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Box Set #3: The Serenity Deception: [The 4 book 3rd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 7

by Robert Iannone

  “I don’t know. We owe them everything. Hopefully, we’ll think of a way.”

  “Let’s start by making this reception really special.”

  “You’re a good daughter . . . and a good person.”

  Chapter 7 – Ben’Edikk Arnold

  When it involves a Queen, nothing is simple or commonplace. Aeri’elle had collected the four ladies from Earth and escorted them to the reception hall. As if by magic, the door was opened just as they arrived by a Sentinel, while another banged his lance.

  “Your Majesty, Egg of Earth, her Feminion Sylvia, her Grandmother Eloise and her sister Ashley. They are escorted by Aeri’elle, a heroine of Aerianna and member of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  “That was a mouthful,” whispered Egg to the others.

  “Be nice,” chided her best friend.

  “I’m always nice.”

  Egg led her little gang up to the Queen as protocol dictated. “Your Majesty” said Egg trying desperately not to laugh . . . not for Dazzle’s sake but for Ben’Edikk who was standing to her left.

  “My friends from Earth, welcome.” She then looked at Egg and smiled. “Is that a new outfit?” she teased.

  “This old thing, no. K’ssss has been up to her new tricks. Watch,” and Flying Girl went through the colors of the rainbow.

  “Very impressive. Our dear K’ssss has certainly turned out to be full of surprises.”

  “Which color do you like Dazzle?”

  “Allow me to defer to my son.” She looked at the boy and said, “Prince Ben’Edikk, which color do you find more attractive on the Leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood?”

  “Your Majesty, you present an impossible conundrum to your humble servant.” (Need I say it? Egg rolled her eyes). “Our beloved Flying Girl (Oops, Egg misunderstood the word beloved. It’s not meant the same way as just love) would shine radiantly regardless of the color of her clothes. However, my personal favorite . . .,” Egg smiled knowing what the answer would be, “. . . is the original red. It is the image etched in the minds of every Aeriannian.” (Egg’s heart dropped).

  Rose’Alynnia smiled and said to the gathered guests, “It was a question very few men could answer correctly. The Prince chose diplomacy and for that I acknowledge his skill. However, as all the ladies will understand, wearing the same outfit day in and day out is a horrifying prospect. Egg, my dear sister, since there is only one flying suit, K’ssss’ gift is the perfect compromise. I personally thought the blue particularly attractive.” She paused and spread her hands, one pointing to her husband the other to her son, “. . . but of course I am prejudiced.”

  Everyone laughed . . . whether they thought it was funny made no difference. When the Queen jests, you laugh.

  Unfortunately, Egg was mortified. Being the butt of a joke is never easy. Less than a minute into her little party and everything was going wrong. Hopefully, it wouldn’t get worse.

  “Ashley, I see you are wearing the translation necklace. It looks perfect on you.”

  “I cannot thank your Majesty enough for such a wonderful gift. I will treasure it always.”

  “You should know that my scientists have altered the original design. This necklace will only work for you . . . it is keyed to your DNA. Should someone else attempt to use it, they will be unsuccessful.”

  “That’s very clever.” In truth, you never tell a Queen her idea was good . . . it is a foregone conclusion that she only has excellent ones. It’s not the place of someone of lesser rank to validate the Royal cleverness. It was something Molly had learned as part of her education in ‘becoming a Lady’.

  “Eloise, did you and your granddaughter enjoy the tour of our fair city?”

  “It is truly spectacular. I especially appreciated the Galleria of the Sisterhood.”

  “I thought you might.”

  “Grammy, what’s that?”

  “If we get the chance, I’ll show you.”

  “Sylvia, how was your visit with Jenny and Molly?”

  “We had a wonderful time. It’s terrific to see both of them doing so well.”

  “They have been a pleasing addition to court. I thank you and Egg for bringing them here.”

  “And you, my dearest sister, did your visit to the Myst Tree go well?”

  Yikes, that was an awkward question. “The Tree can never stop with those annoying riddles. Gets a little irritating, actually.”

