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Claim of the Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 5)

Page 14

by ML Guida

  “Leif, Leif! Please don’t die!”

  Twigs broke behind her. She knew Zuto was getting closer, but she couldn’t leave Leif.

  He had turned into a man, and she clasped his limp hand and ran the back of it against her wet cheek. “I love you.”

  She meant it and forgave him for leaving her, for scaring her, for breaking her heart.

  His hand moved.

  She jumped.

  Leif watched her. “And I give you my heart.”

  Zuto came out of the forest. He had a cut on his cheek, and his anger would have sent a shark shrinking for safety. “How touching. Now you’ll both die.” His voice shook with rage.

  A lone bat attacked Zuto, entangling in his hair. Zuto whirled around, trying to get the bat out of his hair.

  Leif gripped her hand tight. “Move.” He clamored to get off the sand.

  “Can’t you transform?”

  “My dragon won’t answer. No time...” He panted. “Move.”

  Isabella put his arm around her neck and tried to drag him away from Zuto. They managed to move away when William landed.

  “Get on!” Mariah beckoned. “Zuto’s coming!”

  William soared into the air, and Isabella took a deep breath. Leif held her waist, and his soft breath was on the back of her neck. He was still hurt, and she had no idea what had happened to his dragon. But they were free!

  A bat flew through the trees and landed on the beach. Zuto burst through the foliage, his face scratched and his hair a mess. Before Zuto flicked his hand, changing the bat to a man, she knew who it was—poor Cé.

  Black and blue bruises covered Cé from head-to-toe. Blood streamed from his broken nose, staining his chest. One eye was swollen shut. An arm was twisted at an odd angle. He’d risked his life for them and the fear that he was dead seared into Isabella’s heart, but his chest rose. She exhaled a sigh of gratitude.

  Zuto pointed. “Seize him!”

  Another spider dug out of the sand. ’Twas the one that Leif had been fighting. She recognized its burned side. Long sticky strings spewed out of its mouth and swirled around Cé’s legs.

  He moaned. His eyes fluttered open as the spider pulled him toward it. He looked over his shoulder and screamed. He dug his fingers into the sand, but ’twas useless. He kicked his legs, but they only made the strands wobble.

  “Cé!” Isabella cried. “ William, we have to help him.”

  William turned around and exhaled fire, catching the spider’s abdomen. It released a loud shriek and disappeared back into the sand, dragging Cé, screaming.

  Sand caved in on him. William shot out fire, turning the sand into black glass, but there was no evidence of Cé or the spider.

  “They’re gone,” Leif panted. “Just like Gwen.” His voice broke.

  Isabella whirled around. “A spider took Gwen.”

  “They’re time spiders,” Mariah said. “From Coaybay. One of them took my brother, Lark, as well. Zuto won’t tell us where they took them.”

  Leif put his head on the back of Isabella’s. She didn’t turn around. He was heartbroken and was trying not to shatter.

  “We will find them, je promets,” Mariah said. She gave them a reassuring smile, but tears glistened in her eyes.

  ’Twas a shaky promise, at best.

  The cries of the battle brought Isabella’s attention back to the ocean. Her father needed her help. He had scald marks on his skin. “William, take me to my father, please!”

  Chapter 20

  William stalked Eldric and Charybdis. Charybdis threw bolt after bolt at Isabella’s father. The air sizzled, and Leif’s hair stood up on his arms. The clouds turned black, and the wind blew fierce. Mariah held William’s neck tightly, and Isabella clutched her waist. Eldric spun around in the water, his face gray and his body a bloody mess. Leif had no doubt he’d be dead soon. Isabella sang, but the wind masked her beautiful voice. Everything that Leif had done to protect his loved ones had failed.

  The Soaring Phoenix fired their guns into the Fiery Damsel, splintering the main mast. Wood flew into the air, and the canvas burst into flames as it crashed into the sea. Black smoke soared up to the sky, making Leif’s eyes water. Isabella coughed in front of them. ’Twas too dangerous for the women.

  Kane and his crew drew Palmer and his men into battle away from the island, giving them a chance to defeat Charybdis and Zuto. But it would be all for nothing. He put his hands on Isabella’s trembling shoulders and leaned forward. “Remember—I love you.”

