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The Last Wizard of Eneri Clare

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by April Leonie Lindevald




  © 2016 April Leonie Lindevald.

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  ISBN: 978-1-5043-5446-2 (sc)

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  Library of Congress Control Number: 2016905489

  Balboa Press rev. date: 06/13/2016



  One The Night It All Began

  Two Twelve Years Later

  Three Reunions And Tales To Tell

  Four Fond Farewells And First Meetings

  Five At The Palace Of Theriole

  Six Over The Threshold

  Seven The Heart Of The Matter

  Eight Taste Of Luxury

  Nine Day Of Discoveries

  Ten The Camp And The Cottage

  Eleven Delphine Again

  Twelve In The Cottage

  Thirteen The Grand Council

  Fourteen The Wheel Turns

  Fifteen Missing Pieces

  Sixteen Celebrations

  Seventeen A New King And A Clipped Wing

  Eighteen The Vigil

  Nineteen Secrets Revealed

  Twenty An Alternate Plan

  Twenty-One The Road To Healing

  Twenty-Two The Praegers

  Twenty–Three Back To The Master

  Twenty–Four The Cabinet

  Twenty–Five From Chaos To Compromise

  Twenty–Six Coming Home

  Twenty–Seven The Legions Of Light

  Twenty–Eight Meeting The Unicorns

  Twenty–Nine Tvrdik The Healer

  Thirty The Legion Assembles

  Thirty-One Brendelle

  Thirty–Two Under Siege

  Thirty–Three The Hero Wizard

  Thirty-Four A Good Deed, An Envoy, And A Secret Weapon

  Thirty-Five The Birthday Party

  Thirty–Six The Unraveling

  Thirty–Seven Preparing For Battle

  Thirty–Eight It Begins

  Thirty–Nine Tvrdik’s Greatest Challenge

  Forty What Fresh Hell?

  Forty-One Aftermath

  Forty–Two Doubts And Misgivings

  Forty-Three Rescue Attempt

  Forty-Four What Love Can Transform


  WITHOUT THE UNSHAKEABLE FAITH AND continual encouragement of so many people, this book might never have seen the light of day. My heartfelt thanks go to Suzanne Cardinal, who urged me to write, and even took me along with her to the Santa Barbara Writer’s Workshop, where my eyes were opened to many wonders. I am grateful to Rachel Cobb Chamness, Tyler Lee, Marge D’Ottavio, and Shameakha Flood, who read the beginning chapters, and enthusiastically begged for more. Special thanks go to Ethan Lindevald and Robert Haining, who made valuable suggestions to improve the content, and to Judy Turek, who edited and critiqued the original manuscript with an eagle eye and a gentle insistence on making every page the best it could be. I am also indebted to dear friends, such as Michael Palmer, Marie Dodd, Doug Wright, Elizabeth Morgan, Gwen Johnston, Mary Fernandez, Jewell Aull, Shari Ahlers, the Goddess Circle, Ian Lindevald, and Cindy Cooper, Dave, Doreen, and Michael Levesque, and many other family and friends who kept up a steady stream of encouragement. I owe a debt, as well, to every English teacher I ever had who fostered in me a love of language, and told me I had talent. Many thanks must go to Sunrise House in Montauk, the perfect venue for a writer’s retreat in the dead of winter – where the ocean’s rhythm, a roaring fire, a hearty breakfast, and an absence of distraction cannot help but conspire to foster inspiration.

  I wish to acknowledge Stewart, who made it into the story as a representative of the many canine companions who have deigned to share their lives with me, to the Tvrdik family who loaned me their name, and to all the characters you will meet in these pages, who took up residence in my head and would not be silenced until I had taken down their story.

  Most of all, I dedicate this work to my parents, Ernst Paul and Lorraine Lindevald, who valued reading and education over all things, bought us books when there was barely money for food, and instilled in us a lifetime love of reading and story. They also encouraged me at every turn to follow my dreams and never to doubt what was possible with a little determination. And, to my wonderful husband, Brian J. Abrams, who never flags in his loving support and gives me the freedom to spend time on those pursuits that bring me joy.


  OUT ON THE HARBOR, DAWN was only just beginning to paint the horizon, but the woman stood on deck with her companion, leaning on a rail, and allowing her mind to roam where it would. They were taking the early ferry back to the city after a weekend with family. The woman was not a person who saw the dawn often, but they had places to be this day, and tasks to do, so they had made an early start. The city was still sleeping, for the most part, and looked lovely and peaceful at this distance. The first morning rays glinted off of its steel and glass, making the buildings look bejeweled, enchanted. She was enjoying these moments of calm before the day would begin in earnest. A chill breeze whipped off the water, sharp and invigorating. She shivered a bit, and sighed with contentment.