  Virtually everyone gasped. Talking ill of the Myst Tree was not done.

  “And what riddle might that be?” Since Egg had been sent by the Queen, any information gathered should have been shared with her immediately. Again . . . that was something Molly would know.

  To the casual observer, you might think Rose was acting somewhat strange – less like Dazzle and more like Queen Rose’Alynnia. Well, they would be right . . . she was. It had nothing to do with Egg and everything to do with Ben’Edikk. She had some important state business to announce and it required that her people see their Queen at her most royal.

  “Let’s see. Something like, ‘Enjoy your vacation but what is may not be. And she who laughs last, lasts best’.”

  “You didn’t tell me that,” said Sylvia.

  “We were busy talking about the other thing,” and she emphasized the word other while using her eyebrows to point.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Though Dazzle said nothing about the girl’s violation of protocol, the Prince felt compelled to reprimand her. “Egg . . . Eloise . . . I am surprised that you did not share that with me at the time.”

  Egg shrugged. “You weren’t in a talkative mood, remember?”

  That statement only served to remind Ben’Edikk of his failure. The Prince just glared at the girl.

  She returned the glare. Flying Girl was not easily intimidated . . . not even by a blue-skinned cutie that she thought she loved. But momentum was definitely dragging her from a bad situation to a worse one . . . and she felt the goose bumps on her arm.

  “Sister, are you planning a vacation?” asked the Queen.

  “Syl and I were hoping to spend the summer here on Aerianna until our rings stopped working. We haven’t talked about it but I guess we would still like to come back for a week or two before school starts.”

  “You are always welcome. An extended visit would allow you to see your other sisters who are scheduled to return very soon.”

  “That’d be awesome.”

  “Be that as it may, it still leaves the Tree’s words as a riddle without resolution. Perhaps you should dream on it?”

  Dazzle always said that. Whenever no one had an answer, it was ‘Egg, dream on it.’. Another of the girl’s great irritations in life . . . why did she have to be the one to find the answers. However, one thing she had learned long ago . . . don’t argue. “Sure, Dazzle. I’ll try.”

  “Thank you, my sister.”

  Just then, the Sentinel whacked the ground again and everyone looked up as the doors opened wide. “Your Majesty, Queen F’Aerianne.” And in walked the Rainbow Dragon.

  “Look at those wings,” whispered Ashley. “Aren’t they beautiful?”

  “My goodness,” responded Grammy. “This is so exciting. The Queen was at Dazzle’s coronation but I was never introduced to her.”

  The dragon strode majestically up to Rose and bowed.

  “Greetings, F’Aerianne.”

  “And to you, Rose’Alynnia. Am I late?”

  She was but that would have been rude to point out. “Not at all.” Rose turned to the gathering, “Queen F’Aerianne has an announcement.” She nodded for the dragon to speak.

  “Lords, Ladies, Egg of Earth and honored guests . . .,” and she went on to describe the new university that she was establishing on Talon’s Perch. When she finished, she added, “Prince Soar’elle and his daughter, Aeri’elle, will be Head Master and Head Mistress. Our Queen (and she nodded to Rose) has graciously allowed me to bestow these honors on two of my most loyal subjects. I thank her.”

bsp; The gathered crowd clapped appreciatively.

  Egg, on the other hand, made another mistake. One never challenges a Queen . . . even a lesser Queen like F’Aerianne. “Hey, wait a minute. Are you saying Aeri’elle has to resign from the sisterhood to do this thing?” She wasn’t sure she could handle losing another of the original sisters.

  Like Ben’Edikk, F’Aerianne glared at the earthling . . . but chose not to demean herself by answering.

  “Well?” demanded the girl . . . another grievous mistake.

  Rose signaled to Molly using only her eyes and she stepped forward into the embarrassed silence. This, too, had been part of her training. “A thousand apologies, your Majesties. I beg you to forgive my Earth sister and dear friend. She is unfamiliar with the customs of court and meant no offense. The Hameggattic Sisters, as you are well aware, endured great hardships on behalf of the people of Aerianna. Their experience bound them in ways the rest of us can only surmise. Your wonderful and joyous announcement was a surprise for which Egg was unprepared.” Though she addressed both Queens, it was really meant for the grumpy and pompous Dragon.

