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Falling Stars (Starstruck Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Krys Janae


  Alisa looked up. It was Logan. She and Evan must have been wearing the same look, because Logan looked partly amused, partly ready to tear Evan apart.


  “Hey, man, you decided to crawl out of the cave?” Evan asked, trying to keep the situation light.

  Alisa made note of Logan’s tensed muscles and looked down at his fist. Sure enough, it was clenched tightly and ready to swing. She reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Logan.”

  “Can I borrow my wife for a moment?” Logan didn’t look at Evan, but his question was directed at him.

  Evan cast a glance at her, and she nodded. Logan wouldn’t hurt her. There was no way he would be physically harmful to her, especially in public. Alisa let him know she would be safe.

  Raising his hands in surrender, Evan turned and headed back towards the table, where Ray and the gang were already seated. Alisa took off towards the restrooms, which was surprisingly one of the quieter areas, where they could talk.

  “What is it?”

  “What is it?” Logan repeated, sounding aggravated as he did. “Alisa, I am your husband.”

  Is he being serious right now?

  Alisa rolled her eyes, “Yes, Logan. I’m well aware of that. Not sure that point came across to others, though.”

  The harsh words seemed to make contact based on the look Logan was giving her. He shook his head, “Were you aware of it when Jersey boy over there had his tongue down your throat?”

  “Is this really why you came all the way out of the house? To antagonize me while I’m out having fun?”

  “Having fun? You mean grinding your ass on some punk—”


  “What, Alisa? I’m over this cold shoulder treatment.” He snapped at her. The way he spoke to her made her hesitate. He wasn’t himself.

  “Did Christian put you up to this?” Alisa asked, folding her arms.

  “To what?”

  “The whole thing. London, Kirsten, his parties, using again?”

  Christian Neel was one of Hollywood’s “hottest playboys”. It would be a surprise if he didn’t pressure Logan back into that life. There were times she and Christian got along, but they were few and far between.

  He looked offended and annoyed she’d mentioned Christian, but he still said nothing.

  “I’m serious.” She held her ground.

  “So am I. How can you tell me I need to clean up and figure myself out when you’re out here dancing with some other guy?”

  “My business has nothing to do with the fact that you got yourself into a mess, and you need to clean up. So I’m out here having fun with friends and … you know what? I’m not having this conversation now.” Alisa started to turn away.

  “Oh, yeah? When are we going to talk? Break this stupid ... silence?”

  “Stupid silence?”

  He froze.

  “Stupid?” she repeated.

  Logan stood like a statue. He didn’t even blink or breathe in her direction.

  “You hurt me, Logan.”

  He let out a sigh, “I know I did ”

  “You know now. Now that it’s out in the open. Whatever it was you did with her … but the pills…those don’t lie. They change you; they change everything. Have you thrown them out?”

  “I didn’t do anything with her.”

  “And the drugs? Stop trying to avoid discussing that.”

  Logan zipped his lips again, and a couple of women excused themselves as they walked between the arguing couple. Knowing that cue, the two of them stood quietly, staring off beyond one another to make sure this wouldn’t disrupt the fun everyone else was having. Alisa peeked around the corner to see her friends still having a great time, including Evan who was chit chatting with Evie. Oh, how she longed to be there instead of arguing with Logan.

  “When you clean up, then maybe ... this stupid silence will be over. You need help, Logan. I wish there was more I could do, but it’s all up to you now.” Alisa didn’t like being so blunt with him, but she had to be. She had to get through to him. There was no rearview mirror, but she knew he was watching her walk away. It hurt just looking at him, a pain she never thought she would feel in connection with him.


  “Logan Rider?” Girls flocked to him quickly, like vultures to a fresh batch of road kill.

  “Looks like you have your hands full.” Spite filled her tone, and she continued to walk away.

  She excused herself politely to her friends (who were disappointed she had to take off so soon) and made it back to her car safely. Evan tried to walk her out but in the end, it was Evie who had the pleasure of escorting her to her car. Alisa explained everything to her, and Evie offered to drive her home. She gave her friend a huge hug, hoping to comfort her a little.

  “No, it’s all right. Get back in there and have fun.”

  “Are you sure?” Evie’s eyebrows creased together, worry etched on her face.

  Alisa nodded. “Yes, please. Stop looking at me like that, and go. Have fun. Be … fun.”

  Evie kissed her cheek and shut the door after Alisa hopped in. “I’ll text you later, sweetie. Please be safe.”

  “I will.”

  “And fuck that guy.” Evie balled her hand into a fist. “You don’t need his shit in your life.”

  Drunk Evie was always aggressive Evie, though Alisa knew exactly who she meant, and it made her smile slightly.

  “Bye, Eves.”

  Once her friend took off, it was a few more minutes before Alisa was able to start the car. She’d been buckled up but once the silence settled in to the confines of her vehicle, it hit her. She broke down. She didn’t have any tissues, so she used the back of her hands to dry her face and smeared her makeup in the process.

  The drive home was quiet, and long. She thought to turn on the radio, but it wasn’t until she was about a block from their house that she figured it was too late. It would just be noise anyhow. When she arrived at her safe haven, Alex and John’s, she found a note on her bedroom door.

