A Promise to Keep (Out of Time Book 2)
Page 9
The sun was still bright, but Shannon reckoned it must have been just after seven when Etheldreda scratched lightly at the door before entering.
Having tutored her charge in the ways of the Office, she lent Shannon her support to the abbey and deposited her on a long stone bench fixed to the wall before taking her place with the other nuns. There were no other seats of any description in the main body of the church save one stool which was occupied by a glum-faced Ursel.
Once seated, despite her initial reluctance, Shannon was entranced, barely noticing the hard stone beneath her.
The windows blazed with light, those of stained glass throwing multi-coloured flashes along the nave and over the nuns in the choir, reflecting on the tall columns. The other, plainer windows had glass in fragments of different shades, apparently the closest they came to clear glass here.
Some of the small panes in those were almost clear; others were in shades of pale yellow, still more in a light green, almost like the colours of the ocean. The light from them pierced the gloom which puddled between the windows and around the pillars, and the darker recesses glowed dimly with beeswax candles which smelled of honey. The fragrance of incense drifted in smoky fingers through the air, and through all this, the thin, silvery voices of the nuns rose to the great vaulted ceiling and echoed ethereally round the stone walls.
The hairs on the back of Shannon’s neck seemed to stand on end as a sense of holiness settled over her like a cloud. More than that, she could almost feel a divine presence lingering about her, tugging at her heart, coaxing her to relinquish her very soul – almost as though the Spirit of God was actually reaching out to her.
Still lost in wonder when the Office drew to a close, she moved dazedly outside where she sat on a bench quietly, eyes open, but seeing nothing, while she slowly returned to the everyday world.
Hildegarde, glancing over at her, was satisfied that Shannon might finally have grasped something of that which she herself knew and was certain she would not have to be coaxed and cajoled to attend Vespers in the future.
She was right. Whatever the girl got up to in the following days, on each of the bright evenings she would file obediently into the abbey and sit quietly, eyes lifted, face lit. Hildegarde hoped the hunger she saw in her would linger when she returned to her own time.
Now, though, she came sweeping across the garth, claiming Shannon and assisting her to the refectory where she kissed her brow and left her. Shannon’s heart sank as she spied Father Dominic bearing down on her; then, she felt a hand beneath her elbow. “Shall I save you from being bored to your death?”
“Adam! But can you eat with me?”
“My lord and lady sup in their chamber tonight. And even if it were not so, they would see no harm in my being your table companion for such a short meal. And, since the alternative is our good Father Dominic, they would surely feel I was doing you a service.”
“Being my knight in shining armour, in fact?”
“Most assuredly.”
Supping with Adam was a very different affair from dining with Father Dominic. However, as the trenchers were being cleared, the mugs drained, yet again, he suddenly rose silently from the table and was gone. Shannon looked around; who had disturbed him this time? Or did he just have very good instincts? No, he must have seen Sister Etheldreda, who had entered and was headed towards her. Oh well, it seemed as though there would be plenty more opportunities to spend time with him. He did seem to have a knack of being around when nobody else was. She sighed. Now she had to learn how to behave in Compline. After that, she allowed Etheldreda to help her back to her room, remembering not to speak, then sat on the bed, lost in thought.
Over the last few days, Isabella had seen with growing concern how often Adam had been hovering about Rohese. Each time, she had been about to approach when he’d slipped away in that disconcerting manner of his. She had, at first, thought he had noticed her watching, but every time he disappeared, it had been moments before the Abbess had gone across to Rohese. And yet, she thought Hildegarde had not noticed him.
Should she meddle? Rohese, for all her confident ways, was innocent of guile, she felt, and as a virgin, would be less aware of the ways of men like Adam. Mayhap the men of her parents’ household were more trustworthy. Of course, they would not dare treat the daughter of the house with less than the utmost respect. Here, though, she was unknown and almost friendless. Here, there were no parents, only an aunt who had other matters which required her attention. Surely Adam would not…
She shook her head. Who knew what he would be capable of? For certѐs, since she had warned Beatrice, he had no liking for her.
