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Seducing the Baker (At First Sight)

Page 8

by Janet Lane-Walters

  “Place is real popular. What do you want?”

  Jules smiled. “I understand you want to increase your order.”

  “Would be nice but the rep hasn’t been in for more than a week.” The man leaned forward. “Why are you here? You’re not one of the owners.”

  “Owners?” Jules asked. “I only know of one.”

  “Everyone knows.” Mr. Trent chuckled. “Girl the Patons raised opened the bakery and made them partners. Charlene’s the one who delivers my orders.”

  “Did you pay by check?”

  “What right do you have to ask these questions?”

  Jules slapped his card on the table. “I’ve been asked by her attorney to look into this business. How did you pay?”

  “With cash.”

  Interesting. He questioned the man about the price. “I thank you for the information. I suggest you speak to the owner to arrange your order. Charlene Paton no longer represents the bakery.”

  “I’ll do that.” Mr. Trent reached for the phone.

  “I suggest you approach this as a new customer.”

  “Like that, is it?”

  “Yes.” Jules left the office and strode to his Jeep. Got you, Charlene. He slid onto the seat and drove to Tony’s house.

  He couldn’t wait to tell Grace about Charlene but that had to wait until after tomorrow’s meeting with Charlene’s attorney. Before starting the vehicle his thoughts wandered. Was prying into lives and businesses all he wanted in life? He had a degree in accounting and finance. Curiosity and a distrusting nature had led him to his current career.

  Jules started the engine. He trusted his friends. His current vocation had become boring. New challenges were needed. Helping Grace might be the answer.

  He pulled into the driveway and parked his car. Tomorrow begins a new day.

  On Friday afternoon he and Tony walked up the stairs to Mr. Gumble’s law office. “Nice location.”

  Tony nodded. “Did some searching on the man. He owns the entire corner block. I found items to make me think he’s greedy and just a few steps above legit.”

  “He’s getting none of my money.” Jules chuckled. “I did some looking too. I want to see Charlene’s face when I spring what I know.”

  Tony glanced over his shoulder. “What are you planning?”

  “A small surprise.”

  “Tell me. I want you to be as surprised as anyone who doesn’t know.” He followed Tony into a reception area screaming money. Plush chairs, rocks of magazines, a coffee set-up completed the room’s furnishings.

  “Mr. Carlin and Mr. Grayson to see Mr. Gumble,” Tony said.

  The receptionist pressed a button. “He’s expecting you.”

  “Has his client arrived?” Tony asked.

  “We’re expecting her at any moment.” She opened the door to a spacious corner room. The conference faced a large expanse of glass overlooking the street.

  Mr. Gumble gestured to the table. “As usual my client is late. Perhaps you can put your offer on the table. I’ve informed her Mr. Grayson has refused to marry her.”

  “Damn straight,” Jules said.

  Tony sat beside Jules. “The paternity test results must be had before any agreement can be reached.”

  “She won’t agree.”

  “Then she’ll be in contempt of court. We have a writ compelling the boy’s DNA.”

  Jules tapped his foot against the plush carped. How long would Charlene make them wait?

  Ten minutes later the door opened. Charlene strolled inside. Jules stared at her sprayed on jeans and shirt nearly exposing more cleft that he wanted to see.

  She smiled. “Jules, hello.”

  “Hell no.” He almost laughed at her scowl.

  “Ready to admit defeat.” She reached the table and put her hands on the surface. She leaned forward and her breasts nearly left the scanty cover.

  Jules leaned back in the chair. “Don’t think that’s on the agenda.

  “We’ll see.”

  “Sit down,” Mr. Gumble said.

  Tony opened his briefcase. “There’s nothing to discuss without the results of the paternity test. Oh, we’ve learned your son is staying with a Mrs. Mason in Rocky Point.”

  “You’re not going to hurt my son.”

  Tony leaned forward. “A cheek swab doesn’t hurt. Without the paternity test no judge will award you any money.”

