The Spy's Son
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information. See Classified Information Procedures Act; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Freedom of Information Act; Sensitive Compartmented Information; Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility; surveillance
In Memoriam (Tennyson), 169
Internal Security Department (ISD), 79–83
invisible writing, 300
Iran, 28, 122
Iraq, 92
JAG, 275
Japan, 25, 30, 32, 40, 243
Jennings, Peter, 138
Jensen, Scott
with elicitation, 251–53
FBI background, 221
FBI counterintelligence and, 222–24, 226–27, 228, 251–53, 268
plea bargain and, 305
at proffer sessions, 284
John F. Kennedy School of Government, 299
Jones, Thomas R., Jr., 139, 145
Josh (Star’s boyfriend), 255, 258
judge. See legal system
Jusme, Al’Aura, 48. See also Nicholson, Laura Sue
Kaczynski, Ted, 1, 326
Kafka Comes to America: Fighting for Justice in the War on Terror (Wax), 270–71
Karetnikov, Alexey, 300
Kauffman, Sam
with Garvey Schubert Barer, 269–70
legal background, 270
with Nicholson, Jim “Batman,” as defense lead counsel, 270, 283, 287–89, 305–11, 315, 325
Special Administrative Measure and, 325
Keller, Roland, 74, 125, 140
Kelley, Brian, 291
Kennedy, John F., 77–78, 299
Kerrigan, Nancy, 306
KGB, 26, 32, 45, 69, 146, 303. See also Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki
Khmer Rouge, 39
KIIS-FM, 100
Kim, Robert Chaegun, 137, 140
King, Rodney, 10
Knight, Ethan D.
with Classified Information Procedures Act, 307
with Mohamud case, 310
at proffer session, 285
as prosecution co-counsel, 279–82, 288, 291, 305, 307, 309–10, 312
Knight, Marion “Suge,” 10, 155
Kommersant (newspaper), 300
Kool & the Gang, 329
Koon, Stacey, 10
Korea, 137
Korean War, 30, 141, 169
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
CIA in, 46–47, 52–57, 61
Russian Embassy in, 53
Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki in, 52–57
U.S. Embassy in, 50
Kuchins, Andrew, 299
Kunkel, Wendy, 272–73, 283
Langley. See Central Intelligence Agency
laws. See legislation
Lee, Andrew Daulton, 193
legal system
arraignments, 1–4, 268–69
detention hearing, 140–45
graymail, 307
judge, 274–82, 285–86, 288–89, 307–10, 312–19
with Nicholson, Jim “Batman,” defense, 139–54, 269–70, 273–74, 276, 283, 285, 287–90, 305–11, 315–19, 325
with Nicholson, Nathan, defense, 260–61, 267, 268–69, 270, 272–86, 305–8, 311–15, 319
proffer session, 284–85
prosecution, 276–82, 285, 288, 291, 305, 307, 309–10, 312
remuneration in, 270
sentencing, 152–54, 314–15, 318–19
Special Administrative Measure, 325
U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services, 275
legends, spies, 295–96, 298, 299
Classified Information Procedures Act, 307
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 71–72, 87, 146, 147–48, 149
Freedom of Information Act, 157
Lehliem, Kanokwan
cash payments and, 23, 198, 224
Nicholson, Jim “Batman,” and, 13, 40, 74, 85–87, 142, 194, 198, 207–8, 224
Leno, Jay, 298–99
Lieberman, Michael W., 139
life-story rights, 150, 330
Lily (Jim’s girlfriend), 50–51, 70
Lima, Peru
Nicholson, Nathan, in, 227–32, 256
planning for, 224–25, 227
Russian Embassy in, 7, 17, 215, 229–30, 233
Limbaugh, Rush, 299
lithium carbon monofluoride batteries, 122
Lonergan, Mike, 127
Loren, Sophia, 30
MacDonald, Jeffrey, 156–57
Madison, James, 324
Madoff, Bernie, 283
Madrid, commuter train bombings, 271
Maguire, Jahala Handy (wife), 105–7
Maguire, John R.
