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Sticks & Stones, Bullets & Bones (The Devil's Apostles MC)

Page 3

by Annie Buff

  “Ok ay, so this was what we found,” he told them with a smirk as he let the casings fall on the table. Each man knew the brass in front of them wasn’t from any police issued weapon. Those came from high powered rifles. “Cockroaches have come out to play once more. I’m not having this start all over again. We have business to conduct, I have Peyton and Nora to worry about. Bones has Wisha, this needs to be handled neatly and as soon as possible.

  “ Call in any favors owed to you, me, or the club. I need eyes on every inch of the border. They’re not using a crossing, that’s not safe. Check with all the

  ranchers you know. Someone is giving them safe passage. I want to know how these fuckers are getting here!” Smoke said slamming his fists down on the oak table. Each man knew the severity of what was happening.

  Temple lasted about thirty more minutes, and Peyton sat talking to Renegade about Jefé. She knew he was the crazy one and wouldn’t hesitate in any situation. She also knew Smoke may withhold information, trying to keep her from worrying. Peyton loved her husband dearly, but she knew how he thought. He wanted to protect her and Nora. His way to do that was to not disclose everything.

  “I know him Rennie, he’s gonna try to hide things from me. If Jefé has come out of hiding I have to know what’s going on.”

  That was something Renegade agreed with her on, the Queen had to know what was happening. He’d make sure she did, even if he had to take an ass beating for it. Being true to his Queen would be worth it.

  Rory sat in Smoke’s kitchen list ening to his President chew his ass for missing Church. Smoke was on a tirade and he knew it was better to let him rant before he told him where he’d gone, and that the errand was at Peyton’s request. After twenty minutes of Smoke yelling he finally stopped.

  “So Prospect, what was so fucking important you missed Church?” Smoke still had that evil stare. If Rory didn’t know him as well as he did, that stare would be scary as Hell.

  “Diapers Prez,” Rory replied honestly, “your wife asked me to go to the store to pick up diapers for Nora. Seems that your daughter poops a lot, and the stack was diminishing. Peyton asked if I’d run so she didn’t have to load up the baby and go out.”

  Damn! His daughter needed diapers and here he was ripping his Prospect a new asshole for missing Church without just asking why he wasn’t there. Smoke knew an apology was needed, but he wasn’t good at them. He knew he needed to at least attempt it though. Rory went above and beyond and Smoke went off halfcocked before he got the facts.

  “ Sorry man, I shoulda asked my wife before I jumped your ass. But what the fuck are we gonna do about Jefé? You know anyone on the border in high places that may be able to get us some Intel on how that bastard is crossing?”

  Rory could call in a few favors and see who knew what. Somebody had to know something. A prominent member of the cartel just didn’t walk through a border checkpoint. He was most certainly crossing using someone’s property as safe passage. Whoever it was had to be either threatened or purchased; both of those scenarios was bad news for Smoke and the MC.

  Roaches Check In

  Over the next few weeks Rory had put out feelers along with Smoke, Bones and the rest of the MC. Nix, Rory’s Army buddy, had come down to lend support and they were actually making some headway. Still nothing on how he was crossing, but at least they had Intel on how many of them had made it to this side of the border.

  Nix had come across some information that Jefe’s goon squad had taken up at least temporary residence on the

  American side. Jefé was the only one going back and forth. He had a dozen men on this side, probably watching the MC and reporting back to him.

  Nix and Rory had made the trip down south. It was a scouting mission, to see what they could see so to speak. They had spent several days watching. The best recon wasn’t asking questions, it was observation. Rory left his cut in the truck and went looking like any normal tourist.

  They decided playing the gay couple looking at real estate was the perfect cover, and Nix didn’t disappoint. He had played the flamboyant gay on more than one occasion and was extremely good at it. He even had the feminine walk down to a science. His motto was whatever it takes to get the job done.

  “Darling,” he started when they had gotten into their hotel room. Rory punched him in the gut, and Nix cracked up. They had been the best of friends during boot camp and that friendship continued throughout their service careers together. Nix's humor surpassed anyone the Prospect knew and for this mission, humor would be needed.