  With that, he slid off William and fell toward Charybdis, his arms stretched out wide. Wind rushed over him.

  “Leif, no!” Isabella reached for him. “William, stop him!”

  William turned his head, confusion flickering in his eyes.

  Leif did a somersault in midair. “William, get them to safety!”

  Mariah patted the dragon on his neck. “S’il vous plaît, William, follow him!”

  Leif couldn’t change into a dragon, but he was still a vampire. His muscles and bones constricted, and he transformed into a bat. He glided down toward his victim. The air grew hotter, and he hoped Charybdis didn’t turn and throw one of those thunderbolts at him. He landed on the back of her neck, his wings flapping behind her, his feet tangling in her hair.

  “Get off me!” she screamed, putting her hands through her hair.

  Heat sparked from her fingernails, singing his flesh. Ignoring the burning pain, he bit her head. His fangs ripped into her skull. He sucked hard, but instead of feasting on blood, acid burned his lips and scalded the back of his throat. He’d never tasted anything so foul, but he refused to stop.

  She grabbed his wings and spun around in the water, tripping over her dress. She sank onto her knees. Waves splashed up onto Leif, blinding him, but he kept drinking her foul blood. His stomach burned, and his body shook with pain.

  “Charybdis!” a loud voice rang through Leif’s confusion. “Face me!”

  ’Twas Eldric. His voice had grown stronger, but Leif wasn’t sure why.

  “You disgusting creature,” Charybdis sputtered. “I’ll kill you.” She sank her nails deeper into Leif’s small body.

  Unbearable pain stole his will, and he released her. Acid dripped down his mouth, burning his chin. He arched his back, shrieking.

  Charybdis tossed him into the churning surf that swirled him around faster and faster. He lost control of his form and transformed back into a man. Saltwater rushed into his lungs, and he choked. Dizziness swam around him, and his eyes fluttered shut. The current slammed him onto the ocean bottom, and he scraped his skin on sand and rocks. He drew on his vampire power in order to gain the stamina to swim to the island, but he barely felt a sputter, and his last remaining strength faded.

  Suddenly, strong arms yanked him out of the surf and tossed him onto the beach. He laid on the beach, coughing up water. A blood-curdling screech froze his weary heart. He turned and cursed.

  Instead of William taking Isabella to safety, she stood in the sea, facing her mad stepmother. He didn’t see Mariah or William.

  Isabella sang loudly. Charybdis’s hair spun around her like tangled seaweed. Black ooze trickled down the side of her head. She put her hands over her ears and twisted back and forth as if in pain.

  “Isabella,” he said, as he spat on water and sand. He dragged himself to his knees.

  Someone knocked him down into the sand. “Stay down, fool!”

  He turned to face Isabella’s stern father. His face was tight and his body battered and burned.

  “If you...go out...there,” he wheezed. “You’ll only distract her. You’ve taken Charybdis’s blood. A foolish mistake, but it will give my daughter a chance to defeat the monster.”

  “Where’s William?”

  He tilted his head. “Distracting the demon.”

  Leif looked down the beach to see William and Mariah flying around Zuto. William hissed flames at him, and Mariah chanted. Leif couldn’t hear her, but he was sure it was a spe
ll. Zuto headed toward Leif and Eldric, murder in his eyes. He must still be determined to get their child.

  “ me. You have to get Isabella out of here. Zuto...wants our child’s power. He’ll kill her to get it.”

  “I can’t. Not until Isabella can get my crown. It contains my power.”

  William needed help.

  Leif closed his eyes and focused. Dracul, are you there? I need you. Our mate depends on it.

  Dracul appeared in his mind. He was sprawled out as if he’d been hit by one of Kane’s cannonballs.

  Dracul, hear me! Wake up!

  A sweet song pierced through Leif’s muddled brain.

  Dracul took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered open. What did you drink?

  Charbydis’s blood.

  ’Tis made us weaker.

  The demon is coming. He’ll kill Isabella.

  The red dragon rolled to his side, his legs trembled, then he blew fire. No, he won’t.

