Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7)

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Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7) Page 28

by Candace Blevins

  It was wider than him at his biggest — or at least the biggest he’s shown me — but then it went all the way inside me and I started to freak out about how we were going to get it out, until it came alive inside me and I groaned in pleasure. He set a wired remote to the side and I realized he could pull it out by the wire, and I resolved not to even silently question him again. He’d never done anything dangerous, and in fact he seemed to take extra safety precautions.

  I felt his cock at my asshole and tensed, but he said, “Trust me, Connie. Focus on the giant egg vibrating away in your pussy, and how I’ll feel it against my cock once I’m in your ass. I have another vibrator I’ll use on your clit once I’m all the way in, and trust me, you’re going to want me a helluva lot thicker than I am now in order for me to get all the way inside you.”

  I relaxed and let him in, and then relaxed even more when I realized how narrow he’d made his cock.

  He went in several inches and I gasped as he grew larger around.

  “That’s it. We’ll go slow, but you’re going to take a lot more before we’re finished.”

  He took me just to the edge of what I thought I could handle at least a dozen times, but he always backed off just before it actually became too much. By the time he finally buried himself all the way inside me I was stretched farther than I thought possible, and I didn’t believe it was going to be possible for him to move in me the way he does when he’s in my pussy.

  I hadn’t counted on him staying buried to the hilt while he played with my pussy and clit, tweaked my nipples, and had me so horny I was begging for release, though.

  By the time he started moving in my ass I wanted him to, I wanted it to hurt a little and I needed him to show me just how much he owns my body. And he didn’t disappoint.

  He stopped twice to relube everything, and on one of those occasions he added a vibrator over my clit.

  When he was finally going full force in my ass, keeping me right on the edge of an orgasm while he got his fill of me, I never wanted it to end. He turned the two vibrators up and down as he worked me over, never enough I could come, but he’d get me so freaking close I could taste it, time after time after time.

  The world imploded when he finally pushed me over the edge, his cock pounding my ass while the two vibrators were finally both at high speed. Just as I thought I was coming down from the most spectacular orgasm ever, he lifted me so my back was to his front as he came in my ass without a condom, and he pinched my nipples harder than I think he’d ever done before. I moved my butt on his cock as he came deep inside me, and then collapsed in his arms as my final orgasm left and I didn’t even have enough energy to lean against him.

  * * *


  I let her sleep thirty minutes before I washed my cock, woke her, and ordered her to assume the position once again.

  She rolled to her stomach but didn’t push up, and I played with her pussy lips until she moaned and pushed her ass into the air. I’d taken the egg out after she’d collapsed, and she’d barely moved. I knew she was in good shape and would find her second wind — I just had to coax her into it.

  My wolf wasn’t finished, though, and neither was my dick. It took a good five minutes to get her to my favorite knees-and-chest position, and I situated behind her and plunged into her pussy without fully preparing her.

  Now fully awake, she put her hands beside her shoulders to push up to all fours, and I leaned forward and grabbed her wrists before she had a chance. I held them at the small of her back as I pounded her pussy, and all Connie could do was breathe and moan through it as I once again gave her more than she thought she could handle.

  I usually go much longer my second time, but it was late and I’d already worn her out, so I pounded her hard and came in the condom within about twenty minutes. She only managed three orgasms during the twenty minutes, but from the sounds and scents she gave I think it’s safe to say they were pretty amazing.

  When I’d pulled out, disposed of the condom, and checked her over, I gave her a quick peck on the lips before leaning to the side to open a nightstand drawer. I pulled the shiny stainless steel Njoy plug from its fancy little box as I told her, “You weren’t going to be introduced to your new best friend until tomorrow, but since you didn’t assume the position when told, you’ll get it now. No spanking because I know you were tired and weren’t completely awake, but you’re expected to follow orders in bed.”

  I smelled both arousal and fear, battling neck and neck for supremacy.

  I held it up so she could see. “This one doesn’t hold you open and stretch you. See the thin little neck? It’s big going in and coming out, but it’s heavy. It’ll strengthen all those wonderful little muscles, and keep you tighter, from here on out.”


  I smiled. “Yes, because I enjoy a nice, tight ass. Now, assume the position.”

  She considered not doing it for a full two seconds, but then rolled over and went into a perfect form. Fuck, but she’s beautiful. I lubed her ass and the plug, and then went slow for her first introduction.

  “I always put the others in for you, but you’ll be required to put this one in yourself when I’m not around to do it. We’ll work you up so you’re in it every moment you aren’t at work.”

  She squealed as her ass opened over the widest part, and then yelped when it went in and her asshole slammed closed around it. I gave her a few pats as I told her, “I’ll let you take it out for two hours after breakfast, and then you’ll have it in two hours and out two hours until time to go to bed tomorrow night.”

  “You’re going to make me wear it tomorrow night, aren’t you?”

  “We’ll have to see how well you behave, and how well your ass takes to it.”

  I pulled her into my lap, tilted a little back so the outer ring wouldn’t touch my leg, and kissed her forehead, her nose, and then her lips. “I don’t think you have any idea how happy you make me.”