  As the sky lightened, the woman caught sight of a dark shape floating in the water, not far from the ferry’s trajectory. “George,” she said, pointing, and her utterance tore the fragile fabric of peace that had surrounded them, “do you see something out there?”

  “Hmmm…” George craned his neck and squinted in the direction she was waving. “Yes, there is something out there – some sort of little boat, really small. Not even a motor boat. And there’s a woman – no, a man standing in it.”

  “He doesn’t seem to be in any trouble, does he? He’s not waving at us, or trying to be rescued. He’s not fishing. Wonder what he’s doing out there so early?”

  “In his pajamas, too. And not a youngster, either – look at all that white hair.

  They laughed. “You know, George,” she said, “in this city you could see just about anything, and no one would think it the slightest bit strange.”

  “Amen to that. So long, old man. Hope you find what you are looking for on this fine day.”

  The woman nodded, watching the strange figure in the little dinghy recede as the ferry continued on towards its destination….


  The Night It All Began

  HER LAUGHTER RANG OUT LIKE lovely little tuned bells. “Benjin! Benjin, stop it,” she whispered.

  “I can’t help myself – you are so irresistible, and I…I am drunk with anticipation.” Sounds of a scuffle came from behind the screen that divided her cubicle from the rest of the dormitory, and then the musical laughter again. Her voice was clear despite the screen. “Benjin, you have to stop now. You’ll wake him.”

  “Who? The old man? He’s on the other side of the house. No danger there.”

  “Not him. You know…Tvrdik. He’ll hear us, and he might try to follow.”

  In the darkness behind the thin partition, a pale-haired, gawky youth was indeed wide awake in his bed, hearing every word, not daring to stir or breathe.

  “Small surprise,” the deeper voice sneered. “He follows you around everywhere like a lost puppy.”

  “Benjin, don’t be cruel. We’re supposed to be his friends.”

  “All right, I’m sorry…but that one is such a sap. He gets on my nerves. He’s too sensitive, and I don’t like the way he is so attached to you.”

  Behind the partition, ice-blue eyes winced in silent pain.

  “He’s just a little young, is all.”

  “He’s seventeen, just a year younger than we are.”

  “I didn’t mean in years. I meant…how he is. Shy. You never give him a chance, Benjin. He can be sweet…”

  “Now you’re the sap, my dear. In any case, he’s the Master’s little pet. Everything by the book. Anything old Xaarus says. He would never approve of what we are about to do.”

  “Which is why I said we should be careful not to wake him; it would be hard to explain. He might even fetch Xaarus and try to stop us.”

  The pale youth twitched, and his ears pricked now to catch their exchange. What was it they were about to do, he thought, and why would I not approve? His throat went dry, and gooseflesh covered his arms as he sensed danger. It was bad enough to find out like this that Benjin and Ailianne were…together. His sixth sense was telling him something else was afoot that was far more upsetting. What should I do? Should I stand up and confront them now, and demand to know what they are planning? But then he would have to admit he’d been eavesdropping on their entire conversation. That would be awkward. Should I run and get the Master? And be branded forever as a snitch, a spoilsport, the Master’s pet? He held his tongue, and strained to hear more. They were still talking in hushed tones, amid sounds of what were perhaps items being packed into a carrysack

  “I have the book,” Benjin said. “Is everything else there?”

  “Yes, yes. I checked three times,” the girl hissed. “Only hurry! The moon will be setting soon, and we will miss our mark.”

  “You sound nervous, girl. Are you having second thoughts? You aren’t afraid, are you?” He spoke this last with a faint air of derision, a challenge in his voice.

  “No…no, really. I’m just excited, and eager to have done with it.”

  “You won’t be sorry, my queen. You are far too good for this dull existence. In a few hours, you will feel a power coursing through your veins that the old man hasn’t even dreamed of. We will be fulfilling our greater destiny, you and I. Think of it! Masters of time, and life, and death – powerful beyond imagination – immortal! We will have anything we wish for – fame, riches, youth, and beauty that won’t fade. And we will be together forever. Ailianne, you’re trembling.”

  The laughter again, but this time with an edge of uncertainty, which was only perceptible to someone who knew her well.

  “I…I am excited, trembling with passion. Oh, Benjin, kiss me again. Steel my nerves, fire my resolve. Tell me again how good it will be…”

  Now it was the pale youth who was trembling, but in terror. Desperate to keep silent, he struggled to push down the wave of horror and dread that overtook him. Certain they would hear his shuddering breaths, he shoved his fist into his mouth and squeezed his eyes closed. What should I do? What in heaven’s name are they playing with? They were not yet adults, ill-equipped to handle the dark and dangerous forces they were attempting to unleash. Xaarus had often cautioned them against exploring the old magic without guidance. Hadn’t they been listening? How could they both be so foolish, so rebellious when there was so much at stake? Overwhelmed with fear for his classmates, but deeply wounded at their snubs, Tvrdik was paralyzed with confusion.