  Tingles swept over Leif, and the power of the dragon rushed through him. Muscles stretched and bulged while bones crunched and creaked. He was amazed by how fast he could change—like he was changing into a new pair of trousers.

  Zuto marched toward him.

  Leif narrowed his eyes then drew on his power. He blew a stream of fire that formed into a fireball and shot it toward Zuto. It smashed into Zuto, flinging him into the jungle. Trees and bushes sizzled. Wood splintered, then flew into the air. Leif’s victory would only be temporary. The demon would be back and be more dangerous.

  Isabella rushed Charybdis, who had fallen on her back. She snatched the crown off her stepmother’s head. “Father!”

  She threw the crown. It whizzed through the air, then landed on the edge of the beach.

  Shielding his eyes from the crackling fire, Eldric sprinted to the beach, but his legs wobbled, and he fell into the sand. He got on his hands and knees and crawled slower than a baby.

  “You bitch!” Charbydis spat out water. She kicked and flailed her arms.

  Isabella lifted her skirt and headed for land, but Charybdis slammed her foot into Isabella’s leg. Isabella crashed into the waves and disappeared. Leif’s heart beat as if natives pounded on a drum. She was mermaid, and for her swimming under water was like breathing air, but the reasoning didn’t elevate his fear. Where was she?

  Water sprayed, and Charybdis fought the waves to stand. She seemed bigger, and she headed for the crown, lust reflecting in her eyes. With black streaks in her hair and the wild look in her eyes, she was as terrifying as a demon. If she reached the crown, she’d destroy all of them.

  Leif drew on his power, and red flames streamed out of his eyes, hurling into Charybdis. She screamed as her hair ignited, then dove into the surf. It wouldn’t keep her down for long, but it might give Eldric a chance to get the crown.

  “You’re dead, dragon.” Zuto’s angry voice chilled Leif’s soul.

  He waited for pain, for death. His energy drained, he hadn’t the strength to fight his foe.

  On his stomach, Eldric stretched out a shaking hand and grabbed the crown, then put it on his head. His once-drawn face and burn marks disappeared as if by magic. He grew taller; his muscles filled out. Like a kingly warrior, he stood with his legs wide apart and lifted his chin. Lightning flashed over his head, and clouds thundered. He stretched out his hand. “Charybdis return to the Adriatic Sea.” His loud voice shook the heavens.

  Charybdis fell onto her knees and stretched her arms high over her head. “No, Eldric, please, no!”

  An angry black cloud swirled down toward her, twisting and howling. Bolts of lightning flashed inside. Charybdis lunged for the beach, but her efforts were wasted. The cloud scooped her up and lifted her high into the air. She churned around faster and faster, screaming. Her beauty faded, and her body grew bulbous. Her mouth widened, revealing sharp teeth. Long tentacles sprouted from her body and waved around aimlessly. She returned to the hideous sea monster. Eldric flicked his hand, and the cloud whisked her way, shrieking.

  Move! Dracul warned.

  Leif didn’t have to look behind him. His skin rippled with the power emitting from the approaching demon. He flipped out his wings and soared into the sky.

  “I’ll get your mate.” Zuto raised his fist.

  Leif’s heart nearly flipped out of his throat. Isabella was lying on her back unconscious and floating toward the smirking demon.

  Eldric faced Zuto. “No, you won’t.”

  Zuto turned toward Eldric. Leif ignored the two titans. All he cared about was Isabella. He dove toward her, stretching out his talons and clasped her shoulders. He lifted her high into the air.

  Below, he heard Zuto cursing and the clash of lightning bolts. He didn’t care. He had to get Isabella as far away from Zuto as he could. She didn’t stir, and fear soaked into his bones that his brave little mermaid might have sang her last song.

  Chapter 21

  Leif flew toward the cave he and Isabella had been in when she was stricken by the poison. Wind whistled around him, and clouds moistened his skin. The island’s mountain was like a beacon urging him to fly faster. He glided into the dark cave. His keen sense of smell didn’t detect anything foul in the cabin. They were alone.

