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Bad Boys Teaser: A Sizzling Bad Boys Anthology

Page 59

by Warren, Rie

But I wasn’t gonna be less of a man this time.

  I straightened as he approached, trying to smile.

  “Hépela!” He wore three braids, a big quill chestplate to go with his faded jeans . . . and a man on his arm.

  Foregoing my hand raised in greeting, he yanked me against him. “You shit. I missed you.”

  I slapped him on the back. “Didn’t know if I’d be welcomed here.”

  He drew back and looked at me like maybe crazy was catching. “We can’t bury the past.” A shadow flew across his black irises. “And we can’t live in it.

  “You kind of dropped off the face of the earth, my friend.”

  “Exactly that.” On the run. Hiding out. From myself.

  Mahpee grinned. “Did that too. Until I decided they could take me or leave me.” He snagged the guy closer, kissing the side of his neck. “He’s mine.”

  “No need to go territorial.” Walking away, the broad-shouldered dude skated a wink in Mahpee’s direction.

  “He’s your bear?” I did a double take.

  Mahpee broadly laughed, launching an arm around my shoulders. “I’m the bear. He’s my cub. Just wait until you get a load of his name.”

  “How the hell did I not know you’re gay?”

  “You been gone a long time. It’s called living. Life. Being.” He dragged me toward the chow line. “Where the hell have you been anyway?”

  Trying to get myself killed any way I could.

  But not anymore.

  I stared at Jade. Of course she already had a full plate of food and was digging in and laughing between bites.

  “She’s the one, yeah?” Mahpee skimmed his eyes over Jade when I couldn’t look away from her.

  “She’s the one,” I agreed. “But that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten—”

  “It ain’t about forgetting. It’s about forgiving.” He took over dumping venison stew, a hominy mixture, and fry bread on my plate.

  “That’s what your mom said.”

  “Because she’s damn smart. Hardships hurt.” My joking friend who’d always been so full of life became philosophical. “And sometimes hardships heal us. Turn us around, make us see a different direction. Sometimes it’s good and right to follow the scent of something new.” He winked. “Like on a hunt.”

  “I hunt a lot.” No lie.

  “I bet you do. You were always the best tracker. Now let’s get this scran down our throats, huh?”

  “Where’d you learn that word?”

  Mahpee patted his chest with a huge hand. “I’m not just a traveling troubadour.”

  “Troubadour?” I barked with laughter. “Caterwauler more likely.”

  He cuffed me on the back of the head, snickering. “Watch it. We’ll be dueling at dawn . . . with bows and arrows.”

  I chuckled and looked up, my gaze magnetized by Jade. She sat still and silent, watching me, a different sort of smile on her lips, one that made my heart knock around inside my chest.

  Mahpee and I sat down with our plates balanced on our legs in the circle including Madge and Jade who both somehow seemed to fit right in. I glanced around, savoring the sights, and scents, the sounds I’d missed for so long.

  The hollow echo of pain, like a distant drumbeat, finally lessened a little.

  Jade pigged out while Madge ate more daintily. Jade and I both knew from experience when you were on the run you never knew when your next hot meal might come along. I hopped up to refill her plate with fry bread and the stew before she could object. I’d discovered two foolproof methods for keeping her quiet: kissing her and feeding her.

  Madge had struck up a conversation with my mom and dad and a few of the elders who squatted around us. Their talk drifted from displacement to the loss of sacred lands the US government sought to make retribution for with money that sat unused and unwanted in a DC bank account.

  It was one reason I worked not for the federal payroll but for the people who ran the high stakes, deep cover missions to oust corruption around the world.

  Or maybe that was just an excuse.

  And possibly a lie built on a house of cards, considering Madge’s predicament and both her and Jade’s unlawful presence in America.

  “We are not so different. Protecting our nations,” Madge mused.

  “Wouldn’t know about that.” I chuckled. “The company I keep is questionable.” I shot a sly glance at Jade.

  “Walker. You’ll pay for that later.”