  Charlene turned to Mr. Gumble. “Is he telling the truth? That ain’t the way you said this would work. Didn’t you say my word is good?”

  “And you swore Mr. Grayson vanished before you could tell him you were pregnant.” He heavy-jowled man scowled. “Without the test you’re throwing away a lot of money.”

  Charlene pointed a finger at Jules. “This is all Grace’s fault. She’ll be sorry. I’ll tell people her cupcakes will poison them.”

  Jules smacked the table with his hand. “Do not go there. You will end in jail.”

  She sneered. “How?”

  “For theft. Mr. Trent, owner of the diner believed you were Grace’s partner when he bought cupcakes from you. You deliver them to him five nights a week and he pays you cash. To obtain them you lie to Grace. I have documentation. The diner owner believes you and your parents are Grace’s partners.”

  “We should be.”

  “What have you done to earn that position?”

  Charlene’s face turned ruddy. “It’s not fair for her to earn all that money. She owes us.”

  “So get a job. You’re a leach profiting from someone else’s labor.”

  Tony nodded. “Your attempt to claim Jules fathered your child speaks to that.” He turned to Mr. Gumble. “You have no case.”

  “I can see that.” Mr. Gumble grasped Charlene’s arm. “I’ll send you a bill.”

  Tony rose. “One more thing. I’ll assist Derek when he goes for custody of his son.”

  “You can’t do that,” Charlene screamed. “All I want is what should have been mine.”

  Jules laughed. “That’s what you’ll get. Nothing.” He followed Tony from the room.

  His friend turned. “Liked your surprise. Are you going to tell Grace?”

  “On my way to see her.”

  When they reached the street he opened the door of the Jeep. “See you later.” Would Grace understand his flight and forgive him. The time to stop running away and start running toward was today.

  He parked beside her van in the small rear parking lot and walked to the front door. Five or six customers waited for Bonnie to serve them. The aromas in the air tantalized. Jules strode past the counter. Bonnie winked. He entered the kitchen. Grace stood at the work table icing cupcakes. He stopped behind her.


  She turned. A stream of icing hit his face and dripped on his suit. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Pungent wintergreen, sweet icing and Grace. He deepened the kiss. Would she find the answers he wanted to the questions he intended to ask?

  * * *

  The aroma of wintergreen and the man pulled Grace into a whirlpool of passion. She should be angry. Instead her desire for him grew with each swipe of his tongue over her lips. She opened her mouth. Tongues curled driving desire higher.

  He raised his head. She gulped a breath and gazed into his dark brown eyes. “Charlene lied.”

  “I know.”

  “She made me angry. Told her good today.”

  “Made me angry, too. I’m glad you escaped her manipulations.” She touched his chin. “You’re lucky there was only a squirt of icing left in the bag. I could have ruined your suit.”

  “Wouldn’t have mattered.” Her grin returned.

  She traced his dimple. “What are you thinking?”

  “Of other places for icing.” He grasped her hand. “Can you leave? I want to talk to you somewhere we can’t be interrupted.”

  “I’ll put these trays in the cooler and check with Bonnie.”

  Jules followed her into the shop. After the kiss what c
ame next? Her body throbbed with need.

  “Jules and I have something to discuss. I’ll be back to clean up.”

  “Go,” Bonnie said. “The rush is over. I’ll clean and close.” She paused. “What about the leftovers?”

  Jules paused at the counter. “I’ll take a dozen. Your choice. Don’t give any to Charlene if she’s bold enough to try. She sells the ones she takes to the diner.”

  “I could take them there,” Bonnie said. “He could be a steady customer.”

  “No deliveries to him until you have a contract,” Jules said.

  Grace nodded. “I have an idea. Drop them off at the local food bank. Call them and let them know the cupcakes can be frozen. That’s where we can take the extras from now on.”

  Jules held Grace’s coat. Once she’d buttoned up he took the box and they left the shop. As they walked to his Jeep he held her hand. “Get in.”

  “Where are we going?”


  “I can’t go to the city.”