  This came for you in the mail. - John

  It was secured to another letter that had come postmarked the day before. The address was one she recognized, along with the handwriting on the envelope. She knew exactly who it was from.

  Alisa didn’t want to open it right away. No, she was still too pissed off from the night before, from the magazine to the rumor mill she’d flipped through on Twitter when she was at the gym. Boy that was a mistake! She took a quick break to recharge her batteries, took a shower, made a smoothie, and even tried to finish the chapter she’d been working on, since her deadline for her next book was in a few weeks. They were healthy distractions from the world, but she was being stared at from across the room by the envelope addressed to her.

  With a sigh, she walked over, retrieved it from her nightstand, and tore the envelope open.


  I am so sorry that things are like this. I’m writing you because this is the only way to make sure only you see what I’m about to tell you.

  I screwed up that night. I know I did. I made a huge mistake and fell back into that mess I told you I would never indulge in again. You were the reason I gave up that lifestyle, and you were the reason I got through it to begin with.

  In regards to Kirsten, I’m not dating her. When you left for New York, I let myself be vulnerable. I messed up on that front as well, and I am so sorry. Separated or not, or whatever this is, you are still my wife. I know it’s easy to say it, but I mean it when I say that I love you.

  Every day on set ... seeing you...

  It’s been difficult to put these words together to convey just how sorry I am things aren’t going how we wanted them to. It’s difficult to even say hello without wondering if you’re going to acknowledge me or just walk away.

  Please know that I am missing you every single day. It is not easy going home to the silence and going to bed alone every night
. I miss you.

  I love you.


  Her hand instinctively balled into a fist, crumpling the paper along the edges. Two teardrops hit the paper. Raising her eyes to the mirror, she caught sight of herself, and how her appearance was different. It was frightening. Her eyes had dark bags under them; she was exhausted from working both productions. Alisa’s gaunt look was a little more apparent in the bathroom lighting, casting terrible shadows on her face. She had a bitter realization about everything that had happened; in a little over one year she’d been cheated on, picked up by the production company, divorced, re-married, and swept into a life of fame … all for what? Logan was her prince charming, or so she’d thought. He’d swept her off of her feet and gave her a life she could only write about but that all fell apart when he lied to her. When he hid his relapse and Kirsten Gale.

  Her hand idly stroked the band on her left ring finger. It broke her heart to do so but after much deliberation, she removed the ring and put it in the small box of trinkets she kept on the nightstand. She slammed the lid shut, but she felt a wave of guilt take her over.

  What did this mean? Was she really done? Maybe. Maybe not. She had sworn to be done with lies and betrayal after Kurt. She thought Logan was better than this. Was she being irrational? Was she being selfish?

  Alisa hated crying. She had already done so much of it lately.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Thanks for coming today, everyone. I think we’ve made great progress today, and we look forward to round two. We will be scheduling a press event soon and will let you know when.” Ron spoke up, standing at the end of the conference table.

  The movie read went smoothly. Jenn, Joey, Logan, Evan, Ron, and Ray sat in with Alisa and the other main actors during the first read, and a lot of good points, questions, concerns, and alterations were discussed. The caliber of talent in the room was huge. It wasn’t as overwhelming as it was when she first met Joey and Jenn in New York, but it was still pretty awe-inspiring.

  “Make sure you all have the contact information in case anyone has any questions beyond today. We will get a production schedule together and begin filming once Family Insurance is at a point where our director can come on board, which will be soon. Thank you everyone for coming together today, and we look forward to the next meeting.”

  There was light applause, and the meeting was adjourned. The group from Family Insurance was ready to head out onto the stages for filming.

  Alisa waved at Jenn, who waved back with a smile and signaled for her to call her sometime. The fan girl in her squealed with joy. She caught Logan staring at her from across the room, but she turned away immediately. He was needed back on set for the show, so he vanished once the meeting was over. Evan received a phone call, so he stepped out as well, waving to her before he left. Soon there was no one left in the room except Alisa, shuffling her papers into her bag. There wasn’t much need to rush anyway.

  Evie came over and hugged her. “Your coffee, Miss Lady.”

  “Thanks Eves. What brings you by?” Alisa sipped and smiled. Evie knew exactly what her order was and pulled it off perfectly every time.

  “I can’t come to see my friend without an agenda?”

  Alisa tilted her gaze at her friend and raised an eyebrow.

  Evie tucked her arm through Alisa’s and started to walk her over to the makeup area by the stage she was filming on today. “Okay, okay, I don’t mean to seem really needy or anything…but do you happen to have Christian’s number?”

  “What?” Alisa stopped dead in her tracks and nearly dropped her coffee. “What?”

  “Ugh, I’m sorry. I know, I hate to ask, but he invited me out and told me to call him, and I realized ”

  “You don’t have his number.”


  With a sigh, Alisa put her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Sweetie … Christian does that. That’s his game.”

  “Well …”

  After a silent exchange, Alisa realized that Evie didn’t react quite as she’d expected.

  “Do you really want to be involved with Christian Neel?” Alisa shuddered.

