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The Blood Bride (Blood Secrets)

Page 6

by Nix, Imogene

  She climbed up the steps, the line of her dress pulling tighter with each upward step, the lines of her body beneath the silk displayed for his eyes. Firm buttocks and long legs, built for speed, as well as pleasure, his mind told him. His body tightened further as a rush of heat spread through him and Xavier had to look away from the sight. When he looked back, she had turned around. She stood there, studying him from beneath long sable lashes that hid her eyes from his questing gaze.

  Hope waited for him to join her, extending her arm to him. A nervous smile was present on her face, and he felt an answer rise on his as muscles moved involuntarily. He reached the top of the steps, taking her hand in his, warm and small, and he felt the flutter of nervousness in her tiny fingers.

  So, she was not as unaffected as she tried to make out. He nearly laughed out loud at the thought, before containing his mirth. Now wasn’t the time. Perhaps later, though, the thought intruded quickly, he might begin the pursuit of pleasure. With an effort, Xavier brought his mind back to the task at hand.

  Turning to the microphone, he raised a hand before waiting for all to stop and give him their undivided attention. Chatter died away and the chinking glasses stilled. Everyone watched, and he felt pride once more that it was his nest that brought people who would usually avoid these receptions out to celebrate.

  “Councillor Cressida, Masters and Mistresses, ladies and gentlemen, and, of course, honoured friends. Tonight we come together to welcome a nestling back to our fold. Hope has been away for several years, and returns to the manor nest from her sojourns into the dangerous world of college education.” He waited while a ripple of laughter spread its way throughout the room.

  “Nests are few in number and their members are precious to all Masters and Mistresses, especially considering the losses experienced by all of us. Most especially, we remember the losses this nest endured so many years ago.” He waited, pausing while many nodded their agreement. “For that reason, among so many others, the safe return of every nestling is a time of joyous celebration and renewal. As each nest prepares to find fulfilling roles for each new member and those coming of age, so too does the nest prepare to grow once more as nestlings flourish. They form families who continue to increase the size of our nest and ultimately we, as Masters and Mistresses, petition the Council for the formulation of new nests, under the leadership and guidance of those who have gone before.” Xavier stopped for a moment as a vision of Hope, next to a man, rose in his mind. She was heavy with child and the pain he felt nearly overwhelmed him. A deep breath later, he pushed the thought and pain aside, while his mind scrambled for the thoughts that had scattered.

  “The art of finding their role in protecting and helping the nest to prosper is one that we cannot take lightly.” Many in the crowd agreed and he heard their mutters. “In the case of Hope, the nest has once more taken possession of both a fine brain and beauty.” A few men chuckled at his words and he looked back towards her in time to see Hope blush prettily even as he grinned. “In Hope, we see that chance for the future of our nest, as she too takes her place and position. Please, join me in welcoming home to the nest our Hope.”

  He watched, as faces smiled in the crowd and cheers rose, meeting with his while he motioned for Hope to move forward and accept the adulation. He backed away from the microphone, feeling an awareness once more of the woman in front of him.

  It was clear that she controlled the nervousness with an iron will as she plastered a welcoming smile to her face. “Thank you, Master Xavier. I too would like to thank all of you for your attendance tonight. Mistress Cressida, it is both an honour and a pleasure to have you here.” He watched as Cressida accepted her words of welcome with a slight nod and smile. “Masters and Mistresses, long may your nests experience peace and prosperity. To my friends and family, there are no words that convey my pleasure in once more being within the folds of my nest. I thank you for your good wishes and constant support during my absence. I certainly hope to do the nest proud and become a member of good standing.” With that she moved away from the microphone.

  He waited one more beat. “Long may the band play and the food and wine be enjoyable. Eat, drink and be merry.” A final loud cheer broke out as he joined her.

  Short speeches were still welcome, he noted with a smile, turning away from the crowd. “Come, let me find some refreshment for you, Hope, and then we will open the dancing.” When he glanced at her face, he took in the scandalised look there. What had he said to put it there?