  He carefully placed Isabella on the ground. He swept some rocks together with his tail, then narrowed his eyes, and fire blazed onto the rocks, heating the cold cave. He transformed back into a man so fast dizziness swept over him, and he shook his head to clear the fogginess in his brain.

  He gathered Isabella’s wet body and laid her near the fire. Her skin was deathly pale, and her breath shallow.

  “Donna die. I need you,” he whispered into her damp ear.

  He didn’t get as much as a sigh. What was wrong? Why wasn’t she responding?

  Get her out of those wet clothes, fool, Dracul said. Heal her before it’s too late.

  Leif hurried and did as Dracul ordered. His fingers shook as he unlaced her ties. He jerked too hard, and the fabric ripped. Not caring about the niceties of her gown, he used his dragon strength and shredded the dress. He’d get her another one. Right now, he had to get her warm.

  He cradled her in his arms, and fear doused his heart as she shivered. Leif broke out in hot sweat as the fire from the stones heated his body, but Isabella remained cold to the touch. He gently lay on top of her and kissed her bare shoulder, then licked her, willing her to awake, but he choked on bitter disappointment that smoldered any hope. He pressed kisses down her throat and ran his hands over her chilled arms, trying to get her to stir.

  Lick her, you idiot, Dracul said.

  Leif moved his kisses down to the hollow between her breasts. He looked up at her face, but her long lashes remained closed. A sheen of perspiration slipped down her temples.

  “Breathe, damn it, breathe.” His voice was harsher than he intended, but she was a wet statue without the slightest glimmer of movement.

  He worshiped her nipple then ran his hands down her sides, hoping to get her to stir. He slid his hand into her feminine curls, rubbing her to try to get the tiniest gasp from her. She couldn’t die. She was his, and after all they’d been through together, he couldn’t lose her.

  He moved over to her other breast and lavished her nipple with his tongue. For the first time in a long time, tears blinded his eyes. He’d hardened himself against life for so long that he’d forgotten what it was like to really care for someone. He loved his sisters, but even then, he’d kept at a distance. Being a member of the Fiery Damsel, he’d forced himself to forget about what their parents had taught him of family, happiness, love. He’d had to in order to survive.

  He heard what he thought was a little gasp. He stopped and held his breath. Isabella was still the same—a beautiful woman slipping into the afterlife.

  He put his hands on her wet cheeks. His tears splashed onto her skin.

  “Live, Isabella. I need you.” His heart pounded furiously, beating for two. He didn’t just need her. She w
as his life. “Donna leave me. I love you.”

  He laid his forehead against hers silently, letting his tears fall. He hadn’t cried for so long that he’d forgotten how painful it could be. His lungs squeezed tight, and his chest constricted. He’d lost both a sister and the woman he loved in a day. His failure was complete.

  Something brushed against his leg, and he tensed. He glanced over his shoulder—Isabella had moved her slender calf.

  He jerked up to look into the most beautiful blue eyes he’d ever seen.

  Isabella took a small breath, and her heart beat against his.

  “Did I hear you right? You love me?”

  “More than anything. I’ve been alone for so long and in such misery, you complete me. How are you feeling?”

  “Tired. Charybdis robbed me of my power, and soon I would have drowned.” She lightly scratched his back. “Your plea pulled me back.”

  He shivered despite the heat in the cave. “How?”

  She wiped away a tear with her thumb. “With your tears. The water touched my soul, bringing me back. Only my soulmate could have done this.” She pushed his hair behind his ears. “In case you haven’t guessed, I love you, too.”

  He kissed her, slowly slipping his tongue into her mouth, desperate to taste her sweetness. Afraid to hurt her, he held back his desire to dominate her to make her his forever. She interwove her fingers through his hair, and chills cascaded down his back. He grew hotter. Not from the flames, but from Isabella’s soft touch and her slow, but passionate, response.

  She moved her hands down his back, her fingernails scraping his skin.

  “Take me, Leif.”

  “You’re too weak.”

  “Your lovemaking will make me stronger. You’re my soulmate.”

  Isabella widened her legs, allowing him to wedge his hips. He edged his flesh slowly inside her, still not trusting that she was ready for lovemaking after being at the brink of death. “I want you, but there will be other times to love you. You need rest.”


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