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Something More

Page 3

by Leigh Beckford

  One and a half mile later and approximately nine more minutes left in his run his thoughts bring him to more questions. As his introspective queries surmount, for a brief moment he flinches willing to succumb. Half a mile remaining he makes a mental stand.

  “The right path is not always easy. That’s a bit cheesy, sounds like a Chinese fortune cookie but it is true.” He continues, “With that in mind I know what I have to do. Pride has no place here if it is only standing in my way.”

  An hour and thirty-five minutes later Valde opens his shower door to find Brittany leaning on the wall with her arms folded and a mischievous smile on her face. “So how long have you been standing there?” he asks as he reaches for a towel.

  “Long enough.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “Well, first I was looking for my toothbrush that I could have sworn I left here.”

  “Really, were you now?”

  “Yes. Honestly, I really was but then I began looking at your silhouette.”

  “Well, that I can see,” he slaps her on her behind, “You are such a naughty little girl.”

  “But daddy,” she twiddles a lock of her hair, “I thought you like it when I am your naughty little girl”

  They both break out laughing.


  “Yes?” he responds while running a towel through his hair.

  “Why can’t I find a guy that treats me as great as you do?”

  “That’s because there is only one me, baby,” he replies with mock arrogance, “By the way you won’t find that toothbrush that you’re looking for.”

  “Why not?” she asks slightly upset, “Don’t tell me that you threw it out?”

  “Hell yeah I did!” he then sensibly explains in a caring tone, “I had to. A couple of weeks ago I brought my date back here for you know what. You know how you girls like to go through things like medicine cabinets and drawers when us guys aren’t looking, an extra toothbrush would have complicated things. In fact it had, one night there was this girl who sobered up a bit, saw your toothbrush and decided not to sleep with me. Something about not wanting to be a third wheel or another notch under my belt, can’t quite remember what she said, might have been two different girls, anyway you get the point.”

  “I don’t see why it would have caused you problems. It’s not like it had my name or initials monogrammed on it.”

  “Calm down baby-girl.”

  “No! I will not calm down. Don’t tell me to calm down. I am sick of you men always trying to tell us women what to do. It is not cool to discard me just because you think that I am an inconvenience to you. Why did you throw my toothbrush out?”

  “The damn thing was pink!”


  “Ah come on, you know that the color said it all.”

  “Says what, that you have a girl?”

  He confirms with a nod.

  “Now what am I to brush my teeth with?”

  “Well, be creative. There, you have toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental floss.”

  “I can’t believe you threw my toothbrush out,” she says under her breath. Still in disbelief, she slams the bathroom door at him.

  He chuckles.

  “What’s next to go my pictures?” she asks from behind the door.

  “Keep that up and they just might.” he quips to himself.

  Minutes later Val sits at the edge of his bed. He occasionally glances at his watch then stares away at nothing. So intense is his stare that he fails to notice the rays of sunlight peering in through the window onto the cedar floors creating their own sparkling lighting works.

  “Hey Brittany, whenever you are ready”, he says, “I am good to go.”

  He waits for a response.


  “Not that I am rushing you but it doesn’t take twenty minutes to brush your teeth,” he smiles and adds, “Even without a brush.”

  He then walks to the bathroom, pressing his ear to the door he can hear sobbing on the other side. On turning the lock and walking in he sees Brittany on the floor crying. He sits down beside her. At first not knowing what to say, he gently caresses her. With no actual words between them, they sit there for about ten minutes. He handing her tissues, her frequently drying her eyes, and occasionally missing a few tears as they make their way down her cheeks.

  “I am sorry,” she apologizes.

  “Oh no please don’t” still caressing her, “There is absolutely nothing to apologize for.”

  In between sobs she manages to complete saying, “Ok give me a few moments and I will be ready.”

  “It‘s fine take all the time you need.”

  He turns to leave the bathroom.


  “Yes sweetie?”

  “Thank you?”

  “Hey,” he kisses her forehead, “Anytime.”

  As he leaves her he notices a piece of paper on the floor next to her pocketbook. His glance is brief but sufficient to make out what is written on it. He turns to her again and repeats, “Anytime.”

  Chapter 4

  “Hey, don't you love Manhattan in the morning,” he says to her gleefully, “Can you feel that?”

  “Feel what?” she asks momentarily stunned by his outlandish gesticulations.

  “The energy baby,” he continues, “The fresh air, the sense of being here. It is downright invigorating, come on you have to admit there is nothing like it.”

