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Taken Outback (The Dusty Rider Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Stella Knights

  “So, was this the beginning of the end?”

  I shake my head as I take a sip of my hot latte. “It wasn’t an ending. It was actually more of a beginning in so many ways…”


  AFTER A SUGGESTION by one of his co-workers, Tom surprises me with a trip to the Sunshine Coast. He has taken us to a flash new hotel that is right on the Noosa Headlands. There is nothing like a weekend away to rekindle romance and possibly get one’s sex life back on track. Or so I’m hoping.

  At the Eumundi markets, we wander around the eclectic stalls of gourmet food, artwork, beach fashion and tarot card readers. Tom smiles, enjoying what he says is the best calamari he ever tasted, while I sip on freshly brewed Queensland grown coffee.

  A smile crosses my face seeing Tom so happy and relaxed. “What’d you like to do this evening, honey?”

  “How about we go out for a nice Italian dinner and then a few cocktails somewhere along Hastings Street?”

  “Sounds good. Or we could stay in, order room service and relax naked together in the tub?” I pout at him salaciously, hoping he will choose to just play with me tonight instead of going out.

  He pulls my chin close to his face and licks his lips. “Yes, we could do that, couldn’t we?”

  I lean forward kissing his parted lips, hoping that he can sense the heat inside me.

  We walk hand-in-hand along the stalls glancing around for the next morsel of food to savour. I spot some Spanish churros, and with my love of cinnamon, I must have some.

  Tom feeds them to me, trying to smear the chocolate onto my face, joking as though we are back at university.

  Chocolate sauce drips off the churro onto my chin. He wipes it away with his thumb before leaning in to give me another kiss. His lips curl into a smile as they are pressed against mine.

  A nauseating voice rudely interrupts our kiss.

  “Tom, what on earth are you doing?” Beth chastises as though we are a couple of kindergartners.

  What is this woman doing here?

  “Oh, hi, Beth.”

  I’m not sure I hear any surprise in his voice that Beth is standing right in front of us on our weekend away.

  Was it Beth that suggested Tom take me to the Sunshine Coast?

  “Hello,” I say politely while trying to hold back my disdain at her appearance on my romantic weekend.

  “Hello, Holly. What is that unhealthy thing you are eating?” Beth rolls her eyes in disgust.

  “Spanish churros. They’re quite good, you should try one.” I hold out my dish to tempt her with something else that is mine.

  “I wouldn’t dare put anything fried and unhealthy in this body.” Beth sneers as she rubs her one hand down her slim figure, trying to accentuate what she thinks she has.

  “Beth, where’s Rob?” Tom asks about her boyfriend.

  “He’s buying me some artwork and should be along any moment.” Her tone is about as uninterested as a cat sleeping on a windowsill.

  Ballsy, or maybe because my coffee has kicked in, I say, “I would love to meet this boyfriend of yours. He never seems to be around when I see you.”

  Tom gives a shocked look, but I cannot help myself. That viper of a woman may think she controls my husband from Monday to Friday, but I want to remind her that she doesn’t control his weekends.

  “He’s here I assure you,” Beth replies with that haughty tone she uses so well. She looks towards my husband, “Tom darling, can you give me a call later so we can go over those reports for Monday?”

  Before Tom can answer, I interrupt. “Beth, Tom will be busy with me later.”

  Alarmed, Tom grabs my hand as if to pull me in line and says, “Beth, I’ll contact you when I can.”

  Her eyes are zeroed in on my face as her lips are pursed. “Actually, why don’t you meet us for a drink after dinner?”

  Is she trying to aggravate me? As if I want to have drinks with her.

  Tom clears his throat as he speaks. “Sure, Beth.” I’m guessing he’s trying to get us away from this situation before I say anything further.

  “I better go find Rob before he buys something unsightly for me. Some men cannot be trained no matter how hard you try.” Beth rolls her eyes and is speaking in a tone that makes you wonder if any man has escaped her grasp without first being buried alive.

