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Box Set #3: The Serenity Deception: [The 4 book 3rd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 29

by Robert Iannone

“Don’t know what that is.”

  “Same idea only with non-flying thingy’s.”

  If a picture – even a mental one – was worth a thousand words, Egg’s was worth about four, maybe five if you wanted to be generous. Sera’Fina just shrugged and said, “Okay, if you say so.”

  “Is there a strategy to this race or is it just uncontrolled chaos?” asked Spirit.

  “Definitely a strategy.” They waited for her to continue but apparently, she had nothing else to volunteer on the subject.

  “Do you think we’ll have enough time to get ready since the race is today?” asked Egg.

  “Like I said, if you’re a good pilot and not afraid to take chances . . . and if you have a strategy . . . then you have a chance. You have the rest of today to fly the course and get comfortable with the craft. The race doesn’t start until about a half hour before sunset.”

  “How long is the race?”

  “It varies. Usually it takes about thirty minutes, give or take a few minutes.”

  “So we fly at night?”

  “Not afraid of the dark are you?” teased the newcomer.

  “No, just clowns and spiders.”

  “Okay then, who wants to go up with me first?”

  Bree and Spirit both started to volunteer, but Sylvia interrupted them. “Hang on a minute. Sera’Fina, why are you doing this? Why did you offer to help us?” Leave it to Serenity to program her avatars with such realism. Questions like the ones Sylvia just asked would definitely make Egg feel that her best friend was . . . well, was her best friend and not an imposter.

  “Simple. I have a strategy and it involves Egg.”

  “And what is that?”

  “That . . . is between she and I. Egg, when we go up, I’ll tell you about it. Okay?”

  “I guess.”

  “What about BreeZee and me,” asked the Thought Weaver.

  “What about you?”

  “Are we part of this strategy?”

  “No. You, my exotic new friend, are the competition. I will help you learn the aircraft, the rules and the course. But after that, you’re the enemy so to speak. And may the best woman win.” She said it with a friendly grin and the others accepted her statements as a good-natured challenge [just as they were programmed to do].

  At this point Tee’ka spoke up. “May I suggest that the four sisters not participating in the actual race go along for the ride with a virtual presence?”

  “Meaning?” asked Soo.

  “You will stay here, or at the rooms, while a computer-generated image of you will accompany the sister of your choice. You will be able to observe the race as if you were in the aero craft.”

  “Can we stop anytime? Or once we start, do we have to stay to the finish?” asked the sea serpent. She really didn’t like the idea of flying, virtually or not.

  “Absolutely. You can stop and restart the experience whenever you wish. If the sister that you are accompanying so wishes, you may even converse with her.”

  “Okay. I’m in. Bree, need a big fish for company?”

  “Love to have you. Bl’azzz, why not come too?”

  “Would not miss it for the world.”

  “Tee’ka,” asked the Wind’dancer, “if Bl’azzz burps and burns, what will happen in my craft?”

  “I will have the computer screen out such distractions.”

  “Wonderful.” Bl’azzz didn’t say anything; she just hung her head in embarrassment.

  “Aeri’elle, care to join Jynx and I?” asked Spirit.


  “Of course. She would be terribly upset if she were not invited.”

  The dragon shrugged. “Okay.”

  “Syl, I’ll need your brains so you gotta ride with me.”

  “I would not miss it for the world.”

  Something that had been nagging at Egg finally found its way from the back of her mind to her mouth. “Why are you talking like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “You keep saying things like ‘would not’ instead of ‘wouldn’t’. What’s up with that?”

  Sylvia blinked.

  Chapter 8 – Speed Racer

  Serenity’s Ship, 15 minutes earlier

  “Since you’re forcing us to watch,” Sylvia said to Serenity, “why not tell us your plan? What is it you expect us to see?”

  The other girl considered the request for a moment. “You’re right. My apologies. It’s quite simple . . . I have created two avatars that will force Egg to make decisions that either she will be incapable of doing, or . . .,” she paused for dramatic effect. “Or, she will make them selfishly – sacrificing each of you in turn.”

