Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7)

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Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7) Page 29

by Candace Blevins

  It’d been several days since I’d been in her ass, and since I wasn’t going to be in it tonight, either, I swapped the Njoy out for a plug designed to hold her wider open while she slept. She glared at me as I showed her the new one, but assumed the position without my having to tell her.

  I’ve had to punish her two more times since the night she first wore the Njoy. Once when she came when I’d told her not to yet, and I fucked her four times a day for three days and didn’t let her have a single orgasm until the morning of the fourth day. The last time I’d had to punish her, I’d told her to give herself a suppository to clean herself out, and then come to me lubed and ready, and she hadn’t. I’d given her a full enema to clean her out, and then she’d received ten strokes on her ass from my belt while she held it. Once she’d had ample time to rid herself of the enema and take a long shower, she’d received another two strikes of the belt directly on her asshole before I’d told her to lube herself and assume the position.

  A week later she told me she’d finally managed to successfully masturbate herself to an orgasm, and she’d admitted it was the memory of the enema and belt that had made it possible.

  She doesn’t know it yet, but when we get our new house we’re going to implement a once-a-month-maintenance plan, so she can get the kind of treatment she craves without having to misbehave. My wolf wants to get rough with her around the full moon, so we’ll schedule it for two or three nights before the full moon every month.

  I also planned to start teaching her to deep-throat me in the coming months, but I figured we could wait until we had our house for that, since being able to do it in our bedroom first thing in the morning without being heard would make it a lot easier.

  Chapter 40


  I always take three weeks off in the summer, and usually spend a week on vacation, a week home, and then another week of vacation in another locale. Drake Security has always assigned Patrick to travel with us for the two weeks we aren’t home, and I wondered what Gonzo would think of that. He was taking off those two weeks to travel with us, though he’d be working in between. He’d made arrangements with Duke so he’d only work nights all summer with the exception of the three days around the full moon — this meant the twins wouldn’t be in day care at all this summer, because I’d already put in to take off for time around the two full moons.

  The twins were at Brain and Harmony’s house right now, supposedly helping her feed and care for the horses, though I knew they were more of a hindrance than a help. Still, we’d been there enough I trusted the horses Harmony let around them — apparently it’s rare for horses to not be freaked out around wolves, but she had nearly a stable-full of horses who seemed to adore the kids.

  The meeting was at the Drake Security offices, and we met Brain in the parking lot and walked in with him.

  The receptionist must’ve let Aaron know when we arrived, because he met us in the lobby as we received our visitor badges, and walked us back.

  “If I’d have thought about it ahead of time,” Aaron told Gonzo, “I could’ve brought the triplets and their nanny, and set them up in the play room with your twins while we were in the meeting. My kids are excited about Saturday, and Sophia’s told me she’s been in touch with Connie about the plans.”

  “Yes,” I said, “I’m looking forward to it.”

  I knew we were supposed to be at Aaron’s house at one, and that the kids would go downstairs with the nanny and a bodyguard at seven so the adults could have a grown up meal and conversation. The nanny would put everyone to bed at nine, and we’d collect our sleeping children and take them home when the evening was over, presumably around midnight.

  As we walked in the door, Aaron introduced us to the security expert we’d be trying to convince, and the meeting began.

  Gonzo and I sat quietly for the first ten minutes as Patrick talked about changes he’d like to see made based on the time he’d spent with the kids and I over the past weeks. He approved of the fact Gonzo’s ever-changing schedule made it impossible for someone to know with certainty when the kids and I would be home alone. He had some concerns about my driving patterns, and I was surprised to learn that I did a good job of alternating routes in the evening, but the patterns on the GPS data said I always travelled to work Monday morning via the same route. My morning routines in general weren’t as random as they should’ve been, and he said he’d work with me to fix it.

  When it was finally Aaron’s time to give his suggestions, he started out by stating we’d be moving to a private community with its own security system, and that he’d like to take a backseat to the community’s alarm service, as they’d be able to react much quicker than Drake Security.

  The security expert was aware Gonzo was with the RTMC, and he didn’t approve of Aaron’s suggestion at all.

  “They use much of the same hardware as Drake Security,” Aaron argued, “and their control room is staffed twenty-four/seven. If there’s an alarm, you’ll have well-trained men surrounding the house in under two minutes.”

  “Next you’re going to tell me Mr. Wells is going to refuse to wear trackers or allow passive security inside his home.”

  Aaron looked at Gonzo, who answered. “I know you have to make exceptions for law enforcement and military, because no way are they going to submit to being tracked. I’m similarly trained and I’m capable of taking care of myself. I rotate my routes already, I watch for danger, and I have a lot of people watching my back. As for security, I’ll allow interior infrared and motion detectors in appropriate places, but no cameras inside. Outside cameras will be allowed, but only if they’re monitored by the RTMC control room and not Drake Security. We have an excellent relationship with Aaron Drake, so you can be assured he’ll be notified of any security issues as soon as they pop up.”

  The security expert looked to me and said, “You’ll be in breach of your contract.”

