A Dragon's Tale
Page 3
“It’s up to her, then. We’ll set a place at the table.”
“What about the Reapers? Erith?”
Rhi wanted to see Balladyn. He had been a great friend, and she was happy that he was getting a second chance as a Reaper. “I don’t know.”
“Because of Erith?”
“I know you two have a bond, and she’s responsible for me still being alive, but…”
“It’s too soon,” Con said. “I was wondering that myself.”
Rhi twisted her lips. “Then again, she and the Reapers are our allies. She’s helped both of us tremendously throughout the years. And she saved our children. No matter what, we can’t forget that.”
“I’ll let you decide.”
“No. This is something we do together. Erith was your friend when you needed one the most. I’ll love her forever for that.”
Con pulled Rhi against him. “And she saved you when Usaeil tried to kill you. For that alone, she has my gratitude. But…”
“She took the twins and raised them without telling either of us. All these long years... She might be a goddess, babe, but even she said that she’s not all-knowing.”
“Aye,” Con said with a nod, the look in his black eyes serious. “She also said she’s made many mistakes.”
Rhi drew in a deep breath and slowly released it. “If you’re able to take a step back and leave out emotion, it looks like everything she’s done has been to help us.”
“I think it has been.”
“I vote for inviting her and the Reapers. If for nothing else than to see if we can get past this see-saw of emotions when it comes to her.”
Con’s lips turned up in a grin. “I agree.”
“We can either have them here at the same time as the others, or we can do a separate event.”
“We’re celebrating winning, surviving, and loving. Why no’ have just one big party?”
She looked around at the stunning manor that had seen so much. Perhaps it was time to let go of the past—all of it. “Why not indeed?”
“Then I’ll get word to her.”
“Are you doing that now?”
“I can. Do you have something else in mind?”
Rhi smiled. “It’s still snowing out.”
He looked over her shoulder and out one of the windows. “Are you suggesting we have some fun?” he asked playfully.
“Oh, I’m not suggesting.”
Con let out a laugh as she began walking backward, pulling him by his hands. They rushed out of the house, laughing as they reached the snow. Rhi was the first to throw a snowball, hitting Con square in the chest. He retaliated by lobbing a huge snowball that knocked her on her ass in the thick snow.
There was no time to get up as he wrapped his arms around her and held her down in the powder. Their laughter died as they stared into each other’s eyes. Every time Rhi thought about all the years they had wasted by not being together, she grew sad. So many days and nights apart. But if she hadn’t gone through all of that, she wouldn’t be the person she was today. And she knew Con would say the same.
While it hurt that they had been separated, they were together now. Just another reminder that she needed to look ahead and let go of the past. Dwelling on it would only weigh her down. After all the obstacles she and Con had overcome to find each other again, she wouldn’t let the past tear them apart.
“Having you now makes me wonder how I got through all the other days without you,” Con said in a soft voice.
She looked at him through the snow flurries. “You did it because you’re King of Dragon Kings, and the others looked to you.”
“Nay, love. I did it because I hoped that one day, I’d have you again. That is the only reason I got through each day.”
“This time we’ve had alone without any of the others has been magical. I understand your duties, as well as mine as your mate, but I think it’s important to remember that every couple needs some time to themselves.”
He reached up and stroked his finger down her cheek. “I couldna agree more. I’m hoping we have a lot of downtime now that the Others have been dealt with, along with Usaeil.”
“Trying to set up the Fae council between the Light and Dark has taken a lot of time, as well. Things are progressing, but slowly. How long do you think it’ll be before another foe to the Kings or this realm rears its head?”
“I hope a verra long time. I’ve got many years of loving you to make up for,” he said as he rolled on top of her and lowered his mouth to hers.
Chapter Four
December 18th
* * *
The quiet of the manor was starting to get to Rhi. Every room in the house had been decorated for the holidays. Each fireplace had a Yule log, waiting to be lit. A menorah with candles sat on one of the tables.
Rhi found all mortal religions at this time of year interesting. She had decided to add the Hanukkah decoration since a couple of Dreagan employees were Jewish. They might not be at the party, but it was her way of celebrating everyone who was a part of the Dragon Kings’ world.
She saw the sun sinking into the horizon and made her way to the menorah. Rhi used the tallest candle in the middle to light them, starting from the right. As she did, she said the Hebrew prayer she had been taught.
When she finished, she stood in silence for a moment. That’s when she felt Con’s eyes on her. She didn’t need to turn around to know that he was behind her, watching. The past days alone with him had been amazing. She had taken many rides atop his back while he was in dragon form. They had covered all sixty thousand acres of Dreagan. Riding Con was something she’d never tire of.
“I’m finished,” she told him without turning around.
Con walked to her and placed a kiss on her lips. “That was beautiful.”
“I have so much more that I learned.”
“I’ve never thought much about learning any human traditions or religions. No’ even when the Kings began finding their mates.”
She grinned up at him. “It’s never too late to learn.”
“Teach me,” he urged.
