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Devil in a Black Suit: A Shelby Nichols Adventure

Page 4

by Colleen Helme

  “No.” Ramos held back a smile, then opened the cupboard door inside the bar. “In there. I’ve already moved out all the stuff that was in there, so you should have plenty of room.”

  Shelby’s gaze flew to his. “You can’t be serious? That’s way too small.”

  “But…you’re small enough to fit, aren’t you?” His gaze traveled leisurely over her body, and he held back a smile as her face turned pink. Then he looked inside the cupboard. “Hmm…it might be tight, but it should work.”

  He glanced around the room, pretty sure there wasn’t another option. But she could probably sit back here on the floor and it would be all right, as long as Carlos stayed on the other side of the bar.

  “Wait…you’re serious?” Shelby let out a breath. “Fine, I’ll try it. But it looks pretty cramped in there. I might not last long.”

  “I promise to keep the meeting short. After he leaves, we’ll head out into the club. I’ve got someone watching for Sloan, so I’ll have you slip out first and get as close to where she is as possible. But don’t talk to her.”

  Shelby caught his gaze, and her eyes widened. She frowned and shook her head, clearly upset. “You think I’ll say something to her, don’t you? And ruin everything. I’m not going to do that.”

  “Good. I’ll try and ask her leading questions so you can get everything you need.”

  She nodded, but didn’t say anything, and he knew he’d hurt her feelings. “Once she leaves, we’ll come back in here, and you can tell me what you found out.”

  “Sure,” she agreed, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know she wasn’t real happy with him.

  “You know that I appreciate your help, Shelby,” he said, hoping to smooth things over. “I wouldn’t ask this of you if it wasn’t important.”

  “I know, I know,” she said. “I owe you, so don’t worry about it.”

  He hoped that wasn’t the only reason she helped him, but even if it was, he was more than grateful. He wouldn’t involve her at all if he thought it would put her in danger. Still, he wished he could tell her he was sorry he’d hurt her feelings…but he just couldn’t make the words come out of his mouth. Bad guys like him didn’t apologize…for anything.

  Shelby huffed out a breath and shook her head, clearly picking up his thoughts. “Fine. I forgive you.”

  Ramos smiled, happy he’d apologized without saying a word. Maybe having her hear his thoughts wasn’t so bad. Before she could respond, a knock sounded at the door, and Ramos checked his watch. “He’s early. Let me make sure it’s him before you get in.”

  He left her at the bar and hurried to open the door. Ricky stood there with Carlos and two men waiting behind him. “Someone here to see the boss,” Ricky said.

  Ramos knew it would give him away to look at Shelby, so he told her in his thoughts to get inside the cupboard. Deliberately taking his time, he looked over the men, then directed his attention back to Ricky, and opened the door wide enough to allow them inside. “Bring them in.”

  Ricky stepped back to let Carlos and his men into the room, then followed them in. “You must be Carlos,” Ramos began. “I’m Ramos. Manetto asked me to handle this deal.”

  Carlos narrowed his eyes, then gave Ramos a quick nod. “As long as you have the merchandise, I’m fine working with you.”

  “Good. Come in and let’s get acquainted.” He motioned to the table, then nodded at Ricky who took up a position behind Ramos and facing Carlos’s two men. They took the hint, and both moved back to stand in front of the door.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Ramos asked. At Carlos’s affirmative answer, he moved behind the bar, finding Shelby scrunched inside the cupboard with the door wide open, and her lips pursed with exasperation. Hiding his smile, he gently pushed the door closed, but left it opened a crack so she could hear their conversation. Then he picked up a bottle, and poured a shot of expensive whiskey into two glasses.

  He took them to the table. After handing one to Carlos, he sat down. Taking his time, he took a swallow, and leaned back in his chair. “I just have a few questions before we get started. As a precaution, I’d like to know who referred you to Manetto.”

  Carlos’s brows rose with surprise. “One of my men has been asking around. He got the information from one of your people.”

  “Do you have a name?” Ramos pressed.

  Carlos fidgeted in his seat before giving up his intel. “It was a woman. We’ve seen him meet with her a few times, but we don’t have her name.”

