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Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles)

Page 8

by Brenda Sparks

  She knew the flower had outlived its time, but she couldn’t bear to throw it out, not yet. Somehow, it would be like throwing a part of Stephan away.

  “When are you gonna throw that thing out, Kitty Kat?” Marcus asked when he plopped down in the leather recliner.

  “I don’t know. I know it’s past its prime, but I’m not ready to get rid of it yet.”

  “It’s got to go sometime. You want me to get rid of it for you?” he offered and leaned forward as if he intended to pluck it from the table.

  “No!” she replied a bit too emphatically, panic raising her voice.

  “Leave her alone, Marcus. She’ll get rid of it when she’s good and ready.” Stephan’s deep voice resonated throughout the room. While he crossed to where Kat sat, she couldn’t help but smile up at him, for just the sight of him made her heart race with joy.

  “Close your eyes, Kitten. I have a surprise for you.” He joined her on the couch waiting for her to comply before placing something in her lap. “All right, open your eyes.”

  Kat looked down and squealed. “What is it?” Her eyes went wide with excitement.

  “Open it and see.” Stephan smiled, exposing his perfectly straight teeth.

  Kat lifted the rectangular box, examining it from all sides. “I have no idea what it could be.”

  “Open it already,” teased Marcus from his chair with a knowing smile.

  Kat carefully took the box in her long fingers, pulled the pink ribbon away and opened it. Awaiting her inside were two tickets. She pulled them from the box, reading the scrolling print.

  “Two tickets to the ballet! Ooooh, Swan Lake!” Kat threw her arms about Stephan’s neck and squeezed tight. His arms wrapped around her, encasing her in his steel embrace. His lips brushed her ears when he spoke, “Do you like them, Kitten?”

  “Oh yes! Thank you! Thank you!” Kat leapt into Stephan’s lap. “When is the show?”

  “Tomorrow night,” he answered, shifting her slightly so he cradled her in his strong arms.

  “Oh no, I have to work tomorrow,” she said, looking at Marcus with a downtrodden face. She poked her lower lip out in a pout.

  “I think the boss will let you have the night off.” Marcus winked and smirked at Katrina. “Actually it’s already arranged.”

  “You’re the bestest boss ever.” With one graceful leap, she was in Marcus’ lap, hugging him around the neck. Stephan growled possessively behind her back, making Marcus shift uncomfortably in the recliner.

  “Down tiger, I’m not trying to steal your girl.” Marcus shifted Kat off his lap, gently pushing her back in Stephan’s direction.

  “Watch yourself, Marcus,” Stephan warned in jest. “You are getting dangerously close to being insubordinate.”

  Marcus put both hands up in mock surrender. Katrina’s heart grew as she looked down on Stephan’s handsome face. She had noticed the tension growing between the two and wondered if she might be the cause. But she believed their friendship could withstand the growing feelings between Stephan and her. It was a delicate situation that the three of them would work through in time. They had to, because Kat wasn’t willing to give either of them up.

  Kat sat beside Stephan, and he pulled her back onto his lap.

  “I have another surprise for you, sweetheart.” He pulled another box from behind his back. Identical to the previous one, Kat opened it quickly with excited fingers. A gasp escaped her lips when she looked within.

  “Oh Stephan,” she breathed as she fingered the contents. “It’s beautiful!”

  “Here let me put it on.” Stephan pulled the blood-red ruby necklace from the black velvet box and fastened it around her neck. A square of diamonds outlined the biggest princess cut ruby she’d ever seen. Set in platinum, it hung on a polished platinum chain.

  “How does it look?” Kat fingered the necklace and waited for the reply.

  Stephan looked from the necklace into her eyes. “Beautiful. Not as beautiful as you, but still, on you it’s beautiful.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest at the compliment. Kat rose with a smile on her face that lit the corners of her eyes, determined to admire her present in a mirror. Stephan followed as she made her way into the bathroom. She pet the necklace, admired its reflection.

  “Oh Stephan, I can’t accept this,” she whispered, meeting his eyes in the mirror.