For the next hour, she went over the prayers that were said each night. She taught him about the dreidel game the kids played to win chocolate coins covered with gold foil. Then she told him about the different foods.
“You’re making me hungry,” he replied. “That brisket sounds delicious. I’m going to see if Keltan can make it for us.”
She shifted to face him, setting her hands on his chest. He had forgone his usual dress shirts, slacks, and suit jacket for a taupe, V-neck sweater, jeans, and loafers. It was the casual side of Con that he rarely indulged in, but she loved it. Actually, she loved him in everything, but she especially loved him out of everything.
“Why are you grinning?” he asked with a quirked brow.
Rhi shrugged and smoothed her hands over his chest. “Just thinking how much I like this new look of yours.”
“Do you, now?”
“Verra much so,” she said in a Scottish accent.
He chuckled and took her hand to lead her back to the library they had begun using each evening. A fire crackled in the hearth, and all the holiday lights were on, lending a soft glow to the room that made her smile.
Con sank onto the sofa and opened his arms. Rhi kicked off her shoes and curled up next to him. As soon as she did, he wrapped an arm around her. She sat looking at the flames dancing in the fireplace. She was so deep in thought that it took her a moment to realize that Christmas music was playing.
Her head swung to Con. “Did you put on music?”
“I saw you adding some songs to your playlist. Of course, I’m playing it.”
Rhi gave him a kiss. “It is nice to have the manor all to ourselves.”
“I’ve enjoyed it.”
She perked up when she heard the silent but in his words. “But?” she urged in excitement.
“It’s too bloody quiet.”
“I agree.”
Con s
hrugged, his gaze sliding to the fire. “I think I’ve spent so long with the Kings and mates around that I’m no’ sure what to do without them here.”
“Dreagan wasn’t meant to be just your home. It’s home to all the Kings. I know why they left, and I’m thankful for it. But when we need some time alone again, we’ll be the ones to leave. Dreagan just isn’t the same without all of them here.”
“Speaking of that, I do believe we might verra well have some returning tomorrow.”
Rhi’s excitement grew. “Really? Who?”
“Ulrik and Eilish, though I wouldna be surprised if others are with them. Eilish spent some time with her father.”
Thinking of Donal Cleary made Rhi smile. “It’s good that Eilish is getting to spend more time with him.”
They were quiet for several long moments, each of them lost in thought.
“Thank you for helping me today.”
Rhi chuckled and looked at Con. “I don’t think using my magic to file is helping.”
“It needed to be done.”
“You could’ve done it,” she pointed out.
He shrugged, his lips twisting. “I could have, but then you wouldna had a reason to be in there with me.”
“I don’t need a reason to be with you.”
“You know just what to say.”
She grinned. “How did the rest of your day go?”
“Caught up on things. It was good. And yours?”
Rhi shot him a sheepish look. “I think I have a problem.”
“Why?” he asked with a frown.
“I can’t seem to stop shopping. You’re going to see them, so I might as well tell you that I bought more stuff.”
Con smiled widely and kissed her. “It’s one of the many reasons I love you. Shop all you want.”
“I don’t think you should tell me that.”
“Like I could stop you.”
She grinned and nodded. “That’s right. I’m glad you recognize that.”
“There is something we need to do tonight.”
“What’s that?” she asked as she leaned her head against him.
Con drew in a deep breath and then slowly released it. “Speak with Erith.”
Rhi sat up and looked at him. “I thought you were going to talk to her.”
“I think we should do it together. Unless you’ve changed your mind about her coming.”
“No. I’ve not changed my mind.”
Con gave her a flat look. “Your face says otherwise.”
Rhi couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re right. We need to do it together.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I am.” To prove it, Rhi said, “Erith, Con and I would like to speak with you.”
Several minutes passed without the goddess appearing. Then, she and her mate, Cael, were suddenly in the library. Rhi noted that Erith’s and Cael’s hands were linked. Rhi also noticed Death’s asymmetrical black chiffon tunic that hung well past her knees in varying lengths that she had paired with black leather leggings and thick-soled black boots with a four-inch heel.
The tunic was definitely something Rhi would’ve bought. She lifted her gaze and met Erith’s lavender eyes. Death’s long, blue-black hair hung down to her waist. She was beyond beautiful and had the kind of elegance that couldn’t be real. But it was. While Erith might be petite in stature, she was extremely powerful.
Beside her, dressed in black jeans and a charcoal gray shirt was Cael, watching with his newly purple eyes. His long, black hair was pulled back in a queue at the base of his neck. One of the original Reapers, he had gone on to lead the first group before he and Death finally admitted their love. Erith’s magic had saved him from death while fighting against one of their enemies. In the process, Erith’s magic had mixed with his, transforming Cael into a god.
“It’s good to hear from the two of you,” Death said.
Con motioned with his other hand to the chairs. “Please. Sit.”
All the anger Rhi had been holding onto loosened. Maybe it was because she could see that Erith was upset at what she had done. It still didn’t excuse things, but it was certainly a step in the right direction. And that in itself went a long way to mending what Death had torn apart.
