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Hooked (Decadence Nights Book 1)

Page 2

by Maddie Taylor

  As the saying went, he just wasn’t that into her. Still, what had the odd look been about?

  Reproving herself silently, she pushed aside the irrational delusion that there was something there. For years she’d subtly flirted, hinting and hoping, but coming up empty handed and disappointed time and again. She’d finally conceded that her feelings would not be returned, that her love was unrequited and that her efforts were futile. But no more.

  She shook her head, letting out a long-drawn-out sigh of disappointment before stretching to switch off her desk lamp. Apparently, he didn’t see her as more than a loyal employee. She smiled to herself. If he saw her in the outfit she had laid out for the club tonight, maybe she’d earn a second glance.

  Chapter Two

  “Are you ready to get your spank on tonight, Livvy?”

  Twisting her head in horror, her eyes shot to the interior office door—thankfully, still firmly closed—before zoning in on Emma. A paralegal at the firm and her BFF from high school, she stood in the doorway to their suite with a big goofy grin on her face.

  “Keep your voice down,” Livvy shushed with a flapping hand as she rushed toward her. “Someone will hear you.”

  “You mean one particular person will hear me.” Emma knew she lusted after her boss and didn’t miss an opportunity to bedevil her about it. “Would that be such a bad thing? Maybe that would wake him up to the smoking hot submissive who’s been parked outside his door for three years, unnoticed, un-spanked and un-fucked. Then, if he still doesn’t get the stick out of his ass and stake his claim, you can finally get over this crush.”

  “I swear, Emma Jean Briscoe, if he hears you, or anyone else for that matter, you’ll have to find a new best friend. Here’s why. First, I’ll never speak to you again, and second, I’ll be in Vancouver, having quit, packed my bags, and snuck out of town in the dead of night never being able to show my face at this firm again. Is that what you want?”

  “Honey, you’re making more noise than I did.”

  “Yeah, but you said the s-word, which tends to get folk’s attention.”


  “Shh!” Grabbing her arm, she dragged her out into the corridor and pulled the main door firmly shut before setting her straight. “‘S’ as in spanked.”

  “Ah.” Emma’s pretty blue eyes sparkled with humor. “You’ve got a point there. A spanking is known to make people stand up and take notice. Or should I say bend over?” She laughed at her own joke as usual. When she settled, her eyes narrowed on Livvy in concern. “Are you sure you need to go all the way to San Antonio? Why not let David and me take you to Shackles and Chains on Saturday? We can help you scope out a nice local Dom.”

  She frowned at her friend. “You said that place was a meat market full of posers and wannabes.”

  “I did?”

  “Yes, you called it that several times, as a matter of fact.”

  “Mm,” she grunted. “I guess I did. We haven’t been in a while.”

  Tilting her head, Livvy’s brows arched as she asked, “And why is that?”

  “Um, because it’s a meat market full of posers and wannabes.” A blush crept into her cheeks, and she had the grace to look ashamed when she added, “Maybe it’s changed.”

  “Em, I know you’re worried, but I’m a big girl. David went to the trouble of getting me this invitation and arranging an escort, so I’m going. If I don’t feel comfortable, I’ll leave, but you both said this is the best club in the southwest.”

  “It is, but I’m afraid it might be more than you can handle, Liv. I hear this club is the real deal. The owners are ex-Special Forces—Green Berets—big beefcake kind of men who don’t take shit from anyone, especially their subs.”

  “And your point is?”


  “I’ll be careful. I’m not stupid, nor am I inexperienced, just a tad rusty.”

  “That’s what I’m saying. You haven’t had a Dom since Vaughn. How long has that been? Three years?”

  “So?” She didn’t want to think about Vaughn, not tonight, not ever. After two years as his submissive, one day, out of the blue, he ended it. She’d been crushed, especially when she saw him less than a month later with her replacement on his arm, a cute twenty-something blonde with unquestionably fake boobs, an extremely short skirt and wearing his collar.

