Shattered (Willow Creek Book 1)

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Shattered (Willow Creek Book 1) Page 7

by A. K. MacBride

  "Need my strength for what now?"

  A long silent moment passed during which Logan leisurely let his gaze roam the visible parts of my body. When his gaze found mine again, he grinned. "I'm pretty sure taking care of a busy little boy is tiring."

  Somehow I'd imagined him saying something entirely different; the workings of my starved imagination again, no doubt. So instead of coming up with some smart retort, I grabbed the sandwich and took a huge bite. I didn't think it was possible but his grin widened.

  "You don't mind being seen slurping down a pink drink?" I jerked my head toward the milkshake in front of Logan.

  "Nah," and to prove his point he brought the drink to his mouth and took a big swallow. "I'm not ashamed to admit that I like something even if people give me shit about it."

  For the second time that day it felt like he knew what was going on inside me, only this time he called me out. If I could just tell him that it had nothing to do with shame and everything to do with ice-cold fear.

  "How's my little man doing?"

  "Uhm," He couldn't possibly mean it that way but when he called my son his, something inexplicable wrapped itself around my heart. I had no time or interest to dwell on it, though. "He's good," my happy voice and smile gave no indication of the chaotic state of my mind. "Can't stop talking about that bike of yours."

  Logan's deep, rich laugh filled the space and woke up every nerve in my body. "I'll have to take both of you for a ride sometime."

  "Logan, I don't-"

  The rest of my protest was drowned out when the door opened and Chase came strolling in. Looking way too pleased with the situation in front of him as his gaze flicked between me and Logan.

  "I see I'm just in time for lunch?"

  Logan stuffed the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth and then pulled his pie closer. "You're in time to watch me eat," Logan mumbled around a mouth full of food.

  "I have no interest in your bread," With his arms folded across his chest Chase strode toward us, the smug smile on his face growing with each step. "Old Mrs. Williams insisted on feeding me before I left." He patted his stomach. "I had enough food to last me a week. Anyway, when you're ready, I'll be in my office." He directed that at his brother.

  Logan gave Chase a quick glance and then said, "I'm done I'll walk with you." Then he turned his attention to me. "I've made you breakfast, we just had lunch, dinner's next."

  Because my many brain cells always seemed to disappear whenever a certain mechanic was around, I managed a pathetic, "What?"

  The way-too-damn-sexy-bastard had the nerve to give me that full-on smile before leaning over my desk and invading my space. "Dinner tomorrow night, Sugar."

  "I can't."

  Logan's eyes narrowed while they roamed over my face. "Can't or won't?"

  It was definitely both, but I found myself saying, "Can't. Lizzy won't be able to watch Flynn; she has a date."

  "Lizzy is seeing someone?" This coming from Chase who suddenly seemed to be standing up straighter and extremely interested in my answer.


  "Not the time, brother." Logan gritted out without taking his eyes off me. "And that's the only thing stopping you from saying yes?"

  The intensity in his gaze made me want to slide down my seat and land in a melted puddle on the floor. "Logan-"

  "I can watch Flynn." My boss was meddling again. "I mean if that's all that's standing in your way." Chase's shoulders rose and fell in a nonchalant shrug. "Flynn knows me well enough and I have plenty of experience—Molly is a busy little rascal."

  "Well, there ya go. Now, say yes, Sugar."

  "This is a mistake."

  After throwing what felt like the hundredth pair of jeans on the bed, I sagged down too and cradled my head in my hands. "Damn those Jackson men for getting me to agree to this…this…date."

  "Stop being so dramatic," I could hear Lizzy was trying to hold her laugh in. "All of these discarded pants looked fabulous on you. Maybe you should ask yourself why you're so concerned about your appearance."

  I dropped both my hands into my lap and side-eyed my friend. We haven't been friends that long but I swear she knew me better than anyone ever did. And I already knew the answer to the question she'd asked. I wanted to look nice, desirable even.

