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The Scot's Pursuit (Highland Swords Book 3)

Page 13

by Keira Montclair

  “Good.” He paused, considering, and added, “Since Lora’s a stranger to my family, you probably should sleep with her this night. We can save our wedding night for a time when we’re both free of worry. Do you agree?”

  He’d said it for her, knowing she’d probably worry about leaving the lass alone. In truth, the last thing he wanted to do was wait, but he wished to be sensitive to Branwen. She’d spent the past night in a dungeon, something that made him wish to tear her father from limb to limb.

  Someday he’d put his sword into the cruel man’s heart.

  “Aye,” she said, a wide yawn stretching her face as she patted his arm. “I’ll stay with Lora for a night or two.”

  “We’re headed back to MacLintock land, and ’tis a long ride. Why not lean back and rest? You seem tired.”

  “I am,” she said, her eyelids drooping. He could see how she fought to remain awake.

  “Just close your eyes, listen to the birds and the sounds of the forest. We have the rest of our lives together.”

  She was asleep within seconds.


  Branwen awakened as soon as they arrived on MacLintock land. It was eerily quiet, but the guards at the gate let them in quickly. They left their horses at the stables and made their way into the great hall, Branwen taking Lora’s hand as they walked. Her heart hurt for the poor girl, whose eyes were wide with fright.

  “You do trust this clan?” Lora whispered.

  Branwen squeezed her hand and said, “Aye, I do. They are wonderful. You’ll see. And I’ll sleep with you so you’re not alone.”


  “Aye, Alick’s mother has been kidnapped so he will be up late planning their attack, if I were to guess. He must focus on saving her.”

  Once inside the hall, Dyna led them over to the hearth. Moments later, two large Highlanders came flying down the staircase, one of them with a comely lass with curly red hair.

  “All is well?” the first asked.

  “Aye,” Alick said. When the group reached the hearth, he introduced Branwen and Lora to his cousins, Alasdair and Els, and to Joya, Els’s wife. “Is Emmalin with the bairns?”

  “Aye, she was exhausted so I sent her to bed with them,” Alasdair said, throwing more wood on the fire in the hearth. “Sit down. We’ll eat and listen to all you have to tell us.”

  “Where’s Grandsire?”

  “He’s gone to bed, too. Worrying about Aunt Kyla is difficult. ’Tis a good idea. He’ll want to be awake to speak with Uncle Jamie and your sire, Alick. They are expected first thing on the morrow,” Els said.

  Joya hurried into the kitchens with Dyna, returning with meat pies and ale for all. When they reached the hearth, they set the trays on a nearby table and Dyna focused her attention on Lora.

  “Sit,” she said warmly. “You’re welcome here. We have near four hundred warriors to protect this castle, many of them the finest in all the land.” She waved at the food and drink on the table. “Help yourselves, everyone.”

  Branwen’s stomach growled and she blushed to her toes when everyone looked at her.

  Lora said, “I guess they didn’t feed you any more in the dungeon than I ate in the cave.”

  Alasdair and Els stared at the two lasses in shock.

  “Dungeon?” Els asked.

  “Aye,” Branwen said. “My father tried to marry me to a cruel old man so I ran away.”

  Lora said, “And I ran with her because that man is my father and I hate him.”

  No one said anything for a few moments, but then Joya asked, “How did you end up in a dungeon?”

  Branwen explained while they all listened with keen interest, their mouths slightly agape.

  “So you were by yourself all that time, Lora?” Dyna asked when she finished.

  The lass nodded, her gaze misting. “Being in a cold cave alone was better than being around my sire. I knew someone would come. Branwen told me to believe in Alick.”

  “I saw your shooting earlier,” Dyna said. “You are an archer?”

  She blushed. “Branwen taught me. I practiced all the while she was gone. It helped me pass the time, though I have some thickenings on my fingers now.”

  Alick grinned at Branwen, then shifted his gaze to include Lora in his comment. “I couldn’t believe all three of you shot arrows at our attackers…”

  “Wait,” Alasdair said. “You were attacked, too?”