  She closed her eyes and snuggled her face into my chest. “Sometimes I’m not happy about the way you order me around and make all these decisions without my input, but I know you’re right — I went for the nice guys and sex with them was awful. You know what turns me on, even if I don’t always think I want it.”

  My wolf absolutely didn’t like hearing about her having sex with other men, but I was pretty happy hearing once again how bad it’d been. I repositioned her in my arms so I could stand and walk with her, and carried her upstairs to bed. I’d have loved to fuck her again, but I’d already worn her out so it was time to let her get some rest.

  Chapter 39

  One month later


  After wearing nothing but jeans for years, the dress pants and shirt made me feel almost naked.

  Connie had given me a large closet in one of the guest bedrooms, and she hadn’t seen my clothes when I’d brought them in.

  I let her get in and out of the bathroom before I showered, and she was downstairs when I got ready. I’d planned it this way because I wasn’t terribly sure about this, and I needed some time with it before anyone saw me.

  I trimmed my beard and slicked my hair back into a ponytail with the goop Brain had given me, and didn’t recognize the man in the mirror. My hair didn’t look goopy, it just looked like it was in a neat ponytail, which never happens with my hair.

  My beard wasn’t short by any means, but it was neat and orderly instead of being all over the place. The clothes made me look totally different, as if I were, I don’t know — someone else. Not the person I used to be, not the person I’ve become, and I certainly wouldn’t want to ride in this, but maybe I wouldn’t mind dressing in a similar fashion for special occasions.

  Chloe saw me first, and she jumped down from the booster seat in her chair to run to me as she yelled, “Daddy! You look different!”

  Declan was much more reserved and I wasn’t sure he liked it, but I didn’t have a chance to ask him right away because I thought Connie wa
s going to cry when she saw me.

  I was holding Chloe and I pulled Connie to me as she said, “You said to trust you. I’ve been so worried, and I should’ve trusted you.”

  I kissed her forehead as I told her, “You have to know I’d do just about anything for my kids, and if this helps them get into the best school then it’s a small price to pay.”

  She let go of me as I stepped away and put Chloe down, and stepped to Declan. “You’re quiet buddy — don’t you like it?”

  “I like you better as a biker. You don’t look like you.”

  “This is just me dressed another way. I’m still a hundred percent biker, but sometimes you have to dress for the place you’re going, even if you’d rather wear your jeans.”

  When we were finally on our way, I again contemplated the small-talk possibilities Brain had coached me through. I was pretty sure I could manage most of it, but I still wasn’t sure how to handle the question of, “What do you do?”

  I mean, sure, I could say I own a portion of a number of downtown businesses and I do okay for myself, but even though it’s the truth, it felt as though I wasn’t being honest. Still, if I just said I’m in the RTMC then there’d be questions about how I earn money, and then we’d be back at me saying the club owns a number of businesses, so Brain had been right about it being the best answer.

  Thankfully, most of the conversation came down to which kids were going where next year. Connie had nailed down acceptance at her second and third choices for the twins and we were still awaiting the final decision of her first choice, as was most everyone else. There were also questions about why they’d never met me before, but I discovered Connie was excellent at giving non-answers and changing the subject without the other party even realizing they hadn’t received an answer.

  When we were finally seated and waiting for the ceremony to begin, she reached for my hand. I hadn’t thought to ask her ahead of time if she wanted to be there as the twins’ aunt and father, or as a couple who happen to be the aunt and father, but apparently she was fine with people seeing us hold hands.

  My kids were the cutest ones on the stage. I know all of the other parents probably thought the same thing about their kids, but just let me go on record as saying they were wrong.

  The kids sang some songs, a few teachers spoke about how much they were going to miss the kids who’d crept into their hearts this year, and then the owner of the preschool talked a little about the high hopes she has for our future, and talked to the kids about how exciting kindergarten was going to be for them the next year.

  The kids were finally led backstage, and then brought out one at a time to receive their little certificates. They were told to go down the front of the stage and find their families, but Chloe waited for Declan at the base of the steps so they could come to us together.

  I ended up with Declan on my lap this time, while Chloe was on Connie’s, and I loved how they clapped for their friends as we watched the rest of the ceremony.

  Connie had gotten a little misty-eyed during the program, but she was practically in tears as we turned in their graduation gowns and said our goodbyes to all of the teachers. I was reminded once again how she’s taken on the role of mother, and how easily she’s let me step in and make changes.

  Their names were now legally Chloe and Declan Wells. They no longer shared a last name with her, but she’d never once let the kids know she was anything but excited for them when they were so happy to finally have a daddy, or when they practiced writing their names over and over to make sure they had it right.

  We’d made plans to eat at a nice restaurant, and the twins jabbered on about a million subjects as we drove. I held Connie’s hand and squeezed it and again told her, “Have I told you lately how glad I am you’ve become the mother to my children?”

  “Would you’ve preferred it be Sandy? Am I… the second choice? The one doing it, so you had to get along with me?”