  “You’re out of practice, honey. Maybe you should ease back into the game. Let me fix you up with Evan, David’s friend.”

  “He’s a kid.”

  “He’s thirty.”

  “Compared to me, that’s a kid. He’s also inexperienced. You said David only started mentoring him last month. No thanks.”

  “He’s a good-natured sweet guy.”

  “That’s just it, Em. I don’t want good-natured and sweet. I want a badass Dom.”

  “I think you’ve been reading too many BDSM romances, honey.”

  “Really? Is David good-natured and sweet, or does he get your heart pumping with only a look? Does the tone of his voice when he goes all alpha on you make you tremble with excitement? Moreover, when he tells you in no uncertain terms what to do in the bedroom, does he make your panties wet? If he lets you wear any, that is.”

  “Liv!” Emma gasped, her face flaming scarlet.

  “See? You have that. Why can’t I?” By verbalizing her own fantasies, she’d made herself hot. She glanced at her watch. “I gotta go.” She turned and started walking, knowing her friend would follow. “My clock is ticking.”

  “Wait!” Emma grabbed her arm, spinning her around. “Did you just say you wanted a baby? Since when? Is that what this is about?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Not that clock, my countdown to forty clock. After that, my odds at finding a husband and getting that white picket fence are a pathetic 2.6%. My pool of candidates is dwindling as we speak.”

  Livvy stopped again, causing Emma—who was on her heels—to brake hard to keep from plowing into her. She did want a baby, and a husband, and that white picket fence, but she wanted her husband to be her Dom as well. Was that too much to ask?

  At your age, yes. The unfortunate truth rattled around in her brain, as it always did when she went down this path. She’d done the research and the math on this extensively. Statistically speaking, if she reached forty without finding her man, her chances were a dismal slim to none.

  “2.6%,” she whispered. “Can you believe that?”

  Her friend scurried around in front, looking up into her face with a worried expression. “What do statisticians know about love and romance?”

  “Numbers don’t lie and if you eliminate all the vanilla men, my already miniscule odds of finding Master Right are cut by another two-thirds and that’s being generous considering only a third of that pool of men have only considered it, never having actually participated in BDSM. I want someone experienced so it’s more like a tenth, which makes my odds of finding a good Dom, marrying and having the family I want before my eggs turn to dust is much, much worse. A pathetic 0.26% by my calculations.” Out of breath after her diatribe, she leaned against the wall, here head falling back with a thump. With tear-filled eyes, she rolled her head and looked at her friend. “How the hell am I supposed to find Master Less-Than-One-In-A-Hundred, Em? And if I do, how do I know he won’t turn out to be another Vaughn Steros?”

  “Oh, honey.”

  “Maybe I should forget about love altogether and get a cat, or ten.”

  “You’re upset. Don’t go to San Antonio. Come have dinner with me and David instead.”

  Livvy considered it, sorely tempted, but if she didn’t go, she’d always wonder. What if this was the night her true Dom was there and she missed him?

  “I’m going.” She pushed off from the wall and whirled, rushing to the door. She held up her damaged nail, aiming it back at Emma.

  “Olivia Wright,” Emma demanded, hands on her hips. “Did you just flip me off?”

  “Sorry, inadvertent bird,” she called over he
r shoulder while beeping her auto locks. “I’ve gotta hurry. I’ve got to add nail repair to my long list of things to do before I hit the road.” As she climbed in, she grinned up at Emma who had followed her all the way to the lot and now stood in her open car door. “Wish me luck. If I make it by nine, it will be a miracle.”

  “Be careful,” Emma urged as she leaned in to give Livvy a quick hug, “both on the road and at the club. Remember, you have a safeword and don’t take any shit from any of those drill sergeant Doms. You’re in control, not them.” She winked. “Unless they’re as hot as they say and you really want them to drill you, that is.”

  “Emma!” She groaned as she rolled her eyes, then gave a soft laugh. “You know, I have a feeling that something is going to happen tonight. I’m not exactly sure what, but I’ll be in a new city, a new club, and with new people. This may very well be my last shot. I’m going to take it by putting myself out there.