CIA career, 89–92, 96, 97, 106
CIA counterespionage and, 92–98, 107, 116–19, 121, 123, 128–29, 135
with Counterterrorist Center, 96, 98, 108–15, 121
family life, 105–7
at Nicholson, Jim “Batman,” sentencing, 152
as police officer, 96–97, 128
with polygraph test, 94–95
mail drop. See accommodation address
Malaysia. See Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Manila, Philippines
CIA in, 25–28, 36–38
U.S. Embassy in, 25, 27–28
Marash, Dave, 158
Marcos, Ferdinand, Sr., 26–27
Marcos, Imelda (wife), 26
Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse, 1–4, 268, 312
Mayfield, Brandon, 271
McClurg, John E.
FBI background, 100–101
FBI counterespionage and, 99–100, 102–4, 113–15
with minivan search, 99–100, 102–4
polygraph tests and, 85
McManus, Patrick F., 11–12, 170, 198
McVeigh, Timothy, 323
illegals as Russian spies in, 298–99, 300
Nicholson, Jim “Batman,” and, 138–39, 158–59, 323–25
Nicholson, Nathan, and, 162, 329–32
Special Administrative Measure and, 325
Medvedev, Dmitri A., 296, 300
Mesick, Harold James, Jr., 29–30
Metsos, Christopher R., 301
Mexico City
Nicholson, Nathan, in, 200–206, 212–15, 256
Our Lady of Guadalupe feast in, 199–200
planning for, 195, 198, 212
Russian Embassy in, 17, 192–93, 200–201, 212
Meyers, Randall (brother), 161, 165, 308
Meyers, Steven Paul, 160–61, 164–65, 308
Mickelson, Jesse, 191, 193, 194, 265
Microsoft, 300
Middle East, 13, 34, 89, 91
counterterrorism and, 98, 108–9, 110, 111
Iran, 28, 122
Iraq, 92
Sunni extremists, 108, 110, 112
military, U.S.
casualties, 174
JAG, 275
Nicholson, Jeremi, and, 14, 20, 179, 182, 191, 222–23, 282, 327
Nicholson, Jim “Batman,” and, 29, 31–33, 58–59
Nicholson, Marvin “Nick,” and, 141
Nicholson, Nathan, and, 5, 163–64, 169–75, 209
Miller, Arthur, 135
Miller, David Ian, 4, 228
Minchey, Kyle, 251
Miranda rights, 129, 253, 264
Mohamud, Mohamed Osman, 310
moles. See Ames, Aldrich; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Hanssen, Robert; Nicholson, Jim “Batman”; Pitts, Earl Edwin; Zaporozhsky, Alexander “Scythian”
Monaco RV, 213
money, 270. See also cash payments; debt
Moore, Duane R., 10
Mormon Mafia, 109
Murphy, Cynthia, 299
names. See code names
narcissists, 328
National Public Radio, 299
National Security Agency (NSA), 72, 148, 293
Needham, Gerald “Jerry”
legal background, 270
with Nicholson, Nathan, as defense co-counsel, 270, 277–79, 283–84, 312–13
New Delhi, India, 65–68
New People’s Army (NPA), 26, 27
Nicaragua, CIA in, 34, 108, 136
Nicholson, Anastassia “Nastia” (sister in law), 20, 223, 326
Nicholson, Beatrice Marie “Betty” (grandmother), 29–30, 32, 33–34, 86, 315
cash payments and, 194, 237, 276
at detention hearing, 143
family life, 204, 329
smuggling and, 167, 219
with son’s arrest, 132
Nicholson, Harold, 74. See also Nicholson, Jim “Batman”
Nicholson, H. J., 167. See also Nicholson, Jim “Batman”
Nicholson, Jeremi (brother), 96
with brother’s arrest, 265, 271
cash payments and, 200, 211, 237
with debt, 179, 202, 212, 317
early life, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 46, 50, 61
family life, 86, 87, 159, 171, 178, 204, 290, 306, 326
with father’s arrest, 133
with father’s sentencing, 152–53, 319
U.S. military and, 14, 20, 179, 182, 191, 222–23, 282, 327
Nicholson, Jim “Batman” (father)
arraignment, 1–4, 268