She smoothed out the wrinkle between her eyebrows with her fingers, kneading the band of tension away. What to do? It would be presumptuous to remind Giles to keep a watch on him again since he’d already promised he would. Should she speak to Rohese? No, she thought not. The girl might resent a warning or see it as a reproof of her conduct.
Should she leave things as they were at present? Yet if she did, Rohese might be hurt. Worse, if she could not fend off his advances, she might be despoiled. Left unchecked, Adam’s behaviour would reflect badly on Giles and herself. Something must be done, and she could ask no one else. It was down to her, and part of her rejoiced that she could address him openly on the subject. He should see she was no timid mouse but mistress of her household. Squaring her shoulders, she set off to track him down, cornering him in the stables. He made her a deep bow. “My lady?”
“Adam, have a care where you flirt, if you please.”
Watching her speculatively, he gave her a sidelong glance that shimmered with heat before dropping his gaze, raking it down her body.
Isabella, correctly reading the first part of his thoughts, recoiled as though she’d touched a flame. Lady Mary preserve her; surely, he was not flirting even with her! She straightened her shoulders as he raised his eyes again and gave him stare for stare. “Adam, the Lady Rohese’s father is of high rank; would you bring his wrath down upon your own head? On all our heads? Have a care,” she repeated, “or I shall tell Sir Giles of what I suspect.”
He bowed again, though as he dipped his head, she caught the mocking gleam in his eyes which made the respectful gesture naught but an insult. She stood there a moment longer, unable to move, shaken and humiliated, feeling as though even that horse of his was sneering at her. Oh!
Finally managing to totter away on trembling legs, she was glad of the cool breeze that fanned her cheeks. I should have left it to Giles. In truth, the opportunity to put the swaggering braggart in his place had overwhelmed her natural diffidence. How she had itched to slap that self-satisfied smirk from his face. And I have my just desserts, for now he thinks I’m hot for him. The humiliation flushed through her again, burning her like a brand. “And I’d not touch him were he given to me by the King himself,” she hissed beneath her breath once out of his hearing.
At dinner, Adam chewed slowly, considering his options. So, the Lady Rohese is of high rank. And careering about the countryside alone. Mayhap her parents should have more of a care to her.
Knowing Rohese was of noble birth, far from quelling him, increased his ardour. The game had more spice to it now, and if he laid his plans well, who knew where they would lead him? As for Alys, he mused, well, she was but a chit of a lass. It was unlikely her heart was engaged, and he had no wish for a child as his bride. And once wed and living beneath his father’s roof, he’d have to behave with more circumspection.
No, he wanted to taste the pleasures of more willing companions, and while he guessed Rohese was inexperienced, she was older and bolder than Alys, curvaceous and very comely. It would be no hardship to be matched with her, and the promise of wealth and position added to her allure.
He must be cautious though. He was avoiding her during this meal, and he could see from the droop of her lips that she was disappointed to be paired with Guy; in truth, he did not blame he
r. The other knight was courteous, true, but not, Adam acknowledged with self-satisfaction, as charming a table companion as himself. Ah well, the disappointment now would make for greater gratitude later. And supper was a safer time for him. His lord and lady were partaking of their supper privately whilst here. It baffled Adam. Had he been wed to Isabella, he would have spent no more than the nights with her; her conversation and company did not appeal, even if her body did. Now Rohese, she had something more about her. Something different. She was as bold sometimes as his other less gently-bred wenches, but still had breeding and discretion, and the air of innocence about her made him want to possess her. Indeed, it would be most pleasant to attend upon her, mayhap even… His thoughts trailed off. He needed to think on this matter.
He watched carefully for the remainder of the day, assessing through half-closed eyelids. So distracted was he that Giles spoke sharply to him on several occasions, which earned Isabella another notch in the tally stick of grievances he had against her.