  Evie shrugged, unmoved by the question.

  “Ugh. I can’t believe I’m doing this for you.”

  “It’s because you love me!” Evie clapped softly to celebrate.

  Alisa rolled her eyes and pulled her phone from her back pocket, unlocking it to sift through her contacts. Christian was on her favorites list, even though she rarely talked to him, which was why he always called the landline at her house. “Good luck ... and Godspeed.”

  Snickering, Evie peeked at her phone and typed the numbers on her own keypad. She did a double-take when she caught sight of something not quite right about her friend’s hand. “Wait—something’s off about you …”

  Alisa tilted her head, not sure to what Evie was referring.

  Evie gasped. “You’re not wearing your ring ...”

  Alisa blushed slightly, “Oh yeah.”

  “Oh yeah? You take a big step like that, and all you give me is ‘oh yeah’? Dish up, woman. Is it official?”

  Looking from side to side, Alisa pulled her friend to a quiet part of the hallway. “Evie, I’m going to need you to promise not to let this get out. No it doesn’t mean anything. I actually don’t know what it means.”

  “It must have meant something. You don’t think the paparazzi are going to overlook that, do you?”

  “I’m getting it resized. How about that? And you can keep this under wraps, right? Eves, I’m trusting you.”

  Evie let out a breath, “Fine. I swear I won’t tell anyone. What the hell brought that on, anyhow?”

  Closing her eyes, Alisa let out a deep sigh. She reached into her notebook and retrieved a document to show her friend. For reasons she was still unsure about, Alisa had carried the letter with her in her binder. It was that crinkled piece of paper, covered in her tears. Offering it to Evie, she stepped back and watched as her friend read over his written words in shock.

  “Oh, wow …” She whispered, as she read on. “It’s not easy going home to be alone? Is he serious?”

  “Seriously mental.” Alisa shook her head, “I didn’t even know what to do or say. I read that … and the ring—it just happened.”

  “Does Joann know?” Evie returned the letter to Alisa, giving her a disapproving look. She truly wanted to tear it to shreds but refrained.

  Alisa gulped, “No. The only ones who know are Alex and Ray, and their loves, I’m sure, considering neither of them can keep a secret. I live with Alex and John, so that was a gimme.”

  “Jo’s going to kill you for that.”

  “I know,” she sighed, “but thank you, and thanks for the coffee too, but I have to get going. See you tonight?”

  “You know it.”


  “I’m getting married!” Alex shouted out the window of the limo. Joann cheered loudly after he did, and they all danced to the loud music inside the vehicle. The wedding wasn’t for a couple of months yet, but Alex figured it would be easier to get his “bestie” guys and girls together before the holidays and before the heavy workload for the movie and the show came around.

  It was a party limo, one decorated in neon lights, fashioned with a killer stereo system, and it was blaring some of the best dance songs on the charts. Joann, Evie, Dawn, Priscilla the make-up artist, and Sara from the show crew were the ladies in attendance with Ray and a few guys Alex had invited out for his big night. The limo was roomy and fit them all comfortably, which surprised Alisa as she had never been inside a vehicle with this much space.

  Her phone vibrated.

  Please be safe tonight. Please let me know when you’re home. Logan had text her.

  It almost made her angry to see his name on the screen. It was 90% because of the alcohol already in her system, but the remaining 10% was solely because she knew he was trying to get her to come home.

  “Picture time!” Evie declared.
br />   “As many selfies as you take, when is it not picture time?” Ray asked facetiously.

  She swatted his arm, and the gang proceeded to squeeze in for a picture that was quickly uploaded to all of her social media sites.

  They went to a couple different clubs, including Eros, a new club that just opened in West Hollywood, which featured a number of practically naked men and women dancing in cages throughout the club, wearing wings and red hearts, armed with fake bow and arrow sets.

  Although Alisa wasn’t much for the club scene, she was having a blast, a lot more fun than she had expected to have. The gang danced, drank, shouted, drank some more, and were celebrating the bachelor of honor, Alex.

  It was refill time, and Alisa was off grabbing the next round of drinks when she felt someone standing close behind her. This new club was so busy she didn’t mind how close the person was. Everything was close quarters around the bar. She wouldn’t have turned around, but the person spoke directly to her.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  “Kurt.” She was caught by surprise. Her mind was flustered simply by seeing him, though she tried hard not to panic. It was difficult to hold back her shock. Kurt never left the valley.

  “You look ... amazing.” He took a drink, and Alisa caught sight of his wedding ring.

  “Thanks. Does Natalie know you’re out?” She snapped back bluntly.

  “It’s Naomi.”

  Alisa knew her name.

  “... And she’s doing great. Our daughter is too. You should see her.”


  “Didn’t know you left town much; what are you doing here?” Alisa spoke defensively, disgusted just being around him. She honestly didn’t even want to know why he was there; she didn’t care about anything at that moment except making an escape.

  “It’s my pal Marco’s bachelor party. He’s having the wedding down in Anaheim tomorrow, so we’re taking him out for a good time. Right, Marco?”

  There was a grunting of sorts from the bunch who accompanied her ex-husband. They all seemed just as slimy as he was.


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