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A Week in New York (The Empire State Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Bay, Louise

  The bartender nodded at Anna and turned to me. “Can I get you a drink, sir?”

  Anna interrupted my response “You’re here! I’d thought you were gone and now you’re here! My New York lover.”

  “I think she’s had enough for both of us,” I said.

  “No! Have a drink. I have lots of new friends to show you. Which one do I like best?” She looked imploringly at the bartender.

  “You like them all, ma’am.”

  “I do. I like all these cocktails. They are my friends. My New York friends.” She pointed at a list of at least twenty drinks.

  “Tell me you’ve not served her all these?”

  He shook his head. “Just the first five or so. She was working her way down the list.”

  “Come on, beautiful. Let’s get you to bed.”

  I signed the tab and helped her off the stool.

  “My case, my case, my case,” she said as she spun around and went to grab a small silver suitcase, which I took for her. I put my free arm around her waist and guided her back to the elevator bank.

  “Why didn’t you leave it in the room?” I asked.

  “No key, no key, no key.” She was pretty unsteady on her feet, but her mouth was working just fine, if a little slurry.

  “Did you lose your key?” I asked.

  “No, of course I didn’t lose it. I left it in the room because of your weirdness this morning.” She prodded her finger into my cheek. “And then I wouldn’t have to bring it back and run into you when you dumped me, which would definitely happen because I have the worst luck with men, and that would be weirder and awkward so I left it, and then you texted me and then it was weird and now I’m here. I’m so tired.” She slumped against the elevator door.

  That was a lot of information to process in one go. “We’re going to get you to bed, beautiful,” I said and pulled her against me. I kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry for being weird this morning.”

  “That’s ok.” She looked up at me and grinned. “I think you’re awesome so I’ll forgive you.”

  Something inside me warmed and I could feel myself harden. Jesus, how was some drunk crazy girl getting me hard?

  I stroked her face. “I think you’re awesome, too.” She grinned, closed her eyes, and put her head on my chest.

  Chapter Ten

  She had barely said two words to me this morning. Rory was driving us to the Hamptons, which meant I could work, but I couldn’t concentrate with her next to me. Not to mention the hard-on that I’d had for 12 hours.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked her again.

  She grunted and curled her legs under her. She was wearing her sunglasses so I couldn’t see her expression.

  “A little delicate?” I suggested.

  She nodded. “With a good dose of humiliation thrown in.”

  “There’s nothing for you to feel humiliated about. You’re a cute drunk. I’ve seen a lot worse.”

  “Oh god. Don’t, Ethan. God knows what I said to you last night. I’m so embarrassed.” She turned to face the window. I unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her over onto my lap. Her body was limp and unresponsive.

  “Listen to me,” I said as she put her head in her hands. I wasn’t sure if she was crying. “Listen to me,” I repeated, pulling her hands away. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You didn’t say anything. You introduced me to the cocktail list in the bar, and then when I got you upstairs you passed out in your clothes. It was a pretty uneventful evening.”

  “We didn’t have sex?”

  “I’m not going to have sex with you passed out. I might have a permanent hard-on with you around, but Jesus, I can control myself.”

  “God. We’re meant to be having a sex-filled fling. I’m not holding up my end of the bargain very well.” Her hands went back to her face. I pulled them away.

  “Beautiful, we’re having plenty of sex, and we’re going to have plenty of sex this weekend, believe me.”

  “And I didn’t say anything to embarrass myself?” she asked.

  “Like what?” What was she so worried about?

  She shrugged.

  “No. You told me you thought I was awesome.”

  She groaned.

  “Why’s that embarrassing? I am awesome,” I said and I grinned at her.

  She laughed, which made me smile.

  “I told you I thought you were awesome, too,” I said.

  “You did?”

  I nodded.

  “Ok. I’m starting to feel a little more human.”

  “Can you lose the shades? I miss your eyes.”