Mistress Rohese was not always accompanied; could he trust anyone to carry messages for him? Thomas? Mayhap not. The boy was loyal to him, for certѐs, but possessed no guile. The other lads? Unlikely. He cast his eyes further afield, watching, assessing. Romance. That would be the key, and…
Shannon had been waiting for the recreational time the nuns had each day. There were several novices coming into the rose garden with the Novice Mistress. Her ankle was feeling much better, and she had been thinking of asking if she could go for a walk by herself or explore the grounds.
She watched, amused. While the professed nuns reminded her of black doves with their soft voices and gentle movements, the novices were more like a flock of starlings. Gawky and full of chatter in that precious part of time which was their own.
Once the bell sounded for the end of recreation, they would disappear back into their section of the abbey, but for now, they twittered about, awkward in their eagerness.
Apart from the Novice Mistress, none of the older nuns were about, except one, who was headed in her direction. Shannon looked up smiling until she realised it was Sister Aldith, the one nun she could not quite take to. There was something about her, with her prim mouth and her pious expression. She seemed so godly, yet Shannon felt judged by her. Why that should be so she did not know, for Sister Aldith barely raised her eyes and never spoke; yet today, her face was flushed as though she was suppressing a delicious secret. It transformed her, and Shannon found herself responding.
“Mistress, please, will you come with me?”
“Is something wrong?”
The nun, shorter than she and very thin, was almost radiant. “Not at all, but we, the sisters and I, have something for you.”
And Aldith had been sent to fetch her? How strange. Shannon’s curiosity was piqued as she followed her back towards the inner courts.
“Am I walking too swiftly? Is your ankle still troubling you?” She was almost babbling. Whatever had come over her?
“No and no. My ankle is much better.” She touched Aldith’s arm. “Won’t you tell me where we’re going?”
The woman’s eyes glowed. “You’ll see,” she promised. “Come, this way.”
Aldith led Shannon to, of all places, her own guest-chamber, opening the door and ushering her in as though Shannon herself was the guest. Once inside, Shannon saw a cluster of nuns, including Hildegarde and Etheldreda.
She stopped dead, eyes wide, as she saw what was laid out on the bed. A gown of a shade of deep apricot in soft, fine fabric with green embroidery and an undergown of a yellow-green colour with more embroidery, plus two veils of sheer silk – one in pale cream embroidered with gold thread and the other of palest rose with tiny violets embroidered on it. “Ohhhh,” she breathed, “they’re gorgeous.”
There was a twitter of delight as she picked up the garments. “I can’t believe you finished them so quickly. It’s so kind of you all. I’m…I…I don’t know what to say.”
They crowded round her, holding the gown against her, fluttering and exclaiming.
Shannon could see the longing in their faces. “Would you like me to try them on?”
Several pairs of hands clapped.
“Would you like us to help you?” That was Aldith.
“Sisters, give her room to move. Off with you now, and once she is dressed, you may come back in.” Hildegarde’s voice rose above the others, and gently quelled them as she shepherded them out.
As they filed out reluctantly, Shannon realised there was a girl in the room who was not a nun. A rosy-cheeked girl in russet and grey with a white veil covering blonde braids which snaked past her waist. As she studied her, the girl lowered her eyes and dropped a curtsy.
“Rohese, this is Amice. I have engaged her to be your maid,” Hildegarde said.
“My maid?” Shannon’s voice was almost squeaky with shock. She had just got used to the idea of having Etheldreda as her companion, but this girl was much more her own age, probably a little younger; she was finding it hard to judge age here.
“Yes, for good Sister Etheldreda has her own duties to attend. Amice will see to your needs and be a companion to you.” Hildegarde’s brow creased. “In truth, she is considerably more youthful than I had in mind, although I daresay you will enjoy her company.”
“Oh.” Shannon couldn’t think of much to say. How on earth did you talk to a maid? What was she supposed to do? She took another glance at Amice who was peeping up at her, blue eyes sparkling. Well, she looked as though she might be fun.
“Now, come. Amice will help you out of your gown and into these. My nuns have put much work into them, and I’m sure you noticed their eagerness to see you displaying their handiwork. Amice, if you will?”
