skin with every suck and bite between my abdomen and my pecs accelerated my heart rate. All the blood in my body rushed to my stiff cock.

  “God, I love your chest.” Her fingertips grazed through the smattering of hair from my belly up. “Such nice soft hair on top, hard muscle underneath.” Her fingers fanned out as she sucked and kissed my tat.

  She walked me backward until I hit the wall. Bracing my feet wide apart, I leaned back and let her go to town. Her hands curled, fingernails digging into my ribs. I grunted, my balls full, huge, needing to come. Leelee’s tongue lashed over every inch of my torso before she nibbled the line bisecting my abs, one hand brushing my dick nonchalantly.

  Hard enough to tear through cloth, I gritted my teeth, beating my head against the wall. She went for the arrowed indent of muscle to the left of my pelvis with long, deep strokes of her tongue and scrapes of her teeth. Goose bumps erupted on my skin, radiating from every place she touched. My dick slapped against my hip inside my pants. Awkward angle for such a massive hard-on, but I didn’t care.

  Goddamn. Leelee wasn’t anywhere near to sucking my cock, but racing heat scorched the small of my back. It hit the dam of muscle between my ass and nads, pooled in my balls and made my shaft bulge even more.

  I gripped her head in both hands, greedy for more. Pulling her up, I crushed my mouth to her swollen lips. I drowned her protest with my tongue, taking hers inside and hungrily sucking it.

  With my lips against her ear, I rasped, “Get your fine ass on my desk, right now.”

  I smacked her rump when she turned, hurrying her along. I couldn’t last much longer. I was definitely coming inside her pussy, but first I needed to eat her out. Lifting her onto the desk, I planted her down harder than I meant to.

  “Hips up, babe.”

  She held herself up, and I rucked that fuck-hot tight skirt all the way to her waist. Yeah. Panties bared, legs falling open, she stayed still, her eyes on me. All for me. My own sexy Leelee Songchild playground with a tiny scrap of pale yellow, see-through material between her legs.

  Whisking her panties down, I didn’t give a fuck where they landed because they’d probably end up in my pocket later. I spread her thighs with my hands high enough to skim the wet, warm delta between. I bent over and put my mouth right on her, not subtle, not a Lothario, nothing more than need.

  Heaven, she tasted like heaven. Floral, smooth, her fiery curls tickling my nose. Wet, wet motherfucking amen heaven. I was distantly aware when one hand grabbed my hair and two pointy heels stabbed my shoulders. Good pain. The best pain. Tongue inside, circling around, gathering moisture, sucking it down. My lips opened wide, French kissing her cunt, always a suck or nibble or drag across her clit. Her moans filled my ears, her thighs trembled beneath my hands and I went so far down on her I wanted to take up permanent residence in her beautiful pussy. The second her passage squeezed around my tongue and the two fingers I pressed inside, I grinned against her. I gentled, murmuring about how good she tasted. How perfect she was.

  My voice gone, my tongue coated with everything that was her, I kissed all over her shoulders and neck.

  Leelee dropped one finger between her legs. My eyes followed. I was gonna come if she pushed that finger inside herself. Her voice—low, velvety, strained—brought me back to her mouth. “Fuck my tits.”

  “What?” Screw it, I was gonna come from that thought alone.

  She unzipped the back of her dress.

  Fantasy, Life, Leelee, Love.

  On top of my desk. I’d never get any work done here again.

  I pulled the top down, yanking the lacy, fragile cups of her bra low too. She laughed when something ripped. Her tits spilled into my hands. Velvety domes, tight and high nipples, the same shade as her saucy mouth. Then they were inside my mouth. Making her sleek and slippery, I licked everywhere. My cock was going to explode, and then I was gonna die.

  Stepping back, I lowered my pants to the top of my thighs. My cock jutted up my stomach. She turned lengthwise on my desk, her hair falling to the floor. She pressed her breasts together to create a deep chasm.

  Holy fuckin’ hell.

  Guess I didn’t need to ask twice.

  I hoisted myself onto the desk, my knees spread beside her. One hand beside her head, the other curled around the base of my dick, I lowered my groin. Sliding inside the slickened clasp of her tits, I swore when Leelee bucked beneath me. The tip of my cock butted her chin. She lifted her head, licked her lips, licked me. I slid away, leaving her gasping. Throbbing inside the silky mounds of her breasts, veins standing out in my arms and on my shaft, I slid back inside the satiny heat. She sucked the head, loudly slurping every drop of moisture from me. Faster, grinding against her, I grabbed her neck to hold her up. At every touch of her mouth, I grunted as sweat trickled down my back.