  I took a breath and did my best to look resolute as I told him, “I’m aware, and I appreciate all the company has done to keep me safe and work around my personal needs over the years. I also know you’ve started opening little offices around the country to keep your most important scientists safe, because of the issues with security in the New York office. Mine was the first satellite office, and I showed it was possible for lead scientists to collaborate from different locations. I’ve recently had offers from two other companies. Should I turn in my resignation then my non-compete clause is for eighteen months — I’d be fine taking that time with the twins before going back to work, if you won’t work with us to find a solution we can all live with. I want to make sure the kids are safe first of all, and I’d also like to avoid being kidnapped, but there has to be a way to do it without intruding on Mr. Wells’ privacy.”

  Gonzo managed to remain silent for most of the rest of the meeting. He’d told me ahead of time he generally trusts Brain to negotiate for him. Watching Brain in action, I realized we were in excellent hands — between the biker/hacker who’d dressed in a suit for the meeting and gave the impression of a high-priced attorney, and Aaron who’d dressed in black pants and a black Drake Security t-shirt, we got most of what we wanted.

  Chapter 41


  We weren’t allowed to hire a normal moving service for security reasons, which meant my company paid for the move. However, Gonzo has a secret room in his basement with lots of guns and ammo, and we have a similar hidden room in our new house. He and some of the MC moved all of his super-secret stuff, as well as many of his other belongings.

  I’ve never asked for the combination to any of his safes, nor have I hinted about wanting to have access to his hidden room in the basement. I know he made a vow to himself about not being shot with his own gun again and I don’t want to scratch that particular wound open and cause him pain, but if I’m honest with myself, my feelings are a little hurt that he’s never offered to give me access.

  My dad took some time off so he could be here t
o help with the kids during the move. He was against my bringing Gonzo into our lives from the start, and while I’ve tried to talk to him on the phone to let him know what’s going on, and how important Gonzo is to me and the kids now, I don’t think he believed it until he saw it.

  He’s still suspicious though, and I had no idea he’d planned to be at the house when Gonzo and some of his closest friends moved all of the super-secret stuff from Gonzo’s old house to our new one.

  The kids and I had gone to the store for shelf liner, hooks and organizers for Gonzo to install in the garage for storage, and other nitpicky things we’d realized we needed at the last minute. When we got to the new house, my mouth almost dropped open as I saw my dad and Gonzo working together to test the alarm system.

  My dad can work with people he doesn’t like, but he looks like a Marine Sergeant when he does so. He’s all business, serious face, no jokes, no emotions. If he likes you, it’s a completely different face, and there are jokes.

  I walked in as he was telling Gonzo a story about trying to teach idiots to use explosives. The kids ran to their father and grandfather for hugs while I leaned in the doorframe and watched. My dad’s gaze met mine over the top of Chloe’s head, and he said, “You were right, Constance.”

  “Of course I was, someday you’ll start trusting me when I tell you stuff.”

  He shook his head. “I’m an old fart — too old to change now. Your artist came by to touch up the twins’ little suite of rooms you’ve given them.” He was back to being a facetious smart-ass now, and I grinned as I headed toward the steps.

  “C’mon kids, let’s go take a look at your rooms.”

  Chloe was still a princess in her castle, but Declan’s room now had his tent on a forested mountain with a view. Their room in between was a fantastical forest with a waterfall on one wall, and the flooring had a blue-green swath traveling through it to simulate the mountain stream.

  The artist had returned to paint the shelves we’d put up so they blended with the walls, and to touch up where the beds met the wall so everything looked right. She’d done an incredible job and I couldn’t wait until we had everything on the shelves to see how it all worked together.

  The movers would be emptying boxes and placing everything in most of the rooms, but because the twins went from one room to three rooms, I wanted to place things in these rooms. My dad was supposed to be exploring the new swimming pool with them this morning, so I put them in their bathing suits and sent them back downstairs. There was no danger of them going to the pool without supervision. Gonzo and I had been in agreement about locating the pool on a different level than the house, with locked gates on all access points so the twins can’t reach the pool without one of us anytime soon.

  I was busy organizing their shared toys in the room between their bedrooms when Gonzo popped his head in the door. “They seem to be finished with our bedroom, and I think we need to break our new bed in.”

  Randall’s construction company had built our house, and apparently werewolves are very good at soundproofing. To prove to me the twins couldn’t hear anything in our room, he’d blasted the music from the beginning of the twins’ favorite TV show in our bedroom, with the twins and Gonzo just outside our door, and they hadn’t heard. The music had been loud enough I’d put my hands over my ears, and they’d been right on the other side of the door. I have no idea how he managed it, but I was looking forward to having sex with Gonzo at night and then just falling asleep — or having him awaken me for sex in the middle of the night without having to hike to the other end of the house.

  Also, I loved that speakers let us know what was going on outside our bedroom when our door was closed, and when it was open, the acoustics had been figured out so noises came up the steps and funneled into the door of our bedroom so Gonzo could easily hear the slightest noise from downstairs.