  As she walks away, I look at Tom, who is still noticeably nervous. “That woman is a piece of work. I don’t think I have ever met someone so full of themselves.”

  “You shouldn’t be so tough on her. She’s nice once you get to know her.”

  “And how would you know about her nice side, Tom?” I’m waiting for a reaction but there isn’t one.

  “I’m only saying that some people put up a tough front, but aren’t so bad once you get to know them. You should give her a chance.”

  “I can read that woman like a book. She’s after one thing and it’s you.” I shake my finger in Tom’s direction as I cock my head to one side. “And I don’t believe she has a boyfriend.”

  “Please don’t ruin this weekend with your wild imagination. She’s not into me. She’s just my boss. You need to behave because she could be the one that either makes or breaks my career.”

  Furrowing my brow, I look at Tom wondering how he could be so blind to Beth’s actions. “I’m not worried about your career. I’m worried about her making and breaking you. I wish you’d understand that I can see right through her. I grew up with women like her. Don’t be so naïve Tom. I know she’s after one thing and that’s controlling you.”

  “Let’s not talk about this, okay? I don’t want our weekend ruined.”

  “Well, you’re the one that said we would meet for drinks. What the hell is that? I don’t want to spend any time near that woman.”

  Tom shrugs. “Maybe I’ll forget to text her.”

  “Something tells me she’s not the type to forget anything when it comes to you.”

  “Ignore her, Holly. Let’s go get another coffee and head to the beach.”

  “Okay.” I sigh as I give up talking about that woman. I’m exasperated, but don’t want to ruin our weekend. I try to calm myself, letting go of my frustration, with several deep breaths.

  Maybe I can distract Tom later and keep him too busy to think of going out for drinks. I did bring those sexy thigh highs that Tom loves, so maybe that will do the job.

  WE SPEND A couple hours frolicking in the crystal blue waters off the headlands. We laugh, we run around, we act uninhibited again.

  When the sun starts dropping lower in the sky, we head back to our hotel to get ready for dinner. As we get into the elevator to go up to the penthouse suite, Tom backs me up against the wall and kisses me mischievously. “Want to have some fun on the ride up, hon?”

  “Hmm, sounds delicious,” I say as I grab his hands and push them around my back so he can feel me untie the back of my bikini.

  “Oh, you wicked thing,” Tom says with a sexy look on his face while he places his hands on my breasts to avoid them being completely exposed as we climb higher and higher towards the penthouse. I moan softly into his ear as he massages my breasts in anticipation of what is about to come. I love the sensation of those hands on me and I’m looking forward to having them explore me once we get into our room.

  The door of the elevator opens and we stumble out. We stagger across the hallway and bump into the door as Tom puts in the key. With our lips locked, we fall into our room as the door opens.

  As soon as the door is shut, Tom guides me backwards across the room and down onto the couch. The cushions pad my backwards fall as I grab onto the ties holding on Tom’s boardies. I tease him by rubbing my fingers just under their waistband, running my fingertips against the hairs just above his member.

  He moans. “Oh, how you tease me. You are just sex on legs, baby.”

  He presses his body against me as I kiss his hard abs. His hands find their way to the back of my head and he gently pushes me lower. I start to unti
e his boardies, but then he lifts my chin, so I can look at his face.

  “Let’s get in the shower together,” Tom’s voice is husky as he speaks.

  “Whatever you wish.” My insides tighten as I anticipate the onslaught of his touch and tongue against my flesh. A smile spreads across my lips at the thought of a proper romp like the old days. Finally, time to savour and explore each other without any distractions.

  Near the shower, I take my time sliding off Tom’s boardies, teasing him while he stands at full attention. I make him wait for my tongue as I rub my hands across his well-defined thighs.

  He grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me to up to his lips. Kissing me forcefully, his tongue pushes into my mouth. My pulse quickens as his hands desperately push my bikini bottoms down and he guides me backwards into the shower.

  Without breaking our kiss, he reaches to turn on the knob with one hand. As we get under the stream of hot water, his hand moves down between my legs.

