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Immortal Awakening

Page 9

by Shana J Caldwell

  “One, that’s none of your concern, Two, surprise, I’ve managed to make one. And three, I did something incredibly stupid and honestly, I’m surprised I’m actually alive.” Oh, and a possible vampire hunter has a lot of your kind locked up and is subjecting them to all kinds of torture. Of course, I hold my tongue on that.

  I examine his face, waiting for some kind of emotion to rise to the surface. To my disappointment, he keeps his face neutral.

  “One? Just one? And what the hell did you do that was so life threatening? Fall down the stairs?” He readjusts himself against the arch. I sigh in frustration.

  “What? Do you know how hard it is when you’re unregistered? No one looks at you twice. Now I don’t feel like telling you. I did fall, but not down some stairs.” His face stays the same, annoying me more. I doubt he’d know the struggle, I bet all the vampires liked him. Hell, I even liked him.

  “So, your friend must be unregistered as well then, correct?” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Wow, you’re smarter than you look. Congratulations.” I clap slowly a few times, emphasising my sarcasm.

  “I can smell him on you. As well as others. Something rotten as well.” Zeke states. The heat returned to my face yet again as butterflies come to life. I struggle to find something to say, so I don’t say anything.

  Moments go by in silence. This is getting awkward. “Anyway, what did you need to talk about?” Finally, some of my questions can be answered. Zeke plops himself down beside me, stretching out but being careful not to touch me.

  I wish I didn’t notice the way his hair fell over his face or the months’ worth of stubble. I wish my heart didn’t skip a beat when his leg brushed mine and I wish my mouth didn’t water as his cologne surrounded me. Who knew smoke and sandalwood were my favourite smells?. I clear my throat to stop my thoughts, I was being ridiculous.

  “First, you tell me about your little adventure. Tell me about both of them.”

  “Okay, but I have questions I need answers and information I can give you, it’s to die for.” I lean my head to the side and smirk.

  “Ha-ha. Looks like you found a sense of humour while I was away. Alright, I’ll give you answers to three questions, but I need something as well. That’s the main reason I’m here.” Zeke sits up and folds his long legs underneath him, his stare burning into the side of my face. I contemplate the questions I could ask.

  I would definitely ask how Zuriel had been and find out more about the grobblers. My third questions will need to be a good one.

  “Okay. My first one. How is Zuriel?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

  “You’re wasting a question on him? Fair enough. He’s in a lot better state than from when you last saw him. He’s been keeping to the city though; he knows leaving is too much of a risk at the moment.” My blood goes cold. Too much of a risk. I try to push the haunting feeling aside. Why was Zeke here if it was such a risk?

  “Oh, okay, well that’s good. Second question, it’s really more of a demand really, but can you tell me more about the grobblers please.” I match his position with mine on the couch, his black eyes bore into mine. I didn’t even know her name.

  “So, you know what they look like, how they communicate, some of their abilities. In all honesty, we don’t know much about them at all. In the last year or so they’ve really bounced back. Some are stronger than others and hold different abilities. The one you encountered at the river was a weak one. Also, it wasn’t the one we were tracking. I’m not sure if they’re still here, but I wouldn’t let my guard down walking around outside. We know they usually herd together in groups of two or three. You hardly ever find them alone and if you do there are two possibilities. Either they’re too weak to be with others or they’re too strong. Now you may think meeting a weak one has its perks, but it can be just as dangerous as a stronger one.

  “We’re still trying to find out their motives and to understand more about them, but it’s hard because once they die it’s like everything we need to know vanishes. We don’t know how or why, but it’s taking too long to figure out. Is that a good enough answer?” While he was talking he grew more irritated. I knew he didn’t like talking about them but I needed to know. He sighs. “What’s your last question?” I hold my tongue, I didn’t have one yet.

  “I’ll save it for a rainy day. Now, shall I talk first or you?” He tosses the question around in his head a bit, biting his lip a little.

