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Dirty, Dark, & Dangerous: A Contemporary Romance Boxset

Page 18

by Luciani, Kristen

  “Not know what? What the hell are you talk—?”

  Merrick’s lips stretched into a straight tight line. “For years I’ve done everything to show you how I feel. Is it because you just don’t care? Is that why you ignored all my attempts?”

  The words kept coming out, but Daxton’s mind was unable to formulate questions. The air was so humid, yet the chills persisted. “Merrick, I don’t understand what you’re talking about. What have you tried to show me?”

  “You called me Merrick,” he mused, raking his hands through his blue-tipped hair, creeping closer. “You haven’t called me that in years.”

  “I feel like I’m missing something. You’re my best friend. If I did something to piss you off, just tell me.” Daxton’s pulse spiked under Merrick’s penetrating gaze.

  “Your friendship isn’t enough, Dax. I need…no I crave, all of you. I can’t fight it anymore. For years, I’ve watched you parade around those groupie sluts.” Merrick circled him, his stare transforming into something decidedly more predatory. His temples throbbed, blood rushing between his ears. “Every time I got rid of one, another would show up, flashing her tight, shiny pussy at you.”

  Beads of perspiration popped up along the back of Daxton’s neck, almost as though his body had lapped his mind in the quest for clarity. “Got rid of who, Merrick?”

  “All of them. Brandi, Gia… Sara.” His blue eyes darkened, his voice gruff. “I had to eliminate the competition.”

  “Merrick, what have you done to Sara?”

  His shoulders hunched forward. “I knew you’d never fall in love with me if she were still around. Not that she could ever give you what you need. Not like I could.”

  “You sick fuck!” Daxton grabbed the lapels of Merrick’s tuxedo jacket and threw him against a wall. The force sent a row of paintings crashing to the marble floor. “What did you do?”

  “It’s too late to worry about what I did. She can’t have you because you’re mine.” A smile tugged at the corners of Merrick’s mouth. “And also because she’s dead. Well, at least close to it.”

  Dead… dead… dead.

  The word thundered between Daxton’s ears. His clenched fist crashed against Merrick’s mouth, but that sinister smile never fucking wavered. Again and again, he pounded with everything he had, ignoring the pain slicing through his chest with each launch of his arm.

  Merrick finally crumbled to the floor, blood gushing from his nose and lips. “You’re too late, Dax. If I can’t have you, neither can she.”

  Daxton fell to his knees, his eyes stinging with tears. “You sonofabitch!” He fisted Merrick’s short, spiky hair and slammed his head backward into the wall. “Sara!” He struggled to his feet, his voice echoing throughout the vacant guesthouse as he stumbled down the hallway. One of the bedroom doors was cracked open, a dim light shining into the otherwise darkened space. He pushed open the door, a strangled cry escaping his mouth.

  “Sara,” he whispered, crossing the room in a few short steps. Duct tape covered her mouth, an IV needle stuck out of her blotchy, red arm. His eyes fell to the clear bag of liquid at her side. Potassium chloride. He collapsed next to her limp body, grasping her cold, almost lifeless fingers. Her eyes fluttered open, bloodshot and swollen.

  His fingers trembled as he pulled the tape off the needle. Sara barely winced. There wasn’t time to wait for a medic. Whatever the hell poison this was had to—

  “Dax! Are you ready or what? Coop said you came back here for your guitar.” Finn’s booming voice broke the silence in the guesthouse. “Jesus Christ! What happened in here?”

  “Finn! I’m in the bedroom. Get help!”

  Finn’s footsteps pounded on the tile floor as he approached. “Holy shit! Who the hell did this?”

  “It was Merrick. He has her hooked up to a potassium chloride drip. I don’t know how long it’s been, but we need help. Get a medic!” He grabbed a bunch of tissues from a nearby table, pressed them to the swollen area on her arm and slid out the needle.

  “Merrick? Get the fuck out of here! Did you see him? Where is he?”

  Daxton’s stomach dropped to his knees. “What do you mean? I knocked him out. He’s in the foyer.”