  “Describe her.”

  “Long, dark hair, skin like yours, dark eyes…a real bonita.”

  Ramos nodded. So they’d spotted Sloan. That was good to know. “Yes…that’s her.” Ramos studied him for a long minute, hoping to keep him off balance. “All right. Let’s get down to business.” He opened the folder he’d previously placed on the table and handed the papers to Carlos. “Here’s a list of everything that we have for sale.”

  Carlos took them and studied the contents while Ramos kept a watchful eye on him and his men. After a moment, Carlos put the papers down. “This is just what I am looking for. What is your price?”

  “Five million.”

  “That seems a little steep.”

  “Is it too much for you?”

  “No,” Carlos said.

  Ramos raised a brow. “It’s a damn good price when you consider that everything on that list has never been used before.”

  Carlos glanced back at the paper, and Ramos wished Shelby could tell him what he was thinking. Too bad she was stuffed in the cupboard.

  “I need to see them before I decide,” Carlos said.

  Ramos narrowed his gaze. “Are you questioning my reputation?”

  Carlos pressed his lips together, realizing his mistake. “Not at all. But I still want to see them.”

  “You can see them when we make the exchange and not before. Take it or leave it.”

  Carlos took a deep breath, then nodded. “You have a deal.”

  “Good. As far as payment goes, I have an account set up for an electronic transfer.”

  “That will work. Will the exchange be here?”

  Ramos smiled. “No. I’ll text you with the location tomorrow, around four in the afternoon. All I need is your cell phone number.”

  Carlos’s lips twisted, and he gave Ramos a hard stare, but Ramos just stared back. After letting out his breath a few times, Carlos finally nodded and gave Ramos his number. After entering the number, Ramos sent Carlos a text to make sure he had it right.

  “Everything will be on a truck and ready for you to pick up tomorrow,” Ramos said.

  “I’m counting on it,” Carlos said. “And should this deal fall through for some reason, it will not go well for you or your boss.”

  Ramos leaned back in his chair with raised brows. “Carlos, I’m surprised that you would threaten me. If anything, I’m the one taking the risk here. You know my reputation, but what do I know of yours?”

  Carlos held perfectly still before sending Ramos a reluctant nod. “You will get your money, and I will get my weapons. We will both leave happy.”

  Ramos held his gaze for a second longer than he needed to. Then he nodded and stood. “Then I guess we’re done here.”

  Carlos stood as well. After a quick nod to Ramos, he motioned to his men. Ricky opened the door and escorted them out, shutting it softly behind him.

  “That was interesting,” Ramos said, coming around the bar to help Shelby out of the cupboard. “I get the feeling that he doesn’t like me much.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Shelby said, taking his hand and letting him help her stand. This close to him, he noticed her take a whiff of his cologne before she stepped away. Letting out a small sigh that he was sure he wasn’t supposed to hear, she straightened her back and stretched. “I’m never sitting in a cupboard again.”

  Ramos grinned, pretty sure her moan included more than her aching back. “I’m sure Manetto would be
happy to build a better hiding spot for you. I’ll let him know.”

  Shelby opened her mouth to respond, but a knock sounded at the door. Her startled gaze flew to his.

  “I don’t know who that is,” he responded. “But if it’s Sloan, you might have to get back in the cupboard.”

  Another knock came, and Shelby let out an exasperated breath before scrunching down and scooting back into the small space. After she pulled her legs inside, Ramos left the cupboard door ajar and hurried to the door. He pulled it open, finding Sloan with a frown on her face. Even with the frown, she looked gorgeous in a short, black dress with tall heels, and her hair twisted artfully on top of her head. A crooked grin spread across his lips. Had she dressed up for him?

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think somebody else was in here,” she said, glancing inside the room.

  Ramos raised his brows, and she took that moment to push her way inside. “Nice,” she said, her gaze taking in the opulent furnishings, then she turned back to look him over. “You too. You look good in a black suit.” With a sly smile, she motioned to the room. “So is this where Manetto makes all of his deals?”

