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Tempting the Bully: The High School Bully Collection

Page 12

by Bella King

  “I’m one step ahead of you, girl,” she said, flashing me a grin before snapping her gaze back to Megan.

  Megan laughed. “What are they going to do? You’re the one holding people at gunpoint.”

  Molly smirked. “Once they find out what’s in that bottle, I think you’re going to go away for a long time. Attempted murder is a pretty bad charge, don’t you think?”

  I was barely paying attention to the heated conversation happening above me. I was too busy cradling Bradly and rocking his heavy body back and forth, trying to bring some life back into him. His lips were blue, and his eyelids were growing pink.

  I looked up just in time to see Megan throwing back the bottle, pressing the screw top mouthpiece to her red lips. The cold fire poured into her mouth, bubbles rising into the bottle as she desperately gulped it down.

  In an impulsive decision, Megan killed herself. What was left of her power at Palm Valley Academy would dissolve in the following months because of her absence, but few people would know the true story of how she died.

  I witnessed every last drop in that bottle moving down her small throat like it was merely water. Had I not tasted the foul substance moments before, I would have believed it to be so. Megan’s red lipstick smeared on the mouthpiece as she finished it off.

  The thick glass bottle dropped to the floor as she finished it, refusing to shatter even against the cold, hard tiles below. It clanked loudly and rolled off to the side. Jeffery looked like Megan had just been shot, his eyes wide in shock and fear at what she had done.

  For a moment, I saw fear in her eyes too, but it was quickly replaced with a glassed over indifference to her own fate. Megan couldn’t stand to be anything but the leader of Palm Valley Academy. She wouldn’t be able to live down accusations of responsibility for Anna’s death, but now she didn’t have to.

  Police officers came into the locker room seconds later, shouting so loudly that I couldn’t make out their words, and waving their guns around. I got to my knees, placing my hands on top of my head as I watched them put Molly in handcuffs after taking her gun.

  It was all over. Megan would be dead, but I had no idea what would come of Bradly. Would he live through this? I didn’t know. All I knew was that I was safe, still conscious despite the poison I had ingested, and probably would be healthy enough to make Molly that dress for Prom. She deserved it after all this.

  Chapter 29

  Good things come to those who fight for them.

  Bradly and I slipped through the sliver and gold beaded curtain that hung from the doorway as the music blared in the auditorium at Palm Valley Academy. Dancing was fun, but we had other things that we wanted to do.

  I had always wanted to make love at school when nobody was around to see, but Bradly and I hadn’t gotten the chance until now. Molly was too distracted with her new boyfriend, Andrew, to care what we were up to, so we took our chance and left them to enjoy themselves while we did a little enjoying of our own.

  I was really happy for Molly. She had grown more confident after Megan’s demise, strutting her stuff around the school with such confidence that she began to draw eyes from many of the jocks. She took her pick and was dancing with Andrew while wearing the perfect Prom dress that I had designed for her. It was delightful.

  I had also managed to make myself one, something blue and white with tasteful silk ribbons thrown in as accents. Even Bradly, a football player whose life consisted of tackling people and fucking me roughly every chance he could get, though it was a tastefully done dress.

  Many of the girls at Prom also liked it, complimenting me and asking where I got it. I walked away with a lot of phone numbers and requests to make them dresses too. It looked like my fashion business was already underway, and I hadn’t even graduated yet.

  Bradly took my hand, leading me through the halls into the janitor’s closet where we had had a very important conversation months before. I remembered it well, but this time the mood was much lighter. There was no longer anything to worry about once Megan tragically took her own life.

  I never wanted it to end that way. As guilty of a person as she was, I thought that justice should come in a more fitting way. Maybe a few years in prison would have straightened her out, but there would be none of that. She was gone now.

  Jeffery, on the other hand, got a hefty sentence. It turned out that he was her lover, nearly ten years older and a total creep. I was glad to see him behind bars. Everything about that man creeped me out. I didn’t have any sympathy for him.

  Bradly was a tough guy throughout the ordeal. He lived through the poisoning, spending a few days in the hospital until his symptoms cleared up. It’s hard to kill three hundred pounds of pure muscle. Men like Bradly were a special kind.

  Once things had calmed down, I took the time to get to know Bradly as the school went into total meltdown mode. Nobody knew what to do with themselves, and rumors were flying all over about how I had killed Megan. As badass as that made me seem, it wasn’t the truth, and I was quick to dispel such rumors. Reputation is important, after all.

  I had Bradly take me out on dates, spend the weekends up in the hills with me, and go fishing occasionally, so that we could get some time alone. It was all amazing, and I couldn’t have chosen a better man. Honestly, I always thought he was a total hunk, but now he was my hunk. I had to appreciate that.

  Bradly was quick to ask me to the Prom. I didn’t have to convince him or even suggest it. After two weeks of dating he was jumping over himself to ask me, and of course I said yes. We wouldn’t be where we were now if I hadn’t.

  “Shh, don’t make too much noise,” Bradly warned as he removed my dress and fondled my breasts.

