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Hot SEAL, Australian Nights: SEALs in Paradise

Page 9

by Jameson, Becca

Justus shook his hand, albeit reluctantly, judging by the pressure of his other hand on Arianna’s back. Great. Just what they needed. Another encounter. Another disagreement. He did not point out that Arianna was in fact their very own travel planner. “Must have.”

  “Did you guys eat yet?” Chris asked. He pointed toward the exit. “I was just going to grab some lunch. I saw an amazing crêpe restaurant while I was wandering around. I would love the company.” He faced them both and cleared his throat. “Or not.” He chuckled. “I don’t want to intrude.”

  Arianna smiled. “Sounds delightful. I love crêpes. Please, join us.”

  Chris turned around and headed for the exit. He was several feet in front of them when Justus mocked her in a low voice. “Yes, please. How delightful.”

  She swatted his chest and shot him a glare. “Be nice. They guy’s fiancée left him at the altar,” she hissed.

  Justus rolled his eyes.

  Great. Wonderful.

  * * *

  It was only a short walk to the restaurant that clearly charmed Arianna. She was nearly giddy as they took seats on an outdoor patio at what she referred to as a “quaint, little crêpe place.”

  Justus rather wished the earth would swallow him whole since he’d prefer to be anywhere on the planet alone with Arianna, while at the same time nowhere in the presence of this Chris character.

  Perhaps Justus was being unreasonable due to the fact that his days with Arianna were numbered and he didn’t want to share her, but the more time they spent with Chris, the higher the hairs stood up on Justus’s arms.

  He couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d seen the guy before, though probably the reality was he could easily star in any villain movie ever produced. He just had that vibe about him. Fake. Skeevy.

  Arianna obviously didn’t get the same feeling. She chatted away with him about his job and his life story. She even made excuses for Justus, inventing a lie that Justus was introverted and not very social. She patted him on the thigh and shot him a wide-eyed glare that Chris couldn’t see.

  One thing was for sure, Justus needed to keep his thoughts to himself or risk arguing with Arianna for the duration of their trip.

  The guy looked normal enough, he supposed. Clean-shaven. Dressed like any other tourist. His clothes were a little worn and shabby, but Justus wouldn’t judge a man based on something like that.

  The crêpes were delicious. At least there was that bonus. Since every single item on the menu looked amazing to Justus, he’d let Arianna choose, and they shared both a savory and a sweet.

  Justus even managed not to roll his eyes dramatically when Chris changed the subject from his work and home to his finances. It was as if he’d honed in on Justus and Arianna, dubbing them as wealthy for some reason, and deciding he could surely suck something out of them.

  The thing that most troubled Justus was that he knew Arianna hadn’t had many funds of her own before they’d stumbled upon their inadvertent windfall. She’d graduated from college and taken off to work and play for a year. Maybe she had a few thousand dollars, but that was it.

  Justus himself did have money saved up from years of not having expenses, but the military wasn’t exactly the sort of job people took to get rich. He was an ordinary guy with a few dollars invested for his future.

  So, what made Chris decide he could make a buck off a random couple sitting at a hotel bar? Because Justus was now completely convinced Chris’s entire motive was to take advantage of Arianna. In fact, Justus made a mental note to have her leave the cash she was carrying around strapped over her shoulder in the hotel safe from now on.

  Hell, she should probably leave the entire purse behind. If she wasn’t carrying anything but her phone and whatever else she could fit in her pockets, she wouldn’t look like a target for a pickpocket.

  “Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have come on this trip,” Chris was saying, when Justus decided to listen. “If I’d known Shelly had taken everything we jointly owned, I would have stayed home. Lord knows where she is now. Probably some beach vacation living off my money.”

  “I assume you contacted the authorities,” Justus stated, joining in only because he hoped to trap Chris in a lie.

  Chris shook his head. “Didn’t figure it would do any good. Her name was on the account. She technically had a legal right to withdraw it.” Of course he hadn’t. Justus doubted there even was a woman named Shelly. He doubted Chris had ever been engaged at all. He wasn’t even sure the man was from New Zealand at this point.