  “Do you not like it?” His voice dripped with concern.

  Kat turned to face him. She stood so close, the warmth of his body surrounding her. “Oh no, I love it, but it’s too expensive. I can’t accept something like this.”

  Stephan leaned his hands on the counter, walling her in, and bent forward so their lips brushed as he spoke. “I don’t want to hear another word regarding money. I bought it for you as a gift. It doesn’t matter what it cost, it is but a small token of my feelings for you.”

  Kat’s heart raced like she ran a marathon. The heat from his body engulfed her in a heady combination with his masculine, sandalwood scent. She inhaled deeply, her breasts pushed against his chest.

  He swallowed a moan and kissed her. They wrapped their arms around each other, their bodies melding together as one. Pressed so close to him, it was impossible to miss the hard evidence of his mounting desire.

  Stephan lifted her, placing her bottom on the edge of the counter and stepped between her thighs as he worked her shirt over her head. Katrina’s fingers nimbly unbuttoned his shirt, then pushed it off his broad shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor. She traced the lines of his muscles with her fingers, careful to find each one as she went lower down his chest to trail over his abs. She loved the way he felt, firm, masculine. She wanted to know what the rest of him looked like, felt like, especially within her.

  Their eyes met. Flames of desire blazed in his dark blue depths. He looked like he wanted to devour her. Heat pooled low in her core at the realization. Her breath sawed from her lungs in perfect rhythm with his.

  A knock at the door arrested the moment like a cold shower.

  “Hey, Stephan, phone for you,” called Marcus.

  “Not now!” Stephan bit out his voice, echoing in the marble bath. He lowered his head once again to capture Kat’s lips, and she was bathed in sensual sensation.

  Marcus’ voice lowered an octave as he said ominously, “It’s Nicholai. He says it’s very important. I think you better take this.”

  Stephan groaned and withdrew from Kat, pushing away from the counter. He scraped a large hand down his face. “I’m sorry, Kat, I better take this.”


  Gage climbed the stairs leaving the stench of the basement behind. He was looking forward to the hunt, but he would admit he’d be glad to have it over with so he could get the humans out of his home. He strolled into the pristine, white kitchen and rinsed the filth from his hands.

  Andrea looked up at him from the table when he entered. “Everything go okay?”

  “No actually. One died.”

  “Oh no, not the big burly blond I hope. I was looking forward to having him for myself.”

  Of course she was. The lady always did prefer blonds. Luckily for him. He shook his head. “No, not him, a female…Brownie.”

  “Oh Gage, I’m sorry. I know how you enjoyed her.” Andrea took a sip of her coffee. Gage watched a look of utter contentment take her face. She liked her coffee like she liked her men, strong and rich.

  Gage shrugged his shoulders, a carefree gesture that said he would not be shedding any tears over the loss. “We’ll need to get another human now or we won’t have enough for the hunt.”

  Trace entered, carrying the day’s paper and presented it to Andrea, like a good little guard. His heartmate immediately sorted through to find her favorite section—Arts and Leisure.

  “Oooooh, look Gage. The Peterhof Ballet Company is coming to town. I haven’t been to the ballet in so long. I’d love to go.”

  Gage walked over and kissed her on the forehead. “Then go you shall, my dear. I
’ll call and get us tickets.” He sat down, acknowledging the guard. “Trace, bring me the phone.”

  “I know just the dress I’ll wear, the green gown that is low cut in the front.” Andrea’s eyes lit with excitement.

  “You know, Andrea darling, I think a vampire owns that ballet company. If memory serves, I believe Nicholai Peterhof is the owner.”

  “If that’s the case, then we must invite him to the hunt. He could stay in town until Halloween and come to our party. It would be quite rude not to invite him.”

  Gage pondered the idea. It would be advantageous to have one as regal and well-connected as Nicholai Peterhof at their party. It would elevate their standing within vampiric society, for Nicholai was Russian royalty.

  He gave a short nod of his head. “Let’s do it. After we watch the ballet, we will go and speak with Nicholai, invite him to the hunt.”