  “Only thing in the foyer is a whole lotta blood, dude. No Merrick.” Finn pulled out his phone and shot off a quick call. “Okay, Sean and the medic are on the way. Is she conscious?”

  Tears stung Daxton’s eyes. He pulled off the duct tape and pressed his lips to Sara’s. “Baby, can you hear me?”

  Her eyes opened a crack then closed again. Breathing was steady, that had to be a good sign. “Brandi and Gia,” she mumbled.

  He let out a relieved breath. Thank God she could speak. “What about them?”

  “It was Merrick. Said I didn’t deserve you, that only he could satisfy you.” She shifted, letting out a low groan. “My arm really hurts.”

  “What the hell, man?” Finn whispered. “Is she hallucinating or something?”

  Daxton shook his head and caressed the side of her face. “No.”

  “He’s in love with Dax,” Sara murmured, her eyes closing again.

  “Stay with me, baby.” Dax squeezed her hands. “You’re gonna be fine. Just keep those gorgeous eyes open.”

  “So Merrick is gay? The guy who bangs more chicks than all of us put together? Holy fuck, that’s a lot to process.” Finn raked a hand through his hair.

  Loud sirens approached, the piercing noises resounding in the guesthouse. Footsteps pounded into the foyer, walkie-talkies blaring.

  “Dax! Where you at?”

  Never had he been so happy to hear Sean’s voice. “We’re in here!”

  A throng of people descended upon them. One of the medics knelt down, checking Sara’s vitals. “Tell me what happened.”

  Daxton managed to recount what he’d found above the din of voices. “I don’t know how long the needle was in, but she’s been semi-conscious. Maybe she didn’t get that much from the drip.”

  The medic pointed to the injection site. “Nope. This is a case of pure luck. You see all this swelling? It means whoever set up the IV blew the vein. The needle may have been too big, or it was just inserted incorrectly. It ruptured, meaning the potassium chloride spilled into the surrounding area. Anything injected would just be absorbed into her body.”

  “So she’s fine?”

  “We’ll run some blood work, but judging from the amount of liquid still in the bag, I’d say yes.”

  “Dax!” Tyler pushed through the small crowd that had formed in the bedroom. “What the hell is going on? Is everyone okay?”

  Daxton let out a deep sigh, still gripping Sara’s hand as the medics loaded her onto a stretcher. “For the moment.”

  “Merrick tried to kill Sara,” Finn offered.

  Tyler’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. “Merrick?”

  “Stabbed Dax, too. But that was an accident. He thought it was Sara. Tonight he came to finish the job, but he botched it all up.”

  Tyler’s mouth dropped open. “But why?”

  “Apparently, he has the hots for your son and in his deluded blue-tipped head, he thought if he offed Sara, they’d be able to run off into the sunset together.”

  Tyler rubbed his temples. “Where the hell is he now?”

  “Don’t worry, Mr. Cole. We’re sealing off the perimeter. We’ll get him.” Sean palmed the walkie-talkie in his hand and exited the room, barking instructions to the security team.

  Tyler clapped a hand on the medic’s shoulder. “Just tell me Sara is going to be okay.”

  “Her vitals are strong and steady.” The medic smiled. “We’ve got it from here.”

  “Dad, I’m going to the hospital. Tell Layla I’m really sorry.”

  “Hey!” Tyler grabbed Daxton and hugged him tight. “Take care of your girl, and call me later. Don’t worry about Layla. I’ve got plenty to keep her happy and thoroughly occupied.”

  Daxton mustered up the energy to
flash a quick smirk. “I don’t need to hear any more about that, thank you very much.”

  “I’m coming with you.” Finn slung an arm around Daxton’s shoulders. “Someone has to protect you from your scorned lover.”

  “You know, you joke, but that crazy bastard got away. He’s still out there.“

  “They’ll find him, man. He won’t stay away, trust me. Your ass is too hot. He won’t be able to help himself.”

  “You’re a real dickhead.”

  Outside the guesthouse, a team of medics loaded Sara’s stretcher into an ambulance. Throngs of wedding guests spilled onto the lawn, watching the emergency medical team at work. Sean had dispersed the security team over the property in search of Merrick. Nobody had anticipated he’d stick close to the strike zone, at least nobody other than Finn.