  “On the way back. About six or eight of Thane’s men is my guess. At first it seemed like there were only a few, but they kept coming. It was difficult to see in the dark, but it surely heartened me to see so many arrows flying through the air.”

  Lora said, “I think I missed,” her cheeks still pink.

  “Doesn’t matter,” said Els. “Just the thought of being pierced by an arrow unsettles most warriors. Still helped.”

  They ate and chattered for a while, but exhaustion suddenly fell over Branwen like a dark mantle. “I think…”

  Dyna said, “Come, I’ll take you abovestairs. Lora, are you ready?”

  “Aye. I’m verra tired. And in the morn, if I could clean up, I’d be glad to go along if you need another archer.”

  Dyna said, “Oh, you’ll both be coming. We need all the archers we can get.”

  Branwen looked at Alick, and he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “You’ve been through much. Get the rest you need and I’ll see you on the morrow.”

  Dyna led them to a chamber with three beds inside. She said, “I’ll be joining you in a bit, but you two look so tired I don’t think you’ll hear me enter.” She pointed out what they would need—night rails in a chest, furs for warmth, and a basin full of fresh water the maid had just left. “Is there anything else I can get for you?”

  Branwen, suddenly overcome with exhaustion, shook her head. Dyna gave them each a hug before she left. “Trust me, you will be much happier away from your abusers. You’re welcome here, and anywhere there are Grants.” She left, closing the door behind her.

  Lora turned to Branwen with a bright smile. “This is like a chamber fit for a queen, do you not agree, Branwen? And this castle, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “Everything is lovely, but the important part is that everyone is lovely. ’Tis more important to me. Ever since Mama died…”

  Lora said, “’Tis the same for me. For us. Mama made everything wonderful. I miss her terribly.”

  She hugged Lora and said, “We’ve both been through a difficult time, but what matters is that we’re here. We’re safe. Now, we’d do best to get some sleep. I can barely stand on my feet.”

  The truth was she’d very nearly cried when she’d first seen the plump mattresses with the thick furs on top. They each found a night rail to fit, then Branwen quickly changed into the garment, washed her face and hands, then fell onto one of the beds. “Lora, fear not. ’Tis as heavenly as it looks.”

  And Branwen’s heart was finally full of hope.

  Chapter Sixteen

  As soon as the lasses left, Alick said, “I need to know all you’ve heard. Anything about Mama?”

  “Nay,” Alasdair said. “We must go to Glasgow as instructed. We’ll plan it the same as we did before. Grandsire said he’ll change nothing.”

  “But he can’t pretend to be decrepit. They’ll know ’tis false.” Alick got up and started his pacing, grabbing an ale and downing it quickly. He’d need something to help him sleep tonight. There were too many worried thoughts dancing in his head, though at least he knew Branwen was safe. She was his wife, in name at least, and her father had no authority to take her away from him. Nor did the Earl of Thane.

  He made himself focus on the plan for the morrow.

  “True, they are aware of what happened with John. That indicates the same men might be behind it.”

  Els shrugged. “None of the witnesses to Grandsire’s masquerade lasted long. Vernauld was the only one who survived, and he did not live long enough to tell many. I
think we could try the same trick.”

  “Grandpapa said he’ll walk slowly this time,” Alasdair said. “But he wishes to meet them head on.”

  “And we’ll have two more archers,” Els added.

  “Fine,” Alick said, frustrated by their lack of progress. By the lack of any real plan. “I’m off to bed. I need sleep before we go after Mama.” He climbed the stairs, heading down the hall to the chamber Alasdair kept for any single males. It had four beds inside. Sometimes lasses used it, but mostly male family members. Magnus would be here later, and his sire on the morrow.

  Alasdair came up behind him and pushed him into a different chamber. “You look exhausted. You may have this one. I know your wife is with Lora this eve, but you two may sleep in here whenever you’d like.”

  “My thanks. I’ll accept your offer. Soon enough we’ll want our own chamber.”

  He slept for a couple of hours but awakened to a light tap on his door. He got up to open it, grabbing his plaid to cover his naked body.