  The two of them spent two weeks in the border town looking for anything that might suggest where the roaches could be staying. Nix had said it would have to be a pretty big place to house a dozen people, or two side by side ones. So far they hadn’t come across any large number of Hispanic males all together. These men would be dressed well and drive fancy cars. The cartel was known to be flashy, not really caring who knew their


  Rory made his nightly call to Smoke. He was expected to check in even if they didn’t have any information. Smoke was his Sponsor and there was a sense of responsibility on the President’s part. He told Smoke they pretty much had nothing yet and told him what they were looking for.

  Smoke in turn relayed this to his wife. When he saw her face light up, he knew she had something. Peyton was the brains, Smoke respected her intelligence and most times he didn’t question her.

  “You guys are going about this all wrong.” She told him why she thought so. “Well I’ll be a son of a bitch ! She’s right Prospect. You two need to change neighborhoods. My wife is a fucking genius.”

  Rory ended the call shaking his head. How his baby sister figured things out was nothing short of amazing. Smoke was dead on, Peyton was a genius. The best way for the cartel to hide was to blend in. They were probably dressed like pauper’s and staying in run down houses or tenements. That changed the game. They wouldn’t look out of place and that made this one hundred times more difficult.

  Bones, along with Slinger did some investigating of their own. It wasn’t the cartel they were looking into, it Was the local sheriff’s department. Word on the street was that the cops Wisha had been on Vice with were most certainly dirty.

  The influx of cocaine in the junction had come from a recent bust and the information Bones had come across said only one kilo had made evidence. The other eleven never saw the evidence locker. Nobody could prove it, but the other Vice cops knew things weren’t right.

  Bones met a Detective named Jace Morrison for coffee not far from the clubhouse and way off of his beat. There were things he had to know and this cop seemed the best way to go.

  “So tell me why the Devil’s are so interested in my department? And don’t say it’s nothing, I know it’s something.” The Detective demanded. Of course it was something, none of them had coffee with the cops for fun. That was asking for trouble.

  “Doing a favor for a friend , so in this instance we’re the good guys. I need to know what’s going on in Vice. Particularly with these five men.” Bones slid the paper with the names listed on it, watching Morrison. He knew they were dirty, Bones could tell in a minute watching the facial expressions of the Detective.

  “Yeah, the bad apples. We all know , but nobody has been able to prove anything. Not only are they dirty, but they treat the women like shit. Oh shit!” Bones knew the Detective had figured out who the friend was.

  “She’s a good cop,” The Detective continues cautiously, “and I know she got screwed. I’ll do what I can to help you, but if it’s illegal I can’t know about it.”

  That was understood, and Bones wouldn’t put him in the position to have to lie. They didn’t work like that. He needed this man’s help, Wisha needed it.

  “Stop by the clubhouse Saturday night, have a beer and meet my Prez. He would like to say hello. Don’t worry, it’s safe. Wisha will be there and so will my

  President’s wife and daughter. We’re really not as ba
d as you think.”

  Detective Morrison had a feeling the biker was right. The Devil’s had a

  reputation for being ruthless, but just sitting here having coffee with this one made him rethink a few things. He stood giving a nod, then tossing a five on the table and heading out.

  Bones felt this new working

  relationship was going to prove crucial. The cop seemed to really want his department cleaned up and Bones wanted his woman to be able to work at a job she loved. It would be ideal for all parties involved.

  He sat for a while longer, sipping on his cup and thinking of Wisha. He wanted her in the worst way, and it was getting to the point he wasn’t going to be able to stop himself from showing up and taking her. Not forcibly, he would never force anything.

  Bones knew she wanted him too and that made waiting torturous. Her curves had him on the verge of losing it. No woman had ever gotten under his skin before, and then came Wisha. He knew one day she would be his forever, so he would be patient. Well as patient as a starving man at a buffet could be.