  A large terra cotta planter a few feet from the ambulance shattered into pieces as the bullet tore through it. Screams resonated as people fell to the ground to take cover.

  Finn pulled Daxton to the grass as a window shattered behind them.

  “Let me go! Sara!” Daxton struggled to his feet. The ambulance door was still open. The shots were getting closer. He stumbled toward the vehicle, falling against the doors. Sweat drizzled down his back, soaking his shirt. The only thing that mattered was keeping Sara safe. Hell, he’d give his life for hers in a hot second.

  “You betrayed me, Dax!” Merrick’s voice carried over the grounds. Daxton’s eyes scoured the expanse, searching for Merrick, but all he saw were tuxedos and ball gowns scattered on the grass. “You chose her over me. I loved you so much, and you never even noticed! You destroyed me, Dax. My life is nothing without you, and if I can’t have you, nobody can!”


  Daxton fell against the ambulance as another planter shattered. “Get the hell out of here!” he shouted to the driver and slammed the doors shut.

  The engine roared to life and the tires peeled away, headed down the hidden driveway.

  “I can’t watch you with her anymore, Dax.” Merrick emerged from the shadows, his face twisted into a grimace. “You may have saved her this time, but you can’t save yourself. And me?” He raised his arm, pointing the gun at Daxton’s chest. “I’m already dead.”

  “Drop the gun, you mother fucker!” Cooper’s voice rang into the air. He hurled himself at Merrick, knocking him against the stucco wall of the guesthouse, the gun still tight in his grip.

  “Get the fuck off me, Cooper!” Merrick smashed the gun against Cooper’s jaw, but it wasn’t enough to slow him down. Cooper pounded his fist into Merrick’s throat and then into his temple.

  Daxton ran toward the struggle. His leg muscles were so tense; it was a miracle he could even move.

  “Dax, get back!” Sean grabbed his arm and yanked him to the ground. Sharp pains sliced through his abdomen as if they were machetes. “Ahh! Goddammit, Sean!” He twisted out of Sean’s grip and struggled to pull himself up. “I have to help Co—”

  Pop! Crack! Bang!

  An explosion of bullets shattered his eardrums, the lingering echo ricocheting through him as he pitched forward onto the dewy grass. Blinding white light flooded his periphery, the putrid stench of chemicals stinging his nostrils. Searing heat singed his insides, numbness creeping along in its wake. Daxton lay in a crumpled heap; the ability to move, to breathe, slowly escaped. A sharp breath lodged in his throat, eyes struggling to focus, waiting and praying for the mercy that might never be granted. His heart skidded to a stop. He choked on the scream forming in his throat, but his lungs couldn’t grasp the air to push it out. Please, God, no.

  Merrick didn’t move. Neither did Cooper.



  LIGHTS IN THE SPACIOUS BALLROOM dimmed, a spotlight focused on the life-sized photo behind the podium. Daxton gazed into the bright, blue eyes of his beloved brother. He swallowed past the golf-ball sized lump in his throat that always seemed to lodge itself there when he saw the image of Jase’s smiling face, before he’d gotten sick. Before the cancer consumed him and claimed his young life.

  A hush fell over the crowd as Daxton adjusted the microphone. “This is my brother, Jason Cole. He died eighteen months ago of inoperable brain cancer. He was only eighteen.” A painful ache took up residence in his heart, his eyes falling to the table right in front of the stage, filled with the most important people to him. Sara’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, her hands entwined with Tyler’s. Finn and Liam sat on either side of them. But one seat was empty…glaringly so. A pang in his chest served as a warning, a red flag that could no longer be ignored. “Tonight, we come together to celebrate his memory, and the memories of other children who’ve succumbed to terminal illnesses. The Jason T. Cole Foundation was established to provide financial support to the families of these afflicted kids, so they can focus their energy on making memories, instead of worrying about medical bills.”

