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Monroe, Marla - Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Marla Monroe

  The Men of Space Station One #6

  Their Independent Bride

  Janet is used to taking care of herself. How will Greg and Steven convince her that they can take care of all her needs? They want to keep her safe, but Janet thinks they just want to boss her around. When she agrees to twenty-four hours of sexual domination to prove she won’t mind submitting to them, they pull out all the stops to make it worth the sacrifice.

  When Janet learns that she is pregnant, she is excited and scared. The men struggle to care for her and reassure her that they will keep her and the baby safe.

  Then an accident leaves her without her memory of the two men or their devotion to her, and they must prove all over again their love for her as she struggles to remember them.

  Will she remember that submitting to them was more pleasurable than being independent?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among cousins.

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 63,898 words


  The Men of Space Station One #6

  Marla Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Marla Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-776-4

  First E-book Publication: June 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  The Men of Space Station One #6


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Janet had all of their luggage in one spot by the time her husbands secured their transport and made it to the terminal. Steven jumped down, stalking toward her as he eyed the various pieces of luggage.

  “We told you we would get the suitcases.”

  “You can load it for me. All I did was move it to one place so it would be easy for me to keep an eye on it. I didn’t want us to lose anything. I know your tools are important.”

  “The trunks were too fucking heavy for you to move by yourself.”

  “It’s done. Live with it.” Janet planted her hands on her hips. She wasn’t used to men doing things for her. She had always done everything for herself. It was going to take some getting used to.

  While they loaded the luggage, she thought about what was ahead of her there on planet Alpha. Ever since the Earth had begun to fall apart with the massive solar flares from the sun, man had been looking for somewhere that would sustain life. They found three planets and began sending manned shuttles to explore and finally to colonize them.

  Now, two years into the colonization of Alpha, Janet was finally there, her new home. Well, she was on the planet anyway. It would be another two hours to get to the actual house. She hoped it would be livable, but if it wasn’t, her husbands were carpenters. They could fix anything.

  The women of Alpha and the other planets being colonized were all married to two men for husbands. Because of Shear’s disease, caused by the solar flares back on Earth, most of the Earth’s female population was barren, unable to have children. Those women who were fertile were kept in bunkers belowground to protect them from the flares. Therefore, when they sent out groups of people to build homes and lives on the new planets, they sent one woman and two men to ensure fertility and that there were enough hands to work and feed a family.

  The first group of people that settled the planets had been strictly men who built the original houses and city. Then a group of women arrived and were allowed to pick their mates. Now, the Earth was disintegrating too rapidly for the government’s peace of mind. They were doing the choosing. They wanted to assure the family was compatible, so they used computer programs to match them up.

  That was how Janet, a completely independent woman used to taking care of herself, ended up with two very dominant men used to taking care of a woman in all ways. Leave it to the government to screw up again. She didn’t know how they were going to work it out, but they had better. This was for life, and there was no divorce on planet Alpha.

  “Okay, everything is loaded. Let me help you up.” Steven took hold of her waist and lifted her to the transport.

  Janet sighed. She could let them do the little things, she supposed, although, lifting her had sent butterflies flittering around in her stomach. Most any touch from Steven or Greg had that effect on her. Unlike most of the other men, Steven and Greg had sought her out many times while they were on the shuttle for six months traveling to Alpha. She saw a lot of them. They had wanted to ease her into their way of life. She wasn’t going to change hers that easily.

  Steven climbed up and helped her put on her safety harness, which she was appreciative of because it was slightly complicated. It would have take
n her some time to figure it out. He smiled his approval that she had let him do it. Janet resisted the urge to roll her eyes. How was she going to manage to live with them? They were very overbearing, but not cruel or mean. They expected her to mind them unequivocally.

  “You’re thinking awfully hard over there, Janet,” Greg said.

  “Wondering what the house will be like and if it’s livable, or if I’ll need to clean before we can sleep.”

  “Whatever it is, we can fix it. If there is something you don’t like, just tell us. We’ll take care of it,” Steven assured her.


  “Here, read through this while we are on the way. Someone gave this to us as we picked up our transports. They said it’s an update to what has been found on the planet with some recipes for some of the native foods. You can let us know if there is anything we need to read up on.” Steven handed her a pamphlet.

  Janet eagerly opened it to see what was inside. The first five or six pages were warnings about dangerous animals and plants to avoid. Some of the animals were scary. She looked over at Steven and wondered if he had even looked at the little booklet.

  She continued to read until she had read through the entire thing. There were several recipes she wanted to try once they were settled in. She also wanted to meet up with the other family of carpenters. Carmen was the female in the family. They had met several times onboard the shuttled and talked. She thought they could become good friends.

  “I think you need to read this when you have everything unpacked. It has some dangerous-looking animals that they say we need to watch out for.”

  Steven frowned. “Surely they covered them on the shuttle.”

  “They didn’t with us. I’ve never seen any of these before, and they have some sort of nasty acid stuff in their mouths.”

  “We’ll read through them,” Steven said.

  He opened the booklet and began going through it. Janet saw the exact minute he reached the part about the acid. His jaw began to work like he was grinding his teeth. He wasn’t happy.

  “Greg, this is serious. They haven’t been entirely truthful with us about this place. It’s even more dangerous than we worried about.”

  Greg glanced over from steering the transport. “What do you mean?”

  “Some of these animals have a type of acid in their blood and saliva. It burns when it gets on you.”

  Janet did roll her eyes now. She had just told him that. They were going to have to realize she wasn’t one of their ignorant little subs that they were used to. How she got placed with them she would never know.

  Twenty minutes later, they pulled up to a house that looked quite large on the outside.

