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Page 3

by Raquel Taylor

  He grabbed Halen’s hand—the one that was splayed so wistfully against the window glass—the little cry of half pleasure and half annoyance was nice, but not what Xaiser was after; he ignored the stirring in his cocks at the sound—and dragged Halen across the room. It was about halfway that the struggle began.

  “Let me go!” Halen demanded. His voice was ferocious with rage. His legs were kicking.

  Xaiser didn’t mind. Any reaction from the pale and beautiful creature was better than no reaction at all. He was also relatively easy to handle, despite his struggles. Human strength did not even begin to compare to that of one born to the Sylvian Cluster.

  Xaiser shoved Halen into the shower, lanced by his chosen lover’s angry, golden glare. The diamond blue waters washed over Halen’s flesh while Xaiser held him there. Human curses rained upon him. Xaiser understood only about half of them. The one about intercourse with his mother was particularly amusing in a blasphemous way and laughter poured from him.

  His laughter seemed to confuse Halen completely.

  “You think this is funny?!” he asked, wide-eyed and indignant.

  Xaiser was trying to remember the last time that he had laughed. He was so caught up in searching for that distant, pain-soaked memory, he almost missed the part where he got slapped. It didn’t hurt, but the shock of it brought his attention to the naked, writhing thing in the shower—the thing that had dared to raise a hand to him with ire in it. Both his cocks raged in instant lust-filled reaction.

  “You can’t just abduct people from their homes…bring them…here and molest--!” Halen was saying.

  “I can,” Xaiser assured him. “And I have.”

  He pressed himself fully into the shower, allowing the door to slide shut behind him. His body surged against Halen’s, pressing the smaller male into the wall, allowing him little room, even to breathe. Both his cocks ached with need against the muscled flatness of the pale stomach before him. His hands captured Halen’s and drew them above the blond head until he could grasp them, vice-like, in one fist. Halen’s body shuddered against his and that was nice, but the weak, rapidly waning, challenge in those incredible golden eyes was even nicer.

  Xaiser sought to defeat even that little bit of a challenge. He pressed his lips against Halen’s, softly at first, seeking more confusion from the little human. He knew that he could take what he wanted, that Halen would be helpless against his touch. But he didn’t want that. What he wanted was to watch that challenge die a slow death. He sought the sweetness of total, willing surrender.

  The feel of Halen’s mouth was electric and Xaiser—much better skilled in the art of seduction than he usually needed to be—was not unaffected. It took a concentrated effort not to totally ravish the mouth trapped against his, especially when it started to squirm, sought some freedom in which to continue its meaningless jabber about what a prince of The Three Planets could and could not do.

  He waited, his tenuous grip on patience wearing thinner and thinner by the millisecond, desire coursing through him with the intensity of battle frenzy. Tentatively, the mouth against his opened the tiniest bit. He suspected that it was to say another pointless something that wasn’t going to change anything. He didn’t give it that chance.

  Halen’s tongue was as hot as the rest of his body, hotter than the gentle warmth of the diamond blue waters that spiraled over them. Xaiser captured that tongue and assured it that it was his. Halen’s breathless gasps didn’t matter, nor did the fact that he stopped struggling, the new limpness of his body turning quickly demanding as he surged toward Xaiser, met him full on. It was not surrender enough. He had not begged yet or taken back a single one of his foul human curses. Only then would Xaiser be satisfied.

  His free hand slid down the human’s side until it reached his pelvic bone. He allowed his fingers to linger there, playing the many sensations just beneath the skin of that place like Halen’s body was a musical instrument. And then his hand slid through slight golden hair to grasp the hot smoothness of the human’s hard cock and he got the satisfaction of swallowing the scream that came with that touch.

  Tearing away from the kiss, pulling on the aching flesh in his hand, Xaiser studied Halen. Eyes closed, head thrown back, moans that wanted to be screams issuing from him at rhythmic intervals in time with the jerking of his cock, Halen was the very picture of submission. Yet, Xaiser still sensed anger swirling around amongst the helpless lust. He meant to break that too. Perhaps that is what it would take for Halen to be able to see that being chosen was not such a bad thing after all.

