Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
Page 37
22. Astley, Inner Circle, p.37.
23. Ibid., p.39.
24. Wilkinson, Foreign Fields, p.68.
25. Astley, Inner Circle, p.39.
26. Ibid., p.41.
27. Wilkinson, Foreign Fields, pp.85, 86.
28. Stephen Dorril, MI6, Fourth Estate, 2000, p.250. For more detail on the possible identity of Professor Sandwich, including interviews with survivors, see Brian Johnson, The Secret War, BBC Books, 1979, chapter 6.
Chapter 3: Making Bangs for Churchill
1. The king’s speech is cited in Historic Royal Speeches and Writings (online):
2. Ann Hagan interview with John Clarke for Bedford Museum.
3. Astley, Inner Circle, p.39.
4. Macrae, Toyshop, p.27.
5. Astley, Inner Circle, p.40.
6. Ibid.
7. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.17.
8. Astley, Inner Circle, p.40.
9. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.17, 178, 18, 26.
10. Ibid., Topshop, p.59.
11. A.J.P. Taylor, English History, Clarendon Press, 1965, p.444.
12. Macrae, Toyshop, p.61.
13. Late 1930s advert cited on
14. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.29, 23.
15. Ibid., p.11.
16. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.31.
17. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.21, 178, 22.
18. Ibid., p.20.
19. Ibid., p.25.
20. Ibid., p.31.
21. Winston Churchill, The Second World War, Cassell, 1948–54 (6 vols.), vol. 2, p.321.
22. NA: WO32/5184 and WO32/5185.
23. Macrae, Toyshop, p.32.
24. Churchill, Second World War, vol. 1, p.456.
25. Macrae, Toyshop, p.31.
26. Hastings Ismay, The Memoirs of General the Lord Ismay, Heinemann, 1960, p.172.
27. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.31, 33, 35.
28. Ibid., p.45.
29. Ibid., p.35.
30. Churchill, Second World War, vol. 1, p.574.
31. Churchill, Second World War, vol. 2, p.36.
32. Macrae, Toyshop, p.51.
33. Churchill, Second World War, vol. 2, p.583.
Chapter 4: Sweet Fanny Adams
1. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.47.
2. Ibid.
3. Kim Philby, My Silent War, MacGibbon & Kee, 1968, chapter 1.
4. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.49.
5. Wilkinson, Foreign Fields, p.87.
6. IWM: Documents 14093, John McCaffery, ‘No Pipes or Drums’ (manuscript).
7. Pittsburgh Press, 19 September 1939, p.8.
8. Ernest Turner, The Phoney War on the Home Front, Michael Joseph, 1961, chapter 12.
10. Nicholas Rankin, Ian Fleming’s Commandos, Faber & Faber, 2011, pp.69, 70.
11. Astley, Inner Circle, p.43.
12. NA: HS 8/263.
13. Astley, Inner Circle, p.44.
14. NA: HS 8/263.
15. RUSI: Anon., ‘An Interlude in the Campaign in Norway’, Journal of the United Service Institution of India, 1941.
16. Ibid., p.27.
17. NA: WO 168/103.
18. Macrae, Toyshop, p.65.
19. NA: HS 8/263.
20. Macrae, Toyshop, p.66.
21. NA: CAB 65/7/1.
22. Jefferis, Jefferis, p.66
23. NA: CAB 65/7/1.
24. Ibid.
25. E.H. Stevens, The Trial of Nikolaus von Falkenhorst, William Hodge, 1949, p.xxix.
26. François Kersaudy, Norway 1940, HarperCollins, 1990, p.45.
27. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.52.
28. Ibid.
29. Colin Gubbins, The Art of Guerrilla Warfare, Ministry of Information, 1939.
30. Anon., ‘Interlude’, p.30.
31. Rankin, Commandos, p.71.
32. Gubbins, Art of Guerrilla Warfare.
33. NA: WO 168/103.
34. Ibid.
35. Anon., ‘Interlude’, p.30.
36. NA: WO 168/103.
37. Captain William Fell, CC: Fell 2/3.
38. Astley, Inner Circle, p.44.
39. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, pp.68, 67.
40. Anon., ‘Interlude’, p.34.
41. IWM: Documents 12618.
42. Colin Gubbins, Introduction to Knut Haukelid, Skis Against the Atom, North American Heritage Press, 1989.
Chapter 5: The Wild Guerrillas of Kent
1. Cecil Clarke, The Development of Weapon Potential, Clarke Family Papers.
2. The Times, 9 September 1939.
3. NA: AVIA 11/2.
4. NA: PREM 3/320/1.
5. NA: AVIA 11/2.
6. Astley, Inner Circle, p.45.
7. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.46.