  Bones had to see her, he needed just one kiss, one taste of heaven. He found himself sitting on his Fatboy in front of her house waiting for her shift to end. He was aware she still had an hour but that didn’t matter, seeing her, being in the presence of her exquisite beauty mattered.

  Normally he would let her pursue him, but not this time. Bones needed her in every way a man needs a woman, she would be his anchor like Peyton was for Smoke.

  In his past relationships, he was always the Dominant, always confident and sure of himself and his performance. And he’d gotten to love being called Daddy or Sir. With her he didn’t want that, she needed to be his equal; in the bedroom and out. Wisha needed to be his Sub, but his Dom too. He knew both were in there. She proved that by coming to him for help. She was strong, strong enough to handle him.

  Bones sat and stared at her front door. He really hoped coming here wasn’t overstepping his bounds, it had been days since he had seen her and he was like an addict looking for a fix. The only thing that would cure his ill was Wisha and one of her kisses.

  What Bones really wanted was to sink his rock hard cock deep inside her warmth and make her scream, make her forget who she was. That’s what he wanted. It wasn’t going to happen now, there wasn’t time for what he wanted to do to her. He was expected at the clubhouse, but there was enough time for a kiss. To let her feel what she did to him, and enough to let her know she was his.

  Wisha pulled into her driveway and saw Bones sitting out front. She tried remembering if they had a meeting planned or not. Nothing came to mind, maybe he had information about the assholes that got her busted back down to uniform and the dreaded traffic patrol. Or maybe he just wanted to see her, that’s what she was hoping for. It had been four days with no communication from him and it made her wonder if he actually liked her or not.

  Bones met her on the grass halfway between her red sports car and his bike. He didn’t say a word before taking her mouth with his, her open lips welcoming his tongue. He had one hand buried in her hair, taking a fist full of her locks. The other on her ass, pulling her hips to meet his. He needed Wisha to feel his cock, how hard he was for her. How badly he craved her, all of her.

  Bones gave this kiss everything he had, this was the kind of kiss that said I love you, I want you and I always will. That was what he needed to get across, he wasn’t ready to tell her out loud. This would get it across… He took her hand and let it slide over his crotch.

  “Jesus!” She whispered against his mouth, feeling just how endowed he was. “No Angel, Jesus has nothing to do with that. You’re the reason my cock is throbbing, just you Angel. And I’m gonna sink so deep into you you’re gonna forget your own name. Not now, fuck I wish it was now. I can almost taste you Angel, and I will. Trust me on that, I’m gonna lay between your legs and eat your pussy to the point you will beg me to stop, and I’ll keep licking, and sucking and fingering you until you scream. I’ll let you have a break and start all over again, that time you’ll be on hands and knees, letting me lick both holes.” By the look on her face he was sure no man had had ever licked her like that. That made him smile, his tongue wanted so badly to breach that spot. He knew he could make her come with his tongue like that. It was one of his favorite things, for a long time he thought it was odd to like licking the way he did. Now he knew she was going to love it, he saw her face. It may be red but she wanted it.

  Wisha wanted him to take her, to dominate her and show her that he could be so erotic. He let his hand slide between her legs, feeling the heat.

  “Fuck Wisha what I wouldn’t give to have the time to put you on your knees in front of me, lay my cock on your tongue. Fuck your mouth, slide down your throat. I’ll be back, believe that! I will be back and we’ll do all of those things. Remember one thing Angel, you’re mine. Now and always sweetheart. You belongto me.” He kissed her one last time, this was a deep, loving kiss that left a slow burn. When he pulled away he didn’t speak, the look in his eyes said everything, he meant what he said. He would be back, he would have her and she was his.

  Wisha knew he meant it, and that made her want to run. The hard part was picking a direction, towards him or away. She knew it wouldn’t be away, somehow she just knew. He sped off into the setting sun leaving her breathless.