  “Oh Gage, that’s a wonderful idea. Thank you!”

  Trace handed Gage the black cordless phone. “Do you have any further need of me this evening, sir?”

  Gage waved his hand dismissively. “Not at this time. You can go.”

  Thinking twice, Gage called the guard back to him with a gesture of his hand. “Wait a moment, Trace. If we invite Peterhof, we’ll need more humans. I want you to take Alvero and go get two more humans for the hunt.”

  Andrea reached across the table, laying her hand over his. “Is getting two at the same time safe, my darling? They might draw attention to themselves.”

  Gage considered Andrea’s observation before continuing. “Be sure you get them from different states,” he instructed. “We do not need to draw attention, especially from the Vampire Enforcement Squad. The last thing we need is for VES agents to start poking around here. Do you understand?”

  Trace gave a curt nod of his shaven head. “Of course, sir. You can count on us, Mr. Lucio. We will be discreet.”

  “You better. That’s why I hired you. You’re the best.”

  Trace bowed his head in respect, then left to retrieve his partner for the evening. The sound of Andrea’s stomach growling drew his attention.

  “Have you eaten this evening? You need to keep your strength up, you know.”

  “Not yet.” She gave him a sly look. “I thought you might like to watch.”

  Gage smiled an evil grin and cocked his eyebrows. Fates above, how he liked to watch his female feed. “Did you now? I know just the human. Her blood smells particularly sweet.”

  Andrea rubbed her stomach, gracing him with a smile. “The baby will like that.”

  Gage rose and offered his hand to Andrea. He escorted her up the stairs to their bedroom. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  When Gage appeared back in the doorway holding a woman with a mass of fiery red hair by her arm, he found Andrea waiting patiently on the bed. She leaned back on her hands, crossing her legs at the ankles, and gave the woman a perusal with her heated stare.

  “My dear, I’d like to introduce Red. Red, this is the mistress of the house. You will please her or you will die.”


  Stephan and Marcus sat facing each other in the living room. With a punch of a button, Stephan hung up the phone and turned toward his friend.

  “What did Nicholai want?” Marcus asked.

  “He wanted to tell me about some rumors he had heard. Apparently, the word overseas is that there is a hunt club in town.”

  Marcus shook the shocked look from his face. “Here in Vegas? No way! I’d have known about something like that.”

  “As I said, it’s just a rumor. But that is why Nicholai is bringing his ballet company here. He wanted a cover so he could come into town and poke around.”

  “I can’t believe he’ll find anything. I think I’d have noticed if a bunch of humans disappeared.”

  “I haven’t noticed anything unusual since I’ve been here either, but Nicholai seems concerned.”

  “Is that why you bought tickets to his show?”

  “No.” Stephan shook his head. “I got them because I knew Katrina would like to go to the ballet. But now I’m glad I bought them. I will see Nicholai after the show and invite him back here to discuss the rumors. It will give us a chance to talk to him together.”

  “I just can’t believe there would be a hunt club here in Vegas.” Marcus raked his hand down his face.

  Stephan rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully. “I know. It is hard to believe that one of our kind could put something like that together right under your nose.”

  “I can only hope he is wrong…Please let him be wrong,” Marcus said quietly as Kat strolled into the living room with her purse on her shoulder.

  “I’m going out,” she announced. “ I’ll see you boys later.”

  Over his dead body. Not if there was a hunt club in the city. Stephan stood and crossed the room to meet her. “Where are you going?”

  “I need to get a dress for tomorrow night. I’ll be back in a little while.”

  “I’ll go with you, Kitten.” It was a demand, not a suggestion.

  “You can’t. I want it to be a surprise. You know what they say. It’s bad luck for a boyfriend to see his girlfriend in her dress before the ballet,” Kat bantered, smiling up at him with a wry grin.

  Stephan sighed his frustration, and rested a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t be silly. There is no such saying.”

  “I’m serious, Stephan.” Kat lifted her chin defiantly. “I don’t want you to see the dress before tomorrow.”