  She shook her head. “I need carbs and three gallons of water before the shades come off.”


  After stopping for a breakfast burrito, we arrived at Ethan’s sister’s house around 11 a.m. The house was spectacular. With a pool and view of the ocean and a million rooms.

  “No one has pools in the UK, really,” I mused staring into the water.

  “Well, let’s make the most of it, then,” Ethan said as he slapped my ass. “I want to see you in your skimpiest bikini.”

  “I don’t do skimpy. Have you seen my ass?”

  “Yes, and it’s perfect. Totally nude is fine, too. Let’s change.”

  The pool was a fantastic antidote to the humidity. I swam lazily in no particular direction, wondering what was keeping Ethan. He’d changed into his trunks, so I expected him to be in the pool already.

  After a few minutes he emerged from the patio doors looking spectacular. I’d seen him plenty naked, but in the sun, wearing his shades, the sheen of his skin gave his body’s contours even more definition. As if they needed it. He was my Sex God, for one week only.

  “Get in this pool, you handsome fellow,” I bellowed at him just as I noticed he hung up his phone.

  He paced toward me and then stopped suddenly and looked at his phone, held it to his ear and started heading toward me again. I headed to the edge of the pool to meet him.

  “What time?” I heard him say as he approached the pool. “Yeah, that’s fine. I think. Hang on.” Then he dropped the phone to his waist, sat on the edge of the pool and said, “Is 7 p.m. ok? It’s only ten minutes from here.”

  I nodded. Did he mean we were going over to his friends’ house? I guess. My stomach churned slightly and I felt uneasy.

  “Yes, 7 is fine. Yes, she’s here. In the pool, and she’s much better-looking than you, so fuck off. I’ll see you tonight.”

  He hung up and threw his phone on to one of the loungers and slid into the pool. It was as if the water heated ten degrees. He lifted his sunglasses onto his head and reached over to take mine from my eyes. “I haven’t seen your eyes all day,” he said.

  “You don’t want to see them; they’re red and small and tired.”

  He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me toward him. I wrapped my legs around his waist. “You’d better kiss me, then, so I’ll be too distracted to notice.”

  I took his bottom lip between my teeth. I felt him harden beneath me, and I sighed contentedly, knowing how things were going to play out. My nipples puckered and I tightened my legs around him. The water sloshed between us and made his skin silky to the touch as I brought my hands up his chest and his tongue delved between my lips. I moaned and he pulled my hips closer to him. My body had been starved of him for too long.

  “Ethan,” I said. “I need to feel you.”

  He growled, turned us around in the water, and then lifted me to onto the edge of the pool, leaping out beside me. He held out my hand and helped me up. “Come on. We’re going inside to finish this. I don’t want the neighbors to hear you scream.”


  “Can I use another guest room to get showered and changed?” I asked. It was nearly 6 and we were still lying in bed, my back to his front, after spending the afternoon having amazingly hot sex. I barely had the energy to speak. How I was going to make it through an evening of polite chat with strangers, I had no

  “I guess. Why don’t you want to use this bathroom? I’ve seen you naked before, you know.”

  “Yes, and that’s the problem. I’d like to make myself presentable. And if I stay within five yards of you, I’ll be introduced to your friends looking like I’ve just been fucked and smelling of sex.”

  “Sounds perfect. I love it when you smell like me. When I know your skin has my sweat and come all over it.” He ground his hips into my ass and I felt the stirring of his cock. Holy hell. Again?

  “Yeah, that’s kinda the point.”

  “So you don’t trust me to control myself around you?”


  “Makes sense,” he said as I felt his teeth on my neck.

  The entire day could have been measured by how far away either of us was from our last or next orgasm. Activity other than sex had been attempted—lunch, swimming, reading—we’d tried all three with varying amounts of success. But at some point Ethan would look at me or touch me in a certain way, and something would switch in us both and he would be inside me in seconds—his fingers, his tongue, his cock. It was like an unquenchable thirst that we shared.