  I moan and arch forward hoping to push his fingers inside.

  The phone rings, rudely interrupting us.

  Breathlessly, he says, “Wait a moment.”

  “No, that can wait a moment. Focus on me, honey.” To keep his focus, I grab his hard member and begin stroking it, enticing him with my grip. But that damn phone keeps ringing.

  Tom breaks my kiss, sighs in irritation and goes to get his phone. “I can’t focus with that incessant ringing.”

  “Fuck, Tom, really?” I stomp my foot hard against the tiled floor in frustration and annoyance.

  He looks at his phone. A look of apprehension tells me it is Beth.

  “Who is it?” I demand, maddened beyond belief. The old Tom would never have broken an intimate moment for a phone call.

  Goddam that woman has impeccable timing!

  His shoulders slump over as he holds his hand out with the palm upward. “It’s Beth. I have to answer or she’ll keep calling.”

  “Fine, whatever the fuck you need to do, Tom.” I slam the shower door, almost shattering it, ending the passionate moment between us. My heart splinters as I stand under the hot water.

  AFTER MY SHOWER, I walk out and find Tom still on the phone discussing the latest work crisis. I know his eyes are watching my every move, so I grab the television remote and lay nonchalantly on the couch, completely naked.

  While still on the phone, he walks towards me and places his hand against my leg. He starts to rub upwards with his fingertips.

  I brush it away as if I’m brushing off a fly. His expression tenses, but I don’t care.

  When he finally gets off the phone, he avoids making eye contact with me as he speaks. “We are meeting Beth and Rob after dinner for some drinks.”

  Sitting up, I frown at him. “Do we have to? I mean this was our weekend away. And you said earlier we didn’t have to meet up with them.”

  He shakes his head. “Holly, please don’t give me a hard time about this. We have to do this for my career. Whether you like it or not Beth has a lot of pull in this company and I am hoping to move into a position that could get us back to Melbourne.” He walks towards me and sits next to me on the couch.

  “But what about our marriage? At what cost are you willing to do this?”

  “Our marriage is most important. That’s why I am working so hard. I have your best interests at heart because if this project comes through we could possibly move and I know how much you hate being in Brisbane, so isn’t that a good thing?” Tom reaches out and smooths my wet hair to one side as I look down in resignation. “I promise one day soon, you will have all of my attention again, okay?” He grabs my hands and pouts like a child begging for some candy.

  “Fine. Whatever. But don’t expect me to play nice with someone I loathe.”

  I love this man, so I must try to give him a chance, right?

  “You can loathe her all you want, but just don’t make it too obvious.”

  “Whatever.” I give in to this situation though I detest it.

  AFTER DINNER, WE head to a bar to meet up with Beth and Rob. I am not surprised when we arrive, and it is only Beth waiting at the bar. “Hi, Beth, where’s Rob?”

  Without skipping a beat, she answers curtly, “He had to take a call. He’ll be back in a moment. It’s something that comes with the territory for him.”

  With a hint of scepticism in my voice, “Take a call for what?”

  Tom clears his throat. “Honey, Rob is a doctor.”

  I turn towards Beth and ask, “Have you been dating Rob long?”

  “We’ve dated off and on since college. My career is my priority, so I do not make too much time for serious dating. But don’t worry, I have plenty of things to keep me busy.” Beth says this while staring up and down at Tom.

  It disgusts me how she can be so blatant that my husband is in her sights as her next conquest. I grab Tom’s hand, pull it close to my hip and glare at him. Raising my eyebrows, I give him a sickly sweet smile. “Why don’t you get us a drink, honey?” I make sure I say it in a way to make Beth feel as though she does not exist. Though in all my effort, I can tell she’s not bothered by my attempts to stake out my territory. Women like this do not roll over and play dead. As infuriating as it is, I have to play this game all in the name of Tom’s career.

  “Sure, what do you want, Holly?” Tom shuffles on his feet as he pretends to pick a piece of lint off his jacket.