“It’s…quiet,” Cael said as he listened. His purple eyes looked from Rhi to Con. “Is everything all right?”
Con nodded and glanced at Rhi. “Everything is fine. The Kings and mates left to give us some time alone, time that neither Rhi nor I recognized we needed until we had it.”
“That’s true,” Rhi replied, smiling as she met Con’s gaze. She then slid her focus to Erith. “We called you here because we would like to invite both of you—as well as all the Reapers and their mates—here for a celebration.”
Erith blinked. “Really?”
“It was Rhi’s idea for the party, but I’m in agreement. The Kings have been through a lot, and so have the Reapers. You’re our allies, but more than that, you’ve been a friend to us. Even when I didna realize it.”
Cael bowed his head. “Thank you. That is very kind of you.”
“We would love to attend,” Erith said.
Rhi found the smile she gave was easy. “Good.”
“Has there been any progress with the twins?” Cael asked.
Con blew out a breath. “No’ yet, but that’s about to change.”
“How?” Death asked, her black brows drawn together.
Rhi exchanged a look with Con. “We’re going to figure that out together.”
“I could talk to them again,” Erith offered.
“Thank you, but nay,” Con said. “Rhi and I need to do this.”
Cael’s lips curved in a smile. “That sounds like a good decision.”
“Is there anything we can do to help with the celebration?” Erith asked.
Con looked to Rhi, who thought about it for moment before shaking her head. “I don’t think so.”
“When is it?” Cael asked.
“The twenty-ninth,” Con answered.
“We’ll be here,” Erith said.
She smiled as she and Cael clasped hands again. Then, they were gone.
“Well?” Con pressed.
Rhi swung her gaze to him. “I’m going to be fine with all of it.”
“Oh, I know that look,” Con said with a laugh.
She frowned at him. “What look?”
“The determined look. The one that says nothing will stand in your way.”
“Is that what it is?”
He nodded, grinning slyly. “Aye, love. It also means that we’re going to succeed.”
Rhi hoped he was right. It was infuriating that Con was usually right about most things. But she felt good about talking to Erith, and she knew it was right to invite Death and the Reapers to the celebration. Her world was righting itself again.
The smell of food drew her attention. Rhi blinked and found a cloth-covered table, complete with two place settings and a bouquet of red amaryllis flowers in the center. She swung her head to Con to find him watching her.
“What’s this?” she asked.
He got to his feet and took her hand to pull her up. “A romantic dinner.”
“What brought this on?”
“This could be our last night alone for a while. I know we said the manor has been quiet and that we want the others back, but these few weeks have been wonderful.”
She walked to him and wrapped her arms around him. “Yes, they have. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”
“Things will probably get crazy again,” he warned.
Rhi smiled. “We both handle crazy pretty well.”
That made him chuckle. “Whatever comes, I know we can handle it.”
“We certainly can. Look what we’ve already accomplished. The Kings are powerful. There will always be those who envy that power and seek to destroy you.”
A blond brow rose. “You could rule the Light if you wanted. You say the Kings are powerful, but so are you. M
ore than you realize. Look what you did to the Fae Realm. It was a desolate place, and you transformed it.”
“We’ve both come so far from when we first met and fell in love.”
“And we have so much more to do.”
“I can’t wait,” Rhi said with a bright smile.
Chapter Five
December 27th
* * *
Con couldn’t stop smiling when he heard Ulrik’s booming voice. Con rose from behind his desk and made his way downstairs, where Rhi and Eilish were already talking. Ulrik’s gold eyes lifted and met Con’s.
“You look a sight better,” Ulrik said.
They clasped forearms before briefly embracing. Con stepped back, nodding. “I am. We are,” he corrected.
Ulrik glanced at Rhi. “Aye. I see that.”
“How were things in Ireland with Donal?”
At the mention of her father, Eilish looked over at Con and said in her American accent laced with an Irish brogue, “They were delightful. It was great to spend some time with him as well as explore more of the country.”
“We should apologize for making all of you think you needed to leave,” Rhi said.
Ulrik wrapped his arm around his mate, grinning widely. “Truth be told, I think it was something everyone needed.”
“A break,” Con said.
Ulrik’s brows rose. “From everything.”
“We should make sure to do it more often,” Rhi added.
Eilish nodded in agreement. “I second that motion.”
“We are no’ the only one’s returning,” Ulrik said. “Kiril and Shara are right behind us. We also spotted Hal and Cassie coming in from visiting her brother.”
Rhi chuckled. “You drove instead of teleporting?”
Eilish lifted her hands and wiggled her fingers to show that she wasn’t wearing the silver finger rings that allowed her to jump anywhere she wanted. “They’re with me, however.”
“I loaned my bracelet to Roman and Sabina so they could take her brother, Camlo, back to Romania for a little while,” Ulrik explained.
Rhi smiled at this. “The animals around here have missed Camlo. We have, as well.”