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The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy

Page 36

by Joseph McMoneagle

  –Subjects should have an altered view of the nature of the world.

  –The act of psychic functioning must be (at least) momentarily important.

  To the above criteria Fred Atwater added that within the military structure other possible indicators might be:

  –The person would be successful at whatever the task.

  –They would be liked by their peers but considered to be different from the norm.

  –Generally operate outside normal boundaries.

  –Be willing to pursue new avenues of approach.

  –Open to whatever works.

  –Capable of critical thought and unafraid to voice an opinion.

  –Highly and uniquely creative.

  Appendix C

  CW2 Joseph McMoneagle has brought great distinction upon himself, INSCOM and the United States Army throughout his military career by total dedication to the highest ideals of service and selfless commitment to our nation. From Aug 1974 to Sep 1984, he served as an Electronic Warfare Detachment Commander, Field Station Augsburg, for which he was hand-picked to successfully restore an ailing organization to operational health, and which he successfully accomplished; Operations Sergeant at Field Station Augsburg, where he was instrumental in achieving smooth functioning and efficient mission accomplishment; and Senior Emitter Location Identification Techniques Officer, DCSOPS, USAINSCOM. During this time he was a primary designer of the new, much-heralded AN/TSQ-114 Trailblazer tactical direction finding system, and participated in the modification of the AN/TRQ-32 DF system as well as the development of the AN/TSQ-112 emitter locater system's operational deployment concept. He served most recently as Special Project Intelligence Officer for SSPD, SID, 902d MI Gp, as one of the original planners end movers of a unique intelligence project that is revolutionizing the intelligence community. While with SSPD, he used his talents and expertise in the execution of missions for the highest echelons of our military and government, including such national level agencies as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, DIA, NSA, CIA, and Secret Service, producing critical intelligence unavailable from any other source. His adept management skills and leadership were instrumental in establishing this project's unique capabilities and impressive reputation. Additionally, he fulfilled vital responsibilities as ADO officer. Under his initiative, guidance and supervision, a 160 megabyte data and word-processing system was obtained, programmed and assimilated into the project. His procurement of this system not only revolutionized procedures and expedited mission accomplishment, but allowed development of capabilities otherwise impossible to achieve. CW2 McMoneagle's broad knowledge of new technologies, intuitive ability to "cut through" extraneous details to the true heart of complex issues, and his unsurpassed knack for accomplishing tasks impossible for individuals of lesser scope and imagination have all helped make him virtually irreplaceable. CW2 McMoneagle was in the demanding position of carrying the entire operational load himself--a responsibility he accomplished with great acumen and resolve. CW2 McMoneagle's drive, high moral fiber, consummate skills, and ultimate accomplishments serve as a model for the ideal soldier. His many valuable contributions, in service to this nation will be felt for years to come.

  Works Cited

  ABC Nightline, November 1995.

  Abrams, S. I. "Extrasensory Perception." Draft report, 14 December 1965.

  Ball, J. A. "An Overview of Extrasensory Perception." Report to CIA, 27 January 1975.

  Battle TV. Japan.

  Braud, William. "Psi Conductive States."Journal of Communications, 1975, 142-52.

  Burow, G. OJCS/AD/BD; Memorandum for Dr. Kress; Subject: Analysis of the Subject-Machine Relationship; 8 October 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  C/TSD; Memorandum for Assistant Deputy Director for Operations; Subject: Request for Approval of Contract; 20 April 1973 (SECRET).

  Chief/Division D/DDO; Memorandum for C/D&E; Subject: Perceptual Augmentation Techniques; 24 January 1975 (SECRET); AC/SE/DDO; Memorandum for C/D&E; Subject: Perceptual Augmentation Testing; 14 January 1975 (SECRET); C/EA/DDO; Memorandum for Director of Technical Service; Subject: Exploration of Operational Potential of "Paranormals"; 5 February 1975 (SECRET); C/Libya/EL/NE/DDO; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Libyan Desk Requirement for Psychic Experiments Relating to Libya; 31 January 1975 (SECRET); Cl/Staff/DDO; Memorandum for the Record; Subject: SRI Experiment; 12 December 1974 (SECRET).