  I slapped at his hands around my waist and tried to break free.

  “I need to get in the shower.”

  “Sounds good. I haven’t fucked you in the shower yet.”

  “Yet again, you’ve just very elegantly proven my point, Mr. Scott. I need to have a shower, alone. You can control yourself for a few hours.”

  “How many hours exactly?” he asked, propping his head on his hand as I slid out of bed.

  “Until we get back from your friends’ house.”

  “Really? I think we should cancel.” I could hear the grin in his voice.

  I flicked my head around to look at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. We’re not animals. We can keep our hands off each other for a few hours.”

  “I’m not so sure.”


  My leg started jumping as the car pulled out. Ethan slid his hand to my knee. “Hey, don’t be nervous.”

  “I’m not,” I lied. And I stilled my leg.

  He took my hand in his and squeezed.

  “I should be the one who’s nervous,” he said.

  “Do you think I’m going to embarrass you?”

  “Well, obviously that’s a concern.” He grinned at me. “Andrew’s going to have fun with this. He won’t be able to resist.”

  “With what? Us?”

  He nodded. Fear washed over me. What did he mean? Before I got a chance to ask we’d arrived.

  Ethan took my hand as we walked up to the house. Just as he reached for the knocker, the door flew open.

  “Hey, guys,” Andrew welcomed us. Mandy stood beside him. She had red curly hair and a big smile. Her hands were clasped together as if she was about to applaud and her eyes sparkled with what looked like excitement.

  “I’m so happy you’re here.” She grabbed me and hugged me. “And you’re so pretty. I just knew you would be,” she said as she ushered me down their hallway. I turned to try and catch Ethan’s eye, but he wasn’t looking at me. “What do you want to drink? Tell me you drink and you’re not one of those health nuts? Andrew, can you get us some drinks? Cocktails?” Ethan was looking back at me and he grinned.

  “Maybe not cocktails. Anna had a little cocktail incident last night,” Ethan said.

  “Oh, how sweet. He’s protecting you. You drink, thank god. Wine?”

  I’d barely had an opportunity to say anything, so I just nodded.

  “And you’re from England? You know that Ethan’s sister is in England. I’ve always wanted to go. Andrew keeps saying he’ll take me but, hey, sometime never.”

  “Jesus, woman, take a breath already,” Andrew interrupted.

  Mandy laughed. “Sorry, I’m over-excited. I usually have to put up with these two talking about sports and business when Ethan comes over, so it’s so nice to have a girl to play with!”

  “She’s not for you to play with, Mandy,” Ethan said and put his arm around my shoulders. “That’s my job.” And he kissed me on my head.

  “Oh, my god. You’re so cute together! I wondered if this would ever happen and now it has and I’m so excited.”

  “Excuse my wife, Anna,” said Andrew. “She’s not used to company.” Mandy slapped Andrew on the arm and tutted. It was cute.

  “I’m just not used to Ethan introducing me to a girl,” she said to him as if I wasn’t there.

  “Woman,” Ethan said.

  Mandy squealed. What the hell was going on?

  “Let’s get you a drink so you’re forced not to speak while you sip,” Andrew said.

  When the drinks were poured, we made our way onto the patio, where the table was set for dinner.

  “This is a beautiful house, Mandy,” I said. Ethan and Andrew were chatting about some game, leaving Mandy and I to talk. I wasn’t sure which sport; I switched off as soon as I heard the words league and ball.

  “Thank you. It was my parent’s house. I inherited it. I’ve always loved it. I love the city but this feels like home.” Mandy had calmed down. Maybe it was the wine. “Do you live in the city?” she asked.

  I nodded. “Yes, and I love it.”

  “You’d never want to come to New York to live?”

  “Oh,” I was shocked by her question. “I’ve never thought about it.”

  “Would you consider it?” She nodded sideways to Ethan.