  “We’re not.”

  He pulled the Jeep from the parking lot and she realized they headed to the condo. “Since when is my place your home?”

  “As of today. I’ll move my clothes over the next few days and settle in until we find a larger house.”

  “Aren’t you assuming?”

  “I’m sure you won’t make an ass out of me. You’ll make me a happy man. Besides, I left a bunch of condoms at your place. We have to use them before they spoil.”

  Grace giggled. “You are so full of it.”

  “I know but you love the way I am.” He pulled into the driveway and used an opener to raise the garage door.

  “Where did you get that? Did you break into my van?”

  Jules patted her hand. “From Tony. Seems Lauren took the spare one when she moved in with him. Forgot to return the gadget to you.” He closed the opening, came around and lifted her to the ground. He kissed her long and hard and then pulled her inside. “The dude is needy.”


  “I’m coming.” He set his overnight case on the floor, took off his coat and boots. He opened the bakery box. “Later. Right now I bet I can beat you getting naked.”

  Grace shook her head. “Explanation.”

  “Later.” He kissed her. “Take the bet.”

  “All right.” She knew what he wanted. She quickly shed her clothes. She ran to the stairs. “I win.”

  He eased past her. “I’ll hit the bed first.”

  Grace ducked under his arm and dove onto the bed. She rolled to her back. Jules landed beside her and dotted her chest with icing from the cupcake he held. He knelt with his knees straddling her thighs. Like a mad artist he spread icing over her belly. “Thought about doing this since the day I walked into the bakery for the first time.” He bent and ran his tongue over her chest then raised his head to kiss her.

  He tasted of wintergreen and sugar. “Jules.”

  “Relax. I’m aiming for a sugar high.” He kissed and licked her other breast and continued along her belly.

  Heat flowed to her core. “Condom. Hurry.”


  He thrust his tongue into her mouth. She felt his erection slide along her labia. He raised his body and took a foil packet from the stack she hadn’t moved. He rose to his knees and sheathed himself.

  Grace watched. Her breath caught. Desire welled. He laced his fingers with hers. She raised her legs to circle his hips. Slowly he pressed inside. When he thrust and retreated she caught the rhythm. Heat built.

  Perspiration from his face dripped onto her body. The sound of flesh against flesh filled the air along with moans and groans. The aroma of pine, vanilla and wintergreen mingled with the scents of sex.

  Her inner muscles tightened around him. She pressed her feet against his rear. The burn ignited and she flew like a rocket headed for outer space. Jules shouted her name. He murmured words she couldn’t believe he’d said.

  He rolled to his side and snugged her close. “I love you.”

  Her eyes flew open. “I love you.”

  He lightly kissed her. “We need to shower and get dressed.”


  “Tires for your van and a ring for your finger. I want the world to know you’re mine.”

  She winked. “And you’re mine forever.”

  “No ring.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Their mouths met in a kiss filled with a million promises.

  * * *

  Two days after Christmas Jules stood beside the cupcake tower in the dining room of Tony’s house. The morning wedding has seen a gathering of friends. They had gathered here for the reception.

  Jules lifted a cupcake and took a bite. His taste buds went into overdrive. His fabulous fiancée had nailed the flavor. Coffee and chocolate merged into the perfect mocha.

  Across the room he caught a flash of a crimson dress. Grace held an animated conversation with Allie and Greg. Probably about food. Greg’s restaurant had provided the lavish lunch.

  As though Grace sensed his stare she turned and walked toward him. His heart thundered. Would the sight of her ever fail to stir an erection?

  She halted and pointed to the half-eaten cupcake in his hand. “Looks like you approve.”

  “It’s the perfect mocha without a cup.”

  “How many have you eaten?”

  He pulled her into his arms. “Five.”

  A flash went off. Jules turned and saw Meg and Steve near the tiered display. Steve chuckled. “Caught you.”

  Meg laughed. “If Jules told you he’s eaten five he can’t count. I figure at least seven. He has to keep up with this one.” She elbowed her husband.

