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Hot SEAL, Australian Nights: SEALs in Paradise

Page 3

by Jameson, Becca

She leaned into him again, lifting a finger. “That’s Pyrmont Bridge. We’ll walk across it and eat dinner on the other side of the harbour.”

  As they exited the ferry, Justus took one of hundreds of deep breaths. He liked this woman. A lot. Too much. Why did the first woman to tempt him in years have to be Arianna Gallo?

  After another selfie, she grabbed his hand innocently and tugged him toward the bridge.

  He smiled at the back of her, unable to stop himself. After months of stressful serious work in Djibouti ending with an intense mission in Yemen, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d smiled so often, or even at all. Yes, he’d enjoyed a fun night with the rest of his team at McP’s in Coronado Island before traveling to Australia, but before that, he’d gone months without a break of any kind. His team had used that night to unwind a bit as a unit, reacclimate themselves with regular society before splitting up and going their separate ways.

  Hell, even that night could hardly count as a break considering he’d spent it in the company of his team. Not a woman. And certainly no one nearly as appealing as Arianna.

  Maybe the real reason he was so attracted to Arianna was because he hadn’t been with a woman for so long. Maybe it had nothing to do with her personally.

  Right. Keep telling yourself that.

  She released his hand to stop in the middle of the pedestrian bridge and lean against the green railing. Her face flushed, and he realized he was staring at her instead of the view.

  He jerked his gaze toward the harbour and rested a hip on the railing next to her. If this were a date, it would rank as the best one he’d ever been on. She was so easy to be with. After taking in the view of various restaurants, shopping, and tourist attractions, he resumed looking at her profile.

  “When did you change your hair?” he asked without thinking. He even lifted a hand to stroke down the length of it before he could stop himself. He found himself making every possible internal excuse to touch her.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably senior year of high school or whenever I realized I was never going to get a date to any school dance with those out-of-control curls sticking out in every direction.”

  He shifted his gaze from the smooth, grown-up version of her thick, dark hair to her face again as he let the soft lock fall through his fingers. He cleared his throat, knowing he needed to address the elephant nearly shoving them off the side of the bridge. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

  “What wasn’t supposed to happen?” she whispered.

  “You. Me. The chemistry between us.”

  She tucked her lips under her teeth.

  “You’re attractive and fun and sweet and so many other things. My thoughts around you are not appropriate.”

  She released her lips. “I could say the same about you.”

  He feared she would say that. A mutual attraction was even worse. “There are nine hundred reasons why I shouldn’t touch you.”

  She leaned in closer and flattened a hand on his chest, her hair blowing in the breeze while they stood in the center of this bridge in one of the most romantic places on earth. “You’ve already touched me.”

  He smirked, setting his hand on top of hers and pressing her fingers into his pecs. Her skin was so soft. When he glanced down at their connection, it took his breath away. Her fingers darker than his, smaller, perfectly manicured pink nails, dainty. He wanted to lift those fingers to his lips and kiss the tip of every one.

  Instead, he shifted his gaze back to meet hers. “We can’t get involved. Tony asked me to check up on you. I’m certain that was all he intended.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Spare me a lecture about overprotective brothers. Tony isn’t here. I’m a grown adult. What I do with my time is none of his business.”

  “Yeah, well. I would know, and there’s no way in hell I could face him when I return to base if I slept with his sister.”

  She shrugged. “So, we won’t sleep.”

  He groaned. “Arianna…”

  “Why does it have to be such a big deal? How about if we just go with the flow and see what happens?”

  “Because you’re not some woman I just met who’s interested in a fling.”

  She shrugged. “Why the hell not?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Because I would never do that to you, even if Tony weren’t your brother. You’re not that kind of woman. I’m not a relationship guy. I have nothing to offer anyone. My entire focus for all but four weeks out of every year is on saving lives and staying alive myself. I’ve never wanted to be involved long-term with a woman. It’s a choice I made years ago. I see what it does to the rest of my team when they have to worry about someone other than themselves. It can put lives in danger.”

  He lowered his voice, taking a deep breath. “I’m married to my job. I don’t have time for a woman.”

  “Whoa.” She leaned back, tugging her hand free of his tight grip. “Who said anything about a relationship? If that’s what you’re worried about, you can ease your mind on that right now. I don’t date military men. Ever. For the same reasons you just listed. While you’ve watched what it does to your team, I’ve spent my life watching what it does to my relatives and friends, the ones left behind. The ones who worry and cry and stress over men they rarely see and have no idea where they’re even located. I’ve watched women give birth alone and raise kids alone and devote themselves to a very stressful life of single parenthood.” She shook her head rapidly. “I never want that, so don’t worry about me looking for anything long-term.”

  Jesus. Her words shocked him. They also unnerved him. He couldn’t picture her having a fling and then walking away. He couldn’t even picture himself doing so, not with Arianna. Not with Tony’s sister.

  “The point is we agree on this issue, so it’s not an issue.”

  He smirked again. “Except it is, because Tony is still your brother.”

