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The Legendary Mechanic

Page 876

by <unknown>

  Not only was the president, Manison, of no use at all, he even caused the association to be suspected. The comparison was way too stark.

  “Alright, alright, don’t get so excited guys. It’s good to not be wrongly affected. At least Manison cleared his suspicion. Don’t target him for today. Wait till tomorrow.”

  Han Xiao coughed and interrupted.

  Although this was an act of building his reputation, this was enough. He was worried that if these members got too excited, he would be wearing a golden robe very soon.

  Hearing this, the others had extremely dumbfounded looks on their faces.

  Black Star spoke for Manison‽

  Our youth has ended!

  The others could not believe it. Manison glanced at Han Xiao with a complicated expression but was less hostile than before.

  The others had no idea, but how could he not know? After the Super Star Cluster Alliance took the blame, he knew that the mysterious force that secretly helped him was most likely Black Star.

  He probably did this for the sake of the big picture.

  Manison sighed.

  Back when Hila was attacked, he had helped Black Star. Now, Black Star helped him in return.

  The two of them had been in conflict for many days, but at this moment, Manison uncontrollably felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

  Han Xiao noticed Manison’s look too. He glanced at him and said, “What you looking at?”


  Manison looked away, closed his eyes, and hid his emotions.

  Han Xiao ignored him, looked to the other side, and saw Sorokin.

  Sorokin did not have his signature fake smile on but instead looked very concerned and was dazing off.

  From the way he looks, the dynasty has probably made moves secretly.

  Han Xiao snickered in his mind.

  Letting the Super Star Cluster Alliance take the blame was only a short-term solution; his mission was not shown as completed. However, he was not very concerned about it.

  Things had settled. The storm caused by him secretly beating Gaud up finally came to an end for the time being. Overall, he was quite satisfied with the current situation—he had cleared the hidden threat and did not get impacted. This result was quite good.

  After the people spoke among themselves for quite a while, Han Xiao suddenly put on a serious expression and said, “Guys, we can’t be glad yet. The situation is clear now. The three Universal Civilizations will certainly win the war, and the Super Star Cluster Alliance won’t be able to last long. Once they lose, they’ll at least keep a low profile for many decades. When the three Universal Civilizations have more time on their hands, we’ll be their next target!

  “Don’t forget, the three Universal Civilizations have been planning to do that since the start. It was only delayed by the Flickering War. We’ve been growing smoothly in the past years because the real obstacle has yet to arrive. Be mentally prepared… The day the three Universal Civilizations pressure us isn’t that far away.”

  Hearing this, the others nodded with a serious expression.


  After the direct members of the three Universal Civilizations joined the war, like the last straw, the battle rapidly became completely one-sided.

  Most people predicted that the war would still go on for two to three years. However, due to the impact of what happened to Gaud, this duration was tremendously reduced.

  In only eleven months, the three Universal Civilizations cleared out the Super Star Cluster Alliance’s military power in the Flickering World’s fourth exploration phase area, retrieving all territories.

  The Flickering War ended with the Super Star Cluster Alliance’s tragic loss. They invested countless resources and ended up crushed. In the end, they could not change their fate and could only lick their wounds in the dark.

  The Crimson Dynasty redistributed the fourth exploration phase’s territories. Those who participated in the war could keep their territory. Part of the remaining territory would be developed by the dynasty. The rest would be leased, sold, or rewarded to organizations who made contributions. This time, no Beyond Grade A ally was rewarded any territory.

  Han Xiao, however, successfully bought the venue of the players’ national war, Planet Milton. He stationed a regiment of the army on the planet and only slightly modified it, keeping the marks left by the players during the national war.

  As the flames of war extinguished, the Flickering World temporarily entered a time of peace. The three Universal Civilizations started to deal with the aftershock of the war, recover the law and order of the various territories, and rest.

  However, the impact of what happened to Gaud did not end with the Super Star Cluster Alliance’s loss but continued to ferment where no one could see.

  In this atmosphere, more than half a year passed.

  On this day, the big event finally arrived for the Crimson Dynasty.

  Urranrell retired. The new ruler had taken office!

  Chapter 1234: The New Ruler |

  On the Crimson Dynasty’s mother planet, Tarunamir Palace’s biggest auditorium was the venue for all kinds of large ceremonies. All the handover ceremonies for the dynasty’s rulers were held there and broadcast to the entire universe.

  The venue was already set up. All the seats were filled, and most were remote projections. There were dynasty officials, leaders of their subsidiary allied civilizations, and the envoys of the federation and the church.

  The Beyond Grade A allies were also invited to attend. They sat toward the back of the middle area, beside the dynasty’s direct members.

  Han Xiao sat between Kant and Milizaus. The ceremony had yet to start, and the three of them were chatting.

  “Time passed so quickly. Urranrell is retiring too.” Kant sighed.

  “Now that I think about it, I’ve already met four different dynasty rulers. Although Urranrell wasn’t the wisest among them, she was definitely the friendliest,” Milizaus mumbled. As a member of the Ancient Ones, his life experience was rich.