  The first time that Xaiser had touched Halen’s cock, the human had simply passed out. His golden eyes fluttered open for a second and Xaiser saw the slow dawning of the blissful sanctuary of unconsciousness in them before they fluttered closed again. He wasn’t having that now. He drew his hands away from Halen’s wrist and cock, stepping back as much as he could in the tiny chamber.

  * * * *

  Halen’s eyes snapped open. Sheer, unadulterated want suffused him. Xaiser’s touch could bring pleasure and pain, sometimes both, so easily, so completely. He loved it—as terrible a self-admission as that was, it was the truth. In that first instant that the touch was taken away, he didn’t know what to do. Lust was feral in him, savage. It curled his toes and locked his fingers into shaking fists at his sides.

  “I--” he began, trying to think of something to say other than, ‘please, fuck me now’.” But there wasn’t anything else to say because that was exactly what he wanted. His heart beat to the rhythm of the mad throbbing in his dick.

  Before him, Xaiser folded his arms across the cerulean blue perfection of his chest, his black eyes blazing with an expression that Halen couldn’t quite read. “You were saying, human?” he asked. There was marked impatience in the growl of a question.

  “What are you doing?” he asked finally, sheepishly.

  Xaiser’s smile was a grim thing. “Nothing,” he said. “I suddenly remembered that you did not want me touching you. I am not touching you.” The smile lengthened, a wolf-like amusement curling its edges. “That is, unless you would have it otherwise. But you must say so.”

  “What does it matter what I want?” Halen asked softly, “I am a slave. You can do what you want.”

  Xaiser’s black eyes narrowed. “It would please me to hear it.”

  “You should know exactly what I want,” Halen whispered. “I thought you could read my mind.”

  “I could, if I so chose,” Xaiser said leaning forward in the tiny space allowed. Halen shrank back instinctively. Hands fell on either side of his head. Still, Xaiser was careful not to touch him. “I want to hear you say, ‘I want you, Xaiser’…‘I am yours, Xaiser.”

  His nearness was not quite as intoxicating as his touch, but it was more than enough to set Halen to shaking all over again. He couldn’t say those things, could he? It was such a stupid thing for an alien slaver to want…an alien slaver that had taken a chance on murdering him in order to fuck him. A total bastard.

  His body and his mind warred; his indignation at being captured and manhandled, fucked and almost killed, falling by the wayside in favor of lust. That is what he told himself it was anyway…lust and nothing more. He would be gone soon enough. Was it so bad to want…this?

  He dropped his eyes from Xaiser’s liquid black gaze and pressed his lips against his chest. “I want you, Xaiser,” he said. The flesh beneath his lips tensed along with the rest of the blue body it was attached too. The liquid flames of daring to touch Xaiser ran over Halen’s skin in riotous waves. His cock hardened agonizingly.

  “And?” Xaiser growled. It was almost an animal’s sound, barely checked, predatory and extremely dangerous.

  “I am yours.”

  Xaiser cupped Halen’s chin suddenly and lifted his head up, staring deeply into his eyes as if looking for something. Whatever he was looking for, he didn’t find and the disappointment showed in the instant before lust took over. Xaiser’s fingers trailed
down Halen’s chest and Halen couldn’t breathe. He found his breathing, however, when one finger flicked over his left nipple. Ragged gasps were torn from him as it happened again and again—the pressure of the tiny blows increasing and decreasing at Xaiser’s whim. Sometimes the little flickers were close to damningly painful as the nipple hardened to the consistency of stone and achingly, silently begged for more punishment. Xaiser’s hot mouth followed the workings of his fingers and the pleasure of the rough suckling drove Halen back into the shower wall.

  Halen found his fingers in Xaiser’s hair, wrapping around the wet length as he tried to pull him even closer. He felt the exquisite scrape of Xaiser’s elongated fangs around the flesh of his nipple and the pain of it drove his hips forward in spasmodic reaction. He pulled Xaiser’s hair and got a warning growl for it and then pulled harder. The bite he received in return as those fangs entered his flesh made him scream, the impassioned sound loud and desperate beneath the rush of water.