8. Comer Clarke, England Under Hitler, New English Library, 1972, pp.104–6 (a copy of this scarce book is available at the IWM).
9. Ibid.
10. David Lampe, The Last Ditch, Cassell, 1968, p.65. See also Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.38.
11. Clarke, England, pp.104–6.
12. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.69.
13. Clarke, England, pp.104–6.
14. Gubbins in Leo McKinstry, Operation Sealion, John Murray, 2014, pp.263–4.
15. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.69.
16. IWM: Documents 16248.
17. Lampe, Last Ditch, p.80.
18. Donald Hamilton-Hill, SOE Assignment, William Kimber, 1973, p.13.
19. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.69.
20. Lampe, Last Ditch, p.82.
21. Astley, Inner Circle, p.76.
22. Clarke, England, pp.104–7.
23. Lampe, Last Ditch, p.91.
24. IWM: Documents 12618.
25. Clarke, England, pp.104–7.
26. Peter Fleming, Invasion 1940, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1957, p.70.
27. McKinstry, Sealion, p.18.
28. William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Secker & Warburg, 1961, p.782, citing army directive from Von Brauchitsch.
29. Hamilton-Hill, SOE, p.13.
30. Lampe, Last Ditch, pp.84–5.
31. McKinstry, Sealion, p.267.
32. Lampe, Last Ditch, p.102.
33. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.36.
34. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.76, 124, 98, 125-6, 131.
35. Lampe, Last Ditch, p.103.
36. IWM: Documents 12618.
37. Henry Hall interview in McKinstry, Sealion, p.272.
38. Lampe, Last Ditch, p.98.
39. Wilkinson, Foreign Fields, p.102.
40. IWM: Documents 12618.
41. Churchill, Second World War, vol. 2, pp.584, 231.
42. Erich Raeder, Grand Admiral, Da Capo Press, 2000, p.324.
43. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.74.
Chapter 6: The Enemy Within
1. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.61, 82.
2. CC: MCRA 2/2.
3. Gerald Pawle, The Secret War, Harrap, 1956, p.125.
4. Barnaby Blacker, The Adventures and Inventions of Stewart Blacker: Soldier, Aviator, Weapons Inventor, Pen & Sword, 2006, p.vii.
5. Macrae, Toyshop, p.79.
6. Jefferis, Jefferis, unpaginated.
7. Pawle, Secret, p.27.
8. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.85–6.
9. Ibid., p.96.
10. This and previous, Churchill, Second World War, vol. 2, p.294.
11. Macrae, To
yshop, p.179.
12. Ibid., pp.108, 87, 88.
13. CC: MCRA 4/1.
14. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.114, 99.
15. NA: CAB 121.
16. Hugh Dalton, Fateful Years, Frederick Muller, 1957, pp.366–7.
17. David Stafford, Secret Agent, BBC Books, 2000, p.12.
18. Brendan Bracken, in Mark Seaman (ed.), Special Operations Executive: A New Instrument of War, Routledge, 2005, p.62.
19. Dalton, Fateful Years, pp.367, 366.
20. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.112.
21. Obituary, The Times, 13 August 1966.
22. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.56.
23. Ibid., p.44.
24. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.79.
25. Ibid., p.76.
26. Wilkinson, Foreign Fields, p.107.
27. Ewan Butler, Amateur Agent, Harrap, 1963, p.75.
28. Peter Wilkinson, in Russell Miller, Behind the Lines, Secker & Warburg, 2002, p.3.
29. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.81.
30. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.27.
31. Ibid., p.28.
32. Carlton TV interview with Margaret Jackson, IWM: Documents 23245.
33. Ibid.
34. ‘Margaret’s Secret War’, For a Change, vol. 19, no. 4, August 2006.
35. Leo Marks, Between Silk and Cyanide: A Codebreaker’s War, HarperCollins, 1999, p.346.
36. IWM: Documents 23245.
37. IWM: Documents 12618.
38. IWM: Documents 16248.
39. IWM: Documents 23245.
40. John Connell, The House by Herod’s Gate, Sampson Low, Marston, 1947, p.19.
41. Sue Ryder interview, IWM: Documents 10057.
42. Astley and Wilkinson, Gubbins, p.96.
43. IWM: Documents 23245.
44. Philby, Silent, p.54.
45. IWM: Documents 23245.
46. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.57.
47. IWM: Documents 23245.
Chapter 7: The First Big Bang
1. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.93–4.
