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Dirty, Dark, & Dangerous: A Contemporary Romance Boxset

Page 51

by Luciani, Kristen

  I turn her around and slam her back against the wall, not wanting to miss the look on her face when she hears how she’s been royally fucked by her partner.

  “Kate Torres, you’re under arrest on the charges of embezzlement and fraud.” I wave my hand at the agent in charge, a guy named Thompson I recognize as one of Nate’s team. “This nice man has a more specific count of exactly how many times you screwed people out of their money.”

  Kate’s eyes spit pure fire. “You have nothing on me, you fucking skank!”

  “I actually prefer to go by Special Agent Carlson.” I smile. “And yes, we have everything on you, thanks to your trusted sidekick, Trey Conlon. The game is up, Kate. You’ve hurt too many people, one too many times. It’s your turn now. And the women’s correctional facility is the perfect place for you to reflect for the next twenty to thirty years.”

  Two of the agents grab her wrists and cuff her, leaving me standing next to Jeff. I wipe my sweaty hands on the sides of my dress, trying to calm my racing pulse. I take a deep breath and gaze up at him. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “About everything. I was just trying to do my job.”

  He nods wordlessly, but his eyes never stray from my face. I can see something flicker in the depths. Maybe there’s a chance—

  The doors to the reception swing open and Eva and Damon rush out, flanked by two of the agents assigned to wedding reconnaissance. Jesus, these guys swarm like bees.

  Damon twists in Jeff’s direction, eyes narrowed, and I can see he’s about to bust a gasket. “Dad, what the fuck is happening? Why is the FBI here? And why is Mom in handcuffs?”

  Jeff rakes a hand through his hair, looking at the crowd of open-mouthed reception-goers gathering in the hallway, led by my parents.

  I turn toward my sister and new brother-in-law, my heart clenching at the looks of concern on Eva’s face and suspicion on Damon’s. I reach out and graze Damon’s arm to comfort him, but he shrugs it off before running toward Kate.

  One of the agents slaps a hand to his chest to stop him. “Get the hell off of me. That’s my mother.”

  Agent Thompson cocks an eyebrow. “In addition to being your mother, she’s also a co-conspirator in several of the largest fraud scams on the west coast.”

  Damon fists his hair, his spine stiff as a rod. “I’m an attorney for the prosecutor’s office here in Los Angeles. I don’t know what evidence you’ve secured to crash my fucking wedding, but she has rights.”

  “Between you and me, Counselor, with all the charges pending against her, and the testimony of her partner, she doesn’t have a prayer in hell. But you’re more than welcome to stop by later to see for yourself how very screwed she is.”

  “It’s my wedding! Was this really necessary?”

  “Since her co-conspirator, Trey Conlon, tried to hop a plane to Grand Cayman and flee the country, yeah, I’d say so. She’s a flight risk.”

  “Trey Conlon…” Damon starts, then trailed off, realization washing over his features. “He’s the one—“

  “Damon!” Kate screams, still struggling against the group of agents as they pull her away. “Don’t listen to anyone! It’s all a mistake, sweetie. I’m—“

  “Innocent.” Jeff offers. “Yes, we know. It’s what all the criminals say. Nobody ever did anything wrong, yet the prisons are full.”

  Damon walks right up to Jeff. “He’s the one you were after. I remember the name. What the hell is happening here, Dad?”

  It’s painful to watch Jeff explain the whole sordid story and tell his son that he’s headed back to prison because of a stupid ass parole violation. My heart aches for Damon. He doesn’t deserve any of this, but he needs to hear why Kate was hauled off like the criminal she is. Eva is sobbing, the wedding guests are speaking in hushed tones, and my parents are actually huddled together and not threatening each other with sharp objects. Family bonding at its best.

  Damon’s shoulders sag and he looks over at me. “Is all of this true?” he mumbles.

  I nod my head because the lump in my throat is compromising my ability to squeak out a reply.

  He turns back to his father. “I’m sorry I gave up on you.”

  Jeff places a hand on Damon’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I neglected you for so long. You’d given me so many chances, and I wasted them all.”

  “No more. I told you, this is it, Dad.”

