Sinners MC

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Sinners MC Page 42

by Bella Jewel

  “Don’t speak to me like I’m a child,” I protest.

  “You are a fuckin’ child!”

  My eyes widen, and I know my expression changes to that of hurt, because he sighs deeply and runs his fingers through his hair. “Look, Serenity, I’m over ten years older than you, my daughter is only a few years younger. I’m too old. You’re too young. You can do better than an old man like me. I get it, ok? I get the tension is there, and I don’t fuckin’ know why it is. It can’t happen, you need to understand that. The kiss, it was a mistake.”

  I’m hurt, his words crush me.

  “Why would you do it then?” I rasp. “Why would you come into my room and kiss me if you didn’t want it? Why would you stare at me the way you do...”

  My voice is breaking, and I hate that. His eyes soften, and his jaw tenses. “I don’t...I don’t know...”

  Before I can say anything more, the front door swings open, and Addison comes skipping through it. Her dark hair bounces around her shoulders, and she’s got a huge grin on her face. I’m blinking back the burning tears under my eyelids, and I just want to get out of here. My body is tingling with shame. I feel like a stupid little girl with a crush that isn’t returned.

  “Hey Serenity, you up for a party tonight? There’s loads of hot guys?!”

  I stare at Jackson, and he narrows his eyes, like he’s challenging me. God damn him. That asshole. I lift my chin, and then turn to Addi and force a smile to my face. “You know what? I think that’s a great idea.”

  “Great, come upstairs and we’ll get dressed together. I’ve got something you can wear,” she grins, before turning and rushing up the stairs.

  I nod, and then turn and lift the cutting board, carrying it over to the bin and emptying everything into it. Then, I toss the knife into the sink and turn to Jackson. “You’ll have to order out.”

  He grips my wrist, but I snatch it away. “Stop it,” he growls.

  “Why? It shouldn’t bother you what I do. I’m just a stupid child with an infatuation, right?”

  “Serenity!” he barks as I walk off toward the stairs.

  Screw him.

  Screw it all.

  I don’t have time for games.



  Fuckin’ women. They are all a giant pain in the ass, and yet I can’t get enough of them. Damn Serenity and her bullshit. I can’t understand why the hell I want her, it makes no sense to me, but shit, I want her. I want her so badly it hurts. My entire body is alive with want. I should be pushin’ myself away, yet I can’t get her out of my head. Something about her speaks to me, and I fuckin’ don’t know how to stop it.

  I slam my beer down on the counter top, frustrated. It’s been four hours since they left, and I can’t stop thinkin’ about her. I don’t know where they are, or what they’re doing, and it’s getting to me. I was a jerk to her, because I wanted her to back off, but it’s clear that ain’t going to happen anytime soon. I thought it was the best decision, making her feel like it was nothing, but when she walked out, with that hurt look on her face - I realized it was so much more than nothing. She deserves to know that. She does. But I don’t want to start something that I can’t finish.


  I turn to see Spike and Cade walking in, beers in hand. Fuckin’ magic, I’m not in the mood for company right now. I’ve got too much on my mind as it is, without adding more.

  “Boys,” I mutter.

  “Uh oh,” Cade grins. “Boss man is pissed.”

  I glare at him, clearly he doesn’t know what my daughter is up to, or he wouldn’t be here smirking like an ass. “You know where the girls went tonight?”

  Spike shrugs. “Some girly party.”

  “Ain’t no girly party, Addison said there was loads of guys there.”

  Both men tense. “Failed to fuckin’ mention that to me,” Cade grunts.

  “You sure about that, Jack’s?” Spike asks.

  “Fuckin’ sure alright, I saw them go out the door giggling about cute men for Serenity.”

  “Fuckin’ daughter of yours will be the fuckin’ death of me,” Cade growls.

  Spike lifts his keys, his eyes flashing with jealousy. “We goin’?”

  “Fuck yeah we are,” Cade growls, turning and storming out the door.

  I follow. Fucked if I know why I do. I opened my mouth knowing they would go after the girls. Part of me wants to go, even if I don’t want to accept it.

  Can’t get her out of my head.