  “I’m just here for a week. We’re just having some fun. It’s nothing serious.”

  She pursed her lips. “I’ve never met one of his women.” I felt a churning in my stomach. “I know he has his share. But he doesn’t spend time with them. He just sleeps with them. Like a sport or something. You seem to be something different for him.”

  I shook my head. “I’m here for a week, and then he knows I’m 3,000 miles away. And I just broke up with someone. It’s just circumstances that are different.”

  “I’m not so sure,” she said.

  Ethan reached behind him to grab my hand, but continued his conversation with Andrew. I met Mandy’s eyes as they lifted from our joint hands and she raised her eyebrows.

  Chapter Eleven


  Back at the house, we moved around each other in the bathroom, getting ready for bed. It felt domestic, like we were a couple. Anna had been quiet in the car, and I was lost in my own head. But it was an easy silence that descended between us. I realized I really enjoyed the evening. I enjoyed sleeping with Anna, but I enjoyed hanging out with her, too. She was funny and confident and busted my balls.

  I got into bed and watched her as she brushed her hair and found my eyes before joining me in bed. I pulled her perfect ass toward me and wrapped my arms around her waist.

  “Hi,” she said as she tipped her head back to my chest.

  “Hi,” I replied. “How was your evening?”

  “Good. I like your friends. How about you?”

  “Good. I like my friends, too. And I like that they like you.”

  “Yeah, that was a bit weird at the beginning with Mandy.”

  “It was? Which bit?” Was tonight too complicated for her?

  “Just her making such a fuss over meeting me.”

  “Oh, I didn’t catch that. But I told you they’d have some fun with it. I thought I would get more of a hard time from Andrew, to be honest.”

  “A hard time for bringing me? Because we’re so casual?”

  I sucked in some air. Was I going to say this? I didn’t do bullshit. “Because I’ve never introduced them to a woman before.”



  “Because you normally keep your girlfriends chained up in your basement?” She was funny.

  “I live in an apartment.” She kicked me. “Because I don’t have girlfriends. There are women I have sex with, but I don’t hang out with them. I told you, I don’t date.” God, she was going to run screaming for the fucking hills
, and I wouldn’t blame her. I’d never questioned my relationships with women before, but I didn’t want her thinking I was a complete dick.

  “Oh,” she replied. I needed to distract her.

  “Are you sleepy?” I asked.

  “Not so sleepy that I don’t want you.”

  That was the right fucking answer.


  The next day we barely made it out of bed. Ethan kept suggesting we go down to the beach, which was only at the end of the gardens, just beyond the pool, and on several occasions I’d agreed, but we never made it. We were in our own private world in the house and somehow it kept pulling us back, like if we stepped outside it something would be lost.

  We were sitting on one of the loungers, me between his legs, leaning back against him. We were talking about his sister when his phone rattled against the side table. He picked it up and checked his message.

  “Urgh.” I felt his discomfort vibrate in his chest.

  “What’s up?”

  “It’s from Mandy. She wants us to go to a party tonight.”

  “That’s nice of her to invite us. You don’t want to go?”

  “I think she just wants to hang out with you again. I hate parties in the Hamptons.”

  “So we won’t go. But I think we should go out somewhere. To dinner or something. We’ve been in this house all day.”

  His phone buzzed again and he handed it to me. My heart skipped. It seemed a strangely intimate thing to do.


  “Read it.”

  I clicked on the phone so the message came into view.

  Andrew: Dude. Get your ass to this party or Mandy’s going to have my balls.

  I giggled. “Those guys are really cute together.”

  Ethan’s arms tightened around me. “They really are, but don’t tell them I said so. They’ll think I’m going soft.”

  “Mr. Scott, in my humble opinion, being soft is not something you need to worry about.”

  “Never around you, baby.” He buried his head in my neck.

  “We should go, though,” I said. “I’d hate for Andrew to lose his balls. And I like Mandy and Andrew. It’ll be nice.”


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