  Grabbing Jade around the waist, I pulled her closer to me. “Can’t wait for you to take advantage of me.”

  Mahpee’s boyfriend approached, breaking up the powwow. He sat down and dropped a bold kiss on Mahpee’s lips.

  I wanted to do the same damn thing to Jade.

  “This is my man.” Mahpee sat hip to hip with him, a wicked smile turning his lips. “Smooth Arrow.”

  I choked on my drink.

  Smooth Arrow grinned. “I know, right? I was born queer.”

  I shook his hand. “Well, if the notch fits . . .”

  “Is that what you straight boys call it?” Arrow howled with laughter, his lean face full of amusement.

  “We’re getting married in the spring.” For once, big, brawny Mahpee looked bashful and beholden. “I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I.” Arrow kissed him slowly and softly.

  Jade’s hand curled around mine.

  The quiet moment drew us together, and her cheeks heightened in color.

  I bent toward her, intent on tasting her, touching her, but the eating had died down and the music amped up, and Mahpee broke his lip-lock with Arrow.

  Swiveling his head around, the asshole decided to torment me. “Come on. You’re up.”

  “I can’t. I’m out of practice.”

  “Ain’t no practice and never was. It’s in your veins, Wakiza.”

  I stared straight ahead, heat rising up my neck to my cheeks.

  “Are you blushing, Walker?” Teasing evident in Jade’s voice, she continued, “What’s the matter? Afraid you don’t have any moves?”

  Coaxed, cajoled, then outright ridiculed into performing.


  “I’ve got the moves, lady,” I grumbled, rising to my feet.

  Throwing off my shirt, I joined the other men at the front of the meetinghouse. The drums started, a rapid rhythm. The Fast War Dance.

  We chanted, moving along to the beats and the bells. Sweat dripped down my bare chest, and I closed my eyes. Mahpee was right. The music coursed through my veins like the very blood in my body.

  Singing . . . circling . . . floating—almost soaring—that flying feeling, the high without drugs—being connected to the land at the same time.


  Sheer belonging.

  I was connected to the earth and my body, my body that wanted Jade more than anything. As the drums and flutes pounded higher, hotter, fluttered faster, louder, the dance was less about war, more about wanting.


  Jade. Jade. Always now, Jade.

  She was in my sights, bent forward, eyes captivated, her hands at her chest as if to hold every overwhelming emotion inside.

  I dipped my head in her direction and danced from my soul.

  I almost tranced-out, only coming back to earth when the final drumbeats reverberated through the hall.

  Grinning and laughing, I pounded Mahpee on the back as he shouted close to my ear, “See? Told ya. Just like riding a horse. Lakota down to the bones.”

  I weaved through the women who would perform their traditional dance next. Jade stood at the edge of the crowd.

  Her gaze roaming over my body, she bit into her bottom lip.

  Jesus. I knew that look. She was horny for me. Maybe I’d have to do the dance thing more often.

  When I reached her, she stroked her fingertips down my wet chest. Her light touch replaced the chills from the music with a new cascade of sensation that shot a spike of heat right to my groin. Her palm slowly slid down my abs,
which clenched in her wake.

  “You don’t do anything by halves, do you?” Softest green, her irises were dreamy.

  I lifted her hand in mine, pressing it to my mouth. “You should know.”

  “The next time you do the tango, it’s with me,” she whispered against the corner of my lips.

  “That wasn’t the tango.” I strived to keep my cock under control as she lowered her head to suck on my chin.

  “I know.” Her hand skimmed down the muscles of my arm until she captured my fingers. “Are you going to take me to bed now?”



  “I . . . UH . . .”

  “Are you stuttering?” Jade asked me.

  “What about Madge?” I folded my arms over my chest, and Jade’s fingers glided over the muscles of my biceps.

  “She’ll be fine.”

  I tipped up Jade’s chin. “You sure?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  Linking our hands together, I ushered her through the longhouse, firm decision in every step I took.

  I only stopped briefly to make sure Mom and Dad would keep an eye on Madge, who rolled her eyes and shooed us away.