  An idea struck him. Brilliant. “Then let me bring the store here to you. I’ll arrange for a variety of garments to be brought here.”

  “No,” she said between clenched teeth, putting her fisted hands on her hips in pique. “You’ll still get to see the dress.”

  Stephan balled his fists by his side, his temper rising. If there was even the slightest possibility someone was running a hunt club in the city, he had no intention of allowing Kat out on the streets of Vegas alone. She was being unreasonable. There was no reason he should not escort her or see the dress.

  Marcus, obviously reading Stephan’s concern, stood. “Come on, Kat. I’ll take you shopping. I know just the place.”

  He could always count on Marcus. He shot him a grateful grin.

  Kat looked suspiciously between the two males. “Something is up.”

  Putting on his best poker face, Marcus looked innocently at Kat. “Can’t a guy take his best girl shopping? Now come on, let’s go. You don’t have much time before you have to leave for work.”

  Kat let a sigh of acquiesce blow between her lips. “All right. Let’s go, Marcus.”

  Stephan watched the subtle sway of her hips as she strolled toward him. He was struck by her beauty. Her hair flowed down her back in smooth waves that drew his attention. How he longed to run his fingers through those golden locks. Her sensual lips, straight nose, and beautiful blue-gray eyes all begged to be kissed, and he was more than ready to oblige. But what struck him as the most beautiful thing about her was her personality. She could be sassy one minute, charming the next, and he loved every sweet and sour moment with her.

  Kat rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him goodbye. Wrapping his arms about her, he deepened the kiss, his tongue darting between her lips to thoroughly explore her mouth. He broke their kiss to feather light kisses down her neck, his mouth coming to rest over her beating pulse.

  Need slammed into him hard, a hunger only his kind could have. His fangs lengthened, as his body craved that which was but a bite away. He could hear the siren call of her blood, begging him to take what he needed to survive.

  His lips parted, his fangs raking her delicate skin. Just a little pressure would break that skin, allowing her sweet liquid to his mouth. The temptation built. The need to taste her pushed at his restraint. Never had he been so tempted.

  Remember your vow, Stephan.

  Hearing Marcus in his mind gave him the power to push his need aside. He called on the discipline he’d so c
arefully honed over his long life, stilling his hands and lips. The warrior took a deep breath, willing his fangs back to their normal length. His body shook slightly from the effort as he put her away from him.

  “You’d better go,” he suggested, barely containing his desire.

  She nodded, reaching up to cover her lips with her fingers as if she could still feel his kiss. Silently, he watched Katrina head out the door with Marcus. She turned when the doors to the elevator opened. “Bye,” she whispered.

  “I will see you later.”

  The elevator doors closed, taking them from his sight. His chest tightened at the thought that Katrina might be in danger. If there was a hunt club in Vegas, as their fellow Alpha, Nicholai, feared, then no human was safe. Until they knew for certain, he would do everything possible to keep her protected.

  He sent a message to Marcus using their mind link. Take care of her, my friend. And bring her back to me safe and sound.

  Marcus gave the mental equivalent of a nod. You know I will. I’d protect her with my life.

  Chapter 12

  The next evening, Marcus watched Stephan straighten the cuffs on his white tuxedo shirt, before affixing diamond studded cufflinks to each sleeve. “So, did you get a limo for tonight or are you taking the Mercedes?”

  “I thought the occasion called for a limousine.”

  Marcus nodded his approval. “Good choice. Every woman likes to ride in a…” Marcus stopped short, his breath caught in his throat as his gaze swept to the stairs.

  Kat descended, dressed in a gown made of golden silk which clung to her lean body in all the right places. Her designer shoes were satin high heels that ruffled on one side with a sparkly jewel detail. The ruby necklace from Stephan completed the elegant outfit, drawing attention to the ample cleavage exposed by her gown. She wore her hair up in a golden chignon with tiny wisps framing her face.

  Marcus stilled, not a breath did he take while he watched her glide gracefully down the stairs. Beside him, Stephan sucked in a breath of his own as they both watched Kat’s gown trail behind her when she stepped off the stairs.


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