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Taken Outback (The Dusty Rider Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Stella Knights

  How is this beautiful man mine? I don’t want this to end.

  His breath deepens as he begins to stir. His eyelids flutter open. I’m already drowning in those blue eyes, losing myself in my desire for him. He takes my hand, bringing my fingertips to his full lips.

  He kisses them, stoking the fire inside me. The words pour out of me. “You were amazing last night. I’m glad I’m here with you.”

  He grabs around my back while taking my chin in his hand. Pulling my face close, our noses touch. “I’ve been waiting to hear you say that.”

  He presses my head down onto his chest. I listen to the thump of his heartbeat as he strokes his fingers through my unruly hair. We lie still as he caresses my back, tantalising me with his callused fingertips.

  His abs go taut under me as he curls forward to bury his head into my hair. Breathing in my scent, he hardens beneath me. Shifting, he pulls me on top of him, without breaking our embrace. Pushing me upwards so I’m upright and straddling him, he lets the sides of the swag fall away, completely exposing me to the crisp morning air.

  Examining the curves of my body, his gaze moves straight towards my ample breasts and hard nipples. With an amorous glance upwards, his lips curl as he pulls me down against his rippling chest.

  Burying his face into my neck, his hot breath provokes the sexual urges inside of me. Wrapping his arms around me, he uses his robust legs to part mine. Throwing my head back in pleasure, a wild moan escapes my lips as he penetrates me.

  Continuing to hold my hips firmly in place, he thrusts underneath me. Starting off shallow, he gradually pushes in further and further until he fills me completely. Taking his time using measured movements, he rhythmically guides me nearer to the orgasm I crave.

  My pulse races as he rocks my hips back and forth, forcing me to seesaw against his thick shaft. I moan and whimper as he controls my movements against him. I writhe against his grasp as my flesh achieves its climax. My hair splays out across his chest, as my body heaves down against his, surrendering to his every move inside me.

  Melding against him, my flesh is like putty. He continues to push in and out, in deliberate, forceful thrusts. Grabbing firmly around my body with those muscled arms, he moans out and finds his release. Those taut muscles of his relax beneath me as we remain connected, savouring the moment.

  We lie for a while, just being with each other, as the sun rises higher and higher in the sky. Aiden’s fingers curl around a few strands of my hair. “We should probably get going before it gets too hot.”

  My body feels heavy as I prop myself up on my elbows. My nipples go taut as they brush against Aiden’s chest when I move. He pulls me back towards his face to give me another kiss. His lips part as I taste his sweetness, much like the orange he fed me almost a week ago.

  Have I really only been here a week?

  Our kiss breaks. “Holly, I think you are the amazing one.”

  Emboldened by his words, I push the swag down off us and stand up. I’m completely naked and feeling less self-conscious than I ever have in my life.

  The old Holly would never stand naked anywhere for fear of judgement that comes with trying to achieve perfection in the eyes of all others.

  I take hold of his hand as he stands up. “Aiden, you have shown me freedom I never knew existed.”

  He leaves his shirt off as we get dressed. Watching as he rolls up the swags, the flexing of his muscles captures my gaze. I cannot believe a man like this has taken hold of me. He is my drug and I cannot get enough.

  I hope I never have to come down and detox.

  As we go to get on the horse, Aiden turns to look at me. He unbuttons my shirt, exposing my bra underneath. He peels my blouse back, slipping it down off my arms. “Just wear this.”

  Shocked, but feeling liberated, I go along with his suggestion. It is as if he just peeled away a layer from my old city self, forever discarding it from my existence.

  Riding Dusty home, I lean against Aiden’s strong shirtless back, breathing in his heady scent. My hands wander as I stroke his exposed muscles that ripple with his command of the animal beneath us.

  “If you keep touching me like that, we’ll never get home.”

  I laugh to myself before nestling against his body, finally giving myself permission to be completely his.

  ONCE WE’RE BACK home, Aiden lets Dusty off into a paddock before we go inside. “I’m going to go finish working on that tractor. It shouldn’t take long. Then maybe we can give you your first riding lesson if you want?”