2. Interview with Mrs Ann Clarke, 17 December 2014.
3. Des Turner, Station 12: Aston House, SOE’s Secret Centre, History Press, 2006, p.184.
4. NA: HS 8/371.
5. Macrae, Toyshop, p.195.
6. Philby, Silent, p.49.
7. Peter Kemp, No Colours or Crest, Cassell, 1958, p.38.
8. Philby, Silent, p.8.
9. Macrae, Toyshop, p.195.
11. Eveleigh Earle Denis ‘Dumbo’ Newman, interview, IWM 27463.
12. IWM: Documents 14093.
13. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, pp.57, 53.
14. Brian Lett, Ian Fleming and SOE’s Operation Postmaster, Pen & Sword, 2012.
15. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.21.
16. M.R.D. Foot, SOE in France, Routledge, 2004, pp.153, 141.
17. NA: HS 6/347.
18. IWM: Interview 9421.
19. NA: HS 6/347.
21. The Times, 10 May 1941.
22. NA: HS 6/347.
23. Ibid.
24. Henri Noguères en collaboration avec M. Degliame-Fouché et J.L. Vigier, Histoire de la Résistance en France de 1940 à 1945, Robert Laffont, 1981.
25. NA: HS 6/347.
26. Foot, SOE in France, p.144.
27. NA: HS 6/347.
28. IWM: Documents 12618.
29. NA: HS 6/347 and HS 6/345.
Chapter 8: Killing School
1. Churchill, Second World War, vol. 4, p.536.
2. Macrae, Toyshop, pp.115, 114, 111, 99, 97, 110, 182.
3. CC: MCRA 4/1.
4. Pawle, Secret, p.8.
5. CC: GOEV 3/3.
6. Pawle, Secret, p.126.
7. Ibid., p.130.
8. Macrae, Toyshop, p.164.
9. Pawle, Secret, p.131.
10. Ibid., p.128.
11. Ibid., pp.134–5.
12. Ibid., p.130.
13. IWM: Documents 12618.
14. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.63.
15. Kemp, Colours, p.23.
16. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p.37.
17. Roderick Bailey, Forgotten Voices of the Secret War, Ebury Press, 2008, p.49.
18. George Langelaan, Knights of the Floating Silk, Hutchinson, 1959, p.65.
19. Charles J. Rolo, Major W.E. Fairbairn, NA: HS 9/495/7.
20. Langelaan, Knights, p.65.
21. NA: HS 9/495/7.
22. Ibid.
23. Langelaan, Knights, p.65.
24. Peter Kemp in Tom Keene, The Lost Band of Brothers, History Press, 2015, p.32.
25. James Owen, Commando, Little, Brown, 2012, p.24.
26. Stafford, Secret Agent, p.27.
27. William Pilkington audio interview, IWM: 16854.
28. Bailey, Forgotten, p.45.
29. NA: HS 9/495/7.
30. Langelaan, Knights, p.67.
31. William Pilkington interview, IWM: 16854.
32. William Pilkingon audio interviews, ibid. and IWM: 18478.
33. Kemp, Colours, p.44.
34. Churchill, Second World War, vol. 2, p.217.
35. Marcus Binney, Secret War Heroes: The Men of Special Operations Executive, Hodder & Stoughton, 2005, pp.121–2.
36. Keene, Lost, p.54.
37. John Geoffrey Appleyard, Geoffrey, Blandford Press, 1945, p.44.
38. Lett, Fleming, chapter 7.
39. Suzanne Lassen, Anders Lassen VC, Frederick Muller, 1965, p.26.
Chapter 9: Gubbins’s Pirates
1. The Times, 9 August 1941.
2. Keene, Lost, p.61.
3. Mike Langley, Anders Lassen, New English Library, 1988, p.87.
4. NA: HS 7/221.
5. Langley, Lassen, p.61.
6. Appleyard, Geoffrey, p.84.
7. Sir Richard Francis Burton, Wanderings in West Africa, Tinsley Brothers, 1863, vol. 2, p.295.
8. NA: HS 3/86.
9. Keene, Lost, p.84.
10. Colin Gubbins, The Partisan Leaders’ Handbook, Ministry of Information, 1939.
11. Binney, Secret, p.127.
12. Keene, Lost, pp. 94–9.
13. Ibid., p.100.
14. NA: ADM 199/395.
15. NA: HS 3/87.
16. Appleyard, Geoffrey, p.72.
17. NA: HS 3/91.
18. Langley, Lassen, p.84.
19. Binney, Secret, pp.134–5.