  “So don’t tell him. He’s not my keeper, Justus. He doesn’t get to decide who I date or even who I sleep with. I’m sure he still thinks I’m some virginal girl who hasn’t been kissed.” She laughed.

  Justus winced. He would also like to think that were true, even if it was unrealistic.

  She groaned. “Come on, Justus. I’m twenty-three years old. You don’t really think I’m a virgin, do you?”

  Now he cringed. “Can we perhaps not talk about your sex life with other men?” He gripped the railing with his left hand, trying to shake away images of Arianna in bed with another man. Another man who wasn’t himself.

  She laughed again. “Sure. If it makes you feel better.”

  “It does.” He rubbed his forehead, staring at her. Dammit. What a mess. The only reason he’d brought this subject up was because he needed to put his foot down and ensure she didn’t have any ideas. Apparently, she did have ideas and his plan had just backfired on him.

  If Tony were here, he would have a coronary. Wouldn’t he? Justus thought back on all the times Tony had brought up Arianna over the years. The man had grumbled about her date to senior prom, ranting about knowing the guy’s older brother and hoping Arianna’s date wasn’t as handsy as he remembered his brother was with the girls.

  When Arianna had gone to college, Justus had overheard Tony lecturing her about college boys and their one-track minds over Skype. At the time, Justus had chuckled to himself. Now, standing here in this gorgeous setting with a fully grown-up Arianna, seeing her as a woman—someone he would definitely hit on if she were anyone else—Justus could picture Tony punching him in the face for the thoughts running through his mind.

  Chapter 4

  Holy shit. Arianna could not wrap her mind around this latest development. Before today, Justus had never looked at her for more than a passing glance. Of course that had been years ago, but she’d had visions of a man who would see her as nothing more than a young girl.

  Yes, she had hoped. Plotted. Planned this trip for him. She hadn’t truly expected him to be interested in her, though. Sh
e’d simply thought it would be fun to spend time with him no matter how much of himself he shared.

  To say she was shocked by today’s events was an understatement.

  Not once since he’d arrived had he looked at her the way he had when she was young. Every time she caught him staring at her, his gaze was smoldering in a way that made her breasts swell and her sex clench. Her panties had been wet since early that morning.

  There was an intensity in his eyes that told her he was usually a serious man, which shouldn’t surprise her considering how dangerous his job was and how much responsibility he shouldered. Tony often had the same look.

  It was a look that came from men who’d seen too much and kept secrets buried so deep they would never talk of them. It was a look she’d seen on many of her relatives and others who’d spent any time overseas fighting for their country.

  But it was more than that. He seemed to peer into her deeper than anyone ever had as if he could somehow manage to know her better if he stared hard enough.

  She shivered under the scrutiny, getting the feeling she was not wrong. He could read her well.

  As they stood on that bridge, something changed between them. An unspoken agreement of sorts. Maybe it wouldn’t be today, but she knew they were going to wind up in bed together. She also knew it was going to be amazing and confusing and earth-shattering. In ten days, he would leave, and she would be left alone.

  But it would be worth it. This brief vacation with Justus Kirkland was all she would ever get. It would have to last a lifetime, so she intended to make every second count.

  For now, she needed to change the subject fast to avoid him turning her down before anything even started between them. She needed more time to convince him to let go of his obvious concerns and enjoy a fling with her.

  “Hungry?” she asked, breaking the weird spell.

  He nodded. “I could eat, though my body is totally confused from jet lag.”

  She reached for his arm and boldly slid her palm down his muscles until she reached his hand. Threading their fingers together, she took a step back. “Let’s go eat.”

  They wandered through the shopping district on the other side of the harbour, not saying anything. He hadn’t balked at her holding his hand, and in fact he switched their grip and kept her close to his side.

  Her heart beat faster as they meandered through the crowd of people gathering to shop and dine after work. His warmth spread up her arm and into her body.

  Yeah, they had crossed a line, one they seemed to have mutually agreed upon without specifically stating as much. It was enough that they both had aired their concerns about the future and made it clear neither of them was interested in anything beyond this trip.

  It was possible he still had reservations, but he was just going to have to get over himself. She didn’t care if he chose to lie about their shared vacation or be truthful. She would abide by whatever he decided.

  Justus suddenly lifted his gaze. “Hey look, a Hard Rock Café. How about here?”

  She smiled. “Ten thousand restaurants in Sydney, and you want to eat at Hard Rock?”

  He shrugged. “It’s iconic. Come on.” He tugged on her arm and entered the chain restaurant. Five minutes later they were seated near a window that overlooked the harbour, fortunate enough to have scored a booth with a view.

  “Gotta warn you,” he stated as soon as the waiter handed them menus and left them to ponder the selections, “I plan to drink my way across this country. Beer, I mean. I intend to try every single local brew I can get my hands on.”

  She smiled, knowing she was going to shock him. “I can do that. I enjoy beer. In fact, I’ve already been here nine months. I know my way around the local breweries.”

  He stared at her again for a long time, his lips lifted in a smile. And then he shook his head and resumed perusing the menu. “I’m in so much trouble,” he mumbled.

  When the waiter came, Justus ordered a Redback Original from the Matilda Bay Brewing Company. She nodded at the waiter, indicating she would have the same thing.