  Excitement and fear surge up to the back of my throat. “You think I can do it?”

  “Of course, you can. I think you can do anything. I just have to teach you.” He grins as he adds, “And we have plenty of time.”

  “Well, then let’s do it. Do you think Dusty will be okay with me?”

  Rubbing his stubbled chin, he says, “I was thinking I might give you one of the mares as they may be more gentle for you, being your first time and all.”

  “Sounds good, I guess.” Butterflies have taken over my stomach as I hope I can be a good student for Aiden.

  He tips his Akubra at me, then strides out the back door and crosses the paddock to the Colourbond shed.

  I go upstairs to take a shower. Standing in the hot water, the sponge rubs against my skin reminding me of where Aiden’s touch was. My skin tingles at the thought. I have not felt this sexually awake since I was a teenager. I am insatiable when it comes to this man.

  I retreat to the veranda with my book. I read for about an hour before noticing that Dusty is lying down.

  Is it normal for a horse to do that? There’s so much for me to learn out here.

  Watching the horse, I realise it’s getting hot outside. Dusty is lying against the fence in full sunlight and has not moved in a while. I decide to get Aiden just in case this is not normal horse behaviour.

  At the shed, I peer in and see Aiden still shirtless, lying near the tractor. His chest is streaked with grease and shimmering beads of sweat roll down his muscles. My heart skips a beat as I walk closer to him.

  “Aiden, I think there is something wrong with Dusty.”

  He jumps up with pursed lips. “Where is he?”

  The tools bang hard against the concrete floor as he runs out of the shed. “In the front paddock…” I don’t think Aiden hears me.

  I run after him and watch as he drops to his knees next to the horse.

  Standing behind him I place my hand on his shoulder. “What can I do to help?”

  Running his hands along the flanks of the horse, Aiden speaks to Dusty in a low voice. “Hey boy, what’s going on?” He continues to look the horse over, trying to work out what’s wrong.

  He tries to coax the horse into standing but stops abruptly. Aiden’s eyes open wide while his jaw clenches.

  “What is it, Aiden?”

  “He’s got some blood coming out of his nose.” Hurriedly, he looks over Dusty’s face, ears, and neck with skilled urgency. He finds puncture wounds under the jawline. “Oh, God, it’s a snake bite.”

  “What do we do?” I’m trying to stay calm.

  Hope has flickered out from Aiden’s expression. Tears escape his eyes as he leans close to Dusty and urges, “Come on boy. Hang on for me.”

  Feeling helpless, I plead with him. “Tell me what to do.”

  He looks straight at me. “Go get me a bucket of water. I can’t move him. It will only speed up the venom.”

  Rising on his knees, Aiden wraps his arms around Dusty’s head as I run off to retrieve a bucket of water.

  When I return, Aiden’s eyes are puffy, while tear marks streak his cheeks. He tries to get the horse to drink, but Dusty refuses.

  “Can’t we call a vet or something?”

  Aiden shakes his head. “I’ve seen this before. It’s gotten him in a bad spot. I think it’s too late.”

  “Surely, there’s something….” He puts his hand up to stop me from prolonging a terrible conversation.<
br />
  We sit quietly with the horse, in the blazing sun, for about an hour. The horse’s breathing becomes more laboured as each minute passes.

  Aiden lies beside Dusty, murmuring things into his ears as tears fall down his face.

  I look away, feeling like an intruder in this moment between this stockman and his best mate. My heart aches for Aiden and I reach out to stroke his arm. “Can I do anything?”

  His voice trembles as he gives me a cold, steely look. “Can you go get my gun?”

  Shocked, I shake my head, “No, you can’t….”

  He stops me from finishing my sentence. Choking back his words, “There’s nothing else. I can’t watch him suffer.”

  I want to embrace and comfort Aiden, but I know these are his final moments with his Dusty. Doing what he asks, I go get the gun.

