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Summer Loving

Page 6

by Cooper McKenzie

  They had just fallen to the mattress to cuddle with their mate for some postcoital loving when the doorknob rattled.

  “What the hell?” Cole jumped out of bed and grabbed his boxers off the floor as the doorknob twisted and opened.

  He opened it far enough to see who was on the other side, but blocked their view into the room. “Good morning, Mom. Can I help you?”

  “Winter warned you that I’d be up if you weren’t at the table in ten minutes, didn’t he?” Dawson heard his mother say. She sounded way too happy.

  “Yes, I think he did,” Cole said. “We’ll be down later.”

  “No, sir. You will get dressed and get down to the table right now. You’ve got two minutes before I come in there and drag you downstairs in whatever you are, or are not, wearing.”

  Dawson watched Cole take a deep breath and release it in a rush. Bridget was the boss, and they both knew she would do exactly what she said. He rolled out and began pulling on his clothes while at the same time tossing Summer her clothes that were intermixed with theirs.

  “Just put those on for now. After breakfast we’ll come back and maybe you’ll finally get that shower you wanted last night,” he said when she looked at him like he was crazy.

  By that time Cole had closed the door and was dressing himself. “If you want to use the bathroom, little one, I suggest you hurry. Mom never makes idle threats. If she says she’ll drag us downstairs naked, she means it.”

  * * * *

  Though Dawson’s plan was a good one, Bridget had other ideas. After a delicious breakfast where Summer finally met her mates’ fathers and Winter’s mates, she finally got her shower, but without anyone to wash her back. Bridget put the men to work preparing for the wedding, which meant cleaning everything in sight, both inside the Wash House as well as all over Sanctuary.

  By lunchtime, Summer was ready to kidnap either of her mates and hold them hostage until they eased the gnawing sexual hunger from wearing the plug all morning. Once she’d eased into her seat at the table for lunch, she reached over and brushed her hands over her mates’ laps, earning herself soft growls in response. Then her men took her hands and returned them to her own lap.

  Dawson leaned in and whispered, “Later, baby. We’re up to our eyes with Mom’s lists, and she won’t let us out of her sight until everything’s been done.”

  “But I need you right now,” she turned and whispered in his ear before nipping his earlobe. “I’m not sure how much longer I can wear this plug without attacking someone.”

  “I know, baby. I’m hurting, too, just thinking about you wearing it all morning. We’ll trade it out after lunch and then tonight you’ll be all ready for both of us. Now sit back or our parents will see parts of you that you might not want them to see.”

  Summer sat back with a huff. When her brother grinned at her from across the table, she blushed as her frown grew even deeper. She wasn’t sure how she was going to hold it together for ten minutes, much less six hours.

  Once the meal was finished, Bridget looked at Cole and Dawson. “After you clean up the dishes and figure out what you’re cooking for dinner, you need to move your stuff out of your room upstairs and help Summer get settled in her new home.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the brothers said as one.

  In what looked like well-coordinated movements, Cole and Dawson had the table cleared and dishes washed and put away in record time. After looking into the freezer, they pulled out several huge packages of ribs which they set in a tub of water in the industrial-sized sink to thaw. After they’d decided on the rest of the menu, they each took one of Summer’s hands and led her across the main room toward the stairs. Cole picked up several large baskets piled together while Dawson retrieved a box of large plastic garbage bags.

  Once in their room, they didn’t strip down and get busy as she’d hoped. Instead, they started packing their clothes and books and belongings into baskets and bags. It didn’t take long for the men to strip their room and pack everything into the baskets and two large garbage bags. It took two trips to transfer all their belongings from their bedroom to the porch of the second long home. Then Cole unlocked the door of the house while Dawson swung her up into his arms.

  “Welcome to the Sanctuary Mercantile and General Store,” he said as they crossed the threshold. He didn’t put her down, but walked around to show her that the first floor of this building was taken up with what looked like a store out of an old Western movie.

  An open staircase divided the room in half. The walls at the front of the building were comprised of large windows. The side and back walls of the room had shelves that went from floor to ceiling. These held a huge variety of canned goods, both commercial and homemade. Tables around the room were piled with folded clothes, colorful fabrics, and other necessities. Underneath the tables were stacked packages of paper towels, toilet paper, cases of motor oil, and other, larger items that would not fit anywhere else. There was even a glass-front display case with a wide variety of candies and other goodies. This truly was a general store.

  “So if this is a store, where will we live?” Summer asked when she finally found her voice.

  “Upstairs,” Cole said as he passed them, his arms full of bags.

  “You can put me down, you know,” Summer said as Dawson began to follow his brother.

  “But I like you where you are. You feel good in my arms,” Dawson said as he leaned down and nuzzled her cheek.

  “You’re crazy,” she said, giggling as the fingers wrapped around her side began to tickle her.

  “No, I’m in love,” Dawson said easily as they reached the top of the stairs.

  “Me, too,” Summer admitted as she lifted her head and kissed him.

  “Me, three.” Cole stepped up to her other side.

  “So what are we going to do about it?” Summer asked after kissing Cole.