  “You go first, I have a feeling they might align.” Now, how was I going to tell him everything without him thinking worse about me?

  “Um, okay, I don’t even know where to begin. Okay, it started back when you went to get Zuriel’s medicine. I took him to the abandoned school a few blocks away. While we were there we ran into some other people, so I hid him and went to talk to them. The leader of the group was Luke and he offered me a place in his group. Clearly, I didn’t take it. A few weeks later, after you’d both gone, I had to go to trade outside of wall and ran into him at the market. He showed me around and walked me back to the wall. A few days later, he showed up at my door and invited me to a party.”

  He raises his eyebrows at me, looking me over more slowly this time. I blush deeply. “So, that’s why you’re so dressed so nicely? You were seeing your male friend.” I notice the tiniest hint of distaste in his voice. I ignore it.

  “So, he came and got me and we went to the place. It’s a large protected area by wooden pillars, from what I saw. The torches didn’t show much but there were heaps of people and tents and a huge fire in the centre. Anyway, one of the guys behind the food counter was really shady…like really shady. I went to get some fresh air and snoop around. Towards the back of the place was another silver door that leads to another part of the camp. Are you ready for the next part?” I didn’t think I was. I wish I could just run away and forget this whole night had happened, as if it were a nightmare I could wake up from. Zeke was looking at me more intensely now, his eyes not leaving mine. I don’t think he was ready for it either. I took his silence as a yes and took a deep breath.

  “Now, before you get carried away and go in all guns blazing, to help them we need a very good plan. It was horrible.” Zeke rests his gaze on my hands; I hadn’t noticed they were shaking until I looked down. I take a deep breath to steady myself.

  “There was a large silver cage to my right; vampires came towards me when I walked up to it. God, I wanted to, to help them all. One of the ladies was talking to me, they were all vampires. They looked terrible; I can’t begin to imagine the torture they’re being put through. They had silver chokers on and silver handcuffs. I told her I’d come back for all of them. As soon as I left the room I ran for it and rolled my ankle at least twice. There was no way I was staying to see Luke again and try to act like I knew nothing.” I let out the breath I was holding in.

  “I was right, they do align. I know I owe you for saving Zuriel, but I need a favour. You’re the only human I trust and can ask about this. In our city, vampires that have left have been going missing. Zuriel is high ranking so it’s critical he doesn’t leave in case he’s captured. I had my suspicions about vampire hunters, but what you’ve just said has confirmed it. Did you know your friend was a vampire hunter?” He slowly stood up and began pacing the room. He trusts me. Hopefully nothing changes that.

  “He told me when he walked me back from the markets. I only went tonight to try and gather more information. I had no idea he was keeping vampires prisoner.” The grobbler encounter didn’t seem worthy of my fear. The thought of Luke torturing those vampires did weird things to my belly. I wish it wasn’t true, but the hard evidence was all there. I’d be ignorant to turn my head the other way and think otherwise.

  “Good. But you’re not going to like what I’m about to ask of you. I need you to get closer to Luke, very close. So close he’ll tell you everything they have planned, what they’re doing to the vampires. I need you to find out everything. I know he has a lot more of my kind locked up beca
use two hundred and three are missing from our city and that number is rising every day. I know this will take time, but what I have planned is going to work. This is all I’m going to tell you for now, until we get closer to the end.” My head is reeling. After tonight I never wanted to see Luke again and I doubt I’d be able to keep a conversation going with him. Everything about this seemed wrong, so wrong. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do it. I suck my lip, debating what to do. Zeke is still staring at me intensely.

  “What do I have to do?” I breathe out quietly. A wicked grin spreads slowly across Zeke’s face, his eyes darkening even more.

  “You’re going to join them.”


  When I was little, my Mum wanted me to be registered. She had pleaded with Dad almost every night. She always ended up in tears though, because every night his answer had been the same. No. Even though Dad was registered, he’d sworn I would never end up like them. I wouldn’t have minded; they seemed to have a good life being registered. Promised safety, a nice house and a nice car, we even had a golden retriever called Lucky. Nothing was ever hard for them.