  When I return, he’s lying against the horse sobbing. Clearing my throat, with trembling hands I give him the gun. “Here, Aiden.” My insides are heavy watching this broken man fall apart.

  I’m not this tough. I can’t watch this.

  I run back to the house, holding back my tears until I get inside. Slamming the door behind me, I fall in a heap, sobbing against the polished wood floor of the foyer.

  I can’t do this. How can anyone do this?

  The sound I have been dreading brutally breaks the silence.


  I know it’s over, but my body feels like a lead weight, impossible to move. Mustering up all the energy I have left, I pull myself up and walk over to see how Aiden is coping. I don’t think he should be alone any longer.

  Finding him stroking Dusty’s lifeless nose, I plead again. “Tell me what I can do.”

  He turns, gets on his knees and reaches his hand out to me. I take hold of his hand and he pulls me down against him, embracing me hard and tight. His body shudders with deep sobs as I struggle to keep us both upright.

  Stroking his hair, I whisper into his ear, “It’s all right, it’s all right. I’m here.”

  A cool breeze sends a shiver down my spine as Aiden slowly quiets down against my shoulder.

  The sun is quickly setting behind us. He’s slumped against me as I try to coax him to get up. “Let’s get you inside.”

  Shaking his head while standing up, he says, “You go in while I take care of this. I’ll be in soon.”

  Turning to walk towards home, I hold tight to his hand as he stands over Dusty’s body one last time. As I leave Aiden to have a moment alone with his horse, his mournful face is painted in a candlelit glow by the setting sun.

  IT’S DARK OUT when Aiden finally comes inside the house. He walks in, shoulders slumped with red eyes, and drops his gun to the floor.

  I place both my hands on his shoulders and look into his eyes. “Let me take care of you now.”

  He nods but says nothing as he stares at the ground.

  I remove his Akubra and place it on the shelf before kneeling to take off his boots. I guide Aiden upstairs to the bathroom while he continues to stare off into nothingness.

  Turning on the water, I check to make sure the temperature is not too hot. Carefully, I undress Aiden as the tub fills with water. Trying to hold his attention, I stand in front of him and unbuckle his belt, sliding it free from the loops. Then I unbutton and disengage the zipper holding his jeans firmly in place. Pushing them down, the well-worn material feels soft.

  Grabbing hold of his hands, I put them on my shoulders so he can steady himself while I lift each foot to remove the jeans completely. He relents and puts his weight against me, letting me help him.

  Taking his hands off my shoulders, I guide him into the hot water.

  As he slumps back against the side of the tub, I remove my clothes. Cautiously, I climb in and sit behind him, wrapping my arms and legs around his body.

  I grab the sponge and wash him. Taking my time, I soap and massage his toned shoulders and strong back. Cupping my hand, I raise it and put water into Aiden’s hair. Using my fingers, I lather and massage shampoo into his dark hair, hoping this relaxes him. His head drops back against my shoulder and I see a tear fall down his cheek.

  Gently, I rinse the shampoo from his hair. I pull his body back down against mine. Aiden’s normally taut body is slack in my embrace.

  Without warning, I feel the muscles tighten in one arm as he takes my hand into his. He pulls it up to his mouth and softly kisses my fingertips, before letting his hand fall back into the water, still holding mine in his grasp.

  I continue to hold him close, with my body swathed around him like a cocoon around a butterfly. We hold each other silently until the water cools.

  “Let’s get out and I’ll fix you something to eat, Aiden.”

  Shaking his head, he says, “I’m not hungry.”

  “What do you need?” I fear I’m useless with trying to make him feel better during what must be one of the worst moments of his life.

  Aiden, please let me do something to help you feel better. You’ve given me so much, let me give to you now.

  Listless, he says, “Just lie in bed with me.”

  I reach to grab a fresh towel out of the cabinet and help him get out of the tub. I take my time, drying him off, before leading him to my bed. I pull down the sheets and help him get underneath them. Lying down next to him, I stroke my fingers lightly along his naked back as he continues to stare off into nothing.

  His heartbroken expression softens as he falls asleep.