  “Are you still wearing the plug?”

  Chapter 9

  Expecting a marriage proposal, Summer blinked at Cole’s question. Then she slowly nodded, which caused both men to make sounds like she was torturing them.

  Cole lifted her from Dawson’s arms and turned around. “This is our home,” he said as he walked through an open great room. A small kitchen area occupied the far back corner of the room, separated from the rest of the space by a counter with three barstools sitting in front of it. A couch with two recliners facing it made up the seating area. A large padded ottoman that looked big enough for her to lie on sat between. Then Cole turned and she saw the rest of the room.

  A half wall divided the second floor. He walked around it, and she found herself in a luxurious bedroom. The bed was bigger than the one they’d slept in last night. Along one wall were two doors, both open. The first was a walk-in closet and the second a bathroom with a garden tub and glassed-in shower.

  “It’s not much,” Dawson said. “We can add on or build another house if you want.”

  Summer shook her head. “I love it. It’s beautiful. It’s perfect since I bet we won’t be spending much time up here.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Cole said as he carried her across the room and dropped her on the bed.

  His darkly sexy laugh sent shivers down Summer’s spine straight to her clit, which throbbed in anticipation. Before she bounced on the mattress the first time, her men joined her and began to pull her clothes off of her. In less than a minute she was naked and had four hands brushing fire over her sensitive skin while two sets of lips kissed, nibbled, and suckled, driving her to the edge of control.

  “Please,” she begged when a hand slipped between her thighs and then lowered to press against the plug in her ass.

  Shivers raced through her as her hunger spiraled even higher. She reached out with both arms and brushed her hands over whatever body parts she could reach. The only problem was her men were still fully dressed.

  Dawson licked her beaded nipple and smiled at her. “Please what, baby?”

  Summer h
eard a growl and was surprised to realize it came from her. “Get naked and fuck me!” she snarled. “I need you both right now!”

  “Shhh,” Cole said, gently biting her opposite nipple before both men pulled away.

  Opening her eyes, she found both men quickly shedding their clothes. In less than a minute they were naked and crawling back onto the bed.

  “I want that sexy asshole,” Dawson said, leaning down and giving her a quick kiss.

  “Mmmm, that means I get your pretty, pretty pussy,” Cole said as he moved to lie between her legs.

  Summer lifted her arms and legs and wrapped them around his body to keep him from moving away. “Mine,” she growled, lifting her head and sucking hard at Cole’s collarbone.

  “Yes, little one, all yours,” Cole said as he canted his hips upward, which brushed the tip of his cock from her entrance up to her clit and then back again.

  “Fuck. Me. Now.” Summer squirmed under him, trying to capture his cock in her pussy.

  With a growl deep in his chest, Cole took hold of her hips and pushed his cock full length into her cunt.

  Wrapping his hands under her ass he said softly, “Hang on, mate, we’re going to get in position for Dawson.”

  With that, Cole rolled them until they were at the edge of the bed. He then maneuvered them until when he sat up, her ass was hanging over the edge of the bed. This new position pressed his cock even deeper in her. Shifting her shoulders, Summer sucked a breath as she dragged her nipples across his skin.

  Then Dawson moved in behind her and gently fucked the plug in and out of her ass before pulling it completely free. Before she could miss the fullness she’d become used to, something thicker and blunter began to push in.

  “Take a deep breath, baby. Try to relax and let me in,” Dawson said softly in a deep, growly voice that made Summer shiver in response.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to do as he asked, but relaxing proved nearly impossible as Cole reached between them and tweaked her nipples. The tiny twin bites of pain shot fire straight to her clit, until it exploded, sending flames lapping along every nerve ending in her body until she could no longer hold back the firestorm.

  “I’m too close,” she cried as Cole lifted her up his cock, then down again. That pushed Dawson even deeper until she could feel the hairs around the base of his cock brush against her ass cheeks.

  “Do it, baby, come for us,” Dawson whispered in her ear.

  Once her muscles eased around his cock, he slowly pulled about halfway out then pushed deep again. He pressed closer against her back and licked at his mating mark as Cole did the same. In three strokes the brothers worked out a rhythm where one was always deep in her.

  Summer fought to control herself, determined to hold back even though she was so close to the edge she could feel the heat and explosion just waiting to consume her. She fought to keep her eyes open and look into Cole’s grass-green eyes as her insides knotted and twisted with unfulfilled orgasm.

  “So stubborn,” he murmured as he ran a finger down the center of her body until it reached the top of her slit. “Come, little one. Cover me with your sweet cream.”

  Something in his voice reached down through Summer’s heart and twisted it. In the next heartbeat, he brushed the pad of one finger across her clit, and her release blazed through her like a shooting star. Summer screamed and bucked between the brothers, the muscles of cunt and ass tightening and milking and pulling them into the vortex of orgasm with her.

  She heard roaring growls just before the pleasurable pain of twin bites at the base of her neck threw her over into another orgasm that rolled on and on until she melted against Cole’s chest and couldn’t tell where she began and he left off.