  I was playing in the backyard with my animal toys and Mum had appeared in front of me, her eyes were red and puffy. They always were lately; I’d heard Dad crying along with her the other night.

  “Yes, mummy?” I had asked, putting my animal toys down. I had just turned eight and they’d been a present from my aunty. Mum picked me up and held me tight against her.

  “You know mummy loves you right?” She had started to sob again. I rested my head against her shoulder and squeezed her back. I didn’t like it when she cried over me.

  “Of course, and I love you too,” I had said into her hair. She always smelt like roses and I never got tired of smelling it. I remember looking towards the back door where Lucky had been barking, Dad scolded him as he stepped outside. Two officers in white followed him, Dad looked distraught.

  “Mummy, why are the important men here?” I had whispered to her. They never came to our house. I’d heard horrible stories about them at school, but I’d never witnessed anything. Mum had started crying again, holding me even tighter. Dad had cleared his throat.

  “Jane, it’s time.” Mum had crumpled to her knees, not letting me go. The important men had walked over, one bending down to look at me.

  “It’s going to be okay, little girl. We’re going to take care of you from now on,” the man had said softly, but I didn’t want to go with them. They started prying me and Mum apart and I had started screaming. I didn’t want to leave my family or Lucky. Dad had rushed over to Mum to hold her. She was screaming at him and battering his chest with her hands. Dad had tears streaming down his face, but he wasn’t trying to stop the men.

  I had screamed myself hoarse by the time they’d locked me in the wagon. Dad had packed everything I owned into the boot. Mum was leaning against the doo to our home, shaking, and her eyes full of sadness. I remember reaching up and putting my hand on the window, begging for her to come and save me and take me back inside. Instead, as if unable to bear me leaving, she turned and walked inside so she wouldn’t have to watch. Dad had handed me my favourite animal toy, a cheetah.

  “Be good, kiddo. I’m sorry it had to be this way. When you’re older you’ll understand why this had to happen.” He planted one last kiss on my forehead and walked away from me.

  Still, to this day, I didn’t understand why it had to happen. I hadn’t even come close to an answer. I couldn’t turn away from the vampires that needed me, or Zeke. I couldn’t be like my parents.

  “I’ll do it,” I finally say. Zeke begins pacing back and forth again.

  “Okay, you must joint tomorrow.” He was already calculating a plan in his head; he was nibbling his lip again.

  “Wait…tomorrow? What if I have to move in with them? How will we communicate?” I fiddle with the pendant hanging around my neck; I was not risking Zeke getting caught.

  “Yes, tomorrow. And yes, that’s the plan. It’ll be easier if you live with them, then you can explore their area. You need to memorise it so you can walk me around and tell me exactly where everything is. And we will be able to communicate - I’ll keep an eye on you.” That didn’t reassure me at all. The thought of Zeke watching me all the time made my stomach flip.

  “Are you sure? What if the plan goes wrong or they find out and kill me? Or catch you and torture you?” Too many things could go wrong; I was starting to regret this. He shakes his head confidently.

  “Nothing like that will happen; I’ll make sure of it. You have to trust me, Ali, because I’m putting the survival of my kind at stake for you.” So, if I screwed this up in any way, I’d be dead. Got it.

  “I really don’t like the sound of this, but I’ll do it. As soon as I feel bad about the situation, or feel it going sour, I’m getting out of there and getting as far away as I can from everything. You have my word.” I knew how to hide; I knew what I had to do to survive.

  “Fair enough. There’s more I’d like to discuss, but you must be getting tired so I’ll leave it for another night.” He stops pacing and stretches.

  Before I can stop myself I blurt out, “Can you stay the night?” He stops mid-stretch to look at me with a raised eyebrow. Shit.

  “With everything that’s happened tonight I’d just feel safer not being alone,” I hurry the words out quickly as I hold his gaze. It takes everything in me not to look anywhere else but at him. He lowers his arms and his eyebrows drop.

