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Enigma at the Greensboro Zoo (Ultimate Ending Book 4)

Page 12

by David Kristoph


  The Warden Hut is a nondescript cement building with a flat roof, sort of like a bunker. There's a larger door on the side to a garage of some kind. The entire structure looks like it could withstand a bomb blast.

  You approach the main door. It's metal and electronic, far more elaborate than something you'd expect to find at a zoo. And more intimidating than any of the other zoo doors so far.

  "There's a keycode entry," you say. "We haven't gotten the code for this place, have we?"

  Your partner shakes his head.

  Now that the park power is restored, the building is illuminated on all sides by big floodlights. You walk around the structure until you come to a ladder on the side. It leads up to the roof two stories above.

  "We could see if there's a way in up there," you say.

  Jerry cocks his head. "I don't know. It doesn't look too safe. See that huge gash in the wall, there?"

  Halfway up the building there's a rend in the cement five feet long, crossing over the ladder. Like a massive claw raked across the side. Some of the cement underneath the ladder is crumbling.

  "I'll go first," you decide. "And you'll wait until I'm all the way up before following." Before Jerry can protest, you begin climbing.

  You take the rungs one at a time, the sound of boots on metal ringing louder than you would like in the forest. The ladder is wobbly around the broken area, but with just one person it bears your weight fine.

  Check out the roof ON PAGE 152


  "You're right," you say. "I've been so focused on that big thing because it would be a grand gesture, really impress the Captain."

  Jerry grips your shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Let's go get these animals under control!"

  You jog along the path with the rifles held across your chest. A gazelle appears around a bend, eating some grass next to the road. Jerry takes aim and fires a dart. It catches the animal in the neck. The gazelle wavers and slowly falls to the grass.

  "Nice shot!"

  It's a safari hunt after that, running along and putting a dart in every animal you come across. A striped tiger appears along the path and Jerry takes it down before it can even react. Two giraffes are next, their long necks laying flat on the grass. You hit one and Jerry nabs the other. Jerry is a surprisingly good marksman, hitting every single target. It's practically a game.

  You must have subdued half the park by the time you reach the entrance. You skid to a stop and look at your partner. "How many darts you got left?"

  "Just one. Huh. Didn't realize I had churned through that many."

  "Same here." You look around. The park seems much quieter now. There's still the other half that you haven't investigated, though. "Maybe we should go check out the Insect Enclosure," you say. "Or the Penguin Palace. You know, make sure they're all safe and closed up."

  "Uhh," Jerry says. "What's that?"

  There's a light coming in the distance. From the direction of the park entrance.

  See what happens ON PAGE 78


  "I think the answer might be Aluminum," you say.

  "I have no idea, so I trust your gut."

  You select Aluminum. A horn inside the podium beeps, and the screen flashes red.

  The correct answer was Charcoal. Chewing on charcoal allows red colobus monkeys to eat potentially harmful foods, such as mango leaves and almonds, which contain toxins.

  "That's not fair at all," Jerry complains. "How were we supposed to know the answer to such an obscure question?"

  You shrug. "Maybe we'll get another chance later. Either way, it doesn't help us get inside this Monkey Manor."

  The monkeys hoot and cry, jumping up and down behind the bars.



  You think the answer is Black Bear, so that's what you press. The podium flashes red and makes a decidedly angry beeping noise. Incorrect.

  "Aww man," Jerry says.

  Feeling awful for getting it wrong, you return to the observation railing. The gold coin taunts you. So close, yet so far away.

  "Find some rope," you call to Jerry. "I'm going in."


  You start to climb, but Jerry runs up and grabs your arm. "No way. No way. You're not going in there. You would immediately regret that decision."

  "But we need that coin!"

  Jerry shakes his head. "No we don't. We can still climb pretty high in the tower, we just won't be able to get to the roof. We shouldn't get that close anyways. You read the note."

  A bear comes strolling out of the cave below, slow and lazy. It looks up at you as if wondering what all the commotion is about.

  Jerry glares at you. "See? I told you that would have been a bad idea!"

  Seeing the bear shakes you out of it. "Yeah, you're right. Okay. Let's head back to the tower then."

  Jerry nods as if you've finally come to your senses.

  Head back into the tower ON PAGE 154


  "It's a good thing I remember this." You press the button for Coral Snake.

  The screen flashes green and some trumpets play. A gold coin rolls out of the side and into a small tray.

  "No thanks to you, Jerry."

  He's still looking around nervously. "Good for you, partner. I knew you'd get it. Now let's get out of here, okay?"


  Make your way back to the tower ON PAGE 154


  "Do it," you whisper.

  Jerry doesn't hesitate. With a loud hiss the dart shoots forward, pink feathering sticking out of the dark animal.

  It roars, a terrible, angry sound.

  It turns toward you. Yellow eyes glow in the night. It takes a step forward but stumbles, losing its balance. It falls forward and lands with its head hanging over the roof, eyes closed.