  As soon as they were alone again, Justus set his elbows on the table and leaned forward. “My internal clock is messed up. I don’t know if it’s morning, noon, or night.”

  “Yeah, it takes a few days to acclimate. I found it’s much worse coming to a time zone eighteen hours ahead than any other place I’ve ever been. I’m not looking forward to the return either. I’ve heard it can take two weeks to recover, especially when it comes to meals and sleeping.”

  “I hope that doesn’t happen. I won’t have that option. I’ll be back on base expected to have my head screwed on straight the next day.”

  “Good luck with that,” she teased.

  “I think I’m the only member of the team who went to the other side of the world for leave.”

  She set her chin on her palm and leaned toward him. She loved the timbre of his voice and encouraged him to continue talking. “Where did everyone else go?”

  “Oh, God. All over. Tony’s in Rome, of course, for your parents’ anniversary party.”


  “Jace went to Hawaii. Rio went to Savannah. T-Bone went to New Orleans. Levi went to Alaska. And Aidan went to Vegas. Zach was planning to stick around home, but I heard he ended up heading for Tijuana.” He gifted her with one of his dazzling smiles that made her shiver.

  “Wow. You guys worked hard to make sure you didn’t run into each other,” she joked.

  He laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “It seems that way. I tried to talk Rocket into coming with me to Australia, but he declined.”

  “Which one’s Rocket?”

  “Aidan. Sorry. He decided he’d rather hit the open road on his motorcycle.” Justus’s face lit up when he spoke of his SEAL team. They were like brothers.

  Damn, he was good looking. Everything about him, from his height to his muscular body to his intense face. She’d noticed women giving him a double take everywhere they went. Some men too.

  Could she be lucky enough to claim him for the next ten days? To wrap her arm around his everywhere they went in a way that told everyone else to back off?

  She stared at his lips, wondering what it would feel like to kiss him and when he might take that step. Or perhaps she could boldly do so herself. Would he be the sort of man who kissed her openly in public?

  A shiver raced down her spine as she pondered the idea.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, his voice gravelly. He reached across the table and grasped one of her hands.

  She hesitated, but why bother beating around the bush? If they were going to do this thing, why waste several days pretending otherwise? “I was wondering what your lips will feel like against mine. If your kisses might be rough and demanding or sweet and soft. If you’re a private man or someone who doesn’t mind a little PDA.”

  She watched him swallow, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he did so. The intensity she’d grown to expect from him increased, his deep green eyes burrowing into her. His fingers gripped hers harder.

  She clenched her thighs together, moisture pooling between her legs. She wished the world would disappear so that she could fuck him on this very table, to hell with propriety.

  The waiter returned and set their beers down in front of them.

  Without shifting his gaze from her, he ordered nachos for them to share.

  Finally, he spoke to her again. “Are you always this forward?”

  She shook her head, slightly embarrassed now. “No. Never. It’s you. I’ve dreamed about you since high school. You were my first crush. And now you’re here. In the flesh. Sexier than I even remembered. And the way you look at me…” Her voice trailed off. What else was there to say? He emboldened her because she could see he was a willing participant in her daydreams.

  “You’re playing with fire,” he informed her, still pinning her to the bench seat with his gaze.

  “I don’t care.”

  “This can’t go bey
ond this trip,” he reminded her.

  “I don’t want it to.”

  The waiter showed up with their nachos, and Justus released her hand to make room on the table. He leaned back, still looking at her, his gaze making her melt. “Both,” he finally said.

  “Both what?” she asked, confused.

  “My kisses will be both rough and demanding and soft and sweet. Depends on my mood.”

  She swallowed, unable to breathe.

  He sat up straighter and then leaned closer. “And I’ll be kissing you whenever I feel like it, without concern for who might be watching.”

  Holy shit. She might be in over her head, but she didn’t care.

  They slowly ate the nachos, not ordering anything else. It wasn’t necessary. The plate of food was monstrous, and besides, Arianna could barely chew and swallow. All she could think about was when he might kiss her. There was no longer any need to be bold about it. She’d put the ball in his court. Now she would let him decide.

  When they were finished eating, he helped her into her jacket and set a hand on the small of her back as they left the restaurant. She nearly floated as they retraced their steps and boarded the ferry. It was dark and chilly.

  He led her back to the top again and took a spot where they would see the view in every direction.

  She was shivering, both from cold and nerves and anticipation as she gripped the railing and looked out over the water. He set a hand on either side of hers and pressed into her back. “Cold?”

  “A little.” She glanced at his bare arms. “Why aren’t you?”

  He set his chin on her shoulder. “I told you I’m gonna need the entire trip just to cool down. I’ve spent months at Camp Lemonnier on the Horn of Africa. It’s hotter than hell there.”

  She sighed and leaned against him. He reminded her that he lived in a totally different world most of the year, a world she would never understand, even if she tried. She needed to harden her heart if she was going to live through this trip, or more importantly the weeks that followed.

  Because that was all she would ever get from him. Ten days. A lot could happen in ten days. A lot had happened in the last ten hours.


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