  She stares at him with adoration and slight bewilderment. His excitement is both invigorating and infectious as she herself starts to soak in the morning air. There is something remarkably refreshing about a Manhattan morning. It is as if somewhere between the points where the city that doesn’t sleep takes a snooze and where it gets a java jolt, just before the hustle and bustle of city-dwellers and city-hopefuls gets underway, there is a certain inexplicable tranquility which pervades. As the pavements and the façades of high priced towers become flooded with piercing rays from the sun, the air actually seems fresh and the city somewhat surreal. Well for Valde it can feel that way, he loves this time and this city. Brittany, herself is not truly an a.m. A.M warrior so she usually depends on strongly drawn coffee to make it to the afternoon. For this vice she is often scolded by Val. Her rationale has always been that he has his morning ritual, this was hers damn it. However this morning she felt compelled to do as he and had tea instead. Now two minutes out the door he has her feeling more excited about being up and about than she has felt within the past few days. Also, her recent spells of nausea seem to have given her a break.

  “So baby, shall we walk over there or hop in a cab?”

  “Whatever you desire, my dearest”, she playfully responds.

  “Are you saying my wish is your desire, my fair darling,” he responds in equal jest.

  “Yes my dashing hero,” she pauses then asks, “Fair, darling why am I only fair? You might as well have called me plain, am I not the girl who occupies the nether realms of your dreams whilst you slumber?”

  “OK”, he looks at her quite bemused, “Someone is getting a tad carried away here. I see you have overdosed on those first-edition Victorian novels you so love to collect. I think you need to ease up a bit from the Bronte sisters.”

  They both laugh as they continue on their way with their brand of pomp and wit, ribbing and entertaining each other. After a twenty minute stroll they were seated and awaiting their meals. She had ordered a California omelet and he a grilled chicken salad.

  “You’re so metro sexual, you girlie man you,” she teases.

  “No I am not.” he responds defiantly, “why because I am only having a salad? I am watching my cholesterol.”

  “Why, are you OK?”

  “Yes I am fine, as per my physician I have a clean bill of health,” he says proudly, “I am very pleased with that prognosis.”

  “I can see that you are. I bet you sat down there and tried to figure out the number calories before ordering your meal.” She continues to taunt, �
�Didn’t you, didn’t you?”

  “That’s where you’re wrong smartass, but what if I did? I think, and this is just my poor lame opinion, that maybe more people ought to be counting their calories. I mean just look around us. Some of these people have no business ordering what they’re eating. Have you taken a look at some of these girls lately, my god you would think that gyms are all outlawed and every fast food joint in town had a sale, oh yeah they do, it’s called a dollar menu.”

  “You are so wrong for saying that,” she chuckles.

  “No, I am not. Check the stats obesity has been branded an epidemic. Personally, I think such labeling is bullshit, it’s more pandemic than anything else but hey I am not the Surgeon General. I guess I can’t be as euphemistic.”

  “Thank the powers-that-be that you are not the Surgeon General. I must admit that sometimes I wish you would consider more tact when you speak. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with your direct approach, in fact your bold way about things is downright sexy, but you do need to bear in mind that not everyone is as hardened as you. Your words can be very stinging at times.”

  The food comes. She looks at his plate and breaks down laughing. Her mirth is catching, so he decides what the hell, he can afford to laugh at himself. The elderly couple sitting at the next table looks at them with reproach.

  “Brit, I think we are making a scene.”

  “Oh we are, are we?” She mocks, “We can be high nosed later. Right now I don’t care.”

  A few minutes into their meal Valde stops. Concerned by the look of confusion on his face, she too stops and asks “Are you OK honey? Is this morning’s lettuce not to your liking?”

  “Oh the salad is fine, but are you?”

  She pauses, then responds, “Me, I am fine. Never felt better.”

  “Well I know you’re fine, in fact I would say you’re rather hot”, he quips, “However are you well? Don’t lie to me; I have known you too long for you to bullshit me.”

  “My darling I would never do that. Believe me I am ok. Alright, fine I am well. Now eat your salad.” She then mumbles under her breath, “God knows you need it!”

  “Oh I heard that and for the record I don’t believe you and before this day is done you are going to tell me the truth. Besides, if you are indeed fine, then there is absolutely no reason for me to take you pity shopping.”

  “Pity shopping?”

  “Yes, pity shopping.” He smiles wickedly.

  “What am I asshole, a mental bag or charity case that needs to be taken pity shopping whenever my world gets turned upside down?”

  “So you admit that your world has been turned upside down.”

  “Wow you are quite the astute one aren’t you!” she mocks “You are about as keen as a bat, stupid ass. Philip and I split and I am supposed to be fine? What do you have, shit for brains or nothing where your heart should be?”

  “Well there you go. Don’t you feel better for letting that out?”

  “No ass, I feel the same, maybe worse. I don’t want to think about that. For now, can’t we just sit here and eat and forget about that son-of-a-bitch and what he did to me?

  “Ok, but there is something you aren’t telling me isn’t there. Just admit that and I will change the subject.”

  “Ok. There is something else. I just don’t want to talk about it right now, but I will tell you about it. I promise.”


  They continue eating with an uncomfortable silence between them. She then says, “For the record, I don’t need any pity shopping. You aren’t my shrink either so don’t you dare act like one. I am not some emotional fuck-up who needs to buy a new bag to add value or bring Zen or whatever the hell they want to call it to her life.”