  “Xavier, you shouldn’t do that. You’re a Master and it is not appropriate that you should attend to that. Let me arrange it.” Amusement warred with understanding, as he watched her move off the stage and arrange a goblet of wine for herself and the heavily blooded wine for him.

  The amusement faded. Xavier sighed and followed her slowly. Sometimes he forgot, being a Master, that people expected to do things for him, which seemed rather odd even after the months of practice in the role.

  He would need to be patient in learning to be a Master, he reminded himself. As she handed him the goblet, he smiled his thanks.

  * * * *

  The music and the movements of the dancers built as the night wore on. Hope, unused to so much noise and movement, threaded her way through the crowds of dancers, their jewelled plumage glittering under the chandeliers. She headed deliberately towards the open door and the blessed coolness of the garden beyond. Her head whirled as wine played its tricks on her senses and her stomach rumbled slightly with hunger. The small nibbles served had done little to satisfy her and she hadn’t eaten much all day. Right about now, a hamburger and chips would have been most welcome, but she knew it wasn’t in the least bit likely that any would be found in the manor.

  Shaking off Xavier had been difficult. He had been an attentive escort, but his presence overwhelmed her, left her feeling off centre. The longer she was in his arms during the obligatory dance, the harder she found not to give into the sensuality he exuded, something she knew was completely forbidden to her.

  Finally, she had exited the room on the pretext of powdering her nose, and he had obligingly let her go. Once she’d returned, it had been clear he was caught in a deep discussion with others so she had skirted the room, seeking the blessed relief in the garden.

  The scents of perfume dissipated, replaced by the fragrant rose scents, while a small breeze swept across the overheated bared skin on her arms. For a minute she shivered as goose bumps rose on her flesh. She took a deep, cleansing breath, then another, letting it wash away the tension that wound through her.

  Hope headed towards the far end of the terrace, seeking a quietly secluded seat where she could remove the torturous shoes for a short while, when she heard a noise. Or was it the absence of sound? The crickets that had been chirping earlier were now silent, and even the rustle of leaves had ceased. She cocked her head, noticing it for the first time.

  Behind her, she sensed a rush of movement before strong, warm arms enveloped her. A soothing sound filled her ear, totally at odds with the hard body that pressed against her, causing all sorts of reactions to begin.

  “Hope, you need to return inside now.” Xavier.

  “Why? What’s going on?” She turned her head slightly so she could see his eyes, golden and intense. She shivered again, this time from a frisson of fear that skittered up and down her spine. “Xavier?”

  “Go inside now, child.”

  Cressida is here as well? That didn’t bode well at all. She whipped her head around in surprise, searching for something, and felt the subtle pressure as Xavier pushed her towards the door, his movements a whirl of speed that disoriented her slightly, before shutting the glass doors firmly behind her.

  She noted with shock that guards, both vampire and human, now stood within the doorways. A silent wall of sentinels stood before the doors, as hands pulled her away from the sight.

  But she had already seen enough to frighten her. Each guard held a UV gun in their hands. Vampi
res who did not belong here were afoot, and something bad was about to happen. A fleeting thought battered at her senses, while visions streaked through her mind. Each moving faster than the last and she couldn’t hold one long enough to settle on it.

  She swallowed past a lump, and nodded jerkily before moving further into the room.

  Those guards confined within had moved forward, closing the space between them and the glass, and taking a defensive position—the personal bodyguards of the senior members of nests, highly trained, but human. Her stomach rumbled and churned. Fear filled her. What was going on?

  “Come, Miss Hope. You must move to the centre of the room now.” Lisi, her maid and friend, had moved towards her and taken her hand. Lisi shook. A quick glance reinforced the fear as Lisi’s skin turned white, not a trace of the ruddiness that usually filled her cheeks discernible. Her bright blue eyes seem unnatural with the bright red hair, and that told Hope that the danger must be acute.