  Daxton scanned the faces in the darkened room. His lips curled into a small smile as his gaze connected with Luke’s parents, their tearful expressions illuminated by the soft candlelight of the centerpiece. It had been eight months since Luke’s passing, and that was one of the main reasons why he’d started the foundation. Too many young lives had been lost due to this devastating disease, too many families burdened with financial difficulties because of it. Taking Sara’s advice, he’d decided it was time to raise awareness with the public and help ease the trauma these families experienced. “I’d like to thank you all for being here tonight for our first benefit. Your generous donations will bring a great deal of comfort to so many families, and we are very grateful for your support. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these families, bringing them comfort at a time when they feel like all hope is lost. Thank you for being part of our mission.”

  He turned away from the podium amid the thunderous applause, casting a final glance at Jase’s photo. “Check it out, buddy,” he murmured, lifting his pant legs to reveal one purple dress sock and one blue and white striped mismatch. “Your favorite non-pair.”

  Sara, Tyler, and the guys stood up when he rejoined them at the table. Still no Cooper. He wrapped his arms around Sara’s lithe frame and squeezed tightly, burying his head into the smooth skin of her neck.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  “I am now.” He pulled back to brush his lips against hers before giving Tyler a quick hug.

  Finn clapped him on the back. “He’s right here with us, buddy.”

  “Always.” Liam nodded, a somber expression on his face.

  “Where’s Coop?”

  The guys exchanged a look. The same concern reflected in their gazes. “He’s at the bar with Laney.”

  “This has been really hard for him. It’s tearing open the old wounds,” Finn murmured. “He was good for a while, but Laney…”

  Daxton ran a hand through his slicked back hair. It hadn’t been the easiest six months. Layla evidently didn’t subscribe to the belief that a shootout at your first wedding was a harbinger of good things to come, and she’d taken off only a few months after gushing her “I dos” to Tyler. Gold digging bitch. Then he’d had to deal with burying Merrick, his former best friend turned psychopath. Cooper’s downward spiral after the wedding attack that they’d both miraculously escaped unscathed. Luke’s untimely death…God, there had been so much loss and devastation surrounding him. The foundation provided the anchor he’d needed to remain grounded, hopeful, and focused on the future.

  But Cooper had let go of his anchor and was now floating off into the abyss. A rescue fleet couldn’t save him. Daxton let out a deep sigh. They couldn’t lose Cooper, too, but dammit, he was almost out of reach. The one person who could have pulled him back was the one person who’d ended up driving him further away. Damn you, Laney.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Tyler said, his voice cracking.

  “You’re doing a really special thing here.”

nks, Dad. That means more than you know.” Amazing how only a few words could have such a big impact. Christ, they’d wasted so much time, but the regrets that littered his past were way too many in number to count. Looking forward was his priority. Getting lost in the past, and succumbing to the disappointment over things beyond his control…that part of his life was over. It was time to start a new chapter, and this was the perfect occasion. Well, almost.

  “Go talk to him,” Sara whispered. “I’ll be here when you get back.”

  He brushed his lips against hers. “Have I told you how lucky I am to have you?”

  “Only about five times today. But don’t worry, I’ll let you tell me again later.” With a wink, she nudged him. “Go.”

  It wasn’t hard to spot Cooper at the bar in the back of the banquet room, hunched over in a corner with a few empty shot glasses lined up on the shiny mahogany wood. “What happened to you, man?”

  Cooper looked up, his expression vacant, distant, just…lost. It was a shitty place to be; something Daxton knew all too well. But he’d been lucky enough to find someone who believed in him enough to bring him back from the edge. Who was going to save Cooper from being swallowed up by the regret and the despair that clouded him?

  “Laney left.”


  “Yep.” Cooper lifted a full shot glass to his lips.

  “Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.” Treading lightly was a must. Cooper’s pupils looked like saucers, and too many words would send him spiraling into the unknown.

  “Stay out of my fucking business, Dax.” He downed the amber-colored liquid and slammed the glass on the bar. “You think you get the right to judge because you’re living the fairy tale?” His speech was slurred, courtesy of the liquor, combined with whatever the hell he’d popped or smoked.

  “She’s not good for you, Coop. You know it as well as I do. You’re in a bad place right now, I get it. But you need to walk away. I’m afraid she’ll drag you back to—”

  “Drag me back where? To the place where my life is complete shit? Guess what? I’m already there.”


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