  Jeff nods. “Your mother takes the blue ribbon for fuck ups this time.”

  Eva hesitates and inches toward them. She grips Damon’s arm. “What should we do? Do we send everyone home and go down to the station?”

  Agent Thompson finishes barking orders at a group of agents and meets my gaze. A shudder runs through me as he walks over, cell phone clutched in hand. It’s all very sweet how Jeff and Damon are making amends in the wake of Kate’s arrest, but I know there’s more to come. And it ain’t good from the look on his face.

  “Ariana,” he murmurs. “You know what comes next, don’t you?”

  My throat tight, I nod. “Yes,” I croak. “But give me a minute, okay?


  I take a deep breath, and turn to see my mother push past my father and Bobbie. “Jeff,” she coos, her hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry to hear about Kate. Is there anything I can do at all to help you through this? Anything.” She presses her chest against him and runs her hand up to his shoulder.

  Sweet Jesus. This isn’t uncomfortable at all.

  Eva swipes at her eyes, which are now resembling impressionist art with streaks and swirls of color washed away by her tears. Her mouth drops and she looks at me. I give her a shrug in response. As of our last exchange, he can’t stand to look at me, so maybe he’ll give my mom the romp she so clearly needs. Even thinking it makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit, but I made my bed. Time to lie in it. How ironic. Lie.

  Jeff pulls away from my mother, and places both hands on her shoulders. “Angeline, thanks for your concern, but I think I have everything I need.” His gaze shifts to me. “I’m in love with your daughter.”

  If my mother’s face hadn’t been so full of Botox, I’m sure there would have been a telltale sign of her disgust. Or shock. Or any shred of emotion, for that matter. Her lips stretch into a tight line and her newly lifted eyes float in my direction. Talk about awkward. I’ve only been listening to how she wants to bang Jeff’s brains out for the past how many weeks? She takes a few steps toward me, her lips brushing against my ear. “You know, I’ve been fantasizing about that man nightly since we met, but I promise I’ll stop now out of respect to you. I’ll even bet he’s much bigger than the vibrator I’ve named after him.” She squeezes my hand. “I’m so happy for you. Your father was convinced you were a lesbian, but I knew it was only a matter of time before you found the right man.”

  I really don’t think my eyes could possibly get any bigger without them popping out of my skull. Jeff the vibrator? Yeah, we don’t need to discuss that ever again.

  My mother drops my hand and saunters back toward the wedding guests. Eva is grinning like a crazy person through her tears, Damon is still looking a little shell-shocked, and Bobbie is eyeing Jeff and licking her lips like he’s a sizzling steak that she can’t wait to sink her teeth into. My father is oblivious and yammering to nobody in particular about the astronomical cost of the wedding and how the FBI should be held accountable for destroying the party.

  God, what a crew. If I ever get married, I’m eloping.

  Jeff grabs me by the shoulders, leaning his forehead against mine. “I know they’re all watching, and I don’t care. I’m sorry for walking away earlier, but I’m not sorry about outing us. I don’t really give a shit what you do for a living, so long as I get to fuck that perfect pussy every time I want.” He winds his thick fingers into my hair. “And I want it forever, Ari.”

  My chest tightens. “I want that, too, Jeff. But—“

  His lips curl upward. “I know. Don’t say it.”

  “I’m so sorry.” My voice quive
rs and tears spring to my eyes. “I tried to get them to drop the charges, but they wouldn’t do it.”

  He strokes the side of my face. “Just do me a favor. I know you know my associates. Make sure they know what happened. I don’t want them doing anything that’ll get them pinched, too. This was my stupid ass plan. They shouldn’t take the fall for it because I fucked it all up.”

  “I promise, I’ll take care of it.”

  “I’m coming back for you, Ari.”

  I manage a weak smile. “When?”

  “Three to six months, most likely.” He winks for me. “Maybe you’ll consider a conjugal visit or two?”

  I wrinkle my nose. “I’d prefer you screwing me against a desk again, rather than over one of those prison beds.”

  “They’re not so bad.” He winks as one of the agents walks over with a pair of handcuffs. He slaps them on Jeff’s wrists and leads him away. Each step he takes away from me has the effect of a hammer pounding away at my heart.