  She whined when Dawson pulled from her ass and disappeared, then sighed when he returned and cleaned her up with a warm, wet cloth. When Cole’s spent cock slipped from her, she sighed, but didn’t fight to hold it inside her.

  When Cole lay back with her still in his arms, she rolled off and snuggled into his side as close as she could get. She was not surprised when Dawson moved in behind her until they were skin to skin as well. For that moment, it felt as if the three of them were one being.

  After a long time of silent drowsing, Cole ran two fingers down the arm that lay across his chest. “Yep, you’re going to be the death of us.”

  “Mmmm, but what a way to go,” Dawson murmured. His words sounded fuzzy with sleep.

  Not having the energy to speak, Summer just shifted her head enough to kiss Cole’s chest.

  When a bell sounded in the distance, she lifted her head. “What’s that?”

  “Mom. That’s her way of calling the family together. The bell saves her the trouble of hiking all over the meadow. Adam, Brock, and Spring must be back,” Dawson explained before rolling out of bed and reaching for his clothes. “Either that or your parents have arrived.”

  “My parents? Oh my God, I forgot all about them coming today. I can’t go out like this,” she cried softly, sitting up and trying to hide her nudity.

  “I should hope not. No one sees you naked from now on except us,” Cole said.

  “Of course,” she agreed immediately as she crawled across the mattress and climbed down. “That’s not exactly what I meant.”

  “Well, what did you mean, baby?” Dawson asked.

  “I meant I’m not sure coming from having great sex is really the best way to see my parents for the first time in six months.” She quickly pulled on her clothes.

  The brothers stopped and studied her closely, making her feel even more self-conscious than she had just seconds before.

  “I don’t know, little one. I think you look good with a sparkle in your eyes and a healthy glow to your skin,” Cole said. “I don’t think your parents will care about anything but the fact that you’re here. Especially when Winter announces that he’s marrying Garrett and Hawk tomorrow.”

  “He hasn’t told them yet?”

  “Nope. He just told them that he found the men he’s going to spend the rest of his life with. Gay marriage isn’t legal in North Carolina, so it won’t be recognized by anyone but family, but it’s a commitment they want to make.”

  Summer nodded and turned away when they made no comment about whether or not they would be getting married as well. She wanted to commit herself to them in front of their families as well, even though she’d only known her mates for two days. She wanted to wear their ring and have a preacher say the words that would bind them together for the rest of their lives. But she was girlie enough to want them to ask her, not the other way around.

  Then it hit her. Maybe Cole and Dawson had changed their minds and did not want to marry her after all.

  The bell rang a second time. “Sounds like they’re getting impatient,” she said as she slid her sneakers on and headed for the stairs without waiting to see if her mates followed.

  By the time she walked out the front door, her previously happy mood had fizzled like a deflated balloon. She began to think it that maybe it was a good thing she had not yet called her boss to tell him of her decision not to return to Russia after the wedding.

  Chapter 10

  For the rest of the day, Summer worked to avoid her mates, which wasn’t hard because once her sister and parents arrived, they demanded more of her attention than she really wanted to give them. But she kept a smile on her face and tried not to let her sadness show.

  But Winter saw through her as he always had. Though younger, he had always been the one who knew when she was hurting and would demand to help, as he did once again just after dinner that night. As dinner was breaking up, he took her arm and Spring’s.

  “Excuse us, but we’re going to have a Ryan-siblings-only slumber party,” he announced before leading the two women out of the Wash House. “Bridget, Mom, if you’d like to join us, you’re more than welcome, but the rest of you men stay away.”

  “Where are we going?” Summer asked when he led her down the path.

  “We need to talk. We’re spending the night in the fortress, away from the Sullivan men,” Winter stated as they walked past the log homes and continued down the path.

  Once they were inside the stone fortress looking house where he lived with his mates, Winter closed the door and turned to look at her. “What’s wrong?”

  Summer blinked before saying, “What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine. We’re all together, and you and Spring are getting married tomorrow. What could possibly be wrong?”

  She turned away and blinked several times to keep the tears that were pressing for release under control. She didn’t want to trouble them with her worries that her mates didn’t want her like theirs wanted them.

  “Bullshit,” Winter said.

  “I agree, and I’ve only been back for a couple of hours. Cole and Dawson are your mates, aren’t they?” Spring added.

  “Yes,” Summer said softly, the misery in her voice plain enough for even her to hear.

  “Then what’s the problem?” Winter asked as he went to the kitchen and pulled out three beers.

  “Yesterday they were talking about weddings and marriage, and I told them I wanted a proper proposal. They said they’d think about it, but haven’t said anything further. Not even this afternoon when we were talking about the weddings.” Summer sniffed, and a single tear escaped to roll down her cheek. “I think they like to fuck me, but don’t really want to spend the rest of their lives with me.”

  With that, the emotional control she’d always maintained crumbled, and she collapsed onto the couch in the living room and began to sob. A moment later, Spring and Winter sat down on either side of her and cuddled her as the tears continued to fall.

  “I’m sure you’re wrong,” Spring said. “Of course their being men and shape shifters, they see things differently, but…”


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