  The thing was as much as Logan terrified me, he intrigued me just the same. The way he looked at Flynn melted my heart and the way he looked at me melted…well…everything.

  "Try this," I looked up to find that Lizzy had rummaged through my pathetic pile of clothes and by the looks of the dark blue jeans and red Henley she was holding up, she'd managed to put something decent together.

  As I got dressed, more and more butterflies started to take flight in my tummy. I was nervous, terrified and excited at the same time. There was that tiny part of me that wondered what if that night led to more dates? How would that look? How would it be to be able to trust someone enough to let them in?

  A loud knock sounded from the front door just as I pushed my feet into my boots. When my eyes snapped to Lizzy, she must've seen the nerves and fear in them because she wrapped me up in a tight hug and whispered next to my ear.

  "Go have some fun, honey. You deserve it."

  After giving my shoulders one more reassuring squeeze she left to answer the door. When I walked over to my bedside table to grab my phone, I got a glance of myself in my dresser mirror.

  I wasn't that into wearing make-up but Lizzy had convinced me to put on some eyeliner and mascara. I had to give it to her, it made my eyes pop. My hair wasn't even in its usual knot on top of my head; I'd pulled it together in a side-braid with a pin securing any wayward strands. On my way home, I'd found the most beautiful butterfly clip—silver with gems in different shades of blue. It was so delicate but still understated, I just had to have it.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and made my way to the living room where Logan, Lizzy, and Flynn were. The moment I rounded the corner my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Dropped to his haunches Logan was busy introducing Dozer to my little boy, who couldn't contain his laughter.

  For a few seconds, I was frozen to the spot. I couldn't and didn't want to move. As it always did, the interaction between Logan and Flynn tugged at something inside me. It filled me with joy and sadness to see my son so trusting of this man. Logan's arm wrapped around Flynn's little shoulder and just as he pulled him closer Dozer leaned forward and licked Flynn's face. Both humans threw their heads back and laughed while the dog's tail thumped against the floor and his tongue lolled to the side.

  "I swear my ovaries just combusted," Lizzy said from beside me.

  "Yeah." I didn't even care that it sounded more like a sigh than a word.

  I pushed off the wall and headed toward them. I knew the moment Logan noticed me because my skin started to tingle. As he slowly rose from his position, his eyes took me in at an equally slow pace.

  "You look nice, Sugar."

  His lips might have said 'nice' but his eyes were saying so much more. It could've been my imagination but I swear I could see hope burning in those dark irises.

  "You don't look so bad yourself." Wasn't that an understatement? With his signature dark jeans and black tee—putting all his muscles on display—he looked hot.

  As casual as can be Logan pushed his hands into his pockets. "Ready?"

  Nope, I wasn't ready at all but still, I managed, "Yup."

  I was about to go grab Flynn's backpack but Lizzy beat me to it. Meeting me halfway she handed me the bag with a mischievous smile and a wink before saying goodbye and heading out herself.

  With my nerves as they were, I took my time making sure everything was locked up. I would've done just about anything to stall, hell, I was even considering asking Logan if Flynn could join us. Being alone with that man—even if it was in a public place—was incredibly daunting.

  Just as I turned the key in the door I felt his breath fanning my ear. "You're gonna have to relax,
Sugar. You're wound up so tight, I'm afraid you might snap."

  If I turned my head just slightly I knew our lips would be a whisper apart that was why I kept my focus on the door in front of me. But I did decide to give Logan some honesty. "I haven't been out with a man in years, this is-"

  "It's new for me too, Sugar."

  I wanted to ask him how that was even possible but he was already halfway down the stairs by the time I turned around. With Flynn and Dozer happily sharing the backseat we drove to Chase's place where I read him the riot act if anything was to happen to my boy.

  And then it was just me and Logan.

  Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that Harper and I would be sharing wings and beers at Joe's, and yet that's what we were doing. I was also having an incredibly hard time keeping my eyes and my hands off of her—but this was nothing new. I was pretty sure I'd still find Harper sexy even if she were wearing a plastic bag.