  Cianci, S. L. LSR/ORD; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Response to Requested Critique, SRI Random Stimulus Generator Results; 12 June 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  Colby, W E. DDO; Memorandum for Director of Central Intelligence; Subject: Request for Approval of Contract; 4 May 1973 (SECRET).

  DDO/NE Memorandum for OTS/BAB; Subject: Experimental Collection Activity Relating to Libya; 8 October 1975 (SECRET).

  Encyclopedia of the U.S. Military. New York: Harper Business, 1990.

  Goslin, David A. Enhancing Human Performance: Issues, Theories, and Techniques. Summarized by Swets and Bjork, Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. 1990.

  Green, K. LSD/OSI; Memorandum for the Record; Subject: Verification of Remote Viewing Experiments at Stanford Research Institute; 9 November 1973. (SECRET)

  Grose, Peter. Operation Rollback: America's Secret War Behind the Iron Curtain. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2000, p. 61.

  Hamilton, T. LSD/OSI; "Soviet and East European Parapsychology Research," SI 77-10012, April 1977 (SECRET/NOFORN).

  IEEE conference on Man; Systems and Cybernetics; Washington (1976-1977)

  Kress, Kenneth. "Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions." In Studies in Intelligence. Winter, 1977.

  McMoneagle, Joseph. Mind Trek. Charlottesville, Va.: Hampton Roads Publishing, 1997.

  . Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook. Charlottesville, Va.:

  Hampton Roads Publishing, 2000.

  The Ultimate Time Machine. Charlottesville, Va.: Hampton Roads Publishing, 1998.

  . "Perceptions of a Paranormal Subject." Journal of Parapsychology 61:2.(1997).

  Mickolus, Edward F., Todd Sandler, and Jean M. Murdock. International Terrorism in the 1980's: A Chronology of Events, 1980-1983. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1989.

  NBC Nightly News; 4 and 5 August 1976. NBC Today; 9 August 1976

  O'Leary, J. "Turner Denies CIA Bugging of South Korea's Park," The Washington Star, 9 August 1977.

  Office of Technical Service Contract 8473, 1 October 1972 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  Office of Technical Service Contract, FAN 4125-4099, Office of Research and Development Contract, FAN 4162-8103; 1 February 1974 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  OTS/SDB; Notes on Interviews with F. P., E. L., C. J., K. G., and V. C., January 1975 (SECRET).

  McKenna, Paul and Giles O'Bryen. The Paranormal World of Paul McKenna—"Telepathy." In London: Faber and Faber, 1997.

  Puharich, A. "On the Possible Usefulness of Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare," speech delivered to a 1952 Pentagon conference. Reported in the Washington Post, August 7, 1977.

  Puthoff, H. E. Stanford Research Institute, Letter to K. Green/OSI, June 27, 1972.

  Puthoff, H. and R. Targ; "A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer Over Kilometer Distances; Historical Perspective and Recent Research"; Proceedings of the IEEE, LXIV (March 1976, No. 3, 329-354)

  Rook, L. W.; LSR/ORD; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Evidence for Non-Randomness of Four-State Electronic Random Stimulus Generator; 12 June 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  S/AOB/OTS; Memorandum for the Record; Subject: Parapsychology/"Remote Viewing"; 20 April 1976 (SECRET). Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions.

  Stillman, D.; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; "An Analysis of a Remote Viewing Experiment of URDF-2"; 4 December 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  Strand, W. T.; C/ESO/IAS; Memorandum for Director, Officer of Technical
Service; Subject: Evaluation of Data on Semipalatinsk Unidentified R&D Facility No. 3, USSR; 20 August 1974 (SECRET).