  Not waiting for an answer, she walked over to the bar. Ramos held his breath as she ran her fingers over the granite counter-top. As she turned to face him, he let it out. Just then the door opened and Ricky stuck his head inside. His eyes widened in surprise to find Sloan there. “Uh…they’re gone.”

  “Thank you.” Ramos turned to Sloan and motioned to the chair at the table. “Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll tell you what happened.” He glanced at Ricky, who stood uncertainly in the doorway. “That will be all for now.”

  Ricky nodded and closed the door. After Sloan sat down, Ramos relaxed. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “I’ll have what you’re having,” she said.

  Coming around the counter, he glanced through the crack in the cupboard door and caught a glimpse of Shelby’s pained expression. He knew he’d be in trouble if he didn’t figure out a way to get Sloan to leave as soon as possible. After pouring Sloan a drink, he stepped back to the table and handed her the glass before sitting down.

  “Thanks,” she said, taking a sip. “So how did it go?”

  “It looks like we have a deal.” He told her everything, including Carlos’s veiled threat. “I don’t trust him. But other than that, he’s agreed to my terms.”

  She nodded. “Good. We can work with that.”

  “Did you know they made you?” he asked.

  Her brows rose in surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “I asked Carlos where his referral came from, and he said one of his men met with a woman whose description sounds just like you. It looks like they’ve been keeping tabs on your inside man, and now Carlos thinks you’re one of my people.” Ramos shook his head. “I’d sure hate for this to blow up in our faces. Do you think your guy would talk if they tortured him?”

  Sloan’s brow puckered. “That’s not going to happen. I can only think of one time when they could have spotted us talking, and I made sure I wasn’t followed when I left, so they don’t have anything else on me.”

  “I hope you’re right.” From what he’d picked up from Carlos, he didn’t seem sophisticated enough to know if he was being set up. But Ramos wasn’t about to take Sloan’s word for it, and he decided to change his plans to include a scenario where Carlos knew all about Sloan. That reminded him of Shelby. She would know, and it relieved him to have her help.

  “So what’s the plan for tomorrow?” he asked.

  Sloan tipped her glass back and drank the rest of it all at once. She caught Ramos staring at her and smiled. “I think this is cause for celebration. Why don’t you come back to the apartment, and we’ll work it all out there?”

  A tiny squeaking sound came from the cupboard, and Ramos cleared his throat before giving Sloan his sexiest grin, hoping to distract her in case she’d heard it.

  “Uh…you’re killing me here, but…I can’t,” he said, hoping to sound regretful. “Maybe once this is over…”

  “Sure…I get it,” Sloan said, glancing around the room, like she was trying to figure out where the noise had come from. After a moment, she shook her head and caught his gaze. “I can have the truck there by three-thirty. I know you’ll want to check everything out before you make the call to Carlos. Why don’t you come to the old factory then?”

  Ramos nodded, sensing that she didn’t want him there any earlier, and it made him suspicious. Did she have other plans that she didn’t want him to know about? “Okay. One more thing…will your team be out of sight, or were you planning to pass them off as my men?”

  Sloan held his gaze and shrugged. “Actually, now that Carlos thinks I’m one of your people, I can be by your side the whole time.”

  “I wouldn’t object to that,” he agreed. “What about the others?”

  She glanced away. “I think we need a couple to pose as your men. I might have the others somewhere else, but it’s something we can figure out when we get there.”

  He frowned, and she placed her hand on his arm. “Ramos, you don’t have to worry. I’ll be there, and I’ll watch your back. Once Carlos transfers you the money, you could even get in your car and leave before I signal my team to move in.”

  Did she really think he’d agree to that? Even if he left, that didn’t mean someone from her team wouldn’t take a shot at him. “That’s a nice idea. But I think I’ll stick with you if that’s all right.” Ramos refrained from telling her about his own plans. He’d tell her tomorrow if he needed to, even if she wouldn’t like it.

  She nodded with obvious relief. “Good.” She held his gaze for a moment, like she wanted him to change his mind about going back to her place, but he refrained from giving her any kind of encouragement.

  She let out a breath and stood. “I guess that’s it, then. Call me on the burner phone if you have any questions.”