  ~*CHAPTER 9*~


  “Oh my god, Addi!” I laugh, taking another shot.

  “You started it!” she giggles.

  “You two are so feral!” Ciara says, rolling her eyes.

  “Oh, you’re just jealous because you can’t drink,” Addison sings, taking another shot herself.

  “Don’t remind me!”

  We’re at the local bar, we ended up here after the party turned out to be a flop. We got rounds of tequila, which so far has ended with dancing on the tables, singing at the top of our lungs, and harassing poor, innocent men. I haven’t had so much fun in my entire life. I haven’t laughed so much, or felt so at home.

  “Oh no!” Ciara suddenly gasps.

  I turn towards her, and see her eyes are on the door. I turn, and see Jackson, Cade, and Spike glaring at us. I snort a laugh and turn back to them. “Uh oh, you girls are in deep shit!”

  Addison laughs, but Ciara doesn’t. “My man looks mega pissed right now!”

  I look at Spike, and his face is tight. Damn, he does look pissed. Cade’s expression is a little softer when he sees Addi is just drinking and causing no problems. Jackson’s face is unreadable, but his eyes are on me. Damn those eyes. Damn him!

  “There you are!”

  I turn to see one of the guys I was chatting to earlier. He’s handsome, young, and quite sweet. I throw him a grin. I can’t remember his name for the life of me, but I do recall promising him numerous dances.

  “Here I am!”

  “You disappeared on me earlier.”

  I grin. “I was getting another drink!”

  He grins, showing cute, round dimples. “You up for that dance?”

  I nod, shrugging. “Sure!”

  “She’s not fuckin’ goin’ anywhere with you!”

  The voice comes from behind me, and it’s icy, angry, and damn sexy. Jackson. My male friend, I am pretty sure his name was Greg, or George, or maybe Gage, looks up and meets Jackson’s no doubt pissed gaze.

  “Sorry man, is she yours?”

  “No, I’m not,” I point out.

  “She’s my property right now, and she ain’t available for anyone else. Now fuck off.”

  I spin around, glaring at Jackson. “Excuse me?”

  “Get outside,” he orders.

  “Bite me!”

  He growls and grips my arm, tugging me. Oh hell no! He is not going to go all caveman on me right now. I slap at his arm, but he doesn’t let me go. I give Addi a helpless stare as we walk past, but she simply laughs and waves, then wiggles her hips suggestively. Some help she is. Ciara and Spike have disappeared, so I can’t find them for help.

  Jackson pulls me outside, and the cool air whips my face and makes the alcohol rush to my head. I sway a little, but he keeps tugging me through the bikes and cars until we reach his truck. He thrusts the door open, and barks. “Get in.”


  He spins on me, glaring. “Get in.”

  “I said no.”

  “Serenity, don’t play with me.”

  I cross my arms and stomp my foot, glaring right back at him.

  He growls again, leans down, and shoves me into the car. I stumble back into it enough for him to grip my legs and spin me around. Then he slams the door. He storms around the other side of the truck, opens the driver’s door, and gets in, turning to give me a glare. I gape at him, and then cross my arms angrily over my chest.

“Are you finished?” I cry.

  “Not even close.”

  “Jackson, you can’t just come in here and think you own me, because you don’t. I wanted you, and you kissed me and then decided I wasn’t good enough or...”

  He spins quickly, his hand lashing out to grip my chin. Then his lips are on mine. They come as such a shock it takes me moment to respond. That moment doesn’t last long though, soon I’m kissing him back with full force, enjoying the taste of beer on his tongue, enjoying his hands tangling in my hair. My body takes a moment to react, it’s stiff with shock. When I finally realize that Jackson is actually kissing me, I groan and shuffle until I manage to maneuver myself over the seat and onto his lap. He groans as I straddle him, my legs opening and allowing full access under my very short dress.

  “Too fuckin’ old,” he rasps, wrenching his mouth from mine.

  “Not to me,” I whimper.


