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Forbidden Desires

Page 90

by Jenna Hartley

  I barely manage to keep the smile off my face. “Stop being so nosy already. Just wait and see.”

  She huffs out a breath, then looks back out her window in silence.

  A few hundred feet down the road, I slow down and get a little remote control out of the middle console, holding it toward the upcoming property.

  “You’re kidding. You scored a house with a freaking gate?” Julia’s gaze snaps in my direction, her voice an octave higher than usual.

  This time, I lose my battle and a triumphant grin spreads across my face.

  Then I nod, feeling good all over again about my purchase. “It was one of those ‘being in the right place at the right time’ moments. When I called our special realtor friend Linda, she’d just received the papers for this new house. It belonged to an older couple wanting to sell as fast as possible because they were moving to the East Coast. She said it needed some things done but that it was a killer deal. And boy, was she right. I put in my offer, and they accepted it right away. The rest is history so to speak.”

  “That’s awesome.” The smile she gives me is her truly happy one, the one I love seeing the most, and it makes the taxing and exhausting work worth it.

  Shifting around in her seat, she faces me, leaning across the middle console. “Soooo . . . Did I miss you getting rich somehow?”

  Her comment makes me laugh, once again screaming familiarity to me in a way I know I’d never have with another woman.

  It’s one of the things I cherish the most in our relationship. “Well, I don’t usually shout it from the rooftops, but let’s just say, I’ve been pretty lucky with some investments over the years.”

  She slaps my arm playfully and chuckles. “No way. Good for you. And here you were rooming with my brother.”

  “Nothing has changed really.” I lift one shoulder in a shrug. “It’s just nice to have the security, to know the money is in my bank account if I need it. And now I’ve got a great investment with this house too.”

  Her focus turns back on the house in front of us, a decent-sized, two-story beachfront house. “Well, looks like you did a good job.”

  The house isn’t a mansion, especially compared to a lot of other houses in Southern California, but it fits in without standing out. The most important thing is I like it a lot and hope Jules will too. Otherwise, I might have a problem. “Shall we?”

  We get out of the car, and Julia goes toward the front door when I catch her arm. “Let’s go around the house. I want to show you the back first.”

  “Okay.” She looks confused but doesn’t comment any further.

  I lead her along the side path of the house to the back. Julia stops when the ocean comes into view in the distance.

  The property is on the cliffside, overlooking the ocean with two decks on the back of the house. The top one is my favorite. It’s larger than the one at Ollie’s house, and I thought of Jules the second I stepped out on it for the first time, and how much she’d love it.

  When she remains silent, I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her middle, and enjoying her body pressed against mine. Nestling my head into the curve of her shoulder, I whisper into her ear, “Do you like it?”

  She puts her hands on mine, atop her belly, and squeezes them. “Are you kidding me? This is so beautiful. I can’t believe it’s yours. I love it.” She cranes her neck, looking around past the property lines. “Seriously though, Carter. I’m so happy you were able to snatch up this beauty. Is there a path that goes down to the beach somewhere?”

  I turn her a little to the right and motion toward the gate. “Just over there.”

  “How perfect.” She rocks on the soles of her feet, barely refraining from bouncing. “I’m so excited for you.”

  “Us, Jules. Us.” Before she can respond, I take her hand, and pull her back to the front of the house. “Let me show you the inside.”

  “Carter. Wait. We have to . . . You can’t just . . .” Her eyes sparkle in the sunlight when I turn around, and I’m mesmerized by her beauty.

  Pulling her body flush with mine, I capture her lips in a searing kiss that leaves both of us breathing heavily. “Can we talk about this later?”

  Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes slightly glazed over when she nods. “All right.”

  I chuckle.

  Works. Every. Time.

  I press my lips to hers one more time before leading her inside our home.

  Fuck, does that sound perfect.

  Chapter 39


  The first thing I notice when we walk into the house is the fresh paint smell. My pregnancy has intensified my sense of smell tenfold, so it’s a good thing I’ve always liked the smell of paint. It’s weird, but at least it’s better than enjoying the smell of gasoline. That was my brother’s thing when we were little.

  “Wow.” I look around the impressive room in awe, immediately liking the open floor plan that’s flooded with natural light. The hardwood floors contrast beautifully with the light-gray walls, the exposed white wooden ceiling beams, absolutely stunning. When we walk farther into the kitchen, I can’t help myself and walk over to the big wall of windows overlooking the ocean. Even though we just stood outside looking at the view, I doubt I’ll ever get enough of it.

  Carter is quiet as he leads me around, showing me the chef’s kitchen with top-of-the-line appliances and a beautiful breakfast bar. His eyes are on me the entire time, surely about to combust if I don’t share my thoughts with him soon.

  Once we’re done downstairs, he leads me up the staircase to the second level. It’s decorated in the same simple style as the downstairs, with lots of light and neutral colors. It suits this house well though, especially with the ocean view as a backdrop, not to mention Carter too since he’s never been big on materialistic or flashy things.

  After showing me a beautiful master bedroom and guest room, both with chic and elegant bathrooms—including steam showers—he stops in front of a closed door.