  “Ok sweetheart I stand corrected, I didn’t...”

  She interjects, “However we are so going shopping for a new bag and shoes, yes I can always use some new shoes.”

  “Sure, whatever you want to do is fine with me.” At this point his curiosity is bubbling. He hasn’t seen Brittany this worked-up since he broke up with her. That was, as she puts it, a big disturbing event in her life, so he knows whatever it is in conjunction to her break-up with Phillip must be really huge. However being her friend first, and her grand inquisitor sequentially, he decides to reign in his curiosity trusting that she will indeed talk about it when she is good and ready.

  She reaches across the table quite gleefully, takes his hand into hers and tells him, “See Val, I am truly ok, given the circumstances I am doing quite well.”

  “Yes you are baby, yes you are.”

  “I have to stop at my place. I need to change clothes; I promise I will be quick.”

  “Yeah of course you will. Horses have wings, I once stumbled into the fountain of youth and I know unequivocally what all women want?”

  “What are you trying to say smartass, that I don’t know how to be quick?”

  “No I am not saying that at all, what I am in fact inferring is that you aren’t capable of being quick.”

  She flips him the bird. The elderly lady still at the table next to theirs sees this; aghast she averts her attention back to her husband, appalled at Brittany’s unladylike gesture.

  Val’s reaction was quite the opposite he sticks his tongue out at her and then mouths “I love you too.” They both sit there smiling at each other with the reckless abandon of teenagers.

  “Brittany”, he says to her, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

  “What an odd question?” she giggles, “Let me see. I used to want to conquer the world, have a wonderful career balance that with a loving family, not be like my mother, but right now I will settle with just being happy.”

  “Well baby today is your lucky day, let’s go make you happy” he says to her as he signals the waiter for the check.

  “Val, excuse me while I go powder my nose.”

  “Most certainly m' lady”, he rises from his chair giggling; “Sometimes you can be such an old soul.”

  “And at times you can be like the perfect southern gentleman”

  “Please not so loud, don’t ruin my reputation for being a total scalawag, besides I am all New Yorker baby,” he smiles.

  He watches her as she walks away. His phone which is resting by the edge of the table lights up then begins vibrating. On the display it says Brianna.

  “Hi Brianna”

  “Hi Val, I was wondering do you want to do lunch today?”

  “Today is no good. I have a friend who is going through a bit of a crisis and I promised I would be there for her.”

  “Oh ok.”

  There was silence at the other end of the line.

  “Brianna, are you there?”

  “Yes, yes I am still here.” she answers sounding a bit miffed, “You know Val I don't want to come across as paranoid but I get the feeling that you are trying to give me the big brush off.”

  “The big brush-off, really?” he jests, “Maybe a little brush off but no not the big one. I am just kidding I would never do that to you beautiful. Oh no, don’t tell me that’s what you think of me?”

  “Yes I do. I haven't heard from you since the last time I spent the night at your place. That was two weeks ago. Until now, you haven't returned any of my calls. I thought that I would have at least meant a call back to you.”

  “Yes you do, I mean you mean much more than that”, he pauses, “How about we get together later this evening? We'll have a bite together and maybe a few drinks, let our vibes percolate, see where the night takes us.”

  “To be honest Val, I don't think I want to bother with you,” she sniffles, “Maybe you're just a waste of my time because I certainly don't need to be treated like this.”

  “Come on Brea don't say that. It breaks my heart to hear you talk like that.”

  “It’s because of you that I am so emotional. I am finding it a bit hard to swallow that after the time that we spent together I actually mean nothing to you.”

  Valde sees Brittany returning down the aisle and speedily says to Brianna, “Meet me this evening. I will call you in a few hours with the details. OK baby?”


  The line immediately goes dead.

  “Who was that?” asks Brittany.

  “Oh nobody.” he replies, “Shall we go?”

  “Yes, let's go embark on our little escapist adventure so that we may both elude our problems for the day.”

  “First we stop at your place; the road kill effect still lingers on you since last night.”

  “Does it really?

  “Nope, I am just messing with you. Tell me have you heard from that brother of yours. He left a message on my voicemail saying that he was at the airport; I couldn't make out what else he was saying. I have no clue where he was headed to.”

  “He left me a message. Should be on my machine at home, I never bothered to listen to it. I thought he was calling to annoy me as usual. He can be such a pain sometimes.”

  “He is your big brother, that's his job. How is your younger brother doing?”

  “Sid is doing very well. Spoke to him last week. He is enjoying his freshman year at Princeton.”

  “Of course and he should, loads of intellectual ass out there for him to tap.”

  “Oh no, I don't want to think of my little Siddy like that. He is my baby.”

  “He is a grown ass man, he is supposed to be screwing chicks, or at least I hope he does. Not that it matters who he screws as long as he gets the required quota in. Oh am I being crude about your little Siddy? My apologies feel free to replace the word screw with copulate. Yes he should be copulating.”


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