  Eva rushes over and throws her arms around me as the tears spill over. My shoulders quake as sobs wrack my body. “Jeff, I love you!”

  He flips around, a cocky smile on his tanned face. “Yeah, I know. Stop crying, and go have some fun. We’ll have plenty of our own soon enough.”

  I giggle through my tears. God, I really do love that felon. He’s obnoxious, he’s crude, and he’s so deliciously deviant - everything I never knew I wanted and can’t live without.

  And he’s all mine…in three to six months.



  As I walk out of San Pedro Federal Penitentiary three months after the wedding, the alarm shatters my skull yet again. But I know for shit sure it’ll be the last time. I’m not messing up again. I’ve taken way too many liberties with my life and the people I actually care about.

  Speaking of which, I haven’t heard much from Damon about Kate since her trial began. I’m sure she spends plenty of time each day seething in that orange jumpsuit, the one she’ll be wearing for a very fucking long time to come. It was a betrayal like I’ve never experienced in my life, but hey, she’s finally paying that pretty fucking huge debt.

  The late afternoon sun shines bright, and the sky is clear and blue. It’s a perfect day to take a road trip. I massage the back of my neck and walk toward the Range Rover parked outside the wrought iron gate. A much different ride than the last one I’d taken out of Nevada in Remo’s car. At least in Ariana’s car, I won’t be too scared of what I’m stepping in. Or sitting in, for that matter.

  The driver’s side door pops open, and she hops out in her sky high heels. My cock twitches as she runs toward me, launching herself into my arms and wrapping those legs around my waist. Under other circumstances, I might have considered taking her right against the side of the car, but we have other passengers who might not appreciate that kind of a show.

  Later. Much later.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispers against my ear.

  “Can you feel how much I’ve missed you?” I murmur, taking a deep breath of her clean, floral scent. The skin on the back of my neck prickles, and my half-hard-on is now much more out of control than I’d like, especially since I can’t do anything about it. I slide my hand over her ass and give it a squeeze. “I hope you’re wearing something extra special under that skirt. Remember, I’ve been pent up for three months looking at nothing but guys in orange jumpsuits.”

  She flashes a seductive grin and licks her lips. “I’m actually not wearing anything under this skirt. And I’m going to take full advantage of the fact that you’ve been so sexually repressed in that concrete box of a home you’ve been keeping.”

  “Thank God they let me out early on good behavior. I hope you’ve got big celebration plans.”

  “Oh, I do.”

  The rear passenger side door opens, and Eva slides out of the leather bucket seat, followed by Damon. Eva has a smirk plastered on her face, and a hand over her larger than normal belly.

  I set Ariana on the ground and do a quick shift of my jeans while she’s still in front of me, hiding the bulging evidence. “So congratulations are in order.”

  “They sure are, Grandpa.”

  Fuck me.

  I keep my hand around Ari’s waist, guiding her closer to the car while I think about giving blood, hair in my food, mangled road kill, anything to kill the erection threatening to erupt out of my pants.

  Damon pulls me in for a hug. “Good to see you, Dad. You lost some weight in there.”

  “I don’t have to tell you what kind of shit they pass off as food.” I clap my hands on his back. “And I sure as hell wouldn’t turn away a steak right now.”

  “Then, let’s get the hell out of here!” Ariana jumps into the driver’s seat and the rest of us pile into the car. She guns the engine, and before long, we’re on Route 66 heading west.

  “So, Dad,” Damon says. “What are you planning to do when we get back?”

  Ariana turns to me with a big smile on her face. “I spoke to the Deputy Director, and he’s ready to bury the hatchet. He said everyone wants you to come back to the Bureau. They’ve reviewed the details of your case and expunged all of your past criminal records so they can make you an offer. No more parole. You’re totally free and clear. Isn’t that amazing?”

  I take a deep breath and squeeze her hand. “Maybe that’s not the right path for me.”

  She furrows her brow. “What do you mean? You were fired unjustly, and they want to make things right.”

  “All I’m saying is that now that you got your promotion, maybe I need my own thing. You know, since I’m a free man.” I turn toward Damon. “Like maybe a new private investigation firm that tracks and prosecutes assholes like Conlon and…” I clear my throat. “…your mother. But I’d need a partner.”