  Beth chimes in. “I’ll take the usual, Tom darling.”

  The usual?

  I give Tom an icy glare.

  Awkwardly he says, “Umm, Holly is a dirty martini also okay for you or do you want something different?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  As he walks off, Beth yells after him. “Don’t forget, Tom darling, that I like mine extra dirty.”

  Did she just say that? Who does this woman think she is?

  Tom shrugs and looks at me as if to admit defeat before walking off to get our drinks.

  Crap, I’m left with this horrid excuse of a woman. Do I have to talk to her?

  Luckily, her phone rings, so I lean against the table while fiddling with my own phone as a distraction.

  After a few minutes hearing Beth’s cackling laugh being thrown at whoever is on the other end of the phone, I look towards the bar to see what’s keeping Tom. I don’t see him and wonder why he’s not there.

  I walk over the fashionable bar, lined up with several viable options of men if I was a single girl. But I’m not, so I silently enjoy feeling their wanton stares as I walk past. It is a confidence boost to assist in dealing with that viper trying to get between Tom and me.

  I scan the area around the bar, but still do not see Tom. Where could he be? I walk towards the bathroom which are joint male-female toilets with a sink in between. The glasses of wine I had with dinner have given me the courage to push on the door knowing I could accidentally walk in on a stranger without caring. As I push the door handle down, it’s obviously not locked. I gasp as I open the door.

  Inside, Tom snorts a line of something.

  I’m stunned and speechless at the sight of my pristine, utterly conventional husband breaking the law.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I yell as the rage boils across my face. I fight the tears welling up in my eyes.

  He swallows hard while snorting as if something is stuck in his throat. “Don’t go crazy, hon. It’s only a bump to give me some energy. I’m exhausted from all the work I’ve been doing.”

  My eyes and lips narrow as I glare at this stranger standing before me. “When did you start doing coke, Tom?”

  His eyebrows lower as he snaps his head and stares hard in my direction. “I don’t do coke. It’s just a little I was given by someone at work to help me get through some of the long hours. Not a habit.” He wipes at his nose and clears his throat.

  I fight back the tears and anger about to explode from within me. I take a deep breath, trying to remain composed as I speak firmly. “I can’t believe you
! Take me home now.”

  “Holly, relax. Stop being insane.”

  “I’m not insane. Take me home.” My hands coil into tight fists ready to fight against this horrible revelation of my husband’s behaviour.

  “We can’t leave Beth.”

  “Why do you care what that cow thinks?”

  “She’s my boss.” There’s an annoyance in his eyes.

  “Is this the reason you’ve been working so late and coming home in grumpy moods all the time? How can you do this when your wife is a Parole Officer?”

  “Get off your high horse, Holly. Not all of us are straight and perfect like you. Some of us need to do things to feel good and enjoy life. You have it so easy. I do everything for you.”

  Offended I shake my head. “I feel like I don’t know you anymore and that breaks my heart. How can you not care what I think?”

  “I don’t care what anyone thinks. Everyone can go fuck themselves. I am my own man and I do whatever the fuck I want. No one tells me what to do.”

  I place my hands on my hips, cocking my head in Tom’s direction. “Oh really? It seems you do what Beth wants all the time. Are you sleeping with her?”

  “Get fucked, Holly. I’m not sleeping with her. You’re crazy.”

  “Take me home now.” My lips are firmly together as I turn to walk out of the bathroom.

  “What about Beth?”

  I throw my hand in the air. “Who gives a crap about her? Take me home now or else.”

  “Whatever. You are always so fucking boring. I wish you never came to Brisbane.” Tom storms out of the bathroom, slamming the door almost breaking it off its hinges.

  I follow behind like a lost puppy, a glutton for punishment trailing after someone that does not care.

  How can he say these things after we took vows?

  I cannot figure out why this man seems hellbent on destroying me with words. It was not like he gave me a real choice in moving. I would have much rather stayed in Melbourne instead of moving to Brisbane, where I’ve been treated as a constant afterthought by him.


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