  Absolutely everyone in the hall watched the two of us depart, and more than a few of the older generation crowed crude, raunchy comments after us—the type they’d send after a husband and wife on their wedding night.

  I thanked the Great Spirit Jade didn’t speak our language. Yet.

  Back at the house, my bedroom was like an icebox, but mounds of quilts were heaped on the bed. There wasn’t a whole lot else in the room besides the bed—I’d never been one to collect shit, and this hadn’t been my last home on the reservation anyway.

  I undressed quickly after pulling back the covers. “It’s nothing fancy. Sorry.”

  “Four walls and family. Does anyone need more than that?” Jade climbed in beside me, her naked body heat combining with mine.

  “And you, Jade. What about your family?” Drawing her to me, I kissed her on the forehead and just below her mesmerizing eyes.

  “Didn’t you do your research?”

  I stroked across the high crests of her cheeks. “I’m not sure how much about you is legend and folklore.”

  She reclined next to me, curling her hands beneath her cheek. “It’s really terribly boring to be honest. Not nearly as charming as your background.” She switched into an overly posh accent.

  I nudged her with my shoulder, “And?”

  “My dad works in the City—British uppah crust—and he met my mom during a business trip. She was not interested in him one little bit—”

  “Sounds familiar.”

  “Watch it, you.” She moved her head around enough to drag my earlobe between her teeth. “I bite.”

  A hot pulse skittered from my ear to my cock just like that. “I like it when you bite.”

  “So, my mom wasn’t interested in the dashing English banker.” Jade’s eyes sparkled, and her tone warmed. “He asked her to dinner. She turned him down. He had flowers delivered to her house. She gave them to her friend. He waited for her every day after work so he could escort her home, and she threatened to get the cops on him. The last evening before he was due to leave the country, he waited for her again, but as soon as she opened her mouth he silenced her with a kiss.”

  I laughed. “That definitely sounds familiar.”

  Jade squinted at me, her smile sly. “She told him she’d just been waiting for him to show some backbone, that she’d heard all Englishmen were pushovers.”

  My laughter intensified. “Guess I know where you get it from.”

  “The best part is when he wants to rile her up.” Cuddling closer, Jade grinned.

  “What’s he do?”

  “He calls her his little geisha.” Giggles bubbled from her. “Mom has a notorious hot temper.”

  “No surprise there.”

  “Hey!” She whipped a pillow at my head.

  Grabbing it from her hands, I stuffed the cushion under my head, my chest still rumbling.

  “They’re actually quite lovely together,” Jade said.

  “That doesn’t explain the whole Ministry thing.”

  “I just wanted to make a difference somehow.” She moved into my embrace, hugging her arms around me. “And I had an aptitude for languages, like you. And later, weapons.”

  “You don’t say,” I said drily.

  “My parents seem to buy my story for being out of country so much of the time.”

  “What story would that be?”

  “I’m an international aid worker, Walker. What’d you think?”

  Deep chuckles rolled out of me. “I guess that’s one way of putting it.”


  We lay quiet and still for a few minutes, listening to the house settle and snow seeming to sigh from outside. It wasn’t long before the loud stomp of footsteps crossed the porch and entered the cabin. Dad, Mom, and Madge. I recognized each of their walks.

  I caressed Jade’s cheek and tapped the tip of her nose. “And you’re a single child.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  I laughed again, that time from my belly.

  “Are you implying I’m spoiled?” She rose up on elbows above me, indignation shading her expression.

  “More like seriously headstrong and willful.”

  “What about you, Mr. Tall Dark and Mysterious Spy? Siblings?” Jade straddled my lap, her long legs like silk against my thighs, her breasts dangling in front of my face.

  “You’ll have to work harder to find that out.” I smirked at her.

  Kissing the hollow at the base of my neck, she brushed her nipples against my chest. “I bet I know one way to make you talk.”

  My dick, which had been throbbing at a low hum, suddenly shifted into full hardness right beneath Jade’s warm body. My pelvis rolled uncontrollably.