  Targ, R. and H. Puthoff; "Information Transfer Under Conditions of Sensory Shielding." Nature, CC LII, 602-607, October 18, 1974

  Targ, R. and H. Puthoff; "Mind-Research Scientists Look at Psychic Ability." Delacarte Press, 1977

  Wilhelm, J. "Psychic Spying?" The Washington Post, Outlook Section, August 7, 1977.

  Wilhelm, J. The Search for Superman. Pocket Books, 1976

  i first edition title

  ii Since my involvement with PSI research, I have learned that many very psychic people have a history of severe abuse, especially during childhood. So, I believe it could be that psychic development can be generated out of a need to survive, or is a natural and unconscious development that stems from the ability to disassociate during an uncontrollable or unavoidable situation, or perhaps during repetitive abuse.

  iii I was eight years old at the time. Rocky Marciano was 29 and had won his heavyweight championship two years earlier by knocking out Joe Walcott in the thirteenth round, on September 23, 1952, in Philadelphia.

  iv As a result of these Tet holidays, I and others are still bolting awake in the early-morning hours more than thirty years later, with memories that would haunt Dante. Modern weapons of war do not simply punch holes in the human body, they shred them to pieces and strew them across open ground where they congeal and rot in the hot and humid air. The smell alone is sufficient to power nightmares for centuries after, never mind the visions seared across the backs of eyelids.

  v This NDE is covered in more detail in my book Mind Trek, Hampton Roads Publishing, 1993, Rev. 1997.

  vi I was approached following a talk I gave on remote viewing in Lynchburg, Virginia, by one of the men who worked for me at the Pocking detachment. He said all those years past he was convinced that I was actually dead—a perception the U.S. Army never corrected.

  vii I actually earned two of these awards in Europe, as the Cold War was considered a noncombat zone. I also earned three Army Commendation Medals and three Meritorious Unit Citations while serving in Europe.

  viii Targets were independently judged by someone using the remote viewing results to select the best match to a possible five target sites. A first-place match meant there was sufficiently detailed information to permit picking the actual target from a pool containing the target and four controls.

  ix Measures designed to protect information concerning plans and operations (past, present, and future) against unauthorized disclosure

  x Many felt, and still do, that the close-hold secrecy was to protect the participants from ridicule. But, if this were truly the case, the project would never have been approved in the first place. Some later commented on a fear of Senator Proxmire's Golden Fleece Award, but that was long after the project had proven itself under fire.

  xi Robert Monroe always liked acronyms and was a bit into the ash and flash. It was the showman in him.

  xii Excerpts and portions of this original proposal showed up in what is called the CRV Training Manual that can now be found displayed on the Internet. Of course it is used out of context and leaves out the entire suggestion for using a selection and testing criteria for identifying remote viewers before they are exposed to any form of training.

  xiii There are a great deal of details about this experience in my first book Mind Trek if you are inclined to pursue it.

  xiv This means the data has markings on it that agree with time markings on cameras, clocks, and other recording devices, so all the data can be compared if necessary later to a specific time.

  xv You can go to http://boojum.hutfiltriennial/squid.html and see an example of what one is capable of measuring.

  xvi You can go to and see what these do. There is now one located in San Diego that has 148 channels.

  xvii http://www.atmilinews/factsheets/AGM_86B_C_Missiles.html [no active link]. Unit Cost: AGM-86B, $1 million; AGM-86C, additional $160,000 conversion cost.

  xviii Anyone who would like to contribute to the charitable goals of this order is welcome to contact me for further information, or the Order directly—The Order of St. Stanislas, Dame Commander Lorraine Ambrose-Boothsy, P.O. Box 351, Edgewater, Md. 21037.

  xix A. Puharich, "On the Possible Usefulness of Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare," delivered to a 1952 Pentagon conference, The Washington Post, August 7, 1977.

  xx S. I. Abrams, "Extrasensory Perception," Draft report, 14 December 1965.

  xxi H. E. Puthoff, Stanford Research Institute, Letter to K. Green/OSI, June 27, 1972. Office of Technical Service Contract 8473, 1 October 1972 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  xxii C/TSD; Memorandum for Assistant Deputy Director for Operations; Subject: Request for Approval of Contract; 20 April 1973 (SECRET).