  “Let’s go. It’s almost time.” The girl’s voice sounded further away. He heard footsteps; a door opened and closed quietly. Still frozen, and uncertain what course to take, he sat another moment praying fervently that Benjin and Ailianne had stumbled onto something they did not understand and would fail to activate. They would slink back to bed in a few hours, half embarrassed, half amused, and in the morning the whole incident would be a dim, unpleasant memory, better unspoken and soon forgotten. Perhaps they only wanted to sneak off to lie together anyway, the specter of danger lending more passion to their tryst. Of course, that was what this was all about. An icy pang stopped Tvrdik’s heart for a moment, and he moaned in agony. Six years he had worshipped Ailianne. In her classic beauty and grace, her keen mind and remarkable talent, he saw all that he idealized in the fair sex. She was kind to him, as a sister. But he had hoped for, longed for so much more. Well, tonight had wiped away any doubts he might have had about which way her affections tended. Fine, he thought, wounded. If it was to be like that, the two of them could have each other. In fact, they deserved each other, and they deserved whatever fate they were courting for themselves. Why should he care a whit if they insisted on being so blind and stupid? Oh gods! What was he doing? How could he even think such spiteful thoughts when the two of them could be in real danger? They had been his schoolmates, his only friends all these years. They had never done anything to harm him on purpose, and now…what if something terrible happened? He could never live with himself. He had to go after them and stop them. He had to try.

  The tall, gangly youth leapt from his cot, pulled on a tunic and leggings, fumbled to adjust a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles on his pale face, slipped on his boots and bounded to the door, careful to close it behind him. Checking to make sure he was not being watched, he padded down the path to Xaarus’ front gate, clenching his teeth as he attempted to swing it open and shut without the usual loud creak. Once on the main path, he paused and looked both ways. He cursed himself for allowing his friends such a head start. Which way had they gone? There was no sign of them on the road in either direction. If he understood them correctly, they were planning some sort of sorcerer’s ritual, but there were several places they might have chosen for that. He did not think they would have headed back toward the palace, where there was every chance they would be detected or detained. The other way then…but where?

  Tvrdik ventured a few steps and stopped, scratching his blonde head and combing through the lessons in his mind for anything in his apprentice wizard’s training that might help now. Precious minutes ticked by. The moon was on the horizon, about to disappear. Think! With a fumbling incantation and a sharp gesture of his right hand, he threw before him a handful of glowing dust which settled itself on the energetic wake his schoolmates had left in their hasty escape, showing their trajectory in clear trails of light. It was well after midnight, and they had been so confident that they were alone that they had not even bothered to make themselves invisible or cover their tracks. Tvrdik sighed in relief and hurried down the path, following the shining flinde
rs that pointed out the way Benjin and Ailianne had gone. He was so intent on his quarry that he did not notice another figure, cloaked and almost invisible against the night sky, gliding along behind him and shadowing his every move.

  Tvrdik was almost running now, feeling a sense of urgency he could not name or comprehend. Down the riverwalk he ran, past all the familiar landmarks, then up a hidden side path that led away from the river and into the woods. He thought he knew where he was going now, a small clearing among the tall trees where they had all gone to practice invocations at dawn, and to learn the secrets of the faerie realm in the pristine wood. Sure enough, there was already a fire burning in the clearing when he came upon it. They had drawn a circle on the ground, lit the fire in the center, and surrounded it with an assortment of odd objects and some sort of unfamiliar runes drawn in charcoal about the mossy perimeter.

  Ailianne and Benjin stood within the circle. She held up a wooden goblet containing some liquid, and her companion read incantations aloud in some foreign-sounding tongue, from a huge, ancient-looking book. The hair stood up on the back of Tvrdik’s neck. He threw himself behind a large tree where he hoped his presence would not be detected. He need not have worried. They were so far immersed in their rituals that they never would have noticed an observer – or two – standing in the wood.

  The moon had set, but the flames illuminated the scene clearly. Terrified, Tvrdik watched the scene in helpless fascination, wondering whether to call out to them, or jump out and rush forward, arms waving like a madman. He stood still. Switching to the common language now, Benjin held the book high and intoned, “Lord of the darkness, of the formless void, of the chaos before there was life, of the nothingness wherein all power, all potential, and all the impetus for creation and destruction, hear us! Keepers of the Ancient Magic, the old ways, the first and eldest, we bid you acknowledge us now, we who come to you as willing servants. Our hearts and minds we offer you, in exchange for your secrets. We have mingled our life-blood in this cup, which we pour out to you as a worthy tribute and sacrifice.” Ailianne emptied the contents of her goblet onto the flame, which hissed and jumped and turned colors. Only then did Tvrdik notice the fresh, raw cuts on both of their arms, still oozing red.


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