  “You said she maxed out the credit cards too? Did you freeze them?”

  Chris stared blankly for a moment. “I should do that.”

  Ya think?

  Then Chris’s shoulders fell. “Though it hardly matters right now since she can’t continue to use something that’s reached its limit. Thank God I prepaid for nearly everything on this trip, otherwise I would be stranded. As it is, I’m really only hard up for meals.”

  Of course you are. How convenient.

  Arianna reached for the creep and set a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. What a mess. I can’t even imagine. Lunch is on us.” She jerked her hand back, and without glancing at Justus, she opened her damn purse and pulled out two hundred dollars, handing it to Chris. “Here. Take this. At least you can relax, knowing you’ll be able to eat for the rest of the vacation.”

  Justus stiffened, but it was too late to stop her, and besides, he decided maybe it might be perfect that she’d given Chris that money. Maybe the man would leave them alone now. If Justus could have Arianna all to himself without having to share her with a vagrant for the rest of the trip, it would be well worth the two hundred dollars.

  Chris held the money, staring at it and then lifting his gaze to Arianna. “I can’t take this. It’s for your own holiday.” He held it out as if he intended to give it back.

  Arianna shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve been fortunate. Just paying it forward.”

  Justus held his breath. If she mentioned the ring or the reward, he might lose his shit. Luckily, she did not.

  Chris wiped the corner of his eye as he quietly mumbled his thanks.

  Justus barely managed to avoid groaning at the ridiculously fake display of emotion. Instead, he gritted his teeth and paid their bill. Finally, the meal was over. If only they could shake this creep…

  The three of them stood, and thank God Chris excused himself, saying he was going to head back down on the Skyrail. He waved at them as he wandered off, and Justus finally released a long breath.

  Arianna faced him, set her hands on his chest, and glared at him. “Stop it. You’re being dramatic. He’s just a guy down on his luck. Besides, I gave him money. I doubt we’ll see him again if that’s what he was after.”

  Justus rubbed his hands up and down her arms and then leaned in to kiss her forehead. “You’re sweet and kind and so very naïve. I hope you’re right, but I’d bet my last dollar we haven’t seen the last of Chris Metz, or whatever his name is.”

  She gave Justus a dazzling smile. “Is this a real bet?”

  Justus smirked. “Whatcha got to bet with, baby?” he teased.

  “Mmm.” She bit her lower lip for a moment and then released it to smile. “Sex.”

  His eyes widened. “Pardon? What are you planning to do? Withhold it if you’re right?”

  “Nope.” She spun around, giggling as she took his hand and dragged him down the path toward the souvenir shops. When they were out of earshot, she stopped, lifted onto her toes, and whispered, “If I win, and we don’t see Chris again, you have to take me to a super fancy restaurant all dressed up with several courses and expensive wine before taking me back to the hotel room and ravaging my body until I’ve come so many times I lose track.”

  He chuckled. “How is that a loss for me? Hell, we have plenty of money. We can go shopping right now, buy any dress you want, and dine at the finest place in town.” He leaned in closer, setting his lips on her ear. “I can’t
think of anything I’d rather do than spend hours worshipping your body. Be careful what you wish for.”

  She shivered, and her cheeks were flushed when he leaned back.

  “Let’s hear it,” he said.


  He laughed again. “The other half of the bet. It was your idea. What do I get when I win?” He lifted a finger. “And passing him in the hotel lobby doesn’t count. That’s a distinct possibility. The bet only applies if he worms his way into our plans again, joining us at a table or the bar or on an excursion. It has to be a situation where he manages to get us to pay for something.”

  She nodded. “Agreed.”

  “Good. So what do I win?”

  She winked at him. “A sexy striptease complete with lingerie and heels, followed by me fucking you in whatever position you want.”

