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I'm With You

Page 30

by Taylor Dean

  We loved you, we looked forward to meeting you.

  We’re here, Jerad, and we want you, we love you.

  But sometimes things go wrong from the very beginning.

  And when the doctors told us the dreaded words, Trisomy 18, we said, what?

  Who knew such a thing existed? Who knew you could carry a baby inside of you, a thriving baby, a beautiful baby, only to lose him upon birth? What kind of cruel act of fate was this?

  We’re here, Jerad, and we want you, we love you.

  Life is tender, life is precious, life is sacred.

  And you were alive, little Jerad.

  You lived, you fought for life.

  Your mother and father refused to give up on you. They loved you, they wanted you.


  Even if they only saw you for five minutes. Even two minutes with you would’ve been the fulfillment of a dream.

  We waited, we hoped, we prayed.

  We’re here, Jerad, and we want you, we love you.

  You lived, you flourished, you wiggled, you kicked.

  But it wasn’t meant to be.

  Your short life was lived inside the safety of your mother’s womb, cosseted and sheltered in her love.

  We’re here, Jerad, and we want you, we love you.

  Eight months of precious life. Your earth life. All the life you needed.

  A spirit so special, so righteous, so valiant—the perils of this life were not for you.

  An heir to the kingdom of God, having proven yourself long ago.

  This is our comfort, this is our peace.

  But, we’re still here, Jerad. Why aren’t you?

  A note from Taylor Dean

  Whew. Where to start? For obvious reasons, this was an extremely hard book for me to write. After reading the preceding pages, I suppose it is now clear to you why I wrote this book. Upon living it with my daughter and son-in-law, I wanted to share the Trisomy 18 experience with the world. I’d never heard of Trisomy 18 up until the moment my daughter broke the news to me. I’ve since learned that not many people are familiar with it. It was one of the most heartbreaking experiences of my life.

  And yet…it was also one of the most sacred experiences of my life. I loved our little Jerad more than I thought possible. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. And now that he has a little brother here on earth, I miss his presence even more, as do we all.

  Chloe’s Trisomy 18 story is my daughter’s story, written with her permission. It is written from my understanding of this devastating condition. If there are medical mistakes, they are my own. Regardless, it is what we experienced and truth is truth. Many of the emotions are real, taken from my daughter’s experience—and taken from my own experiences as I observed my daughter and son-in-law. The entire experience is engraved on my heart, and I’ve painstakingly transformed it into the written word to increase awareness of this disturbing disorder. It has been highly therapeutic to write this story. It makes our Jerad very real, his existence forever documented on paper.

  I knew from the beginning that I wanted to somehow include Trisomy 18 in my writing. But I write romance novels and I wasn’t sure how that would ever come to pass. Still, I knew there was a story in there somewhere. Slowly, I’m With You began to formulate in my mind. My novel is about a young couple that does not survive the Trisomy 18 experience.

  I am forever thankful that my daughter and her husband not only endured the experience with surprising strength, but created an amazing and unbreakable bond as husband and wife as a result.

  Jaclyn and Michael, love you both.

  Many of Chloe’s raging emotions reflect the feelings of mothers who have suffered losing a baby.

  As my daughter and son-in-law dealt with—and still deal with—their grief, I learned so much about the complicated emotions of child loss. It is my hope that a tiny portion of what is included in this novel will help someone else as they deal with the overwhelming pain and never-ending sorrow from losing a child. My heart is with you.

  Moving forward, never forgetting.

  Thanks for reading.


  One more thing. As promised on Facebook, special thanks to Robin and Cheryl…for helping me choose my hero’s last name: Alexander.

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  Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense—you’ll find all sub-genres of clean romance in her line-up. Connect with Taylor at




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