  Rose took over. “Of course Egg meant no offense. And none was taken, was it F’Aerianne?”

  If the Dragon could have, she would have picked the girl up and swallowed her whole. But that would have been unseemly. “No offense given or taken. And now, my Queen, I ask permission to take my leave.”

  “Of course. Thank you for coming and sharing your wonderful news.”

  Everyone bowed until F’Aerianne had left (well, not Egg. But at least she didn’t say anything else). When the doors finally closed, Egg looked over at Aeri’elle with an expression of hurt and betrayal. “How could you do this to me?”

  “Egg, I’m so sorry. I was going to tell you myself . . . in private. I didn’t know the Queen would be here or that she’d make the announcement. Please, I would never hurt you.”

  This whole thing was turning into a nightmare.

  Grammy made her way up to her granddaughter and whispered, “Dear one, everyone in this room idolizes you. Don’t disappoint them with your disappointment.” Then she kissed the girl on her forehead and stepped back.

  Egg took a few deep breaths and regained control of her emotions. “Aeri’elle, you’re a Hameggattic Sister, now and forever. So you better make me proud in your new job.” She walked over and gave the dragon a hug.

  “Nice save,” said Sylvia quietly.

  “Didn’t feel like one.”

  Molly came over to apologize. “Egg, I’m sorry for having to intrude between you and the Queen. I just thought you might need a little help.”

  “You were amazing. It’s like you’ve been on Aerianna your whole life.”

  “I have been. I hardly remember anything before we came here.”

  “So, I guess I have an opening in the Hameggattic Sisterhood. Like to join?” She was half kidding or maybe half serious.

  “That would be such an honor . . . but I can’t.”


  “Um . . . I think you’ll find out soon .” She smiled . . . and blushed.

  The Queen looked at the Sentinels who both slammed their lances against the floor. This was the signal for all to be quiet. “Friends, today is a special occasion for many reasons. Queen F’Aerianne’s announcement was but the first I would share with you. We are also honoring our sisters from Earth. As you may be aware, I had the privilege of spending some time there (everyone knew that the Queen had spent a thousand years inside the flying suit and laughed politely). It is a world of beauty and amazing accomplishments and one day it is my fervent hope that we can establish proper relations with them. But that time is not yet upon us.”

  “Happily, there are two that were born on that far away planet and have chosen to live amongst us. They have learned our ways well and have proved themselves to be worthy ambassadors of their home world.”

  “It is my desire to bestow on them a peerage (a title of nobility) in honor of their new position at court. Jenny, Molly please come forward and kneel.” The two did as they were told.

  “Husband . . . and his Lordship pulled Dazzle, the most famous sword on Aerianna, out of its scabbard and raised it for all to see.

  He handed it, hilt first, to his wife.

  “By the power vested in me as Rose’Alynnia, Queen of Aerianna, first of that name from the House of M’earth, I dub thee, Lady Jenny, Countess of Earth-Shire,” and she touched each of the woman’s shoulders lightly with the flat of the sword. “And I dub thee Lady Molly, Marquesa of Aerianna.” And the Queen again laid the sword upon the girl’s shoulders. “Rise, and be greeted by your Peers and friends”.

  Mother and daughter rose, curtsied to the Queen then turned and curtsied to the audience. The room exploded into cheering ad applause. Even Egg, momentarily forgetting the competition she might be in with Molly, applauded.

  When everyone quieted down, Lord Z’kkk and his son each hugged the new nobles. They exchanged some private words, which caused both ladies to laugh. And Egg’s goose bumps returned.

  Again, at a glance from the Queen, the Sentinels banged their lances. “I wish to make another announcement . . . one that fills me with great joy. I have the pleasure to announce the engagement of my son, Prince Ben’Edikk, and Lady Molly.” She nodded to her son who stepped forward and took his bride to be by the hand. They walked to the middle of the room . . .