  It was totally not like him, but damn if he didn’t blush too. He wrapped an arm around her and yanked her body flush against his. With his lips hovering so close, they brushed hers before he said, “Baby, I don’t think you would be much of a loser in that scenario any more than I would be in the other.”

  But damn he sure would enjoy watching her strip for him. A little music. Some wine. Her tanned skin in a sexy teddy… “Do I get to pick the lingerie?”

  “We’ll see.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips and then spun out of his arms again. “Come on. There’s more to see in Kuranda.”

  Chapter 12

  When Arianna opened her eyes the following morning, she found Justus propped on an elbow, staring down at her, grinning. “Ha,” he said immediately. “I finally woke up before you. I think I’m acclimated.”

  She smiled as she rolled toward him, pushing him onto his back and flattening herself to his side. “What time is it?”

  He ran a hand up and down her naked back, making her shiver. “Seven. We have to get moving. We’re supposed to be at the dock to meet the snorkel tour boat by eight.”

  “Mmm. How long is the trip? I forgot.”

  “It’s a full day. Aren’t you proud? I even looked at your itinerary. We won’t be back until tonight. It takes a long time to get to the Great Barrier Reef. They serve us lunch on the boat.”

  She kissed his chest and then flicked her tongue over his nipple.

  He grabbed her shoulders. “We’ll be late if you do that.” He wiggled out from under her and scooted off the bed, jerking out of her reach when she went after him. His damn fine ass filled her vision as he padded to the bathroom.

  She flopped onto her back and smiled up at the ceiling. Best. Vacation. Ever. Nothing would top this in her lifetime. The sexiest man in the world that she’d lusted after since she’d been a young teenager had proven to be even better than her wildest imagination.

  How many times had she visualized him kissing her, his hands roaming all over her body, his cock pressing against her? Hundreds. And the reality was even better. She wasn’t fourteen anymore. Her imagination had grown over the years. Though she hadn’t seen him in a long time, she’d never stopped fantasizing. Recently, she’d added to the fantasies—his mouth pressed against her sex, his cock buried inside her, his hands holding her down…

  “What are you grinning about?” he asked, his hands planted next to her, one knee on the bed. She hadn’t heard him return.

  “I’m just happy.” She cupped his face. “Thanks for spending your holiday with me.”

  “My pleasure. Just you, me, and Chris Metz. Fantasies come true.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Come on. Be fair. I’m going to win the bet. I promise we won’t see him again.” Arianna was confident. The guy was too humble to join them again. She’d seen the pain in his eyes. He’d felt horrible accepting their money.

  Justus shoved off the bed and then reached across and grabbed Arianna by the waist, hauling her to her feet. “Grab a bikini. Let’s get moving.”

  * * *

  Justus didn’t breathe easily until he was settled on the boat, his arm around Arianna, a couple they hadn’t met before sitting across the table from them, and no sign of Chris.

  From the moment they’d boarded, he’d started scanning the occupants, keeping a close eye on the dock. It wasn’t until the boat pulled away that he finally fully exhaled.

  Arianna shot him several glares, but she didn’t say a word. She knew him well enough to realize he’d been expecting Chris to show up. She even smirked at him when they left port.

  The couple who’d been assigned to share their table was about their age. Friendly. Fun. Also on vacation. Arianna chatted with them from the moment they’d sat down. As soon as Justus could relax, he joined the conversation.

  The weather was beautiful. The sun was out. The temperature was not too cold.

  Justus loved spending time with Arianna. She was radiant. Her thick hair was down and blowing around, which he suspected she did for him because she knew he liked it.

  He spent most of the boat ride sitting cocked to the side next to her, one hand on the back of their bench seat, his fingers toying with her hair as she chatted. Every time she looked his direction, her face was flushed and her eyes danced with warmth.

  He was falling for her. Harder than he’d ever thought possible. He hadn’t thought he was even capable of such a thing, and it was completely against his personal policy. He needed to find a way to rein in his emotions and keep his heart guarded. Maintaining any sort of relationship with her after this vacation was out of the question.