  Xaiser was pushing him back, even though there was nowhere to go and yet he yielded, wanting whatever came next more than he had ever wanted anything in his life. Xaiser’s mouth left a hot trail down his stomach and then his tongue flicked across the tip of his dick, and Halen thought he would lose his mind.

  Blue lips locked around the head of his cock and then sucked him in slowly. Halen felt like his soul was being sucked out the head of his dick inch by inch and he found himself perfectly willing to let it go. Hands grasped his ass cheeks, pulling the flesh apart as fingers delved within the heated crack. His mind tried to focus on the pleasure of Xaiser’s mouth as it glided roughly over his cock, but questing fingers found his asshole and his world went brilliant winter white beyond the lenses of his eyes as two fingers found their way inside him.

  His mind stuttered as those fingers began to work. Every thrust from them sent his body surging forward, his cock driving into the vacuum-like mouth that had captured it. Pain and pleasure intermingled until he just didn’t care anymore. He could hear his own voice, the desperation in his wild cries as the fingers took up a demanding rhythm to match that of the mouth on his cock. He stood on his toes, his hands wrapped in Xaiser’s hair, his mind shrieking nonsense words and his mouth mimicking those cries—which turned to pleas soon enough…frantic pleas that Xaiser didn’t seem the least bit inclined to pay attention to. Merciful climax came in the form of white-hot explosion that caused his knees to go as weak as warm butter at the same time that his body tensed with the sheer power of his release. He would have fallen, twitching like an epileptic, had not Xaiser been there to catch him.

  “You said some terrible things about my mother and I,” Xaiser said, the ghost of a smile on his face, “some terrible things in general.”

  And you tried to kill me, Halen thought, but did not say. What he said was, “I’m sorry.”

  Suddenly Halen found himself lifted in the air, feet completely off the floor, his back pressed against the wall, his legs over muscled blue arms. He did not have time to consider the oddity of the position overmuch. The hardness of one royal blue cock slid between his legs to lie against the softness of his own. The other, wet and more than ready pressed against the muscle of his asshole. He faltered in the air, his arms going instinctively to Xaiser’s shoulders for purchase.

  The cock that stood against Halen’s own erupted, sending a warm pale blue jelly-like liquid dancing over his belly and down the crack of his ass. He marveled at that, and then Xaiser was inside of him and he forgot everything else…even his name.

  Halen gasped as Xaiser thrust inside him, and for the first few moments, he could only hold on, his nails digging into the hard smooth flesh of Xaiser’s shoulders. When the pleasure came, riding pain like it was a champion racehorse, it was as delicious as it had been the first time Xaiser had taken him. It was also too much. He did his best to ride it out, his hips matching Xaiser’s thrust for thrust.

  The world grayed all around him. The sound of Xaiser’s determined groans mixing with the patter of the shower waters loud in his ears. He hung on, refusing to give into the ecstatic blackness that had come to claim him. There was something he wanted first. Something he needed to feel. With a low growl, Xaiser came. Halen smiled and passed out.

  * * * *

  He awoke in the swinging bed alone, the collar around his throat ranting at him in an intermingling of static and alien speech. It was the voice of Ogema-Aziel. The sound of it caused Halen to shoot upright in the bed.

  “Human!” it demanded.

  “Yes?” Halen answered.

  “It took you long enough,” Ogema-Aziel growled. “Our window of opportunity has almost passed! You do not seem like one who wishes to escape to me!”

  “I--” Halen began. Don’t, his mind finished for him.

  It was a stunning realization, but it was real.

  “Where is Xaiser?” It occurred to him to ask.

  The voice on the other end of the transmission went quiet for a moment.

  “I called him away. This is an escape plan remember? We wouldn’t want his Lordship’s presence to ruin it, would we?”

  The tone was decidedly nasty, but Halen decided to ignore it in favor of telling the alien that he was grateful but he had changed his mind. He reached under the pillows and grabbed the disruptor. Even holding it felt like some kind of terrible betrayal. He wanted to give it back.