  Branwen stood on the other side, her face tear-stained. “I had a nightmare, and Lora and Dyna are sound asleep. Someone in the hall told me you were sleeping here. Would you come downstairs with me for a wee bit? Please?”

  He took one look at her and tugged her inside, closing the door quietly behind her. She fell into his arms and sobbed.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, pulling away and wiping her eyes, “but the truth hurts. My own sire put me in a dungeon. I dreamed he was in the great hall, wagering for me.” She stopped and pulled back to look at him, wiping her sniffles with a linen square. “Forgive me.” Glancing around the chamber, she said, “No one else is here?”

  “Nay, Alasdair is with his wife, and Els is with his wife. I’d like to be with mine. Will you stay?”

  Her eyes widened. “Alick, will you make me yours? I don’t want anyone to be able to take me away from you. Suppose the priest disappeared, and we have no proof of our marriage. Or what if…”

  He put his fingers to her lips and said, “Hush. I’ll not allow anyone to come between us. We said our vows in front of a priest, and even if he was not, we could consider ourselves handfasted. We don’t need to worry about it. If your father comes for you, he’ll be wasting his time. Come and lie in my arms. We needn’t rush, but I promise to keep you warm.”

  “I would like that,” she said, dragging her finger down the side of his face to his jaw and his bottom lip. “You are a most handsome man, Alick MacNicol.”

  And because his willpower had its limits, he captured her lips in a searing kiss, one of possession. He had nothing on under his plaid, so when her fingers explored his chest, he was surprised—and incredibly pleased—by her boldness. He groaned when her fingernail grazed his nipple.

  If she was going to torture him, she needed to do it in the bed, not on the floor which was exactly where he’d end up if he didn’t act now.

  He ended the kiss and took her hand, leading her to the bed. When he pulled the covers back, he turned to her and said, “I sleep without any clothes. Will that bother you?”

  She grinned. “Nay, I would like to see you.”

  To his surprise, she removed her night rail, folding it and placing it on the next bed.

  “You don’t have to… Ah, lass, but you’re beautiful.” Seeing her like this, bared for him, twisted his tongue so much that he couldn’t spit out the words he wished to say.

  “Aye, I do,” she said softly, “but because I want to, not because you are telling me to.”

  He stopped and cupped her face. “Branwen, you know I would never force you to do anything you didn’t wish to do, do you not?”

  “Aye, I trust you completely, Alick.”

  “Good.” He held the covers for her, and she climbed in first, waiting for him to get settled before she rested her head on his shoulder. Wrapping his arms around her, he enveloped her in his heat and she shuddered. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Nay, Alick. I trembled because your warmth pleases me so.” She looked up at him, and he was lost. “The dungeon was cold last eve.”

  Hellfire, but she was gorgeous and innocent and his. He closed his eyes, saying a quick prayer that he would do things right. “If you wish to wait, we can. This has been quick for both of us.”

  She turned on her side and locked her gaze on his. “I don’t wish to wait. Make me yours, Alick. I fear waiting because my sire is evil.”

  He kissed her cheek and maneuvered her onto her back so he was positioned over her. “You are mine, we made the commitment to each other, just as I am yours.”

  “But I don’t know what to do. You must tell me.”

  He nuzzled her neck and forged a trail of kisses back to her lips. “The only thing you have to do is tell me if I do anything you don’t like. Will you promise to do that?”

  “Aye,” she whispered, staring at his lips.

  He moved lower to her neck, cupping one breast with his hand. He startled her, but she didn’t pull back. “I wish to caress every part of your body, make you want me the way I want you.”

  “But I do…”

  “Give me the chance to show you. Close your eyes.”

  She did as he said, and he lowered his face to her breast, teasing her nipple with his tongue, bringing it to a dusky peak that told him she enjoyed his ministrations. He did the same with her other breast, first caressing her with his hand before bringing his mouth down to suckle her.

  Her hands gripped his shoulders, and she arched against him. “Do you like this, lass?”