  Every touch of his hands sent the strongest chills through my body, reminding me of what he was capable of. The pleasure was going to be delightfully strong, and all I had to do was lean into his hot skin and enjoy the ride.

  “I can’t help myself,” I said, moaning loudly as he pinched and pulled my erect nipples.

  “I might have to cover your mouth then,” he said, a spark of deviousness dancing in his eye.

  “You just go right ahead,” I replied, lifting up the hem of my dress and showing him that I had no panties underneath.

  His eyes nearly popped out of his handsome head. He slipped a hand between my open legs and began massaging my clit immediately. I erupted into a series of moans and sighs of pleasure until he covered my mouth, muffling the rising noise so that nobody would catch us doing the dirty in the school janitor’s closet.

  As he rubbed my clit, I looked him in his sparkling eyes, sinking into the pleasure and getting lost in his soul. He was the perfect man for me, and I think he knew that. Neither of us had been able to have this much fun with anyone else.

  I reached up suddenly, pulling Bradly’s hand away from my mouth.

  He backed off immediately, thinking he had done something wrong. He looked up at me with worry in his eyes, but I smiled at him, calming his fear.

  “I just wanted to tell you something before we make love,” I said, starting to grow red in the face. I was awfully nervous about this, despite having rehearsed it a thousand times in my head.

  “What is it?” he asked, cocking his head to the side.

  I almost died inside from his cuteness. It eased my anxiety enough for me to tell him what I had wanted to say for so long.

  “Bradly, I love you.” I waited for the words to hit him, observing his facial expression closely. I was so scared that it was too soon to admit it, but I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  Bradly’s strong face broke out into the biggest smile I had ever seen from him, displaying his dazzling white teeth and the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. “Ava,” he said, placing a hand on my waist and pulling me back in. “I love you too.”

  The End.

  Wait for Me

  A High School Bully Romance


  He’s changed, and not for the better.
r />   I’ve been away for a while, and during that time, the world hasn’t been nice to me.

  People die, friendships crumble, and life becomes a bleak shadow of what it used to be.

  I used to be so happy.

  Now, I have returned, but he’s nothing like the man I fell in love with years ago.

  Now, he’s cruel.

  Now, he wants to ruin me.

  I waited all this time for him, but did he wait for me?

  I doubted it.

  Chapter 1

  Would he wait for me?

  I doubted it.

  I doubted that he even remembered the last words he spoke to me before I left Windsor Elite High. I don’t think he expected me to ever return, but to be fair, neither did I. When I had been pulled out of school, it had been because of a tragedy that would make the last three years of my life nearly unbearable. It broke me.

  I wondered what he was like now that he was all grown up. Was he the man I always thought he would be, or had he been corrupted by the sick forces at play at that posh high school where good guys turn sour the moment that they turn 18? I wondered if things could ever be the same.

  I had tried to forget about Mason, but the crooked smile that he donned when he said goodbye was forever etched into my memory. No amount of emotional suffering could overwrite the words that he had said and the things that I had felt when he said them. Mason had been everything to me.

  That was back then, and this was now. Now, I didn’t know what to think of Mason. I hadn’t heard a single word out of him for the past three years, and I didn’t even know if he still went to this school. I would soon find out, but I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to. What if he was nothing like before?

  Mason and I had been close friends for a good portion of our lives, floating through the awkwardness of growing up together. Even when everyone else was picking sides and calling names, Mason stood by my side as an equal, refusing the pettiness that flourished in our teenage years. I had to respect him for that, especially now, when I realized how cruel men could be.

  It was hard to define what we were at the time. I was in love with him with every fiber of my body, but he was so innocent in those days. It was too soon to make anything of it, but now we were both adults, and as I stepped foot back into the long-forgotten halls of Windsor Elite, the memories came flooding in.

  The school looked the same as it always had. I was convinced that they hadn’t changed so much as a doorknob in the school since it was founded several hundred years ago. The place was sturdy but ancient. Rich people like that sort of thing, and my parents had been no different.

  I didn’t get to experience Windsor Elite past my first year though. I had been pulled out when my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and I had to constantly be at home to look after him while my mother worked. I had private tutors, which probably put me ahead of the, now senior, students at school, but it also meant that for a good portion of my formative years I had been alone.

  My father passed away three months ago, and my mother wanted me to finish high school at Windsor Elite so that I could move on to college next year. I didn’t know if I had the energy to get back into school and face a new environment so soon after my father passed, but I had little say in the matter. I was back.

  As my foot hit the first tile on the smooth white floor at the school, I looked around me at the other students. I doubted that anyone there would recognize me now. I had changed considerably since the last time I was here, and I never had many friends in the first place.

  I was once a disheveled young woman, with blue eyes and brown hair dyed blonde to fit in with the other girls. I thought I looked prettier that way, but looking back at the pictures, my roots had been showing and it looked awkward. Besides, my natural brown hair with blue eyes was a striking combination, and that’s what I rocked these days.