  “Yeah, alright. I’ll stay down here then. Probably best I catch up on some Z’s.” He yawns and scratches his head. My shoulders sink in gratitude. I slowly stand up, exhaustion overtaking my body.

  “Thank you again, it means a lot. I don’t think I’d like to spend my last night here alone.” He nods in understanding, his hair falling over his face. As I go to step past him my bad ankle gives way. Before I hit the ground, strong arms catch me. I wiggle around in his arms to look at him. His face is barely centimetres from mine, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

  “Would you look at that, already saving your life?” I swat his chest softly and grin at him.

  “Get used to it, because I have a feeling you’ll have to do it a fair bit from now on.” He chuckles softly, his chest rumbling against mine.

  We stand there like that for a few moments. Our bodies pressed tightly against each other, his arms never loosening, his coldness spreads through my body. I thought I would be freezing, but every part of me was only growing hotter. I’d forgotten how muscular he was, and how small I was becoming. My breath begins to quicken. I feel every inch of him against me. He licks his lips slowly, my eyes tracking his tongue. I look up into his eyes. Up this close, I notice tiny golden flecks in both eyes. They gleam with excitement. His fangs rip through his gums.

  “Oh!” I gasp. Immediately, he was lounging on the couch, legs hanging off the side. I catch myself quickly. Damn, he could move fast. Heat immediately rises to my cheeks.

  “Goodnight,” I mumble before retreating upstairs, not bothering to wait for his reply.

  I awake to a cold hand tapping my cheek. I groan and pull the blankets over my head.

  “Ali, it’s time to get going,” Zeke says softly, tugging gently at the blankets. I grumble in reply.

  “What time is it?” It felt like I’d only slept for an hour or so, maybe not even that, and boy, I was not fun to be around when tired.

  “Hmm, maybe four? It’s still fairly dark outside, but the sun will be up in an hour or so. We have to leave now.” He rips the blanket off me and I immediately cover my chest. My eyes bulge open as he faces away from me as fast as he can.

  “Well, if that didn’t wake me up nothing would have,” I grumble as I sit up, grabbing a loose shirt from beside the bed. It just reaches the top of my bum; good enough for me. I stand up and stretch again, time to begin a very long day.

  “I’ve packed nearly everything you’ll need, but feel free to quickly grab mor
e if I’ve missed something.” Zeke is still facing the other way. I roll my eyes at him.

  “I’m dressed now, you can turn around,” I say with a yawn, I still had my lace underwear on from last night. I walk out of the room, his footsteps following behind me.

  “Fuck…barely,” he murmurs to himself. My heart begins to gallop in my chest, recalling how close we were last night. If only I could have that again. After I join Luke’s group, I doubt anything will ever happen between us and my heart sinks in disappointment. I had to be reasonable though. If anything happened between us, I’d end up eventually dying and it all would have been for nothing. He’d still be living with a mere memory of me. Where were all these feelings coming from?


  After I grab everything I can fit into my small backpack and throw some shorts on, we set off for Luke’s. I give my house one more look, it sits firmly in the dark. No wonder I was never found, you’d be crazy to step foot into that house.

  I glance from beneath my lashes at the boy walking beside me. There was so much I wanted to know about him. What was his life like before he was turned? He was strong, calculating and daring. I knew I could trust him with this, I knew he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me. The fact that I trusted a vampire with my life should have unsettled me, but it didn’t. I don’t think I could trust a human again with my life, they always leave me anyway.

  My biggest worry in this mess with Luke is Zeke; I don’t want him to get hurt or killed. I’d do anything to stop that from happening, even trading my life for his. That way I’d die knowing I did have a purpose and I’d helped save him. The human girl who sacrificed her life for a vampire, very fitting I’d say.

  I always wondered if my parents would be proud of me if they were here to witness who I’d grown up to be. Would Dad be proud that I’m helping the vampires? Would Mum abandon me if she knew?


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