  “Lisi? What’s happening?” She made her legs move, though they felt wooden and heavy now that the first flush of adrenaline had seeped away.

  “The Brethren, they know we have many of the Council and nest leaders here tonight. The guards got word minutes ago and are taking no chances, because they believe an attack is imminent.” She spoke the words so quietly that Hope had to strain to hear them. “Thank heavens Mistress Cressida and most of the nest Masters and Mistresses brought their own guards. They were planning to attack to kill as many nestlings and…” Lisi must have seen her reaction, as her voice died away when Hope took a look at her mother.

  “Lisi, you may go.” Her mother’s voice was cold and dismissive. For just a moment, Hope wanted to ask her mother to explain what was going on, but the coldness she had heard in her voice was repeated in her eyes. There would be no answers there either. Ask Lisi later. Hope made a mental note, and followed her mother to the centre of the room.

  The people inside were silent, and a pall fell over the crowd as they huddled closer together. The music ceased, and the nestlings jammed in groups throughout. No one spoke a word, and the atmosphere was cold with dread at what could happen.

  A startling thought occurred to Hope. No doubt it was the knowledge all nestlings had, that these types of attacks had happened before and would likely happen again. This wasn’t the first time in their history. Not even the second. But that this was a cyclical event, the war followed by peace followed once more by war. The thought shook Hope to the core.

  A sharp and loud scream filled the air. She jumped. Her mother frowned at her, while a body hit the closed French doors with a thump—the door she had just entered through, leading to the terrace and gardens beyond. She caught sight of a face being towed backwards away, its mouth open wide as if shouting out. She couldn’t tell from the distance if it was agony or anger, but the emotion was strong, making her ache and leaving her head pounding.

  The wait seemed interminable. The occasional call and scream rent the air as the pervasive stench of fear filled the ballroom. She couldn’t see anything near the door again, but her belly continued to roil madly. Her father stood beside a guard, listening through a small earpiece and giving directions, she guessed from watching his animated arm movements and head shakes.

  Finally the sounds quieted and an uneasy stillness filled the air, while the queasiness in the pit of her stomach threatened to heave to the surface of the dance floor. Hope controlled it as best she could, one hand against the flat of her midsection, the other clutched at her throat as her head throbbed.

  Finally, the doors opened and those who had fought, including the Masters and Mistresses of the nests and the guardian vampires, stepped back into the room. Many looked dishevelled, some carrying injuries and torn clothing. Hope watched them return in silence. Many had been wearing evening gowns and suits that would only be fit for destruction, but each sported eyes that glowed a golden red colour indicating a level of satiation. She gulped at the thought.

  As they entered, she watched them scan the area slowly, and there was no missing the hunter in their movements.

  Cressida stepped to the front. “In light of what has just transpired, I believe it is time to retire for the evening. Please gather your guards. While the threat is past for tonight, I believe this is just the beginning.” Her steely gaze ran around the room, lighting on figures here and there. A quick nod and her personal entourage joined her, silently moving together to the centre of the ballroom.

  Then Cressida moved again, grabbing Hope’s hand and Hope felt the chill of her skin. A memory called, but she couldn’t recall what from and brushed it aside. There was a glint in her eyes and a warmth Hope barely recalled filled her again. “We must leave now. But I will be in contact.” She smiled, softening the words before turning to James. “We will talk. You have not followed the instructions I gave you that night. It is now too late, and it is my prerogative to explain.” Anger dripped from the words.

  Hope watched her father and saw the colour leach from his face.

  A quick small step would take her to him, but the cutting gaze he threw in her direction halted her movements, leaving her with a cold feeling once more.

  With a quelling look back to her parents, then a regal nod at the others who surrounded her, Cressida turned and was gone.

  Hope stood watching as the guests collected items, forming their small groups as they took their leave. Some left silently, creeping out of the door with their party, while others left with low words of regret and a brief touch here and there. The sea of colour and sound ebbed away.