  I kiss him again, stopping anymore words coming from his lips. Our mouths become frantic, our kisses become deep and hard. My lips feel swollen and bruised, but I keep pushing. My hands find the hem of his shirt, and I shove them up until my fingers are touching his abs. I’ve been so desperately wanting to touch him, wanting to feel the warm, hard flesh under my fingers. He growls, and his hand slides down between my legs. I groan loudly.

  His fingers find my panties, and he gently runs them up and down. My pussy jerks to life, throbbing beneath his touch. He rubs gently for a second longer, before slipping my panties aside and finding my wet, hot flesh. A low, guttural moan escapes his lips as he begins to swirl his fingertip around my clit, causing it to harden. Bolts of pleasure shoot through my body, and I bury my face into his neck and groan.

  “Wet darlin’, so wet.”

  He slips one finger down to my entrance, and gently pushes it inside. It hurts. My one pathetic time was a solid four years ago now, and since then it’s only been me, and occasionally, my vibrator. I yelp into his shoulder, and he quickly removes his finger.


  He grips my shoulder and pushes me back until we’re staring at each other.

  “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

  I swallow, and turn my face away from his. “No...I’m just...I’ve only done it once, and it lasted a second before it was over.”

  There’s silence between us for a solid few minutes. Shit.

  “I can’t do this,” he says, shaking his head and gently shoving me further off him.

  “I want you to, Jackson. I’ve never wanted, or had the chance to want, anything in my life.”

  “You’ve had one man, that wasn’t even considered a decent fuck. What if a decent man comes along, and you have the chance to basically share your real first time with him, and you’ve wasted it on me?” he protests, his voice rough with lust.

  “In my life, that chance is rare, if I’m lucky. Besides,” I whisper. “How do you know you’re not that chance?”


  I take his hand, sliding it back between my legs and running his finger up and down my damp panties. “Please...”

  “Jesus,” he hisses.

  “Jackson,” I murmur, leaning down to run my lips across his neck. He shudders. “Please?”



  He sighs deeply. “I can’t be the one to ruin the beautiful innocence you’ve created.”

  I rock my hips against his fingers, causing my ass to rub against his straining erection. “Jackson,” I rasp. “Please.”

  “Fuck, fuck,” he curses.

  He slips his fingers inside my panties once more, and I nearly melt with happiness. I couldn’t think of anyone I’d want more right now, than Jackson. He’s perfect, even if he doesn’t see it right now.

  “So wet, and even then, I’m goin’ to hurt you. I’ve not done this with someone so, inexperienced, for a long time, darlin’.”

  “You won’t hurt me,” I whisper, letting my eyes search his face.

  “Baby, I will.”

  He rubs gently over my clit, and I groan as the pleasure begins building again.

  “Please,” I whimper. “Jackson...”

  “Fuck, when you beg like that...”

  He finds my entrance again, and slides a fingertip in; he moves it around gently before slipping his finger the entire way in. It burns a little, and I know this isn’t going to be some amazing moment that blows my world, but I want it all the same, and I want it with him.

  “Oh god, Jackson,” I groan as he rubs his thumb over my clit.

  “You’re so fuckin’ wet you’re goin’ to come before I even get my cock inside you.”

  My body jerks at his words and my clit swells. I want to come. I’ve done this myself so many times, but I’ve never had a man do it. I’ve never had someone else’s finger bring me so much pleasure. Jackson rubs my clit harder, while his finger gently slides in and out of my pussy.

  I come.


  “Oh god,” I cry out, shaking, jerking, and pinching Jackson’s skin with my fingernails.

  “Jesus, so fuckin’ beautiful.”

  I shudder and convulse until there’s nothing left, then I slump my head down onto his shoulder. He slides his fingers from my heat, and gently pulls my panties back.

  “I ain’t fucking you here, darlin’.”

  “I know,” I murmur into his skin.

  “Well, you best get off my lap so we can go home.”

  I move quickly, not wanting him to change his mind. I slip over into my seat, and pull my seat belt on. Jackson stares at me for the longest moment, I’m almost sure he’s waiting for me to change my mind, and then he turns the car on and drives us home.

  Oh god.

  Is this really happening?