  “As gorgeous as you are, you’re going to rock their world.” She stepped back and let Livvy slam her door shut. Then, clearly feeling the need to say more, she rapped on her window. As soon as it was unrolled, she started in again. “Call me for a safety check when you get there and when you’re ready to head home.”

  “Yes, Mom,” she called and with a wave, started the ignition.

  Despite her bluster with Emma just now, she was a nervous wreck. As Livvy put her car in gear, she wondered where she would get her new cat.

  Chapter Three

  When she arrived at 8:59, the line was out the door. Thirty minutes later, she at long last made it into the lobby. When she was next in line to register, a man in black entered the lobby and quietly surveyed the scene. Livvy had to concentrate on not gaping at the sheer beauty of the man. He was built, the muscles of his massive chest, shoulders and biceps testing the quality of the stitching in his black silk shirt and he had the most spectacular sky blue eyes, which flicked over the line of women briefly. Fluidly, which was impressive for a man of his size, he crossed to the main doors and addressed the women still waiting outside on the steps.

  “Ladies,” he began, his voice as creamy and smooth as the finest Belgian chocolate, rich enough to make her mouth water. “Regrettably, we are at capacity.” Grumbles of disappointment greeted his announcement. “To make it up to you, I have VIP vouchers for two weeks from now. Arrive by eight and you are guaranteed admittance and a table in the lounge.”

  A moment later, he stood beside Livvy at the high desk. He laid his large hand with its long, broad fingers and carefully manicured nails flat on the gleaming mahogany top as he spoke to the girl checking everyone in.

  “Hurry it along if you can, Astrid. I can’t hold them off much longer. Elena goes on in five, check-in completed or not.”

  “Yes, Master Dex,” she answered softly, her eyes flicking to the man with unconcealed adoration.

  He nodded, spared Livvy a brief glance, then disappeared behind the double doors behind them.

  “Who was that?” she asked Astrid, her mouth gone dry.

  “Isn’t he gorgeous?” the girl all but cooed. “Sadly, he’s taken. As are all the owners now, except one. But don’t get your hopes up there. No one has been able to corral Master T for more than a few nights at a time.” As if realizing that she’d probably shared too much, she rushed to say, “There are plenty more available Doms, though. Don’t you worry.”

  She took Livvy’s paperwork, which consisted of a confidentiality agreement and a mini-questionnaire, and scanned it. She then handed her a pink ribbon from the pile of pink, red and white ones in front of her. “Wear this somewhere visible, in your hair, around your neck, the wrist is good, too.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “It tells interested Doms your experience level.”

  “Pink signifying what?”

  “Intermediate. White is novice and red means an old pro,” she giggled. Then her hand flew to her mouth. “Not that kind of pro, I didn’t mean—”

  “I think she knows what you meant, Astrid,” said another man who had appeared suddenly out of nowhere. He was just as gorgeous as the last one, and even taller.

  “I’m sorry, Master Sean. I can’t seem to keep from putting my foot in my mouth.”

  “How about we get Master J to work on those loose lips in the office tonight?”

  She blanched, but bowed her head dutifully. “If you think that’s best, Sir.”

  “Not Master J?”

  “I hear he uses a cane,” the girl whispered.

  “Dano is available—”

  “Oh, yes,” she gushed, her face lighting up with a wistful smile. “Please, Sir. Master Dano would be wonderful.”

  Master Sean shook his head. “Leery of the cane, but not of the sadist. Amazing.”

  He scribbled something on a piece of paper, folded it and tucked it into one of her wrist cuffs. “Report to him after you’re finished checking everyone in.”

  “Yes, Master Sean. Thank you.” She beamed up at the man and then turned to collect the last girl’s papers.

  Master Sean turned to Livvy. “The show starts any minute, little sub. Best head on in.”

  He strode to the door and pushed it wide, holding it open for her. His gaze shot behind Livvy, then came back. “No girl crew for moral support?”