arrest, 126–35, 265
in Bangkok, 38–40
bank accounts of, 72, 73–74, 78, 140–41, 145, 150, 194
in Bucharest, 40, 41–46
at Camp Peary, 20–21, 58, 60, 68, 70
Career Trainees and, 55, 58, 61, 66, 104, 113, 151, 206, 236
cash payments to, 56, 66, 68, 69, 73, 83
character, 10, 51–52, 86–87, 97, 109, 115, 136, 151, 178, 254, 304, 328
Chechnya and, 76, 88, 103
CIA career, 11, 20–21, 25–28, 33–48, 52–61, 65–68, 75–76
code names for, 8, 56, 215, 233
code names revealed by, 104
confession, 150–51, 159
with Counterterrorist Center, 96, 98, 108–9, 110, 112–15, 121
covert communications from, 56, 68, 99, 117, 164–68, 181–82, 185–86, 196–97, 203, 212, 218, 222, 230, 262
debriefings, 151, 164–65, 203
detention hearing, 140–45
early life, 29–31, 32, 50
with elicitation, 109–10
elicitation of, 251–53
escape plan, 213–14
evidence against, 102–4, 118, 121–23, 148, 259, 274, 288
family life, 11–12, 14, 20, 28–29, 31–36, 37–40, 43–44, 45–52, 57, 59–60, 67–68, 74, 86–87, 115, 141–42, 153–54, 159, 162–63, 178, 290
with Farm, The, 49–50, 55, 96
Fedotov and, 19–20, 308
with handler, 66–67, 68–69, 70, 73, 82–83, 85, 116, 118, 122, 125, 151, 262, 325
Hanssen and, 326, 328
influence and aftermath, 151–52
in Kuala Lumpur, 46–47, 52–57, 61
legal defense, 139–54, 269–70, 273–74, 276, 283, 285, 287–90, 305–11, 315–19, 325
Lehliem and, 13, 40, 74, 85–87, 142, 194, 198, 207–8, 224
letter from son, 263
letter to daughter, 289–90, 304–6
letter to son, 160, 175, 204, 208, 219, 224, 240, 241, 252, 260
with life-story rights, 150
in Manila, 25–28, 36–38
media and, 138–39, 158–59, 323–25
as mole, 52–57, 65–76, 81–85, 87–88, 98–100, 102–4, 109–10, 116, 122–23, 125, 164–68, 212–14, 219, 266
as Nicholson, Harold, 74
as Nicholson, H. J., 167
Nicosia and, 12–14
nonofficial covers and, 56, 152
phone conversations with son, 11, 60, 158, 160, 175, 189–91, 193–95, 197–98, 211–12, 219, 223, 273, 274
plea bargain for, 85, 88, 150–52, 305, 310
polygraph tests, 67, 72–73, 150, 151, 164–65
prison life, 156, 157–68, 286–87, 289–90, 304–6, 326
prison release date, 326
prison visits with son, 9–14, 15, 158–59, 178–83, 188, 195–97, 206–7, 210–11, 236–37
Russia and, 14, 17, 19–20, 52–57, 65–69, 70–71, 73, 78, 82–83, 85, 98–99, 108, 116, 118, 122–23, 125, 146, 150–51, 161, 164, 179–83, 195–96, 200, 202–4, 212–14, 230, 252–53, 262, 272, 277, 291, 294, 307–9, 317–18, 323, 325
sentencing for, 152–54, 318–19
Singapore and, 81–85, 214
smuggling and, 164–68, 219
Special Administrative Measure and, 325
as Strachey, Nevil R., 56, 68, 99, 117
at Supermax, 326
under surveillance, 81–85, 87–88, 95–100, 102–4, 107–10, 112–23, 125–26
under surveillance again, 218–19, 222–24, 251–54, 268
under suspicion, 70–73, 75–81
under suspicion again, 218–21
at Terre Haute Federal Correctional Complex, 323–24
in Tokyo, 40
at U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Sheridan, 154, 156–68, 179–83, 185–97, 210–14, 240
U.S. military and, 29, 31–33, 58–59
Zaporozhsky and, 296–97
Nicholson, Laura Sue (mother) (Jusme, Al’Aura)
in Bangkok, 39–40
in Bucharest, 42–44, 45–46
CIA and, 41, 42
with ex-husband’s arrest, 132–33
family life, 28–29, 31–35, 37–40, 43–44, 45–48, 51–52, 53, 57, 59–60, 67, 68, 170–71, 174–75, 178, 204, 272
in Manila, 36–38
with name change, 48
with son’s arrest, 271
in Tokyo, 40