  “Well, it’s the first time I’ve witnessed the change of head of state.”

  Han Xiao was quite interested.

  In his previous life, players could not reach this level, so it was the first time he had experienced this kind of event himself. He found it refreshing.

  Although I’m stronger than most Beyond Grade As in the universe, I’m still a curious boy.

  At this time, Kant subtly pointed forward with his mouth and whispered, “See that? That’s the new dynasty ruler. Any idea who he is?”

  “Nope.” Milizaus shook his head.

  Han Xiao looked over too. The new ruler’s seat was right beside. From Han Xiao’s perspective, he could only see the new ruler’s broad back.

  Long before the handover ceremony, the personnel taking over the top positions in the dynasty had already been decided internally. The path had been set long ago. The new ruler’s identity was kept a secret to the outside world only because of the dynasty’s practice. The allies of the dynasty had no way of finding out before the day.

  However, Han Xiao was not one of them—he knew who this new dynasty ruler was long ago.

  After chatting for a while, the starting time of the ceremony approached. The voices in the venue gradually lowered, and people started to sit up straight.

  When the time came, the entire place was already completely silent. The official hosting the ceremony stood up, expressed the dynasty’s welcome toward the people there, and announced the official beginning of the ceremony.

  The dynasty ruler’s handover ceremony adhered to the civilization’s theme completely. The process was short and simple, not flashy and complex like the Federation of Light.

  After a few programs, it was finally time for the focus of the ceremony, the handover. Urranrell first had to give a speech.

  Under the attention of everyone present, Urranrell walked up to the podium. She wore a simple dynasty uniform. Her hair
was tied up high, and there was nothing unusual.

  She looked around the venue for three seconds before slowly saying, “Today reminds me of the day I took the position as the dynasty’s ruler. I was confident, proud, and firmly believed I could make the dynasty better. After so many years, the things I wished to do have already been achieved in different ways. I can proudly tell myself that I did not fail the beliefs I initially had, nor did I fail the dynasty.

  “Looking back, we’ve accomplished many feats in many fields such as politics, economics, order of the universe, and so on. Our biggest achievement was the development of the Flickering World. This will determine the dynasty’s rapid growth in the future. Along the way of the dynasty’s growth, we were lucky enough to meet many friends and allies that share our philosophies. The dynasty has been able to achieve what it has achieved today not because of me alone, it’s the result of the hard work of all of the dynasty’s allies and friends. For that, I would like to show my sincerest appreciation to all of your contributions.”

  Urranrell bowed and made a dynasty gesture. Thunderous applause sounded in the venue.

  The applause lasted for a few seconds. Urranrell straightened her back, raised her hand, and pressed down, signaling that they did not have to continue clapping any longer.

  “Of course, the dynasty’s path is also filled with obstacles. Our path has never been a smooth ride, and we’ve faced a lot of challenges.

  “The dynasty rose from nothing. Our predecessors fought through hardships and disasters. In the end, it led us to standing as a universal civilization, becoming one of the foundations that maintains the order of our galactic society. The golden spirit of the dynasty has been passed on through generations. It’s deeply scorched in our genes. We don’t fear hardships. We solved many difficulties including the Intelligent Plaque, not only protecting our civilization but also the safety of the entire universe. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

  “The trend of the world always is filled with twists and turns. There’ll be new challenges and new opportunities in the future. I sincerely wish for all the dynasty’s people to forever maintain the dynasty’s spirit—no matter what difficulties lie ahead, never fear and face them with a smile.

  “Today, my term ends. My duties will be smoothly passed on to the next leader of the dynasty, who will continue to carry on our divine responsibility of our civilization and the universe.

  “I believe, the dynasty will reach new heights in his hands, just as I believed in myself.

  “Last but not the least… long live the dynasty!”

  Then, Urranrell bowed again. Her speech was not long, nor did she boast about her achievements. It was simple and clean.

  Clap clap clap!

  The next second, thunderous and deafening applause sounded in the venue, giving the highest approval and praise to a ruler who was about to retire.

  Han Xiao clapped too. Memories of his interactions with Urranrell flashed past his mind as he sighed.

  He had known her for decades. Putting aside their identities, they were more or less friends.

  We’ll probably rarely ever see her again in the future…

  After a dynasty ruler retired, they would still continue to enjoy the same level of privileges and treatment, only they no longer had any political power. They would usually live on the dynasty’s mother planet and hardly ever show their faces at any public events. After their life span ended, they could choose whether or not to upload their backup memories into the dynasty’s main artificial intelligence, Heroic Soul.

  The thunderous applause lasted a full minute before stopping slowly. Urranrell stepped aside, and that hefty new ruler walked up to the podium and showed his face in front of everyone.

  This man’s face was tough and angular. His hairline was rather high, showing his smooth forehead. He was tall and muscular. His huge chest muscles and biceps stretched out his uniform tightly, outlining his body shape. He was giving off an assertive and firm vibe all over his body, like a cluster of walking male hormones. He was confident, proud, and ambitious.