  He sent her a nod.

  She caught his gaze one last time and raised her brow, lifting her lips in a seductive smile. “You sure you don’t want to come home with me?”

  He smiled back, but shook his head with a low groan, and closed his eyes against the temptation.

  “Okay. We’ll finish this later.” She sauntered to the door and, with one last seductive glance over her shoulder, she left.

  Ramos took a deep breath and let it out. Then he jumped up and hurried over to the cupboard, hoping that Shelby wasn’t too upset with him. “Sorry about that.” He leaned down and offered her his hand. She grabbed it and slowly inched out of the cupboard, then staggered to her feet. Groaning, she stretched out her back and let out a breath.

  “Can I get you something?” Ramos asked.

  Shelby shook her head and refused to look him in the eyes, clearly embarrassed. Ramos hid a smile and opened the small refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to her. As she took it, her wide-eyed gaze caught his, and he frowned. “What?”

  “She’s…she’s got ulterior motives.”

  If Ramos wasn’t mistaken, he’d think she was jealous. “Like what?” Shelby blushed, and he couldn’t help smiling. “You mean…like making wild love with me?”

  “Well…yes…that was obvious.”

  He grinned at her discomfort. “Come sit down on the couch where it’s comfortable.” He glanced at the couch and imagined sitting there with Shelby’s soft body nestled against his.

  With a groan, Shelby quickly slipped into a chair at the table.

  “Or not…why don’t we start with Carlos and go from there.”

  Ramos sat in his chair, but slid it next to hers, noticing as he did that she didn’t move away. Maybe she wasn’t too mad at him. He hid a smile and bent his head toward hers. “So, what’s up with Carlos?”

  She blew out a breath and sat up straight in her chair. “Uh…Carlos may have come for the weapons, but it wasn’t hard to lure him here.” Shelby shook her head and let out a sigh. “There’s so much goin
g on with that guy that I wish I could have taken notes.” She caught Ramos’s gaze. “But none of it’s good.”

  “What does that mean?” Ramos could hardly believe he had to worry about Carlos. Maybe Shelby was being overly dramatic?

  “I’m not being overly dramatic.” She pursed her lips in frustration. “In fact, I’m pretty sure he wants to kill you.”

  Ramos’s brows rose in surprise. “Oh…uh…I didn’t see that coming. So what’s going on?” Shelby seemed genuinely upset, so it had to be true. It also warmed his heart that she cared so much about him…more than she seemed willing to admit. He liked it…a lot.

  She let out a dramatic sigh and closed her eyes. Ramos took that opportunity to lean in a little closer. She glared at him but didn’t move away, and he took that as a good sign. Then she shook her head and got back to business.

  “Uh…Carlos was thrilled that Uncle Joey wanted you to take over the deal, since you’re the reason he wanted to do the deal in the first place. It seems like he’s got something against you.”

  She caught his gaze and furrowed her brows. “What happened in Mexico? It seems like this is all tied up with that…I mean, you obviously met Sloan there…and now Carlos, too?”

  Ramos frowned. “You know what happened. We had to take down that cartel to save Carlotta and Miguel.”

  “Well…yeah, I know. But Carlos is holding a grudge against you. Are you sure you’ve never met him before?”

  “Yes. I’m positive.”

  “Okay…well, I couldn’t get the whole story because it was just in bits and pieces. First off, I think there’s something about Sloan that he doesn’t like. But I couldn’t pick up more than that.”

  “Maybe it’s just that he thinks she’s working for me,” Ramos suggested.

  “Maybe,” Shelby agreed. “But I think you must have killed someone important to him. So I’m pretty sure he’s hoping to kill you sometime during the deal, or after…whatever works best. And I think there’s money involved, too, but that doesn’t make sense.” Shelby’s lips turned down, and worry tightened her forehead.

  “Hmm,” Ramos said. “That surprises me. I know I’ve never met Carlos before, so I don’t know why he’d want to kill me, but if that’s what he was thinking…it must be true.” He caught her gaze. “If you hadn’t come tonight, I wouldn’t have known. This changes things.”


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