  I rutted against her a few more times, holding her by her tits, pinching her nipples. My head fell forward and I dragged backward, off her, away from the desk.

  Barely able to speak, I jerked her up against me. Hot wet kisses joined our mouths. Hands grasped, pulling closer, always closer.

  I had to be inside her. I tugged in rough breaths, watching her mouth, her eyes—half-mast, forest-colored. “I got tested.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Suddenly nervous, I scratched my knuckles along my stubble. “You know, for STDs and stuff.”

  A small frown formed between her brows. “You . . .”

  “I know, it was a little premature, but I guess I was hopeful.” Ah shit. Shit fuck, in fact. With my hands on my hips, half a step away from Leelee, I waited.

  Tits wet and out in the open, skirt up to her waist, she sighed.

  Good goin’, Stone. First with the fucking in the office of an auto garage when I should be seducing her in a high-class hotel, and now with the I’m clean, let me come inside you because you mean so much to me strategy.

  I turned away.

  She grabbed my arm.

  One hand went to my pants, pulling them further down, the other splayed over my heart. “That’s the most unromantic romantic thing anyone’s ever done for me.”

  “That gets you off?” I yanked her dress higher, loving it when she yelped.

  Naughty, dirty, ready to take me raw, Leelee coiled a thigh over my hip. “I don’t know. I haven’t tried out the goods yet.”

  Her back hit the wall this time. Her legs slung over my waist. Just a dip of my hips and I thrust inside her. A slick fist against my fast piston, I yelled with every lunge. Rough hard raunchy sex. Leelee’s dress rucked further up, her panties still dangled from one ankle behind my back. I was naked to my knees, and we went at it.

  My chest, my legs, my heart burned. It all ratcheted up until I shoved her down by her hips, buried my face in her tits. I bit, sucked, slammed, fucked and hovered on the edge until she screamed. Wetness, heat, clamping down, Leelee’s orgasm all over my bare cock obliterated every single thought I’d ever had until I was centered solely on her. I came, and the come—hers and mine—was a hot slick sleeve squeezing my cock. The afterburn laid waste to my muscles, shredded them in the very best way.

  Catching my breath, I cradled her against me. “I love you.”

  Her head fell to my shoulder and she gave a breathy laugh. “That’s ’cause I just let you fuck me against the wall a
nd come inside me.”

  I had the decency to be a little sheepish—thank you very fucking much—but, well . . . yeah. I ducked my head to kiss her cheek. “Not just that, babe. For always, forever.”

  Before I got the full appreciation for my vow—which would include kisses, whispers, and love in return—I leaned a shoulder against the filing cabinet beside us . . . and the goddamn drawers full of fake cocks tipped open. Rubber dongs spilled to the floor, bouncing off the carpet.

  They came up to my ankles.

  Leelee shoved her face to my shoulder, helpless with laughter. And every giggle tightened her around me.

  Still hard, still inside her, I cursed those dildos. “Don’t ask. Fuckin’ jokers.”

  She swiveled her hips. “Maybe you can use them on me.”

  I was ready for her again. The scent of our sex filled my nostrils. With my forearms beneath her thighs, I lifted her higher, then dropped her hard onto me. “Why’d I do that when I got a good workin’ cock right here, babe?”

  She started giving me the lap dance of my life. Her head dropped back but she kept her glazed eyes fully on me while she fucked me slowly. “So I can suck your cock while you watch my pussy take it.”

  Fuck me. Now that had some merit.

  After round two, Leelee lolled in my chair. I went for a washcloth, some water, and lunch, hurrying back. First things first, aftercare. I dipped between her legs, smirking when she squealed, smiling when she relaxed to my touch—cleaning up after myself.

  I opened a bottle of water for her and spread out my loot. Hot pizza, all the works. Steam curled between us. The floor was our picnic table, and I fed her bites, kissing her after each one.

  Her fingers brushed over my face. “My knight in shinin’ armor.”

  “Hey, chivalry ain’t dead, babe.” My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.

  Later, I thought about work but decided to blow it off. We had four hours before going home so Leelee could meet JJ, and I didn’t even know if she was staying yet.

  Bent over my desk in the perfect invitation, she studied the calendar we’d messed all the hell up. One finger circling September thirteenth, she said, “I veto the LolliPOP Grrrls spread.”


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