  Marbruce Peel Stanson, the dynasty’s new ruler. He used to be an officer in the dynasty’s military. He then moved into the political field. Starting as a planet manager, he rose all the way to becoming the manager of a Star Cluster before moving to the central department of the dynasty. During Urranrell’s term, he qualified to be trained by the Doyens, becoming one of the candidates for the next ruler. In the end, he surpassed everyone else and was confirmed as the next ruler.

  Related information flashed past in Han Xiao’s mind. This person was the dynasty’s ruler the players in his previous life were most familiar with.

  Urranrell was considered a semi-special case. Someone like Marbruce was actually the norm for the dynasty rulers. Of the many dynasty rulers throughout history, most had the same vibe.

  Marbruce looked around, introduced himself briefly, and said with a serious tone, “I give my highest admiration to the contributions Urranrell has made in the past years. She’s the key reason the dynasty stands where it stands today. For many years in the future, I’ll be leading the dynasty. Just as she believes in me, I believe in myself too. I will not fail my duties and will lead the dynasty to continue forward…”

  His tone was filled with a strong sense of confidence.

  Compared to Urranrell’s speech at the end of her term, his speech to kick-start his term was different. He analyzed the current situation, talked about his plans for the future, shared his political philosophies, emphasized on the growth route of the dynasty, created political goals for himself, and so on. It was much longer than Urranrell’s speech, lasting for more than an hour.

  If Han Xiao had to conclude what was said, the key words were ‘strengthen centralized political power’, ‘reinforce area control’, ‘expand military power’, ‘encourage partnerships in multiple fields’, ‘reduce unnecessary resource wastage’, and so on. This was quite different from the dynasty’s policies when Urranrell was in office, emphasizing the dynasty’s control over different fields.

  Though they did not show it on their faces, many guests were already impacted by his new policies.

  As the dynasty changed its policies, many forces would be severely impacted, and the firm philosophy of the new ruler was, of course, not good news for them. This was only a heads-up.

  The eyes of many Beyond Grade A allies were also flickering.

  “I didn’t expect the new ruler to be so firm. I thought he’d choose to take the steadier path at the beginning of his term,” Kant mumbled softly.

  Milizaus shook his head. “What he said has definitely been approved by the internal members of the dynasty. Since they have no problems with it, it’s not like us outsiders can influence who will become the leader of the three Universal Civilizations. His position is rock solid to begin with.”

  “Sigh, my honeymoon period with the dynasty is probably going to end.”

  Han Xiao shook his head and had this feeling.

  Urranrell trusted him so much because they had experienced many incidents together, so they had built a trusting relationship. Marbruce, however, had never met him. Even if he heeded him, he would not be as friendly as Urranrell.

  Nonetheless, it was enough. Having benefited from the partnership for many decades, the Black Star Army had already completed its rise. As long as he could maintain the current situation, he would be quite happy about it.

  Everyone had their own plans, but they all looked like they were paying full attention to the ceremony, not showing anything on their faces.

  Not long after, the handover ceremony finally came to its end. Urranrell and Marbruce shook hands firmly, announcing the completion of the handover of the dynasty’s power. This moment would forever be recorded in the dynasty’s history as a photo.

  On Galaxy Calendar Year 740, February 15th, the ruler of the Crimson Dynasty changed. Urranrell retired, and the dynasty entered the age of Marbruce.

  Two day
s later, the Federation of Light hosted a handover ceremony too. Bader retired as the president, and the new Federation of Light president took over. His name was Louis Rocky.

  Two of the three Universal Civilizations changed their leaders in just a few days, attracting the attention of the whole galactic society. The majority of the galactic residents were speculating how this would change their everyday lives.

  On the third day, Han Xiao finally received Marbruce’s invitation to meet in private.


  Han Xiao’s remote projection appeared in the ruler’s office. Marbruce was sitting on where Urranrell once sat, but his personal guard remained the same. It was still Clotti.

  “Black Star, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Marbruce gave a manly smile.

  “Your Excellency Ruler Marbruce.” Han Xiao nodded respectfully too.

  “You’re a legend in the universe. I’ve always wanted to meet you, and today, my wish is finally fulfilled.” Marbruce’s tone was liberal and somewhat friendly.

  Seeing this, Han Xiao praised Marbruce in reply.

  The way Han Xiao looked at it, as Marbruce just became the ruler, he had to meet with every important member of the dynasty. This meeting was just purely to get to know him; there was no special agenda.

  The two of them chatted for a while before Marbruce brought up the key point.

  “I won’t make any changes to Urranrell’s agreement with you, nor will the dynasty interfere with the territories that have been given to you. I also won’t stop the support and assistance we’ve been providing to you. So, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Hehe, I’ve always believed the dynasty is fair and just. I’ve never had any doubts.” Han Xiao gave a formal and standard reply.

  Marbruce grinned, suddenly changed the topic, and said, “About the issues with the Beyond Grade A Association, the dynasty is still discussing it. If you have any suggestions, feel free to bring them up to me anytime. I’ll consider them carefully.”

  Han Xiao maintained his smile, nodded, and did not reply.


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