  . . . and, as the music began to play, they danced to the thunderous applause of the guests.

  Egg was dumbfounded. Then she thought of the kiss he had given her and she began to become upset. Then she became really, really angry . . . at herself. What was she thinking? How could it have been love? She hardly knew him . . . he was just a pretty face with a ridiculously wonderful smile. She was . . . was . . . a stupid kid. Sylvia was right, as usual. You don’t fall in love after one walk in the park.

  But she was also upset with Ben’Edikk. Her kiss had been heartfelt; his kiss was a mean trick. He knew he was about to be engaged and he should never have led her on. Oh, and he should never have cheated on Molly. That was really wrong. (Strange how she went from wanting to compete with the girl to wanting to protect her).

  She had to tell Molly what a jerk she was getting. She began to storm on to the dance floor but a hand reached out and stopped her.

  “Syl, don’t,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Actually, it is not she.”

  Egg turned around . . . and came face to face with Lord Z’kkk.

  “May I have this dance?”


  “It is customary for the groom’s father to share the first dance with the groom’s mother. But . . . Dazzle . . . asked if I would dance with you instead.” She didn’t understand what a breach of protocol this was . . . and what an incredible honor that Rose and her husband were bestowing on her.

  She was experiencing such a mix of emotions she could hardly think straight. “I’m not a very good dancer. Besides, I don’t know this one.”

  “It is a very simple one, two, three . . . one, two, three step. Just follow my lead.” He held out his hand and they walked out to the floor. The buzz that went through the crowd at the sight of his Lordship dancing with Egg was almost electric.

  Egg finally regained her wits. “Why are you doing this?”

  “My world can never repay you, Egg of Earth, for all that you have done. Those are not mere words . . . but a heartfelt sentiment.”

  “I know.”

  “I shall share a secret with you. When my son told us of his desire to marry Molly, Rose and I almost refused him. We had always hoped he would fall in love with you.”

  “Say what?”

  Ignoring her question, he continued, “Parents may encourage their children but they cannot dictate who they will love. So, all we could do was try and prepare Molly for her new role. I believe she proved herself tonight to be a quick study and an able student, do you not agree?”

  “She’s terr
ific. I really am happy for her.” Then she got her old nerve back and said, “But your son . . .”

  “Kissed you, I know. He told me.”

  “Really. Why did he do it if he loves Molly?”

  “Because it was his first, and only, chance to kiss Egg of Earth, Heroine of Aerianna and the young lady who saved his parents and his world. To kiss a legend was simply too enticing for him to pass up.” She stared at the blue-skinned man with her mouth open. “However, he has promised me never to fall to that particular temptation again . . . for your sake and for Lady Molly’s.”

  She went quiet for a minute to digest all that she heard. “Your Lordship . . .”

  “Yes . . . Egg?” (that was the first time he ever used her nickname).

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter 8 – Return of 7

  “You are quite welcome. Eloise, know that my son is an extraordinary young man. However, he tries too hard to please his mother and me. Given time, he will become less . . . serious in his demeanor. Hopefully his fiancée can instill some of that Earth-like innocence we Aeriannians have come to love in you and Sylvia.”

  “He better be good to her. You don’t want to mess with a mad Hameggattic Sister,” she teased (kind of).

  “A more formidable opponent does not exist in the known universe. If I may, I would ask yet another favor of you.”


  “Be his friend.”

  “On one condition.”

  His Lordship raised an eyebrow. One didn’t usually bargain with the husband of the Queen. However, this was Egg. “Of course. You have but to ask.”

  “Dance with Ashley. She thinks you’re dreamy.”

  “After I dance with the Queen and my daughter-to-be, I would be most pleased to dance with her . . . and your Grandmother.”

  And so over the course of the next half hour, Lord Z’kkk did as he promised and danced with grandmother and granddaughter. Ben’Edikk asked Sylvia to dance.

  While this was going on, Rose summoned Egg to her side. “I am sorry about Aeri’elle. I had thought she found an opportunity to share her news with you.”


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