  I pulled into the first parking lot we came to, parked in a space and started a movie for the kids to watch in the back as I opened the door and told her, “Out.”

  She met me behind the car and I said, “I can’t believe you had to ask, but for the record I’m in love with you. Your relationship with my kids may have opened the door to my heart enough for you to get in, but if you weren’t you then we’d have just been good friends trying to co-parent kids we both love. I never got to know Sandy and I have no way to know how I’d have felt about her if I had, but I’ve had a chance to get to know you inside and out and it’s you I want in my life.”

  “Sometimes I wish they really were our kids.”

  I shook my head. “Those kids are yours, Connie. Maybe you didn’t give birth to them, but you’re their mother figure and no one could do a better job than you. I wish I’d known about them from the beginning so I could’ve been there for them, could’ve watched them grow, but I’m happy with what’s happened since you told me about them. I like where we are now and I can’t wait to see where we are five years from now.”

  We were both speaking softly so the kids wouldn’t hear us over their movie, though I knew if they focused they’d be able to hear us. I also knew they almost certainly listened to our first sentence or two and then focused on the movie.

  She nodded and looked in the car and then back to me. “I’m nervous about the security meeting tomorrow.”

  Patrick had been with her a good part of the last two weeks, and we had a meeting scheduled with the top security guy at her company, along with Aaron Drake, Patrick, Tyler, and Brain. Tomorrow would be her company telling her whether she was basically going to have to choose between her job or me. She’d long ago signed a contract saying they could implement the invasive security already in place, and more if they wanted to. Part of the contract was that anyone she lived with, or who lived with her, would also be subject to the same measures. She’d never intended to live with a man, and she’d wanted to be sure she and her family were safe, so she hadn’t negotiated any of it.

  “I know, but we’ll make it work. I’m not quite sure how, but I have faith Aaron and Brain can find a solution your company’s security expert will agree to.”

  She nodded and leaned into me, and I hugged her a few long moments before we got back into the car.

  * * *

  We went to our bedroom once we put the kids in bed. I wasn’t scheduled to work the bar, but Connie didn’t seem to be in the mood for me to drag her to the den. I was beyond tired of going to the den, the garage, or one of the unfinished areas of the bottom floor for sex, but I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I was pretty sure she wasn’t ready for me to bring up the subject of selling both houses and having one custom built for us yet, so for now I was biding my time.

  Which is why I was shocked when she said, “Before we go into the meeting tomorrow I think we need to have a discussion about what kind of house will work for us, and where it might be located.”

  I nodded and waited, because it sounded like she had some ideas to share.

  “I love my house but we need a master bedroom that’s either soundproof, or far enough away from the twins’ rooms we don’t have to worry about being heard. I love your neighborhood but your house isn’t… well, the master bedroom is right beside the twins’ rooms at your house, too.”

  “My solution would be to have a home built to our specs on land we buy from the RTMC. Ghost has mentioned wanting to buy land and build, I could talk to him about buying my house.”

  “That’s one of my issues — only you can buy the land. If something happened to you, would we have to sell to an RTMC member? What if no one wanted to buy? Would we have to move somewhere else even though we couldn’t sell the house?”

  “No. You have mother-of-my-children status now, and I’m kind of hoping at some point we take that even farther. Even if we don’t, though, you and the kids would be able to live in the house as long as you kept paying the mortgage.” I hesitated before saying, “There might be some frictio
n if you started dating, and brought someone in who the MC didn’t approve of, but that wouldn’t get you kicked out, they’d just let him know he wasn’t welcome.”

  She nodded and looked out the window a few seconds before saying, “Okay then, my house is paid for and you once told me yours is as well. I’d like to agree to use the proceeds from the sale of both houses to buy the land and build our new one. I realize the resale value may not be as high as it would be if we put it somewhere else, but I enjoy my time at your house because I’ve come to like your neighbors. It’s like one big family, and I know the kids love having other kids as strong and fast as them to play with.”

  I reached for my phone and pulled up Google maps and showed her our property from the satellite view. “Our original plans put space between a few houses so we can build roads off of our circle to make use of the rest of our land. Dawg has a dirt bike we can use, so I can show you the possibilities. The RTMC will build the road and arrange for utilities, we’ll only have to clear our lot and build.”

  “Okay then. I’ve been looking at some floorplans and I don’t want to get into that tonight, but I wanted to talk about it before tomorrow’s meeting.”

  She agreed to riding the dirt bike easily enough, though she hadn’t been a huge fan of riding my bike in traffic. It turns out I’m okay with this, though. She’ll likely stay home with the kids while I go on rides with the MC anyway. If it ever works out so she can come with us, she can ride in one of the cars with the other ol’ladies who prefer the comfort of a roof and windows.

  I went downstairs to get some wine and cheese for us to eat while we watched a movie, and called Brain to let him know the change in plans while I was downstairs. He said he’d let Aaron know, and I went back up.

  She now wears the Njoy from the time she gets home after work until she awakens the next morning during the week, and all weekend with the exception of a little time with it out after breakfast so she can relieve her bowels. Well, it’s taken out when I use her ass, of course.


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