  To the best of his knowledge, she hadn’t spoken to anyone in her family since he’d arrived. He’d noticed a text from Tony had come in while they were sleeping, but he’d ignored it. Tony was still oblivious. His text had been brief, asking if Justus had found Arianna okay. Justus and Arianna still needed to bump heads and figure out what sort of story they were going to tell after this trip so their narrative was the same.

  Lying to Tony seemed out of the question. Telling Tony that Justus had slept with his sister and then left her high and dry was also out of the question. It was a conundrum he really should have put more thought into before letting his dick run the show.

  He shook thoughts of the future from his mind as the boat anchored and then he and Arianna headed for the rear of the ship to get their wetsuits and snorkeling gear. He’d worn many wetsuits in his life. This was Arianna’s first time.

  He laughed as she jumped up and down, trying to get the suit over her hips and then up her body.

  “You gonna help? Or just use me for your personal humor?” She was still grinning as she leaned toward him and kissed him briefly, the suit hanging halfway up her body, her fantastic tits hanging in front of him, clad only in a skimpy white bikini.

  He grabbed the suit alongside her hips and jerked it upward, lifting her clear off the ground. It worked, though. The last part of the bottom slid over her ass as she squealed, grabbing his shoulders. “Justus.”

  “What? You’re in.” He lifted the back half and helped guide her arms into the sleeves. The suit was tight around her hourglass body. Never before had he considered a wetsuit sexy, but today, even though it was covering up her far sexier string bikini, somehow on Arianna, it made his dick hard.

  She awkwardly struggled with the mask and snorkel next, and then the fun part. The fins.

  “Baby, don’t put them on until you’re sitting on the edge of the back of the boat ready to jump in. It’s too hard to walk in them, and nearly impossible to navigate the steps down to the water.” He took them from her hand and carried both of their pairs to the back of the boat.

  It was crowded with everyone aiming to get into the water. Luckily, they had been assigned time slots to cut down on the jam of people and confusion. There was no reason to be in a hurry. They would have more than enough time in the water.

  Justus handed Arianna her fins as they sat next to each other, legs dangling inches above the water. He slid his on at the same time as her. “Ready?” he asked as he settled his goggles over his eyes.

  “Yep. Ca
n’t wait.” She shoved off the edge right before him, hitting the water with a splash.

  The moment he joined her and put his face in the water, he knew this trip had been well worth it. An entire colorful world of fish awaited them. When he tipped his face toward Arianna under the water, he could see even through her mask that her eyes were wide with excitement.

  She grabbed his hand and they swam several yards away from the boat. Every few seconds, she pointed at something.

  It was hard not to grin and take water into his mouth while seeing the Great Barrier Reef through the eyes of Arianna. Even though he’d never been to this part of the world, he’d been snorkeling in many places around the globe.

  The reef itself was a bit depressing. Most of its color was washed out as it was slowly dying off. The fish were stunning, however. He could float here at sea, soaking in the array of vibrant colors for hours.

  It was hard to keep track of another person in the water, but he managed to keep an eye on Arianna and usually had a hand on her body somewhere. Hip. Back. Legs. Arm. Anything. It wasn’t entirely necessary, but he found he liked to be near her, keep her close. Even during this excursion that had permitted very little interaction and no conversation, he wanted to connect with her.

  She returned the favor, often clasping his hand or settling hers on some part of his body. When they finally returned to the boat, starving for lunch, she was all smiles. “My God, that was beautiful,” she said as soon as they popped out of the water and removed their snorkels.

  “It was.” He pulled her close, though it was hard to maintain contact since they were both bobbing up and down in the water. “Thank you for planning this excursion. Hell, thank you for planning all of them. You’ve done a fantastic job. But this one was the best.”

  “My pleasure. Thank you for allowing me to come along.”

  “It wasn’t as if you gave me options,” he teased. “You hijacked my vacation.”

  “Are you sorry?” she lifted a brow, grinning.


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