  “What do you base that on?” asked BreeZee. “You don’t even know her.”

  “I have studied the Sisterhood and your exploits. Though the records are not complete, I was able to piece together a fairly accurate account of what transpired. Then, I analyzed it with a psycho-heuristic program designed by my mother . . . the one she used to help create the hostess you call Tee’ka. Based on my findings, I believe that Egg is not the modest, self-effacing sister you think she is. There is no way in the universe such a personality could lead the rest of you into incredible danger, confront such overwhelming odds and wind up victorious. She is cleverly manipulating you for selfish reasons and I intend to prove it.”

  Soo shook her head. “I have no idea what you just said. None.”

  “Ditto on that,” added Bl’azzz.

  “Sisters, Serenity is saying that Egg is a self-centered, egomaniac who is tricking us into doing her bidding,” explained Spirit.

  “Crudely put but essentially accurate,” answered the one-eyed girl.

  Before the others could babble their objections, Sylvia said, “Don’t bother. We know Serenity is monumentally wrong but nothing we say will change her mind.”

  “Agreed,” said Aeri’elle, “Let’s just sit back and watch the show. It should prove to be . . . to be a hoot.” She glanced at Sylvia and asked, “Did I say it right?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “So what will this first avatar try to accomplish?” asked Spirit.

  “Based on my computer modeling, she has been programmed with the attributes that Egg would find interesting. She is polite, funny, sarcastic, has a passion for flying, takes foolish risks, and has an overwhelming desire to win. She is clever rather than smart. She is also an attractive humanoid . . . much prettier than Egg believes she, herself, is. All in all, Sera’Fina is exactly the person that Egg would want to call friend.”

  To their surprise and embarrassment, two dragons, a sea serpent, one Wind’dancer, a Thought Weaver and Egg’s Feminion felt a stab of jealousy. They stole glances at one another to see how each was reacting. Then they quickly averted their eyes . . . because they could tell the others were feeling exactly the same way.

  Serenity watched with smug amusement . . . but said nothing. She turned back to her monitors just in time to hear Egg ask, “You keep saying things like ‘would not’ instead of ‘wouldn’t’. What’s up with that?”

  The girl didn’t panic. She let out an involuntary “Oops” then started pounding away at her controls. A moment later, she sat back satisfied. “That should do it.”


  Back in Laff’Alott

  The Sylvia avatar jerked back ever so slightly (as did the others). “You’re such a goof,” she said to her best friend. “Sometimes I don’t say don’t cause I want to sound more like Dazzle. She never uses contractions as you well know. If I’m going to study at Aeri’elle’s college, I’ll probably be spending a lot of time with our Queenly Sister. Just wanted to sound more like her. Okay?”

  “Sure. Sorry.” But Egg felt the goose bumps on her arm, though she didn’t say anything.

  “So, how about I take Spirit and butterfly girl for their ride first,” suggested Sera’Fina.

  “Together?” inquired BreeZee.

  “Yes. As I said, these are really easy to fly.”

p; “Will you show us the race course so we can see what we’re up against?” asked Spirit.

  “Can’t. No one’s allowed to see it until race time.”

  “Then how will we know which way to go?”

  “It will be marked with signal lights. It won’t be a problem, I promise.”

  “Okay. Tee’ka, can you transport us back to the airfield, please.”

  “All of you?”

  “Not me,” said Soo. “Can you take me back to the room?”

  “Me, too,” added Bl’azzz.

  “Me, three.”

  “And, me.”

  “Very good. If you three air racers would wait a second, I’ll return in a moment,” and she waved her wand. She and the four non-racing girls disappeared.

  Sera’Fina started to say something but Egg wasn’t paying attention. As Tee’ka vanished, she had noticed the tip of her wand was red. And there was something else nagging at her. She frowned as she tried to remember.

  “Hello, Egg”.


  “You were a million miles away. I was just telling the others about some of the races in years past.”