  Damon’s eyes light up. “Really?”

  I nod. “I’ve been working on some ideas. Kegs and Remo can be the muscle, and they have plenty of prospective clients. What do you think? We’d need legal counsel.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go back to the Bureau? You lived for that job, Dad. I don’t want you to regret missing this opportunity later.”

  “Fuck those assholes for screwing with me in the first place. I owe them nothing. I poured my heart and soul into that job, and for what? To go crawling back to them now? Hell, no. I wasted enough time, Damon. I have a lot to make up for, and I want to start now. What do you think? Let’s do this together. Give it a chance. Give me a chance.” I hold my breath.

  Damon exchanges a look with Eva and rubs her slightly protruding belly. “What do you think? Would you be okay with it?”

  She nods and wipes a tear away. “Of course. Do it. We’re fine on money, and this can be huge.”

  He looks back to me and shrugs. “Let’s do it!”

  I finally feel like the pieces are falling into place for me. It’s taken a fucking long ass time, but here we are. The stretch of road through the desert is never ending, but as long as I have these people with me, I don’t care how long it takes. I’m already home.

  I hear a loud chuckle from the peanut gallery. “Guys, look!” Eva squeals, pointing to a large billboard for an Elvis-officiating wedding chapel in Vegas. “Maybe we need to renew our vows since our first wedding was destroyed and overrun with gun-wielding FBI agents, huh? Maybe it’s an omen, kind of like sealing the deal for the new partnership! New partners, still kind of new partners…could be fun. I’ve always wanted to be married by Elvis.”

  “Or,” I tighten my grip on Ariana’s hand as it shifts gears. “Maybe it’s an omen for something else.”

  “Oh yeah?” She cocks an eyebrow. “Like what?”

  “Like, maybe the omen is for us to get hitched since we’re kind of responsible for screwing up their wedding.”

  The Range Rover screeches to a halt on the side of the road, the tires kicking up enough dirt and gravel to choke us all. Ariana throws it into Park, twisting in her seat. “Are yo
u serious right now? We’re on our way home from prison and you want to get married?”

  “Yeah.” I stroke the side of her face. “Ari, I already told you. I’ve wasted enough time. I want you. I have since the minute I saw you in that club. You had such a chip on your shoulder, and I wanted to be the one to knock it off.”

  She stares at me, her eyes searing a hole into my skull. They narrow slowly, her expression morphing into something decidedly fierce. That’s probably not a good sign.

  A strand of glossy dark hair falls in front of her eyes, and I sweep it behind her ear. Her gaze finally softens and she places her hand over mine. “If you want me so badly, then you’d better adjust your approach and ask me nicely, Jeff. I think you know I don’t respond well to orders.”

  I lean closer, my lips practically on hers. “You love when I take charge, even though you still won’t admit that it makes you hot,” I murmur.

  “I really don’t want to be hearing any of this. This whole proposal is making my ears bleed.” Damon lets out a groan.

  “Most romantic proposal ever. I mean, you really know how to win a woman over with your charm and timing.” Ariana clutches a hand to her heart.

  “What do you think? Elvis is waiting.” I trace the outline of her lips until they curl into a smile so bright, it could rival the lights on the Vegas strip.

  Ariana leans her elbow on the steering wheel and suddenly, she’s all business. “I think you’re a big liability, Jeff. You’re hot-headed, cocky, impulsive, and demanding. But I’m crazy about you, and I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. God help us.”

  “Yeah, well you definitely scream for God when we’re together.” I wink and crush my lips against hers in a kiss so deep, I almost forget where we are. Almost. Lucky for Damon.

  * * *


  “Elvis has left the building.”

  “He what?” I twist my hands, beads of perspiration popping up along the back of my neck. We’d seen the sign, driven straight here, and now Elvis is gone? Shit, maybe this is another omen. Maybe we need to go back to L.A. and take a few breaths. And we can do that now that he doesn’t have to worry about violating parole. Jeff is the impulsive one, not me. I’m a planner. Maybe we need a plan, and an engagement, and—


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