  Jules shook his head. “Tattletale.”

  From across the room he heard Jamie squeal. Davy sat on the carpet and built a block tower the toddler knocked down. Christa crouched beside the pair and Mark sprawled on the floor near them. Jules felt happy for his friend who had found his lost love and his son.

  With camera in one hand and a cupcake in the other Steve paused to take more pictures of the people gathered in the large living room.

  Where were Matt and Cassie? The entire troop of friends were traveling to Pittsburgh in June for their wedding. He spotted them at the buffet table with Stella and Peter Blakefield. The older couple had married last summer.

  “Up, up.” Jamie shouted.

  Jules turned to see Tony and Lauren dressed in their traveling clothes. Tony scooped the toddler from the floor and carried him to Grace. Jules joined her.

  “He’s yours for a week,” Tony said. “Think you can handle him?”

  Jules grinned. “As long as we have help.”

  Lauren kissed his cheek. “Don’t feed him too many cupcakes. When you take him to the bakery. You do have a list of sitters for when you need a break.”

  Grace nodded. “We do.”

  In a flurry of hugs and kissed Tony and Lauren left. The others followed to the door and pelted them with birdseed. Two by two the other couples left taking small boxes of cupcakes Grace had boxed. She took the top layer and packed them for freezing and placed the container in the large freezer.

  Jules packed away the remains of the buffet. “We’ll eat good for a day or three.” He carried Jamie to the kitchen. The toddler yawned. “Tired, pal.” He turned to Grace. “He’s ready for a nap. Do we need a bottle?”

  “Only at bedtime,” Grace said. “Carry him upstairs. I’ll be there in a few minutes for diaper duty.”

  He slid an arm around her shoulders. “Do we need to move our wedding date? Our last time may have been risky.”

  “We’re fine.” Grace kissed his cheek. “I really want to find and train another baker and start teaching Bonnie in icing first.”

  Jules laughed and nuzzled her neck. “Starting in January the books will be mine. Once I close my office I can clerk.”

  She pushed him to the door. “Upstairs before he falls asleep. Do you really want to quit d
oing investigations?”

  “Yes. We’ll be partners at the bakery for life. I’ll pick up some accounting jobs for local businesses. Greg has asked me to do the restaurant books.”

  Moments later she followed him to the nursery where she changed Jamie. She put the near sleeping child in his crib and turned on the monitor. They stepped into the hall.

  Jules pulled her into his arms. “What about a nap?”

  She tapped his shoulder. “What about something more fun?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” They walked to the bedroom they shared.

  The End

  Janet Lane Walters books also published by Books We Love

  Seducing The Attorney (At First Sight Book 5)

  Seducing The Doctor (At First Sight Book 4)

  Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3)

  Seducing the Chef (At First Sight Book 1)

  Seducing the Photographer (At First Sight Book 2)

  The Gemini – Sagittarius Connection (Opposites in Love Book 3)

  The Taurus – Scorpio Connection (Opposites in Love Book 2)

  The Aries – Libra Connection (Opposites in Love Book 1)

  A Marriage Takes Two

  Sanctuary's Ending (The Goddess of Solunda Book 1)

  Dragons of Fyre (Island of Fyre Book 2)

  Temple of Fyre (Island of Fyre)

  Pursuing Doctor West

  Bast's Warrior (An Alternate Egypt Book 1)

  Horu's Chosen (An Alternate Egypt Book 2)

  Toth's Priest (An Alternate Egypt Book 3)

  Amber Chronicles

  Shattered Dreams (Moonchild)

  Rekindled Dreams (Moonchild)

  Melodic Dreams (Moonchild)

  A Double Opposition

  Moon Summoned

  Lines of Fire (The Guild House - Defenders Hall)

  Code Blue

  The Doctor's Dilemma

  Heart Throb

  Books We Love Special Edition - Janet Lane-Walters




  Young Adult books By J L Walters

  Escape (Affinities Book 1 - Young Adult Fantasy)


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