  But tonight there was just something different about her - and it wasn't the pretty clip tucked in her hair or the fact that it was in a different style or even the ass-hugging jeans and tight shirt. It might've been wishful thinking, but it felt as if she was starting to lower her defenses at last.

  "One more?" I asked when Harper finished off her fourth wing. Shaking her head, she reached for her beer and gulped down what was left of it.

  "I don't think I have any taste buds left." She almost killed me when she started licking the spices off of her fingers. "But still I can't seem to stop. You have to take them away before I devour all of it."

  "Nothing wrong with a healthy appetite." To prove my point, I grabbed one of the spicy treats before pushing the basket in front of her.

  "I really shouldn't."

  "But you want to."

  And just like that, we moved from talking about one thing to talking about something completely different. I had no question in my mind that Harper and I shared a mutual attraction. The difference between us was that I wanted to explore it and she was hell-bent on avoiding it.

  I was proven right when she reached for another wing instead of answering me. Determined to get the most out of this time I had with her I scanned the pool tables to check if one was empty. Lady luck was on my side tonight because the table furthest to the back was, indeed, empty.

  I'd imagined that it was going to take some convincing to get her to agree to a game or two but again she surprised me. If I thought I was going to have to take it easy on her I was wrong, the woman was kicking my ass.

  "You're full of surprises."

  Harper leaned her backside against the table and held the cue in both hands. The smile on her lips was carefree and wide and it took every ounce of restraint I had not to grab her and kiss her until all of her walls came crumbling down.

  "…I used to waitress at a bar; I picked up a few things."

  "I'd say. You're kinda messing with my game here."

  It was such a cliché but the way her eyes sparkled could've lit up a damn room. It sure as hell was lighting up something inside me. "How exactly am I messing with your game?"

  The opening I'd been waiting for all night finally presented itself. I grabbed onto it with both hands. In two easy strides, I closed the little distance there was between us. The subtle daisy scent that had been teasing me all night, intensified. As quickly as I could I removed the cue from her hands and placed it on the table behind her.

  "See," I said as I leaned in. "I was hoping that I was going to be able to give you some pointers. At least then I'd have an excuse to get my hands on you."

  The muscles in her throat worked as she swallowed hard and those pretty green eyes widened to their max. I just couldn't hold back anymore. My hand came up, and I brushed my fingertips over her cheek. "What are you so afraid of, Sugar?"

  Apparently, that was the wrong thing to ask because her head jerked back and her eyes narrowed. "Please don't touch me." The slight wobble in her voice gave me a bit of hope though.

  I lowered my hand but instead of stepping out of her space, I took a step closer. I was so close I could see the vein in her neck tick away at an alarming pace—it matched the thumping in my own chest. "You don't like me touching you?"

  Harper's eyes dropped to my hand and her tongue snaked over her lips. "Like it? Yes." When her gaze reached mine again, it was filled with something that looked a hell of a lot like sadness. "Want it? No."

  I was so stunned by her admission that I let her push me away. Hearing nothing but the sound of my heart beating in my ears I watched as Harper all but ran out of the bar. Or possibly as far away from me as she could get.

  No! Oh hell no.

  There was no way I was letting her walk out like this. Pushing my way through the frolicking patrons I rushed to the door through which Harper had just disappeared. With every step I took the sounds of the bar were replaced with the thundering sound of my heart.

  In my whole life, I'd never been as relieved as I was the moment I spotted her on the sidewalk. Hugging herself, she just blankly stared at the passing traffic. I knew that whatever I did next would either bring her closer to me or push her away entirely.

  "Harper," I kept my voice soft and steady as I approached her. When she turned to face me, the war she was fighting with herself was clear as day on her face.

  "Everything." Her voice sounded as broken as she looked and wrapping her up my arms was all I wanted to do. But first, we needed to get on the same page.

  "Come again, Sugar?"

  Her shoulders rose and fell in a deep sigh. "You asked what I was afraid of. I'm afraid of everything, Logan."