  "We did it!" you yell, high-fiving Jerry. "Nice shot, dude!"

  He grins from ear to ear. "Don't call me dude!"

  You approach the edge of the roof where the animal's head hangs. It's the only body part you can see, but it's clearly a bird's head, although it's the size of a big beach ball, with eyes as round as saucers. "Told you it was a bird," Jerry says. "I mean, it was obvious since it could fly, but still."

  It seems so peaceful in sleep. You could have sworn there was more to it than that, but you guess it was just a really big bird all along. "Maybe we can find a way up to the roof to get a better look," you say. "After all this trouble I want to see..."

  The sound of car engines drifts up from the ground. You and Jerry return to the railing in time to see a line of headlights snaking through the forest, coming your way.

  "Just in time," you say. "Let's go brag about what we've done."

  Head downstairs ON PAGE 150


  You grab Jerry before he can raise the rifle. "Come on!"


  "COME ON!"

  He allows himself to be dragged away, and the two of you sprint down a side path into the woods. After a hundred feet you hear the sound of laughing behind you, the hyenas following. Stalking. You dare not look back.

  The path is barely more than some mud and gravel, and you nearly lose your footing several times. It's not easy sprinting for your life while carrying a long rifle!

  "Where does this path lead?" Jerry asks.

  "I don't know. Hopefully someplace safe!"


  Cross your fingers ON PAGE 93


  Just as the spider's hairy leg brushes against your pants, a paralyzing sound cuts the air, like a dog whistle but more electronic. You clutch your ears and roll onto your side. It feels like someone is drilling into your ears!

  Through clenched eyes you notice the two remaining spiders are trembling. One of them takes a step back, teetering as if drunk. The other follows in the same condition. They stumble that way across the room and into one of the broken glass enc

  The sound cuts out and Jerry appears next to you. He lowers a hand. "Dude, I told you to not to move!"

  You gratefully let him pull you to your feet. "Hey, you try playing chicken against a bunch of giant spiders. And stop calling me dude!"

  He laughs and holds out his other hand. There's a small oval device in his palm, like a garage door opener. "This it was on the wall inside. Subsonic interference device. Used it just in time!"

  "Just in time," you agree. "Was there anything else in the office?"

  He shrugs. "I didn't have much time to check. I was too busy saving your butt." He looks over his shoulder. "Want to go back and look around? If those spiders come back..."

  You don't even have to think about it. "Nope. I don't know what else is in this zoo, but we need some better weapons. Let's go get those tranquilizer rifles."

  Head back outside ON PAGE 75


  Sneak Peek

  Welcome to the Aurora Hotel!

  You are SCOTT REINHART, an invited guest on this snowy Saturday night. An icy wind ushers you up the steps, through the threshold and into the magnificent Grand Lobby. It's your first time here since your uncle Gus bought the place. Unfortunately you heard it hasn't been doing well. The turn-of-last-century hotel has a long history, and none of it good. You've read reports of freak accidents, of guests disappearing, even tales that the place is haunted! In fact--


  You trip over your duffel bag as you're nearly tackled to the marble floor. When you look up it's into the smiling face of your cousin Jenna. Over her shoulder, grinning apologetically, is your other cousin -- her twin brother Evan.

  "You made it!"

  You can't help but laugh. "Of course I made it!" Their email came more than a week ago. Something about them needing help. Something about being able to help your uncle Gus, too. Casually you glance around for him. Except for a few scattered guests, the hotel looks pretty empty.

  "Come upstairs," Evan says. "Our rooms are all ready. We can tell you everything."

  A half hour later you're all settled in. You and Evan are sharing a room, with Jenna's connected via an adjoining door. Your cousins have been here for a few days, you realize. Since before the snows started to fall. Silently you envy them for missing out on a few days of school.

  "So what's this about?" you ask. "Something about... a letter?"

  The twins look at each other. Evan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of tattered, yellowed paper. The handwriting on it is barely legible.


  My preparations have been meticulous. The ceremony is arranged.

  Alone I have gathered all four artifacts that are somehow still bound to this place. With them I can close the nether-gate -- on this night of all nights -- and restore peace to the Aurora Hotel.

  I can only pray that all goes well. That he does not show himself, or interfere in any way.

  By tomorrow it will all be over. One way or another.

  -- Alastair Roakes All Hallows Eve, 1909

  "Whoa," you say. "Where in the world did you find this?"

  "In a hidden compartment," Evan replies, "of some antique desk that's bounced its way around the hotel."

  "And that's not all," Jenna adds. "There was a photo tucked away with it. And old photo."


  "Is that him?" you ask. "This... Alastair guy?"

  The twins nod in unison. "We guess so," Jenna says. "I mean, that's what we're counting on, anyway."


  Jenna casts her brother a concerned look. "Evan, tell him."

  Your cousin looks uncomfortable. Then again, he usually does. Evan's the smartest guy you know, but he was never good with people. Or words. "Things are bad here," he begins. "Something is... well, something is wrong with this place."