  “Is this ours?”

  “According to the coordinates and the transport guidance system, this is our new home,” Greg assured her.

  Janet started unfastening her safety harness. Steven climbed out of the transport and looked around. Then he reached up and helped her down. She was grateful since it was a good ways to the ground.

  “Let’s go inside and be sure everything looks safe in there,” Steven said.

  Steven led her to the front porch and then up the steps. He opened the door carrying a gun and carefully looked around before he let her follow him inside. Then he and Greg methodically cleared each room from top to bottom and belowground in the cellar, as well. Once they were assured it was safe, they left her to determine cleanliness to unload the luggage.

  Janet decided that someone had to have cleaned and stocked the house for them before they arrived. The floors were free of dust as was the furniture. There was plenty to eat in the pantry, fridge, and freezer. They wouldn’t need supplies anytime soon. She found that the house had four bedrooms and two baths, a large eat-in kitchen, and a nice-size living room with an office tucked around the corner.

  The master suite was comfortable for three people with a very large bathroom. It had both a huge tub and a walk-in shower large enough for three. Of course, considering that her husbands were so large, it was a good thing. She thought about them as she waited for them to finish unloading the transport.

  Steven looked to be about six feet six inches with shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes. He was muscular without being thick and had a tight abdomen as well. When he picked her up and set her down from the transport, she had felt safe and secure in his arms. She liked that about him. It was obvious that they worked very hard for a living due to the calluses on their hands and their sun-kissed skin.

  Greg stood nearly the same height, maybe an inch shorter. He had a lighter brown hair than Steven but the same hazel eyes. It was obvious that they were related in some way, so she had asked and found out they were cousins.

  Both men were Dominants and used to the D/s lifestyle. She wasn’t and didn’t intend to start now. She had already resigned herself to an in-depth conversation with them as soon as things settled down.

  Janet busied herself unpacking all the suitcases and trunks they had brought up. She figured out several things about the men from their packing style and clothes. One, they were neat freaks. Good, so was she. Two, they didn’t wear underwear since there was none packed. Three, they wore the same clothes since all the jeans were packed in one suitcase and all the T-shirts were packed in another one and the sweatshirts packed in another one. The only thing that seemed to separate them was their shaving essentials. They kept their own kits. She placed both kits in the bathroom next to a sink with her bag in the middle.

  Once she had everything unpacked, she wandered downstairs to see how they were coming along. When she walked out on the back porch, it was to see a strange-looking animal that looked much like a dog sitting at the edge of the drive. It appeared to be watching the transport out by the shed. She knew that the men were unloading supplies into the shed from the trailer behind it.

  She watched the creature for several minutes until it jerked around to see her and ran off. Shrugging, she started out across the yard to check on the men. When she arrived at the shed they were unloading several pallets of supplies.

  Steven looked up as she walked inside the shed.

  “What are you doing outside? It’s too dangerous for you to be out here.”

  “I have to be able to work in the garden. What is the difference between being out here and in the garden?”

  Both men opened their mouths to say something then shut them again. Their lips formed straight lines. Uh-oh. She’d pissed them off.

  “Look, I just came out to tell you that there was an animal watching you from the drive earlier. It looked like one of those doglike things in the booklet. I wanted you to be careful.” She turned to storm off when Greg’s hand caught her around the waist. He hauled her up over his shoulder and carried her back to the house with Steven right behind them.

  “Put me down! What are you doing?”

  “We’re going to have our talk now instead of later,” Greg said.

  They filed into the house, through the kitchen, and into the living room. He sat down on the couch with her in his lap. Steven sat next to him and looked just as serious. Janet wasn’t sure what they were going to do. She felt a little nervous of them now.

  “Look, I don’t know how they managed to put the three of us together, but they did, so we have to live with it. We’re Dominants and can’t change who we are any more than you can change who you are. I personally think you would enjoy the lifestyle if you would just try it, but we can’t make you. I wouldn’t want to make you. It’s no good if you haven’t embraced it.” He sighed and then continued.

  “That being said, we will not allow you to put yourself in danger. If we tell you something that is for your safety, we expect for you to obey us without question. Because you aren’t our submissive, everything else is up for discussion.”

  “I’m supposed to blindly follow your directions when my life could be at stake. How do you know that I don’t know what I’m doing?” she argued.

  “We don’t, but we know what we�
��re doing, and what we say goes,” Steven joined in.

  “I still don’t get why I should trust you. I don’t know you.”

  Greg and Steven looked at each other and sighed.

  “There’s where the problem is. Trust. You have to be able to trust us to know what is best for you and follow our instructions. If you would give us a chance to show you that we can be trusted, maybe we can work this out between us,” Steven suggested.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Allow us to prove that we can be trusted with your safety and pleasure. Give us your submission in bed.” Greg ran his hand up and down her back in a soothing rhythm.

  She was enjoying it far too much for her comfort level. Janet wiggled to get down, but he clamped a hand over her legs to keep her still.

  “Janet, we’re living on a very dangerous planet if we can believe that brochure. There are a lot more dangers out there than we were told about on the shuttle. Please give us this much control. We can’t concentrate on our safety or our jobs if we are worried about you. If we know you will trust us and follow our directions concerning your safety, then we won’t be distracted,” Steven tried again.

  Janet swallowed around a rather large lump in her throat and nearly choked. Trust them in bed? Let them have their way with her sexually to learn to trust them? Could she give up control enough to do that? For how long? She thought it over for several seconds before she nodded.

  “I’ll submit to you in bed for twenty-four hours to see if I’m comfortable trusting you.”


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