  When I look at him, he doesn’t open the door right away, my quickening breath betraying my nervousness. “What is it?”

  He chews on his lip before giving me a shy smile. After a moment of consideration, he seems to make up his mind, taking a step aside to make room for me. “Why don’t you see for yourself?”

  After shooting him a questioning look, I reach out for the door handle, not sure what to expect. I push the door open all the way before my hand flies to my mouth at the sight in front of me.

  A nursery.

  Carter has a freaking room for our baby in his new house.

  Looking back at him, I’m not surprised to feel my eyes burning. He gives me a small smile and puts a reassuring hand on my back. I look at him for another moment before my eyes flicker back to the room. It’s the cutest room I’ve ever seen.

  The walls are painted in a neutral beige, with a white crib and changing table on one side. Since the room is right next to the master bedroom, it has the same ocean view, and it couldn’t be more perfect.

  His voice is soft behind me. “I thought . . . if you’d like, maybe we could decorate it together once we know what the baby is?”

  My heart feels as if it’s swelling, the warm feeling in my chest expanding endlessly. “I’d absolutely love that.”

  When Carter’s arms encircle my waist, I turn around, eager to see his handsome face. My mind plays a loop of happy memories, all including Carter, bringing me a sense of calm and contentment.

  When he runs his nose along my jaw, I immediately start fidgeting, the heat pooling in my belly so strong, I whimper. “Carter.”

  “Yes, baby.”

  “I can’t wait any longer.”

  He pulls back, staring into my eyes so intensely, I feel like he’s staring straight into my soul. “Tell me you’ll move in with me.”

  The needy fog in my brain bursts like a bubble. “What?”

  “I bought this house for us, for you and me, and our baby.” He kisses me. “Say yes.”<
br />
  He said our house earlier, or something like that, but I was so distracted by the view that I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly.

  Seems like I did.

  I open and close my mouth several times before tilting my head. “For real?”

  My gaze wanders over to the open door of the master bedroom he showed me before. Without overthinking it, I walk to it again, standing in the doorway, staring at the massive four-poster bed with the breathtaking panoramic view next to it.

  Carter takes my hand and pulls me inside, sitting on the edge of the bed with me perched on one of his thighs. “So, what do you think?”

  My head does a quick bobble as my mouth spreads into an almost painful grin. “Absolutely, yes. It’s all so beautiful and perfect.”

  “Like you.” His gaze does me in, and I tackle him, pushing him back on the mattress, ignoring my slightly achy limbs.

  I need to have him right now before I go completely insane. Thankfully, he doesn’t protest this time, helping me push down his pants far enough to free his hard length. By some miracle, I chose a dress today, and I don’t hesitate before pulling it up to my waist. My underwear is next, pushed to the side in one quick swipe, so I can finally, finally, sink down on him in one swift move, taking exactly what I’ve longed for so much.

  And gosh, it feels so good to have him inside of me again. He fills me perfectly, like he does every single time.

  “Fuck. Give a guy a warning before you give him a heart attack.” His face contorts in pleasure, showing me he’s been as desperate for this as I have.

  Our fingers rub and stroke, squeeze each curve, exploring everything we’ve missed so much. It’s quick and frantic.

  Every touch, every kiss, every little moan and groan, feels as incredible as before, but somehow also more special.

  Having everything out in the open—our relationship and our feelings for each other—turns this into so much for than just sex. When my release hits me, I close my eyes and hold on to Carter with a steel-like grip. It’s that intense.

  My eyes grow hot as I bite back tears when I realize that having sex with someone you truly love turns it into something magical, solidifying this connection between us on a completely different level.

  His gaze is on me as he pulses inside me, the words “I love you” leaving his lips on a sharp exhale as he pulls me down on his chest.

  I enjoy his nearness more than I could have ever imagined. He caresses my back until both of our heartbeats have returned to normal, and all I can think about is how he’s my person. The one I want to share all my dirty little secrets with, and the one I want to look at first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

  His breath tickles my ear, his cheek pressed against mine. “And here I was planning on taking my sweet time with you tonight to make up for all the lost time.”

  “Good. I’m looking forward to it.” I give him a cheeky grin, and he laughs. “I love you.”

  His answering kiss is soft, no tongue or teeth, but still leaves me with warm and happy feelings galore. “I love you.”

  He pats me on the butt and chuckles. “Now get off me. There’s still a surprise waiting for you.”

  That has me sitting up, my eyes wide. “The nursery wasn’t it? There’s more?”

  His eyes sparkle with mischief. “Well, I guess that was half of it. But I have another half surprise for you.”

  “Hold that thought.” I hold up a finger and clean up in the bathroom quickly before heading back to him. “Alrighty, let’s see it.”

  Carter grins and holds out his hand, which I take without hesitation. He leads me back downstairs and off to a little corridor with three more doors I missed earlier. The first one is Carter’s office, the second one a small bathroom.

  After shooting me an anticipatory glance, he once more steps aside, letting go of my hand. “This one’s for you. Open it.”

  To say I’m nervous is an understatement. My hands are shaking when I finally open the door a moment later.