Nicholson, Marvin “Nick” (grandfather), 30–31, 32, 68, 86
cash payments and, 194, 195, 237, 276
family life, 204, 329
smuggling and, 167, 219
with son’s arrest, 132
U.S. military and, 141
Nicholson, Nathan, 96
arraignment, 268–69
arrest, 264–66, 271
bank accounts of, 194–95
Beavers and, 209, 260–63, 264, 276
at Camp Peary, 58–61
cash payments to, 21–22, 192, 200, 204–5, 214, 230–31, 237–38, 243, 283
character, 22, 86–87, 215, 265, 266, 273, 280
with Christianity, 209–10
code name for, 8, 215, 233, 276, 280
confession, 249, 254–59, 269, 276
covert communications from, 6–9, 185–86, 203, 212, 240–41, 242, 262
with debt, 179, 190, 202
early life, 6, 38, 39–41, 58–61, 143
elicitation of, 245–50
evidence against, 233–34, 237, 259, 274, 276, 288–89
family life, 11–12, 43, 50–51, 59–61, 74, 86, 115, 119, 123, 124–25, 159, 162–63, 170–71, 174–75, 178, 329–30
with father’s arrest, 129–30, 131, 133, 134
with father’s sentencing, 152–53, 319
graduation, 328–29
with handler, 16–23, 201–4, 212–15, 230–31, 233, 244, 292–94, 308, 325
Harden and, 210, 215–17, 225–29, 238–40
legal defense, 260–61, 267, 268–69, 270, 272–86, 305–8, 311–15, 319
Nicholson, Nathan (continued)
letters from father, 160, 175, 204, 208, 219, 224, 240, 241, 252, 260
letter to father, 263
life after military, 175–77
with life-story rights, 330
in Lima, 227–32, 256
media and, 162, 329–32
in Mexico City, 200–206, 212–15, 256
in Nicosia, 12–23, 243–44, 256
phone conversations with father, 11, 60, 158, 160, 175, 189–91, 193–95, 197–98, 211–12, 219, 223, 273, 274
plea bargain for, 285–86
prison life, 267–68, 271–74
prison visits with family, 272
prison visits with father, 9–14, 15, 158–59, 178–83, 188, 195–97, 206–7, 210–11, 236–37
proffer session and, 284–85
Russia and, 16–23, 179–83, 185–88, 191–93, 200–204, 212–15, 229–31, 233, 237–38, 240–41, 242–44, 256, 258, 261, 272, 280–81, 283, 292–94, 308, 325
in San Francisco, 7, 17, 184–88, 191–95
sentencing for, 314–15
suicide and, 176, 272–73
under surveillance, 222–29, 232–50, 254–66, 268–69, 276–79, 280–81, 320–21
under suspicion, 219–21
U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Sheridan, and, 179–83, 195–97
U.S. military and, 5, 163–64, 169–75, 209
Nicholson, Robert (uncle), 30
with brother’s arrest, 129–32, 133
at detention hearing, 141–42
family life, 123–25, 213
Nicholson, Star (sister), 14, 20, 23, 96
with brother’s confession, 254–59, 276
cash payments and, 200, 211, 237
with debt, 179, 202, 204, 212, 317
early life, 35, 41, 46, 50, 61
family life, 86, 87, 119, 123, 159, 171, 178, 210–11, 227, 241–42, 272, 290, 306, 326, 327, 329
with father’s arrest, 131, 133, 134
with father’s sentencing, 319
letter from father, 289–90, 304–6
Nicholson, Tammie (aunt), 30, 145, 282
Nicosia, Cyprus
aftermath, 23–24, 245–50, 252–53
Nicholson, Nathan, in, 12–23, 243–44, 256
planning for, 12–14, 231, 240–42
Russian Embassy in, 13, 242, 325–26
Nielsen, Dan, 218–19, 222
9/11, 110, 112, 163, 287
nonofficial covers (NOCs), 56, 152
Obama, Barack, 296, 299
Office of Strategic Services, 93. See also Central Intelligence Agency
Office of Technical Service (OTS), 122
O’Grady, Liam, 139, 144–45, 153
Operation Famish, 293–94
Operation Ghost Stories, 299, 303–4, 309
Oregonian, The (newspaper), 2
Other World Terrorism. See Counterterrorist Center