  xxiii W. E. Colby; DDO; Memorandum for Director of Central Intelligence; Subject: Request for Approval of Contract; 4 May 1973 (SECRET).

  xxiv K. Green; LSD/OSI; Memorandum for the Record; Subject: Verification of Remote Viewing Experiments at Stanford Research Institute; 9 November 1973. (SECRET)

  xxv Office of Technical Service Contract, FAN 4125-4099, Office of Research and Development Contract, FAN 4162-8103; 1 February 1974 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  xxvi L. W. Rook; LSR/ORD; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Evidence for Non-Randomness of Four-State Electronic Random Stimulus Generator; 12 June 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  xxvii S. L. Cianci; LSR/ORD; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Response to Requested Critique, SRI Random Stimulus Generator Results; 12 June 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL)

  xxviii G. Burow; OJCS/AD/BD; Memorandum for Dr. Kress; Subject: Analysis of the Subject-Machine Relationship; 8 October 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  xxix W. T. Strand; C/ESO/IAS; Memorandum for Director, Officer of Technical Service; Subject: Evaluation of Data on Semipalatinsk Unidentified R&D Facility No. 3, USSR; 20 August 1974 (SECRET).

  xxx D. Stillman; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; "An Analysis of a Remote Viewing Experiment of URDF-2"; 4 December 1975 (CONFIDENTIAL).

  xxxi J. A. Ball; "An Overview of Extrasensory Perception"; Report to CIA, 27 January 1975

  xxxii S/AOB/OTS; Memorandum for the Record; Subject: Parapsychology/"Remote Viewing"; 20 April 1976 (SECRET).

  xxxiii Chief/Division D/DDO; Memorandum for C/D&E; Subject: Perceptual Augmentation Techniques; 24 January 1975 (SECRET); AC/SE/DDO; Memorandum for C/D&E; Subject: Perceptual Augmentation Testing; 14 January 1975 (SECRET); C/EA/DDO; Memorandum for Director of Technical Service; Subject: Exploration of Operational Potential of "Paranormals"; 5 February 1975 (SECRET); C/Libya/EL/NE/DDO; Memorandum for OTS/CB; Subject: Libyan Desk Requirement for Psychic Experiments Relating to Libya; 31 January 1975 (SECRET); Cl/Staff/DDO; Memorandum for the Record; Subject: SR I Experiment; 12 December 1974 (SECRET).

  xxxiv OTS/SDB; Notes on Interviews with F. P., E. L., C. J., K. G., and V. C., January 1975 (SECRET).

  xxxv DDO/NE; Memorandum for OTS/BAB; Subject: Experimental Collection Activity Relating to Libya; 8 October 1975 (SECRET).

  xxxvi T. Hamilton; LSD/OSI; "Soviet and East European Parapsychology Research," SI 77-10012, April 1977 (SECRET/NOFORN).

  xxxvii R. Targ and H. Puthoff; "Information Transfer Under Conditions of Sensory Shielding"; Nature, CC LII, 602-607 (October 18, 1974); H. Puthoff and R. Targ; "A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer Over Kilometer Distances; Historical Perspective and Recent Research"; Proceedings of the IEEE, LXIV (March 1976, Number 3, 329-354); R. Targ and H. Puthoff; "Mind-Research Scientists Look at Psychic Ability"; Delacarte Press (1977); J. Wilhelm; "The Search for Superman"; Dell (1974); IEEE Conference on Man; Systems and Cybernetics; Washington (1976 and 1977); NBC Nightly News; 4 and 5 August 1976; NBC Today; 9 August 1976; J. Wilhelm, "Psychic Spying?"; The Washington Post, Outlook Section, August 7, 1977.

  xxxviii J. O'Leary, "Turner Denies CIA Bugging of South Korea's Park," The Washington Star, 9 August 1977

xxxix [William Braud at the time was an associative professor of psychology at the University of Houston, Texas.




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