  My heart does extra thumps when I get my first good look at the room, and I’m not sure how much more it can take today.

  Holy shit.

  “This is all for me?”

  Carter chuckles before giving me a small push. “Yes, it is. Go check it out already.”

  Chapter 40


  Watching Julia inspect her studio, as I like to call it, is absolutely priceless. She has the biggest smile on her face as she walks around the room, brushing her fingers along the walls of shelves and the huge craft table.

  After a ton of online research, I purchased pegboards, baskets, and about six hundred other forms of storage, which she’s inspecting in detail.

  Seeing her this happy makes every single minute I spent on Pinterest and in craft stores worth it.

  Once she’s had her fill, she walks back to me, wrapping her hands around my neck and going up on her toes. “This is the best surprise ever. I’ve never seen a craft room this awesome. I couldn’t ask for more and have no idea how I’m ever going to be able to thank you for everything.”

  Her eyes are so expressive, shining so brightly, and I could get lost in them forever. “I’m glad you like it. Just let me know if something’s missing, and we’ll get it for you. Anything.”

  After pressing my mouth to her soft lips, I reach for her hand. “Come with me.”

  We walk through the kitchen and out the back door onto the deck. With the beautiful blue sky, and the ocean sounds playing softly in the background, I search her face for the last glimmer of hope I need.

  The soft wind around us calms me as I take a deep breath. The simple act of fresh, salty air filling my lungs gives me the courage to do what I’ve planned on doing.

  Out of my back pocket, I take the folded piece of paper that’s been burning a hole in my pants for the past few hours. After unfolding it, I scan it once more before turning it around so Julia can see it too.

  She regards me carefully, clearly no clue what’s going on until realization dawns on her face and she points at the paper. “Wait. Is that— I knew something was missing from the fridge.”

  Her eyes snap back to mine as I nod, releasing a breath at the same moment I tear the paper in half.

  Her husband checklist.

  “I know I will never be everything you put on here.”


  “But let me assure you I will try my hardest to be everything you need.”


  Her gaze flickers back and forth between my face and the paper in my hand, or the little that’s left of it. “Carter. What’s going on?”

  I go down on one knee and pull a small box from my front pocket.

  The wood is hard under my knee, not that it would matter if sharp rocks dug into my skin right now. Nothing would deter me from making this moment happen.

  Her mouth falls open as she blinks rapidly at me before putting a shaky hand on my shoulder.

  The skin on my face feels tight as my stomach clenches and churns, the butterflies multiplying by the second.

  A tingle runs up my spine as I get my breathing under control. “Julia Bradford, you’ve been driving me crazy for most of my life. You’ve always been my favorite girl, no matter if you had mud all over you, threw ice cream in my face, or cried all over me when you realized you’d never get an invitation to Hogwarts. Those special memories make me love you even more, and you’re everything I could possibly want. I know it might seem quick, but if the accident has taught me one thing, it’s that things can change in a split second. I treasure you beyond words and want you by my side for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”

  Tears silently slide down her face, but they can’t overshadow the beaming smile that’s spreading across her face. “Yes, silly. I love you so much. Yes, yes, yes. Of course, I will.”

  “Really?” Even though I was obviously hoping for that response, my brain’s still trying to process this moment.

  I get up quickly and care
ss her cheeks.

  Then there’s kisses. Lots and lots of kisses.

  Julia is the first to pull back, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “So . . . Do you actually have a ring in that box?”

  I laugh when I realize I’ve never gotten that far, the ring box still unopened in my hand.

  Winking at her, I hold out my hand. “Why don’t you check?”

  Pulling back the lid of the box, a simple platinum band comes into view, paired with a beautiful princess-cut diamond.

  I wanted to go extravagant on the ring, but Cora—thank goodness for that woman and all her help—reminded me to think about if Julia is the flashy kind of girl.

  She clutches her chest with her left hand before I take it gently into mine to put the ring on. She turns her hand this way and that, throwing little rainbow rays all around us. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful.” I let her admire her new jewelry for a moment before stealing another long kiss. “And we can make it a long engagement if you’d rather wait for the baby first. Totally up to you. Whatever you want goes.”

  With her eyes dancing, and her voice bubbly, she leans her head on my chest, allowing her to listen to my out-of-control heartbeat. “We’ll figure it out.”

  We stay like this for a long time, our future surrounding us, slowly swaying to the breeze that wants to be recognized, just like our love did.

  Just like Mom said, love does change everything.

  And now, I’ll have that forever.



  Almost two years later

  There is a soft knock at the door before my brother pokes in his head. “They’re all ready for you guys.” He gives me a reassuring smile but his gaze doesn’t linger long on me, quickly flickering past me to his wife, Cora, and their baby squirming in her arms. The grin on his face is starting to look painful. “Look at all of you. My three favorite girls in one room. And all so beautiful.”

  Unable to resist, he slips in and shuts the door behind him, walking over to his leading ladies, smothering both with gentle kisses. Oliver and Cora surprised us all when they eloped on their tropical vacation just a couple months after Carter and I got engaged. Not even a few weeks later they announced they were expecting too.


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