  Once the last guests were gone, Hope looked around. The detritus of the night was littered here and there. Abandoned glasses of champagne and plates of nibbles sat on chairs and small serving tables, scattered around the room.

  The musicians had already left, and the army of nestlings who worked in the house descended quietly to complete the task of clearing away the evidence of the night. Trays and trolleys moved in silence, as others moved with brooms and brushes.

  She sighed, and turned to talk to her parents, but realised with a start that they had left the room without a word to her. She was alone once more. Hot tears stung her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

  Cressida’s words played over and over in her mind, making her wonder at the anger she had seen. Her father had obviously upset Cressida—something about not following instructions sat oddly, as he was nothing if not loyal to his nest and the Council. But the hour was late and she was tired. The possibilities of trying to work out what should or shouldn’t be done confused her, and she knew it was time to retire. With a last look around, she turned to make for the hallway, when a hand shot out and she jumped with surprise, and a small dollop of fear. It went as quickly as it came, though, replaced by the feeling of warmth once more.

  “Wha…? Xavier! You scared me.” She took a deep breath as the urge to put her hand to her chest rose. She controlled it with an effort, hoping to slow the mad beating of her heart.

  “Cressida requested that we move you from your suite to the guest suites below. I have already had your friend…Lisi? Yes, anyway, she has moved some of your things.” The words were spoken with a stiffness of tone and his eyes glittered.

  “What? Why?” This wasn’t at all what she’d expected. Why would Cressida give such a direction, and to Xavier? He was the Master, and members of the Council rarely intervened in the day-to-day running of the nests. Thoughts battled in Hope’s mind. Why she was being singled out?

  All thoughts and questions left her head as he tugged her along the hall to the door at the end. The one she had always been told she was never to attempt to open. The one that led to the vampires’ private quarters below.

  When the nest had purchased the manor, they had been cellars and kitchens. She had vague memories of watching the tradesmen come and go, day after day, as they prepared them for the new inhabitants, but never before had she entered.

  He touched a point on the wall and a recess opened, hi
dden within the dark wood casing. The keypad came as a surprise—a high-tech security system was hidden within the wall. Of course, it made sense, but it had never occurred to her they would need something like that.

  He depressed the keys and a green light glowed, a beep sounded and the click of the locks filled the air as tumblers moved, unlocking the entrance. He reached out and pushed the panel open, so she could see it led into a dark corridor beyond. She took a step forward, then another, and the passage closed behind her.

  Chapter Three

  Hope contained herself, a shriek fighting to escape and her lungs burning. Darkness. It was the one thing she’d dreaded since her abduction. Her hands moved forward of their own volition, while she shivered in the chill atmosphere. The corridor was cool and dark, the absence of light terrifying her. Stone rough and dry, though cool, caught her fingers and she tried to work out where she was. Xavier propelled her forward in the dark, and she knew her breath was audible, the panting sounds filling the silence.

  “Be careful, there are steps here.” His voice at her ear made her shiver as the fear receded. She wasn’t alone at least. In her mind, she knew her reaction was a mix of anticipation and fear, but there was also an indefinable feeling that whipped through her senses.

  She shivered again, and an arm pulled her closer, masculine and muscled. Warm.

  The roughness of his coat grazed her arm, and a sensual thrill filled her.

  “Let’s get you down to the chamber where there is some lighting.” His voice was deep, and she could feel the vibrations on her skin. Her nipples tightened. It was just the cold, she told herself. But she knew it was a lie.

  A few more steps and Hope finally detected a glow ahead. She moved towards it a little faster, catching her heel on the edge of a step. Felt the stiletto catch on something, maybe a slightly uneven tile, but in the dark she couldn’t see. Hope pitched forward, wobbling, as her arms wheeled madly looking for something to grip. She threw her body backward, forgetting his presence for an instant, until his arm surrounded her, pulling her firmly against his lean, hard body once more. Xavier held her for a second longer than it took her to find her balance, his hands splayed over her stomach, then they retreated once more.


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