  "What do you mean by wrong?"

  He pauses, searching for the right words. "My father is worried, Scott. When he bought this place he got it cheap, so he knew something was probably up. But he always thought it was something he could fix. Some new plaster here, some fresh paint there -- that sort of thing. Hey, the place is old. It's expected. Only the longer we stay here, the weirder it gets."

  "Not weird, haunted!" Jenna cries. You can tell your more vociferous cousin was a having a hard time keeping silent. "This place is creepy, cuz. People have seen things. We've seen things. It's driving the customers away and making things miserable for dad."

  You blink. So that's why the hotel seems practically empty. But haunted? For some reason it doesn't make sense. For Jenna to be convinced, maybe, but Evan has always been the more rational of the two.

  "So what can I do?" you ask. "Why'd you call me up here?"

  Evan holds up the letter. "Four artifacts," he reads. He points to the photograph. "Now look on the table. A bell, a candle, a crystal ball--"

  "--and a book," Jenna adds. "Don't forget about the book."

  You study the photo. The man seated at the table certainly appears like he's about to conduct some sort of ceremony. The four strange artifacts lay spread out before him. An arrangement, you think quietly.

  "Let's say this is Alastair," you offer. "So what? This guy is long gone. The ceremony is long since over."

  "Not if he never finished it," Jenna says. Her eyes sparkle with a strange excitement. "Think about it, Scotty. This guy Alastair knew the hotel was haunted. His ceremony was meant to put it at rest. Only it's not at rest, which means whatever he was trying to do didn't work. He failed, or--"

  "-- or he got interrupted," Evan finishes. "See what it says? Hopefully 'he' won't show himself. So who is 'he'? And what if he did show himself?"


  Evan pauses. "A long time ago, there was a big explosion here, in the basement of the hotel. We looked it up. Know when it was?"


  "Yes. Halloween night. Or all Hallows' Eve, depending on how you phrase it." Your cousin's eyes narrow. You've never seen him this focused. "We're thinking this 'he' showed up. Messed up Alastair's plans."

  "There's a pile of guest logs in the old storage room," Jenna goes on. "The records say an Alastair Roakes checked into the Aurora a few days before the explosion. But he never paid his bill. He never checked out."

  You let loose a broken chuckle. "Think he's still here?" When you look up though, your cousins aren't laughing.

  "This 'he' guy might still be here," Evan shrugs. "Might even be the bad guy people keep seeing around. Maybe he's the one responsible for this 'nethergate' in the first place."

  Bad guy? You decide not to ask. "So what's the plan?"

  "Simple," Jenna says. "We search the Aurora top to bottom for these four objects. When we've gathered them all, maybe we can somehow finish the ceremony."

  "And close the nethergate," Evan adds. "Solve the whole ghost problem here, once and for all."

  You nod. Seems simple enough. Too simple, actually. "The bell, candle, crystal and book... wouldn't these things be long gone by now?"

  "Not if they were bound to this place," Evan answers. "Like it says here in the letter."

  A smile crosses your face, mirroring Jenna's. "Sure, why not? I'm in!" Your cousins' enthusiasm is rubbing off on you. "But how are we going to search this place while guests are here? Won't uncle Gus -- I mean your dad -- come down on us?"

  "That's why we wait until midnight," Jenna says. "Most of the hotel will be shut down. We'll have free run of the place!"

  "Plus," Evan adds, "after midnight the date will be right too. It'll be All Hallows' Eve..."


  A few hours and a couple of cheeseburgers later (courtesy of Uncle Gus!) you're still relaxing in your room. Despite everyone agreeing to try and get some rest, you're just too excited to sleep tonight. Still, your eyes are getting heavy when suddenly--

  "Happy Halloween!" Jenna bursts through your suite door like a kid on Christmas morning. It's not even two seconds after midnight. "You guys ready?'

Evan groans as he sits up. "In a few."

  As Jenna bounces over you notice she's holding something. "What's that?"

  "I swiped the master key from the front desk," she declares proudly. Your cousin shakes a piece of paper in her other hand. "And the guest manifest, too. That way we can tell which rooms are empty."

  "Nice!" You squint curiously at the large bronze key Jenna is spinning around the tip of her finger. "Wow, they still use keys here?"

  "It's an old hotel," Evan explains. "It's all part of the charm."

  Jenna chuckles. "You sound like dad, trying to save money." She flops onto the bed. "Okay, we only have until morning. 42 rooms, three floors... this place is big. Evan and I already decided we're gonna need to split up."


  Evan swipes the key mid-spin, then takes a copy of the manifest from his sister. "I'll take this level. The first floor. See what I can find."

  "And I'll start at the lobby level," Jenna says. "There's lots of stuff to check out downstairs."

  "Once we're done, we can meet up at the elevator," Evan says. "Then we can all do the second floor together. Cool?"

  "Cool!" cries Jenna. She whirls to face you. "So Scotty... the big question: Who you goin' with?"


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