  “There are clothes in that prison chamber. Slide back the right panel and you will find them. There are no guards in your hall. They are all on the same counterfeit mission that I sent the prince on. Find the clothes, human. We are running out of time.”

  Halen scrambled out of the bed, his mind a conflicted thing as he faced the walls of the chamber and began running his hands across them. A few doors slid back with varying things inside. A small panel opened to reveal a set of black cloth. He dove into the clothing, his mind whirling with thoughts of earth and home. Ogema-Aziel offered freedom, a return to the life he knew. What had Xaiser ever offered him but a sparse little prison of a room and great sex?


  The word echoed in his brain. Where it had repulsed and frightened him before, he now found some appeal in it that he could not quite fathom. He didn’t want to go. He had no one on earth of any consequence and…and he was in love, full on in love, with this damnable alien prince.

  “Are you ready, human?”

  Halen jumped at the harshness of the voice. “Yes.” Halen was ready to return the disruptor, ready to thank the alien personally for going out of his way to help him. But he wasn’t going anywhere. He told the small part of him that saw no sense in his actions to go to hell.

  “Good,” Ogema-Aziel said, his voice gentler with satisfaction. “Take the door to the hall, turn right. Follow that corridor until you come to the docking bay. I will be at the end of the docking bay ramp. The ship to freedom is waiting, human. Hurry!”

  Halen moved. He wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what punishment would await him if Xaiser returned to the little chamber and found him gone. He also couldn’t imagine why the thought of said punishment made his dick hard.

  The door opened for him easily enough to expose the long branching corridor of the alien ship. The walls throbbed with luminescent white light in the steady rhythm of a beating heart. He moved down the hallway slowly at first but when he saw no one he grew bolder.

  The walls of the corridor were curved, not angled, and warm as he pressed his back against them and made his way to his destination. He stumbled into the docking bay. The chamber was huge and suffused with light. There were magnificent ships strewn about everywhere. Halen caught movement on one of the ships and his heart froze in his chest.

  The little gray creature seemed to be made of mud. It didn’t stand over three feet tall as it eyed him from a ship’s wing. The tool clutched in its hand spat emerald laser fire.

  “What is taking so long, human?” the collar whisper-barked.
br />   “There’s some little gray mud-thing here,” Halen answered. “And it’s watching me.”

  “M’kai,” Ogema-Aziel growled. “Planet miner, also useful with certain brands of technology. You are safe. Hurry!”

  Halen ran the rest of the way across the docking bay. He spied the ramp and froze as he gazed at the dismal alien world of dry rock and stone that stretched out before his startled eyes. Twin amethyst moons competed for dominance in the jet-black sky.

  “There’s a rock formation. A big one. Right in front of you. Do you see it?” Ogema-Aziel asked. “Do not get alarmed if you find it slightly difficult to breathe. The air here is not like Earth’s, but it is palatable for your kind.”

  Halen made his way down the ramp tentatively sucking in air that seemed to have the consistency of water, yet managed not to kill him. The only formation that he saw that was big enough to hide a ship behind was a burnt orange color and towered to the black sky in jagged edged majesty.

  Ogema-Aziel waited behind the big rock in front of an oblong alien craft that hovered inches above the dusty ground. “Are you ready, human?” Ogema-Aziel said, the broad smile on his blue face seemingly composed of all elongated canines.

  “I wanted to thank you,” Halen said, taking a step back while staring into the nightmarish horror of that mouth. “But I have decided not to go.”

  He held out the disruptor, but couldn’t bring himself to take the necessary steps toward Ogema-Aziel to give him the thing.

  “I see,” the alien said. “So the chosen has chosen then. How lovely.”

  “I tried to avoid this,” the alien said. “I mean I was going to kill you anyway. But it would have been…cleaner. I slew my own brother for Xaiser. Sabotaged his Com so instead of the order to fall back that the rest of the squad heard, he was urged by the voice of his lover to press on into battle. And still our prince won’t look at me. What made him think that I would let him choose a weak, pathetic human instead, I will never know.”


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