  “Oh . . . sorry.” Then it came to her. “Hey, Sera’Fina . . .,” but she stopped in mid-sentence. She knew she couldn’t confront the girl directly.


  So instead, she asked, “What kind of butterflies do they have on your world?”

  “Butterflies? What are butterflies?”

  “Not important. Forget it.” But Egg couldn’t. Sera’Fina had called BreeZee ‘butterfly girl’ – an expression only she, Egg, ever used. Something was wrong . . . she could feel it.

  Tee’ka chose that moment to reappear. Egg stole a glance at her wand. It was no longer red. “Hey, Tee, everything okay?”

  “Yes. Thank you for asking. Everything is fine. Shall we go to the aerodrome?”

  “Please,” and a moment later they were standing in front of the aircraft.

  “Okay, ladies. Follow me,” said Sera’Fina.

  The two girls did as they were asked. “Be back in twenty minutes,” she called to Egg. She turned to her two companions, pointed at various knobs and levers, then lifted off. In a moment, they were gone from sight.

  “Tee, did you reset yourself just now.”

  “I did. But there didn’t seem to be any discrepancies. Perhaps the wand malfunctioned.”

  “Do me a favor . . . split yourself and send the other you into the aircraft to see what happens. Just don’t let them know you’re doing it.”

  “Egg, I always do that when you seven split up. May I ask what you had in mind?”

  “I want to know what’s happening. Can you show me?”

  “Of course.” But she didn’t. Instead, she flickered then said, “I’m sorry. That would be a violation of their privacy and against our rules.” The tip of her wand once again glowed red, which didn’t escape Egg’s notice.

  “Not a problem.” Oh, yes it was. She really needed some help but she knew deep in her heart that she couldn’t ask any of her sisters. And apparently, Tee’ka couldn’t help her either. What to do?

  A random thought came to her out of the blue. “Hey, Tee . . . how smart is Jynx?”

  “I would characterize the Shamie as one of the most intelligent semi-sentient species that any hostess or any visitor to Laff’Alott has ever encountered. She is quite remarkable.”

  “Would you do me a favor and ask her if she would come with me on my test flight.”

  “How thoughtful of you to think of her. One moment.”

  A few seconds later, Jynx appeared . . .

  “Hey, you big cuddly purple thing, thanks for coming.”

  “Grrrrrrr,” and she ambled over to the girl and gave her a lick.

  “Tee, do me a favor and give me and Jynx five minutes alone.”

  “Of course. I will be back at the designated time,” and she disappeared.

  “Jynx, I hope you can understand me. And don’t take it the wrong way when I say I feel like an idiot talking to you . . .”


  “Thank you. Anyway, I’m betting that whoever is forcing the sisters to act strange didn’t think to include you. Spirit and the rest are acting funny and I don’t know why. I just feel it. I need a friend and you’re the only one I can ask for help. Am I making sense?”


  “Really? Epic.”

  “Grrrrrrr. Burp.”

  “Shut up. It’s a perfectly good word so get used to it.”


  On Serenity’s Ship

  “What is going on?”

  The six restrained girls looked at each other and smiled with their eyes (yes, you can really do that.) Sylvia spoke for the sisters. “I’m not sure what you’re asking,” she replied innocently.

  “How does she know there’s something wrong? What is she planning to do with that animal?”

  Sylvia again looked at the others. This time they nodded an ‘okay’. “Being a good leader requires a lot of different . . . um, skills. She needs more than the cooperation of the people following her . . . she needs their loyalty.” Syl stopped to see Serenity’s reaction.

  The girl just shook her head in exasperation. “That is obvious. What has it got to do with what’s going on?”

  “Egg knows her sisters almost as well as we know ourselves. Not because she’s trying to manipulate us but because she really and truly cares. She’s tuned in to our feelings, our facial expressions and our body language. It may not be on a conscious level, but subconsciously she senses everything.”

  “I couldn’t disagree more. If she has those abilities then manipulating the six of you is that much easier.”