  For hours, I lie there next to him, but I cannot sleep. The day went from pure pleasure to absolute agony.

  Is this what life in the outback is like?

  Moonlight shines through the window, lighting Aiden’s face with a celestial glow in the dark room. He sleeps soundly, as I lean on my side, tracing my fingers along his jawline.

  I never thought I would fall in love with a stockman of all people.

  Whoa, did I just say that I’m in love with him?


  WITH MY EYES still closed, I stretch out my arm, running my fingers across the smooth sheets trying to find Aiden’s body. My eyes open and my heart sinks when I realise he’s not with me. I slip out of bed to go find him, letting the duvet slide towards the floor.

  The scent of brewing coffee begins to wake me as I cross the polished wood floors. After checking in the kitchen, I hear his voice calling out. “I’m in here.”

  The voice came from the direction of the living room. I walk over and find him sitting on the couch wearing black underwear, with a mug of coffee resting in his hand.

  He reclines back against the cushions, causing his abs to flex tightly, like a spring waiting to be uncoiled. He sips from the mug and looks up my way.

  Oh, how I want to run my fingertips against those abs and take you again, Aiden.

  I try to keep my carnal urges at bay, remembering he lost Dusty yesterday. Staring at him, I take a deep breath. “How are you?” I walk over and sit next to him on the couch, pulling my legs up and crossing them. With one hand, I curl my fingers over his rigid shoulder as he moves his hand onto my knee.

  He rubs my leg, my soft skin awakening under the sensation of his touch. He looks up and wistfully stares out the window. “You up to having your first riding lesson this morning?”

  My eyes widen. I’m wary to bring up anything that might remind him of his horse. “You sure you’re up for that?”

  “Yeah, I think it’ll help.” He looks at me while stretching his arm out behind my shoulders, pulling me close. “Thanks for being there yesterday.”

  I clasp my hands in my lap. “I’m sorry about what happened.”

  “Yeah, it’s a tough one. But I’ve been through worse.” His expression softens as he takes my hand into his and lowers his gaze. “I’ve got to put it behind me, just like other things. I’m just glad I have you here to distract me, otherwise, I’d probably still be out there lying in that paddock.”

  Shaking my head, I think about how life out here can bring both pain and pl
easure at the same time. Such extremes, be it emotions or the weather. I’m worried the Australian outback is too wicked in its ways for me. “I don’t know how you do it. I’m not sure I’m tough enough for the life you lead out here.”

  Concerned, he lifts my chin up. “You’re tougher than you think. One thing you will learn out here is that if you work hard and wait long enough, this country will reward you with more than you ever could have imagined.”

  He hands me his cup and I take a sip of the warm coffee before looking down at my hands clenching around it. My lips purse as I question my ability to handle the way of life out here.

  The loss, the harshness, the unpredictability of the Australian country. Can I deal with this? Maybe only with Aiden by my side. What would that life be like? The pleasure, the satisfaction, the love.

  Aiden leans over and kisses my neck. “Don’t question things so much, Holly. Trust me and trust the land.” He playfully slaps my knee. “Let’s go eat some brekkie and then get you on a horse.”

  AFTER BREAKFAST, WE get dressed and head out towards the stables. As we step down off the veranda, Aiden takes my hand in his. His fingers tenderly entwine with mine.

  Aiden notices some threatening clouds building darker around us. “We might get a few drops out of that.”

  “Has there been any rain lately?”

  “Not really, so it’d be good to get some.”

  He leads me through some flowering bushes growing around the path that leads to the stables. Aiden reaches down, picks a flower and hands it to me. I bring it to my nose, close my eyes and inhale its sweet perfume, before putting it behind my ear.

  Always flowers from Aiden. Do I have the courage yet to ask if he sent the roses to my office?

  His voice interrupts my thoughts. “So, I figure we start by getting you acquainted with the horses. There are three mares here, two of which I think have a gentle enough temperament for you to learn on.”

  I clear my throat as my voice cracks from nervousness. “You’re the one that knows this stuff, not me. I’ll just do what you say.”


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