  So now, I didn’t argue as he carried me to our bedroom and told me to strip as he settled me on my feet and wiggled the ever-present plug in my bottom. I’ve come to love our quickies as much as the long, drawn out sex scenes he sometimes puts together. We were probably in the bedroom fifteen minutes, including disrobing, de-plugging, re-plugging, and then getting dressed again, and yet I walked out beautifully sore and fully sated. He’s taken to spreading himself impossibly wide when he’s in my ass these days, and while I’m always sure I can’t take anymore while he’s doing it, when it’s over I can’t wait until the next time we do it, even though I know he’ll probably go even wider.

  I’d been a little worried about the fact our house is three or four times the square footage of other RTMC houses, but Gonzo had told me it’d be okay. He’d insisted on designing the first floor so it flowed when we had people over, which had been fine by me. Gonzo’s MC family had welcomed the twins and me in as if we’d always been a part of them.

  As I came out of my closet, I stopped and looked out the window. Randall’s people were breaking ground on Gen and Duke’s new house across the street, which would be about the size of our home. Apparently, wolves can smell when a woman is pregnant within about a week of conception, so Gen hadn’t been able to keep it a secret.

  She’d told me as much as she loved her house in Stonehenge, she wanted her kids to grow up with the other MC kids, and now that we’d built the first large house, she didn’t feel bad about building the next.

  I’d asked Gonzo why he hadn’t smelled when Sandy was pregnant, and he’d told me, “If she’d come around a week later I would’ve, but we’d kicked her out by then.”

  I wanted to slap her silly for doing drugs and getting kicked out. How might things have been if Gonzo had known about his kids from the start? But then, it’s possible I’d have never become mom to the kids, if he’d been dad from the beginning.

  And mom I was about to be. In a week and a half we had a small ceremony planned near the splash pool at Foster Falls. Declan would be Gonzo’s best man, Chloe would be my maid of honor. A few friends from work would be there, most of the MC, and my father. Duke would marry us, and then our entire little family will all have the same last name.

  My attorney has been working with Gonzo’s attorney to push an adoption through, so within a few weeks of us all sharing a last name, I’ll become the twins’ legal mother. We’ve had a lot of talks with the twins about this, and about how their mother will always be their mother. Gonzo told them they’ll have two moms — the one who gave birth to them, and the one who is raising them.

  Gonzo informed me he and I are going to have a baby in the next two years, and for me to figure out when the best time will be. Honestly, I’m handling the final testing for the drug I’ve worked three years to bring to market, so now is probably the best time. I’m a part of another half-dozen projects, but this one has been my baby from beginning to end and when it’s finished I won’t mind stepping back a few years until our youngest child is ready to start preschool. I plan to tell him I’m ready to start trying the first night of our honeymoon. We’ve never had unprotected vaginal sex and I can’t wait to see how it feels skin-on-skin. I figure doing it for the first time on our honeymoon will make it all the more special.

  Gen is six weeks pregnant. If I get pregnant in a month or two then our kids will be about the same age, and will grow up together.

  I can’t believe how much my life has changed since I walked into the RTMC bar and decided to tell Gonzo he’s a father.

  * * *


  I’m honestly not sure what I did to change the Sergeant Major’s mind about me, but he was still cool and distant when a half-dozen of us arrived with my ammo and personal arsenal, and about a half-hour into us moving all of my shit into place he started cutting up with us. I was a little surprised when he recognized Brain, but apparently he knows his family. I really don’t think that changed his mind about me, though.

  The more I think about it, it’s possible my explanation of the new security system on the house — as well as the other things I’v
e implemented to be sure Connie and the kids stay safe while we all hold onto a little more of our privacy — may have been at least part of what swayed him to my side. At any rate, when my brothers left he helped me with my final test of every door, window, motion sensor, and infrared device in the house.

  When Connie came home with the kids, I so wished I could just carry her upstairs caveman style, toss her over the bed and have my way with her. I couldn’t, but I managed to work things so I could do it about two hours later while the kids were in the pool with Gramps.

  I found her working in the kids’ rooms and carried her off to our new soundproofed bedroom, where I made sure she’d feel me in her pussy and ass for hours. Even quickies with Connie are better than the long drawn-out orgies I used to take part in at the clubhouse.

  I can remember wondering why I’d ever want to settle down with someone when there was so much pussy available, but I’d had no idea at the time. The difference in being with someone you love, someone who owns you as much as you own them — there’s no comparison. Fucking all of the ass available was meaningless, I’d just been so empty at the time I hadn’t been able to tell.

  Now that all of the hidden safes I’d staged around the house were filled, and my basement armory was ready, it was time to give her access. I’d seen how Connie thinks rationally first, before she allows her emotions a voice. This woman was never going to use a gun in anger or craziness — she’d only use one if she needed to defend herself or someone she cared about. As long as I didn’t give her reason to believe I was going to hurt her or the kids, I had nothing to worry about.

  You don’t get into any of my safes the same way. Most are designed for quick access, some merely take a finger-swipe or palm print, others have a few buttons you have to push in the right sequence. These sequences are based on which room the safe is in, and I grinned as Connie totally understood my logic of “This is the westernmost room so we start with the button representing west if you were looking at a map.”


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