  I needed to touch her; I wrapped my fingers around her upper arms and stooped so I was able to look directly into those green pools of doubt. "I get it. But you never have to be afraid of me."

  "How would I know that's the truth? People are good at deceiving each other. Good at making you believe it's okay to let your guard down and when you do, they hit you where it hurts the most."

  I'd always had a suspicion that a man had been responsible for Harper being as skittish as she was, I was just proven right. I didn't like being right.

  As I stared into her eyes, all of her doubts and fears became visible, I knew what I had to do. I just prayed that it didn't chase her away for good.

  Moving my hands, I cupped her cheeks in my palms and tilted her head. "Then don't believe what I tell you, believe what you feel." Before I had time to rethink it, I dropped my lips to hers and fused our mouths together. For the longest second, she remained stiff and unmoving.

  My heart plummeted.

  But just as I moved to pull away, a small breath blew over her lips and her fingers dug into my waist. Her lips became soft and yielding. I'd fantasized about kissing Harper so much; it had become my hobby. But no fantasy could ever compare to the real thing.

  By tasting her lips, though, I'd screwed myself in the worst way possible. One little taste and already I was addicted.

  I needed more.

  Careful not to consume her, I ran my tongue across the seam of her lips. Another little sigh escaped her as she allowed me entry. I wasted no time in coiling our tongues together. Beer, spice, and Harper assaulted my taste buds, driving me crazy.

  Everything about that moment swallowed me whole. Nothing but me, Harper, and that kiss mattered. The small sounds coming from the back of her throat was like music to my ears and I'd do just about anything to keep hearing it.

  Breaking the kiss took all the strength I could muster, but I knew if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to stop. When I pulled back her lips were swollen, and they glistened in the moonlight, her eyes were big, wide and dark.


  My hands were still cradling her face and for the life of me, I couldn't find the strength to remove them. Her tongue—a tongue I craved even though I'd just tasted it—darted out and slid along her bottom lip.

  "Logan." My name came out as a breathy whisper, but I swear it felt like she'd shouted it from the rooftops
. Any other man would have probably apologized for grabbing her and kissing her silly.

  Not me.

  I wasn't sorry for tasting her and I wasn't about to lie to her either. But whatever happened next was one hundred percent up to her. I had no idea how I managed to do what I did next.

  My hands dropped from her face and I took a step back. Instantly her brows dipped into a frown. With inexplicable strength, I took another step back.

  Confusion flooded me as I watched Logan take one more step away from me. It was a very unwelcome feeling seeing as a few seconds ago I felt anything but. Giving into Logan's kiss was the scariest but also the most freeing thing I'd done in a very long time.

  With one kiss he'd managed to make me feel wanted, and now he was retreating from me. A cold shiver ran down my spine when I realized that he could be moving away from me because he regretted that we shared the intimate moment.

  "Where are you going?" I didn't even know how I managed to croak out that sentence without sounding utterly pathetic.

  Logan gave me a shrug while his lips—sinfully delicious lips—curled into a half-smile. "We still have an unfinished game in there." He jerked his head toward Joe's entrance. "Unless you're ready to call it a night, I suggest we get back to it."

  What freaking game was he playing? I covered the distance between us in a few steps. With my hands on my hips, I glared at him. "Are we going to talk about what just happened?"

  "Nothing else needs sayin, Sugar. I thought I made it pretty clear where I stand." His head dipped slightly as he captured my gaze with his narrowed eyes. "Maybe you don't quite get it and I need to show you again?"

  I shook my head because I was afraid if I opened my mouth it'd be to kiss him. The smile never left his lips as he brought his hand up and ran his thumb over my bottom lip. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down in a deep swallow before he spoke.

  "Where we go from here is up to you." His raspy voice was more hoarse. "You wanna explore this explosive chemistry between us? I'm game. But if you tell me now not to ever touch you again, I won't." His fingers slid into my hair and the tips pressed into my scalp. "It'll be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do, but you have my word that I won't."


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