  If Serenity was hoping for an argument, she didn’t get one. “Whatever,” was Syl’s reply.

  “What about that animal?”

  “That animal is a Shamie and my dear companion.”

  “Is she really as intelligent as your hostess seems to think she is?”

  Sylvia nonchalantly tapped twice.

  “For an animal,” lied Spirit.

  Serenity stared at the Thought Weaver as if she was trying to read her mind. After a few seconds, she shrugged. “Since I can’t produce an avatar of it without exhaustive research, I’m forced to let Egg have her pet. Can’t imagine it will matter.”

  “Serenity, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course, Aeri’elle.”

  “It was you that disabled Egg’s flying suit . . . not the Empress. Right?”



  “When she’s Flying Girl, she feels invincible. I want her to react to my challenges as a normal Earth girl . . . not some artificial super hero.”

  Sylvia just couldn’t keep quiet. “She’s not an artificial super hero. She’s the real thing . . . with or without the suit.”

  Serenity shook her head in disgust. “You fools. I don’t know why I even bother with you.”

  “Agreed. So let us go and if a few days will be off this world and back home.”

  “Not going to happen. At least, not the way you want.”


  At the Aerodrome

  “Here they come. Just listen and watch, okay?”


  Egg leaned over and gave the Shamie a big hug. “I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered into Jynx’s ear.


  Sera’Fina landed the craft and hopped out. The other two girls did the same.

  “How was it?”

  “Easy-peasy. This butterfly just might be able to beat the famous Flying Girl,” teased BreeZee’s avatar.

  “How about you?” Egg asked Spirit.

  “Compared to piloting ‘7’, this craft is surprisingly simple. Like Bree, I should be able to give you a . . . spirited race.”

  “Cute. Hey, hope you don’t mind but I asked Jynxie to ride with me. Figure it’s a good chance for us to bond.”

it blinked a few times. “Great idea. Jynxie, behave yourself and do whatever Egg asks of you. Okay?”


  “Good girl. Okay then, I think Bree and I will head back to the room.” Spirit looked around. “Where is Tee’ka?”

  “She’ll be back in a minute. Aren’t you going to take some time to practice?” asked Egg.

  “No, I’m good. How about you, Bree?”

  “Good to go.”

  “Wow. That’s impressive. Well, I guess I’ll see you later . . . maybe in a few hours.”

  “Hours? You won’t need that much time to learn, I promise you.”

  “Maybe not, but there’s one thing Flying Girl can’t get enough of. Want to guess what that is?”

  “Nothing comes to mind,” teased the Thought Weaver’s avatar.


  “Are you sure you want to take that thing with us?”

  “Grrrrrrr. Burp.”

  “Her name is Jynx and she’s very sensitive. Please don’t call her a ‘thing’.”

  “Sorry.” Sera’Fina turned around and said to the Shamie, “Sorry, Jynx.”


  “Okay, so if you two are ready, just pull back on the wheel and the craft will begin to rise. The more you pull it back, the faster it will gain altitude. Anytime you’re ready.”

  Egg pulled back as she was told and the craft lifted slowly. When they reached a reasonable altitude, Sera’Fina told her companion, “Okay, pull the first lever toward you.”

  Without thinking, Egg reached for it then pulled it back hard. The craft shot forward at an incredible speed forcing all three passages back in their seats. Jynx yelped in surprise.

  “Ease up,” cried Sera’Fina, and Flying Girl did.

  “Grrrrrrr. Burp.”

  “Sorry, Jynx. Wow, that was bad.”

  “Hey, this is your first time. It takes a bit getting used to. What do you think . . . does Flying Girl like to fly in an aero craft?”

  “It’s way different than flying with just my suit. There are no controls; it responds to whatever I’m thinking. This is a little trickier.”

  “I love to fly. Too bad I can’t get a suit like yours. Then, you and I could travel the galaxy, fighting the good fight. I bet there are a zillion people that could use our help.”


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