Amice dipped down in another curtsy, then helped Shannon out of the gown she was wearing, nimble fingers untying the laces and undressing her to Shannon’s embarrassment. As she stood there bare but for a short chemise, she noticed two more fine linen shifts on the bed. Oh, that would be so much better. She had begun to feel the need for a change of clothes, and she had worn both her other dresses already and all her shifts. Yesterday, she’d tried once more to talk Hildegarde into allowing her to wear the silk dress she had brought with her, pouting a little, but Hildegarde had remained unmoved. It was too fine for everyday wear. Now, all disappointment was forgotten.
As Amice helped her into the shift and then the undergown, she ran her hands over the fabric before diving into the apricot gown. Amice pulled it down, smoothing it over her hips, fastening a beautifully embroidered girdle around it, before Hildegarde opened the door and the nuns swarmed in again, their usual soft murmurings forgotten as they clustered around admiring her, tweaking the gown, asking her to turn this way and that.
“Oh, but you must wear the cream veil.” Aldith took off her uncomfortable white veil and fitted the new one over her braids, draping it and pinning it up. Then she stood back, admiring the effect. “My lady, you look beautiful. Do you like it? I embroidered them both.”
It felt wonderful – like gossamer. Immediately, Shannon felt much freer. The white one had been stiff and thick of fabric, much like the one Amice was wearing. It obscured her vision slightly and made her head feel itchy. This was so much nicer to wear.
“Oh, they’re so beautiful. Sisters, I’m lost for words, but thank you, thank you.”
Glowing eyes and delighted faces rewarded her, and Shannon hugged each one of them, even Aldith. “How kind you all are.”
“And now, Sisters, you have admired your handiwork quite long enough. Off you go.” Hildegarde clapped her hands and shooed them out, one or two casting lingering glances over their shoulders as they left.
“Oh Auntie.” Shannon was almost breathless with delight. “How lovely of you all. Thank you.”
“Not at all, child. They were delighted to have a change from their usual tasks. In fact, they are now so excited, I shall have difficulty bringing them back down to ear
th. You’ve given them more excitement in a few days than they normally get in a year.” She laughed. “I shan’t be able to get any sense out of them for a week. And indeed, I…” She looked down, reddening slightly as she muttered something, and Shannon thought she caught the words ‘silk’ and ‘over-indulgent aunt’ before she raised her head again, saying, “Now, I shall leave you to become acquainted with Amice. Amice, I trust you to take good care of your mistress.”
The maid curtsied again. “Oh, yes, my lady.” And Hildegarde left the room.
Shannon and Amice, left alone, stared at each other, and Shannon felt suddenly awkward until Amice bobbed yet another curtsy.
“Um, Amice?”
And another curtsy. “Yes, my lady?”
“Could you, er, would you mind not doing that all the time? You’re beginning to make me dizzy.”
The maid giggled. “Sorry, Mistress. I haven’t done this before. My ma said I must be sure to behave and curtsy often.”
“I don’t think she meant all the time. And you don’t have to call me Mistress. Just Rohese will do.”
“Oh no, Mistress, it wouldn’t be proper. The Abbess might send me away.”
“And you really want to be a maid, do you?”
“Oh yes, Mistress, it will be so much better than working for Dame Agatha in the dairy, and I’ll earn much more. It’ll buy me some fine clothes for my wedding.”
“Well, call me Mistress when there are others around, but when it’s just the two of us, you can call me Sh…Rohese.”
Amice started to bob another curtsy, remembered, and bounced back up again. “Yes, Shrohese.”
Shannon started. “What did you call me?”
“Shrohese, just as you said.”
Shannon grimaced. I must be more careful. “Amice, that was a slip of my tongue. Sometimes, I’m afraid I stutter. Just Rohese will be fine.”
“Yes, Just Rohese.”
What? Shannon looked hard at Amice. The girl grinned. “Sorry, Mistress, I couldn’t resist.” She gave another infectious giggle, and both girls started laughing.