  Something that is planned, makes it so much more awkward. When Jackson and I get home, we’re both acting like two teenagers who are about to have sex for the first time. Jackson gets himself a beer from the fridge as soon as we get inside, and I can’t help but watch his entire body, as he leans his head back and drinks it. Strong chest, hard abs, oh...and a very big erection. My heart begins to thud as I stare at the bulge in his jeans.

  “Somethin’ you like?”

  I snap my head up to see he’s stopped drinking, and is watching me. I thank the alcohol for the courage I have next, because I take hold of my dress and begin lifting it over my head. When I get it off, I drop it to the floor. Jackson’s eyes widen, and he murmurs a curse before walking around the counter, taking his shirt off as he goes. He reaches me, and grips my hips in his hands, pulling me close.

  “You sure you want this?”

  “Stop asking, Jackson,” I whisper. “I want you.”

  Without saying another word, he leans down and scoops me up, taking me up to his bedroom. We get in, and he sets me on my feet before locking the door. I peer around the large bedroom. It’s very manly and basic, big bed, manly colors, clothes thrown about everywhere, bed unmade. I stare at the bed, and suddenly my heart begins thumping. I’m about to have sex with the enemy. Oh god, oh...god.

  Jackson comes up behind me, pressing his lips to my shoulder, and I can’t bring myself to keep thinking about what a low life scumbag I am. All I can feel or think about, is his lips moving over my shoulder. The few men I’ve kissed, or the one I had dodgy sex with, were so inexperienced. Their kisses sloppy, their hands clumsy. Jackson is different. His hands are skilled, his lips gentle and perfect. He’s a man. He’s a real, experienced man.

  “We’re gonna go real slow, you hear me?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “You scared, you tell me. You hurtin’, you tell me.”

  “I will.”

  “Goin’ to take a lot to warm that sweet pussy up, what happened in the truck, it’s just the start.”

  I shiver. God, just the start? My legs quake, but thankfully Jackson lifts me again and deposits me down
on the bed. I look up at him looming over me, and watch as he pulls back and begins unbuttoning his jeans. I’m inexperienced, yes, but I have seen enough to know what I’m in for. I know what to expect, but seeing Jackson slowly undress, seeing him slowly reveal more and more of his gorgeous, toned body, has my mind spinning. He lowers his jeans when he’s got them undone, and that’s when his erection springs free.

  Oh. My. God.

  I know it’s huge, because I have already caught a glimpse of it, but seeing it like this, up close, it’s even bigger. Well, it’s not so much long as it is thick. Damn. Oh damn. That’s not the best bit, oh no, the best bit is the tattoo running up the entire length of it. My eyes widen, and I can’t move my eyes from it.

  “A story we ain’t discussing now,” he says, answering my unspoken question.


  “You wanna back out, you do it now...”

  I look up and meet his eyes. “No.”

  He grins slowly, sexily. “Then let’s do this.”

  He drops to the bed, and hooks his fingers through my panties, slowly lowering them down my legs. I watch his eyes grow hooded with lust as he glances down at my now exposed pussy.

  “Shaved baby, I thought so, but fuck...been a while since I’ve seen one so clean.”

  I flush and go to cover it, but he shoves my hand away. “Don’t hide, you’re fuckin’ beautiful.”

  He drops to his knees, gripping my leg and sliding his mouth up my calf. My head drops back into the mattress, and I groan loudly. He takes his time moving up my leg, circling his tongue around my knee, and up over my thigh. I can feel his heated breath near my pussy, and I feel myself clenching in anticipation.

  “Spread your legs, darlin’.”

  I do as he asks, and I gently spread them. I hear his hiss of air as I open myself to him. The cool air tickles my skin. He slides a finger up my slick heat, and growls.

  “Still wet, but I’m goin’ to make you even wetter.”

  Before I can ask what he’s talking about, he lowers his mouth to my pussy and captures my clit in his mouth.




  I know for most women this is a common occurrence they come to expect, but for me, this is the first time I’ve ever felt it. The first time I’ve felt a tongue against my most sensitive flesh. The feeling is beyond anything I could have ever dreamed or imagined. I open my mouth to cry out, but nothing comes out. I can’t even make a sound as he sucks my clit into his mouth and begins flicking the end with his tongue.


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