  “No, Sir, I’m alone. I was supposed to meet someone here, but she had to cancel at the last minute.” David would be furious if he found out she’d gone on by herself, but she didn’t plan on that happening.

  “Let me find you a friend,” the beautiful, muscular man offered. As they stepped inside, his vibrant blue eyes, not sky blue like the other, but just as compelling, scanned the crowded room. Suddenly, he grinned. “This way.” He was speaking loudly to be heard over the band who had just begun to play and the crowd that was cheering wildly. “What’s your name?”

  “Olivia, Sir.”

  He wrapped his hand around her wrist and pulled her through the throng of people. It seemed more like a concert than a sub mixer as she assumed it would be. At a table up front, he stopped behind a stunning redhead in an off-the-shoulder black dress. He wrapped her long ponytail around his wrist and pulled her head back until she was looking up at him. Livvy noticed the huge smile on her face before Master Sean’s lips lowered and he devoured her mouth.

  After several minutes, he raised his head. “I brought you a guest, nightingale.” He pulled up a chair and seated Livvy. “Olivia, this is my sub Mara. She’ll keep you company until someone claims you.”

  “She’s lovely, Master,” the green eyed beauty said, her cheeks flushed and slightly breathless from the impassioned kiss. She still managed a friendly smile. “My guess is that won’t take very long.”

  “We’ve got a room at eleven, baby,” Sean murmured privately in her ear, although his voice carried to Livvy. “Don’t be late or the Sultan won’t be happy.”

  “Never. Tardiness would be an insult to the Sultan.” She flashed a beatific smile. “I’ll make sure to bring my seven veils, to keep the Supreme Potentate very happy.”

  He grinned, clearly in love with his submissive and took her lips again, briefly. “I’m on crowd control, gotta go.”

  Enthralled by the affection between the two, she watched as Mara followed him with her eyes until he was out of sight.

  “How long have you been together?”

  “Which time?” she replied, a dreamy quality to her voice as she turned back. She held up her left hand and flashed her wedding rings. “The second time stuck, well, it was really the first. I just didn’t know it.” She saw Livvy’s puzzled expression and shook her head. “Sorry, long story.”

  She leaned in shouting to be heard over the screaming crowd as the band started Pink’s Raise Your Glass. “Elena’s doing a set of her Pink covers. So relax and enjoy. Nothing will happen until she’s done. Trust me.”


  Standing three deep, the crowd at the bar was lively and animated, but Joseph wasn’t in the mood. He
cursed for the hundredth time that he’d come on a Wednesday night. He’d left Austin tonight on a whim, usually only coming to play on weekends. But he felt the need to blow off some steam as well as some long pent up sexual frustration. It seemed that would be delayed until after Elena’s concert.

  Irritated, he blew out a breath and veered left to where two of the owners, Rick Spencer and Jonas Mitchell, were sitting keeping an eye on things from a corner of the bar. Priority, no doubt, their subs who always commandeered a table near the stage. Six in all, seven if you counted the silent partner, Major General Peter Davis, who wasn’t quite so silent since retiring from the Army, the owners all came from the same Special Forces detachment, or A-team. After leaving the service, they had settled in San Antonio, home to most of them, and embarked on two very lucrative ventures, Club Decadence and Rossi Security, Inc.

  The Rossi group was high profile, not least of all their pivotal role in shutting down a major drug cartel in south Texas. The club on the other hand was private and very exclusive, but word had spread quickly to the kink inclined and BDSM communities from coast to coast of this jewel of the southwest, nestled in the hills a few miles north of the city.

  Joseph was privy to most of the inner workings of the group having represented the owners for several years. Usually not one to delve into contract law, he made an exception due to the sensitive nature of the club’s business. He soon found it was only a small fraction of the work he did for the group, case in point, his recent representation of one of their subs for attempted murder charges.

  Bumped into from behind by a bouncing cheering young woman, he scowled. With too long of a drive to go home now, he determined to deal with it as best he could—with alcohol. He shouldered his way through the throng with the taste for a bracing shot of scotch on his tongue.


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