  Bones pulled up in front of the

  clubhouse, parking his Fat Boy in its usual spot. He always left the key in the ignition, it was club property and nobody would dare trespass. Smoke had asked to speak to him, he had no idea why but when your President asks for something you do it. He found him in his garage with Nora in her swing cooing along to an old country song on the radio. Bones went to pick up the infant, she loved being cuddled by her uncles.

  “Boss man, she looks like she’s supervising.” He told Smoke as he snuggled little Nora close. There was just something about a baby that could reduce even the baddest of them to pretty much babbling idiots. And she always smelled so good. Baby shampoo and lotion was fast becoming his favorite scent. “Whats up Smoke? Something going on?”

  Smoke smiled at his friend. He needed some guy time, some one on one with just Bones. It had been way too long since they had just gone drinking and riding. Smoke was completely devoted to his wife, but he was in serious need of some brother company.

  “ Nothing’s wrong, it’s just been way too long since we sat and drank together. Plus Peyton says I’m driving her nuts and we need to go out.” Bones started to laugh, he could hear Peyton in his head telling Smoke to get the fuck out and go ride. She may adore her husband, but Bones knew how overwhelming Smoke could be.

  “So we gonna go to Handlebars? Bet we’ll find Renegade there. That’s his favorite haunt, especially with that girl he keeps watching.” Smoke had heard through the grapevine about Renegade watching a young lady who frequented the bar. From what he had heard Rennie hadn’t approached her, just admired from afar.

  “Yep, let’s take Nora back to her mother and go get in some trouble.” Smoke was definitely in need of just being a guy. Once in a while a man like him had to go blow off some steam, being the President, he carried a huge weight with him. Everything that happened with the club sat on his shoulders. Despite most things going to a vote, Smoke was the final decision and sometimes those decisions were shitty. Sometimes he made the wrong decisions, when that happened he had to live with his mistakes. Like the day he and the men took off to that old farmhouse looking for Skinny, leaving Peyton with Slinger. He still felt guilty over that. His wife was an amazing creature, she protected herself, Slinger and their unborn daughter without hesitation. She never once held him accountable for that judgement call.

  Smoke and Bones sat in Smoke’s regular table, the one in the back with the best view of the front door. It was a habit he had, never sit with your back to a door in public. He wanted to know everyone that came through it, making sure he didn’t leave himself vulnerable to any kind of attack. They all did the same thing.
Years of the life will make you suspicious of everything. Smoke knew he had a target on him always. The best way to destroy the Devil’s would be to start with the President and work down from there.

  The two brothers threw back shots of Jameson in between beers and normal male chat. Bones let Smoke know that Jace Morrison would be stopping by the clubhouse on Saturday night. He knew his Prez wanted to meet the Detective.

  “So man , when you gonna grow a set and make that pretty redhead yours? I know you love her already, you’ve got that look. I remember that look, hell Bones I still have that look. I love my wife

  something fierce, and you love Wisha the same as I love Peyton.”

  Bones did love Wisha, and that was terrifying and exhilarating. He needed to make sure the fiasco in her department was dealt with, then they could be a couple.

  “I need us to get the shit going on with the cops fixed, then I’ll take care of Wisha.”

  “Man , this life of ours is always gonna be dangerous, if you wait for the perfect time you’re gonna wait forever. Go get your woman, tell her how you feel and make it forever. Don’t regret anything.” They sat in silence for a few minutes, Bones letting his President’s words sink in. Smoke was right, their world would always be dangerous. The life of an MC wasn’t all fluffy bunnies, it had proved brutal over the years. Even the doctor had a few bodies attached to him. Bones wasn’t the killer type, but he did what had to be done to protect himself and his club.

  “I hate it when you’re right.” Bones told him with a laugh. Smoke wasn’t trying to be right, he just wanted to open his brothers eyes. He couldn’t imagine his life without Peyton. She was his rock and kept him centered. There had been more than a few instances where Smoke had tried to go off

  halfcocked and Peyton kept him in check.

  After losing miserably to his President at pool, Bones decided to call it a night and head out. As the Harley’s started their usual rumble Smoke reminded him of their conversation.


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