  I was never one to wear makeup, but I did wear a bit now. It wasn’t much, just enough to accent my features and bring out my eyes. I wanted to look nice for my first day back at school, but that wasn’t the only reason I was wearing it. I also wanted to look good for Mason if he was here.

  I was actually a bit scared of seeing him. I was afraid of the man he might have become in three years without me. I was afraid that he might not even know who I was anymore, but I knew that was silly. How could someone forget you when you grew up together?

  I guess I had been around my father too long to recognize how crazy it was for a mentally sound person to forget who you are. In the first two years of his disease, my father had recognized me. It was only in his final year that he forgot about me. I knew it was the disease’s fault, but I couldn’t help but take it personally at times. It hurt to look into your own father’s eyes and not see the love that was once there for you. Experiences as horrid as those make you grow up fast.

  Looking around, I did think I had grown up more than the other seniors at the school. I held myself high and I was quiet. I didn’t talk endlessly about things that didn’t matter, and I kept my mouth shut when people were having a rough time.

  I knew that everyone held pain inside, but you would never know how deep it was. It was best to be careful with your words instead of spouting them off like a shotgun blast at anyone who happened to be nearby to hear you.

  So, as I returned to the shining halls of Windsor Elite, I tried to put my own pain behind me and appear strong. High school was hell, and I wouldn’t last long if I showed how weak I really was on the inside.

  Chapter 2

  “Hey, aren’t you Jasmine?” A woman’s voice said from beside me as I found my new locker.

  I turned to see a woman who I recognized as Emma walking toward me. She was a lot pretty than I had remembered her as, but I think that was the case for nearly everyone here. Once you get out of those awkward teenage years, you start to come into your true self more.

  “That’s me,” I said, smiling brightly at her. My confidence was fake, but my happiness upon seeing her was real. Emma had been one of the sweeter girls at the school. I remember her letting me borrow her pen on the first day of school when mine had rolled under a cabinet during class.

  “Wow, you look amazing. Where the hell have you been?” She said, opening her arms for a hug.

  She seemed even nicer than she had always been. That was encouraging. Not everyone had been corrupted by this school.

  I accepted her hug, thinking how nice it was to feel the warmth of another person again after these three years. I almost wanted to cry right then and there, but I reminded myself to stay strong. I must show no weakness on the first day of school.

  “I was caring for my father,” I explained as I pulled back.

  “Oh dear, well, I hope he’s doing better now,” she said, flashing me her pearly whites.

  I winced at those words. “He passed away, actually, which is why I’m back. Life doesn’t wait for you, I guess.”

  “I’m sorry, Jasmine. That’s really tough, but you want to know something? Your friends do wait for you,” she said, nodding her head at me in an encouraging fashion.

  “Well, at least one of them,” I said giving her a smile. “But do you know whatever happened to Mason?”

  Her face sunk faster than I could finish speaking. The sparkle in her eyes dimmed, and the sides of her mouth curled downward into a bitter arch. “Yes,” she replied coldly. “He’s still here.”

  I was taken aback by the sudden change in her expression. It made my stomach feel empty, like I hadn’t eaten, and my palms got moist. What was the issue with Mason? I cocked my head to the side, throwing the brown waves of my hair down over one shoulder. “I’m asking because we used to be really good friends.”

  Emma sighed, displayed all the signs of someone who was reluctant to say something. “Jasmine, he’s not the guy you used to know. He changed after you left. You’re better off forgetting about him.”

  “What? I can’t just forget about people,” I said, confused. “Is he a jerk now or

  “Worse,” she replied.

  I looked down at a balled-up fist and then back up again at her face. She seemed really ticked off even to be talking about him. I wondered what got her panties in a bunch like this. She may have told me to forget about him, but that was only making me more curious. If she didn’t want to say much about it, then I would find out for myself. I was going to do that anyway.

  “Well, I’d still like to talk to him. He never reached out to me these past three years, and I still haven’t figured out why. He was such a sweetheart back in the day,” I said, thinking back to the bittersweet moment when we parted ways. I still remembered the exact way his green eyes glimmered when he told me that he would wait for me. Had that been a lie?

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. He’s not the same guy you knew,” Emma said, shaking her head.

  “That’s unfortunate,” I replied, not wanting to pass judgment until I saw the man myself. Mason couldn’t possibly be as bad as she was making it seem. Maybe he was just a little rough around the edges these days. High school can do that to a person.

  “Well, it’s good to have you back, anyway. Do you still play tennis?” She asked, changing the subject to lighten the mood.

  I hadn’t realized how gloomy the atmosphere had gotten until she brightened it up. I shook my head. “I haven’t done any sports since I left.”

  “Maybe you want to try then. I have practice after school if you want to join me,” she suggested.

  “Sure,” I replied. “I’d like that.”

  “Perfect. I’ll see you later, Jasmine. I’m sorry about your dad. I hope things get better for you,” she said, waving sweetly as she walked away.

  Things could only get better. After what I had been through, it felt like everything I did was a step toward the light again. Even tennis, the sport that used to frustrate me to no end, sounded fun now. I needed to get back into the groove of things, and that was the perfect way to do it.


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