  Her change of tactics, I really liked them, but . . .

  “Jade, the walls are really thin here,” I rasped out.

  “Then you’ll just have to find a way to stay quiet, won’t you?”

  Fuck it. I’d probably bite off my own tongue if I had to.

  “You were sexy earlier.” Her voice was a hot whisper on my skin.

  Jade’s fingers walked across my chest, and by the time her lips moved from my neck to the nipples she flicked, I felt like I was already one rough lick away from shooting off embarrassingly early.

  My cock was timber-hard, a thick long roll of flesh tapping against her belly as she meandered down. Down. Down.

  Jade’s hair was soft and fine and glorious, fanning out all over my torso, and the tips of her tits pointed into me, the cushion of her breasts soft and yielding. She pushed back the covers as she traveled along my body, and I could see her ass rise from the blankets that pooled around my calves.

  I shivered almost out of my skin when she handled my cock in a loose fist, holding it aside so she could tease me with more moist kisses in the divot of my belly button, along the line of hair bisecting my abs.

  Funny. The shivers weren’t from the cold. I no longer felt a goddamn thing except the fast blast of tension and heat that connected me to Jade, my skin to her mouth, my aching, pulsating cock to any warm wet recess she’d plunge me into.

  Her mouth.

  Her pussy.

  Her ass.

  She released my shaft from her fist—her husky laugh when it slapped against my stomach drawing me up to a half-sitting position. I watched as she pointed her tongue into the deep ridges of muscles formed alongside my groin. My eyes rolled back when she bit the inside of my thigh, catching the black hairs with her teeth and tugging.

  I goddamn jumped when she slowly closed five fingers around my length.

  Softly sliding her hand up and down, she tilted her head. Her breath washed across the rigid shaft so blood-engorged she had a hard time gripping it.

  “Your cock looks primed and ready.”

  I garbled some kind of res
ponse, rocking into her clasp.

  “I thought you were supposed to be quiet.” Her tongue—that talented weapon—swiped across the head of my dick, pulling more slick precome from the slit.

  “Impossible.” I fell back, punching up from my ass, silently begging her to squeeze me harder, jerk me faster. “Fuck, Jade. Suck me. Suck me off. Wanna come in your mouth.”

  She lowered her mouth over me, her tongue rubbing the veins on the underside of my cock all the way down, and all the way back up. Warm and sloppy, she blew me, my jizz and her saliva keeping me wet.

  “Yes.” I wound her hair around my wrist.

  Jade hummed with approval when I used the handhold to guide her up and down. The soft suctioning sounds grew louder. My thighs quaked. I spread them up and wider for Jade to get as close to me as possible. My toes curled into the bed sheets. I felt like I was coming apart one hot, loud suck at a time.

  The head of my dick swelled, and my balls tightened.

  Jade murmured something, her hands sliding beneath me. She pulled me up, engulfing me even farther.

  “What?” I growled out.

  Squeezing my ass between her two hands, she popped me from her mouth. “You’ve got one hell of an arse.”

  I collapsed back, thrusting my cock up.

  “When I saw you shaking it tonight I really wanted to do this.”

  “Wasn’t shaking my ass.” I groaned, the last thing I said because she abandoned my cock to lick all around my balls.

  The heat enflaming me rose several degrees higher. The pleasure roaring when she moved lower to lap at my taint—the hot tight stretch of skin between my ass and nads.

  I twisted my fingers in the sheets.

  Jade held my cock in one hand—pulsing her grip around me—and suckled farther, farther, farther down until her tongue was at my hole.

  “Fuuuu!” Intense pleasure blinded me.

  I tried to get away. I bucked back for more.

  Holy hell.

  She waggled her tongue against my ass, relaxing and teasing the tense ring of muscle. Tightening her grip on my cock, she drew the come out of me the moment her tongue pressured inside.

  My neck cranked back. I tried not to roar when blasting ropes of seed catapulted from my cock.

  Vaguely aware of her dropping back to kiss and massage my shaking legs, I almost passed out.


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