  “Aye,” she said, her tone husky in a voice that he loved.

  He rocked his hardness against her pelvis, pushing against her until she spread her legs a bit. Reaching down to her core, he teased her curls and she moaned, her eyes still closed. “Touch me, Branwen.”

  She opened her eyes and glanced down, reaching for him, a look of surprise crossing her face as she grasped him. He showed her how to move the way he liked it, but then he stopped her. “You learn too quickly. I like that, but I’ll spill my seed too soon. I want to be inside you. Is this what you want?”

  “Aye. I don’t want my maidenhead any longer. I wish to give it to you.”

  “You know it will hurt for a bit, but then the pain will go away.” He settled himself between her thighs, still kissing her cheek, suckling on her lower lip a bit.

  “Aye, just do it, Alick. Please.”

  “Guide me.”

  She reached for him and showed him where she wanted him, but he slowed her, rocking against her in just the right spot until she arched against him. Pleased he’d found the right place to build her need to match his, he continued, slipping just inside her enough until she said, “More.”

  She spread her legs to give him better access and he breached her, feeling the skin that blocked him. He intertwined their hands and whispered, “I’m sorry.” Then he plunged inside, breaking the barrier, until he was fully embedded inside her.

  Her legs locked together on him, and he lifted his head to look at her. She was biting her lip, from the pain, he was certain. “It’s like a pinch, but it will go away, I promise. I won’t move until it leaves you.”

  He held himself in place, not moving for fear of hurting her. “I love you, Branwen.”

  She smiled and said, “I love you, Alick. Please don’t worry about me.”

  “But I do.” He kissed her neck, then her earlobe. “Tell me how I can help.”

  Suddenly, her legs widened and she said, “Finish. I want all of you.”

  His own desire took over, and he thrust inside her, moving slowly until she matched his rhythm, then the two moved together. He couldn’t wait much longer, so he moved his hand between them, stroking her until she cried out, losing herself in her climax.

  He buried himself inside her with a roar.

  When he was able to speak, he cupped the back of her head and lowered himself to kiss her forehead. “Is the pain gone?”

  “Aye,” she said between gasps of p
leasure. “That was so much better than I expected.”

  He couldn’t help but smile at that. Rolling off her and onto his back, he tugged her with him, tucking her against him. They lay that way for a long time, holding each other, their breathing still raspy and uneven.

  When they finally recovered, she asked, “Alick, what happens once you find your mother? Where will we go?”

  He stared at the ceiling, his hand playing with each of her fingers, stroking them individually. “We could live on Grant land, or we could stay on MacLintock land. They have the room for us, and Els and Joya live here. What do you think?”

  She pulled her hand away and rested it on his chest, drawing little circles in his chest hairs. “It doesn’t matter to me. I’ll be happy as long as we’re together. And as long as my sire can’t steal me away.”

  “When I asked you to marry me, you got my vow of protection, lass. Your father will never bother you again.”

  He knew her sire was likely to make trouble—the man had proven as much—but he wouldn’t let him hurt Branwen again. No matter what. His thoughts tugged him in a dozen different directions, and by the time he glanced back at Branwen, she was sound asleep.

  When dawn finally came, he climbed out of bed, doing his best not to awaken his wife, but she opened her eyes. He kissed her forehead and said, “You sleep. I’ll be back in a wee bit. I’ll bring a tub up when I return.”

  She mumbled something and rolled onto her side, so he covered her up, donned his plaid after washing up, and headed for the hall. He found himself glancing back at her from the doorway. Every time he saw her, she grew more and more beautiful. They may have married hastily, but he was pleased with his choice. He couldn’t wait for her to meet his mother.

  He tiptoed down the staircase, hoping he could catch Grandsire early to hear his thoughts on everything.

  Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he wasn’t surprised to see Emmalin and the bairns were already at one of the tables, while Grandsire sat in a chair near the hearth. He grabbed a bowl of porridge, bid Emmalin a good morn, and went to join him.

  However, he wasn’t allowed past the most dedicated guard he’d ever met. He chuckled as soon as he saw the laddie.


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