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Drawing the Devil

Page 2

by Jon Keys

  Oh my Lord. He’s hyper.

  Shane wiped the steam off the mirror. As he laid out his shaving stuff, Dustin started singing. Shane squirted shaving cream into his hand as Dustin belted out one of the latest country songs. He coated his face, careful not to get too close to the scar. He inspected it closely, glad the vivid red color he’d endured for months was gone. God must have a sense of humor. First he decides I’ll be gay, then he scars me so no man will ever want me.

  Shane picked up the straight razor and began scraping off his thick beard. While he cleaned his neck, he couldn’t help but hum along as Dustin belted out another song. Shane meticulously scraped the whiskers from his face, then cleaned the razor and stored it away. He pulled the towel from his waist, then lifted his arms to dry the still-damp curls underneath before lifting a leg to dry between them.

  Dustin stepped out of the shower and started toweling off. “Whoa, dude! Full ass-crack alert!”

  Shane bundled his towel against his crotch. “Sorry.”

  “No problem. I don’t like wearing clothes. But a loose pecker bugs Todd, so I try to keep it under wraps when we share a room.”

  Dustin flipped the towel he was using across his neck and danced around the tiny room, humming the song he’d been singing. Crawling onto the bed, Shane kept the towel over his crotch so Dustin couldn’t see his cock had thickened at the sight of the slender blond gyrating across the floor.

  After a few minutes, Dustin dropped on the bed beside Shane. “You sure airing out my junk isn’t bothering you? I can put on some briefs if you want.”

  Shane playfully popped his fingers against Dustin’s shoulder. “It’s fine. I did gymnastics through high school. I’m used to guys walking around in their birthday suits.”

  “Cool.” Dustin scooted so he leaned against the headboard and flipped through the channels again. His hand rested on his crotch, his fingers trailing through his light-colored pubic hair.

  Shane checked the schedule the organizers sent him and updated the paperwork on his computer while Dustin flipped channels, never pausing for more than a few seconds. Eventually, he clicked the television off and tossed the remote to the nightstand. He stared over Shane’s shoulder for a few minutes until Shane stopped and glanced up.

  “What’s up?”

  Dustin winked at Shane. “Got any porn on there?”

  Shane’s expression went blank, but his body tensed like a fiddle string. Do I tell him? All I need is a freaked-out straight boy who thinks I’m seducing him. Shane ran through his options for a few seconds and decided he might not be as out as he’d like, but he refused to go backward, not even to prevent some drama with a cute bull rider.

  “I don’t think any porn I’d have would do much for you.”

  Dustin scratched his jaw. “Why? You into some kinky shit or something?”

  “Dustin, I’m gay.”

  “Oh! That all? Hey, it’s cool.”

  Shane studied the younger man. Did he understand what I said? That’s it? ‘It’s cool’. “I can sleep in the chair or something if it bothers you.”

  “Why, you gonna try to tap this ass?” Dustin jumped on his hands and knees and slapped the side of his butt like he was riding a bronc. Dustin’s crazy expression had Shane chuckling. His more primal side found the antics sexy as hell.

  “You keep that up, and I might.” Shane shot Dustin a wink and arched his eyebrows.

  Dustin jumped again, his cock flopping against his crotch. “Yeah, whatever.” Dustin paused for a few seconds as he watched Shane. “I’m hungry. I wish we had strawberries. I had strawberries and chocolate once. It was damn good.”

  “Sorry. It’s so late, everything’s closed. Maybe some other time.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  Shane finished the entry and closed his computer. He glanced at the clock on the side of the bed and fought back a yawn. “I’m beat. I think I’ll get some sleep.”

  Dustin grabbed Shane’s shoulder and pushed him. “Pussy! You need a big pair of balls to hang with a bull rider.”

  Shane chuckled and shoved back. “Whatever, you little shit. Next time you can be on foot in the arena, and we’ll see how you do.”

  Dustin’s eyes locked on Shane’s body. “Nah, I’d rather be on the bull.”

  Chapter Three

  Dustin woke to a soft voice easing him to consciousness. He fought to leave the fantasy of his stiff cock buried deep in Shane’s hot ass. Dustin dreamed he was slamming his cock into Shane, his breath coming in powerful gasps as he neared his boiling point.

  “Dustin. Umm, Dustin.”

  He buried himself deep with each thrust.


  Dustin struggled to wake, confusion flooding his mind as he worked to differentiate between fantasy and reality.

  “Dustin, your little guy is kinda knocking at my back door.”

  Dustin stopped thrusting and brought the words into sync with the tingle coming from his groin. Reality hit him harder than Diablo.

  He shoved himself across the bed, moving as far away as he could from Shane. “Oh fuck! Shit! Dude, I can’t believe I did that. I was dreaming.”

  Shane gazed over his shoulder to Dustin. “It’s okay. Don’t sweat it. You see a hot chick, then dream about her.”

  Dustin’s heart raced. After being thrown out of his dad’s house, he could count the number of people who knew he was gay on one hand. He’d been with guys, but his hookups were so deep in the closet, light never entered their world.

  “Shane, man, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.”

  “Calm down. It’s not a big deal. Everyone has sex dreams. I was just the warm body next to you. It didn’t have anything to do with me. I’m sure you were dreaming about some good-looking barrel racer.”

  Panic of being discovered built in Dustin. Years of hiding part of his identity had him exhausted. His attraction to the muscular bullfighter was the final straw. No more hiding.

  “No,” said Dustin.

  “Yeah. It’s just something that happens. I won’t say a word, if that’s what’s worrying you.” Shane waved his hand dismissively.

  Dustin took a deep breath. “No, I meant it wasn’t a chick. I like guys.” I like you.

  Shane snapped his gaze back on Dustin. “You mean you’re gay? Since when?”

  Fear and anxiety flooded Dustin as the words came to life. “Yeah. Pretty much forever, but it’s not the most popular thing around here, ya know?”

  “No, I get it. I’m the same. I don’t want it all over the circuit.”

  “Yeah, that’s cool. Sorta our secret.”

  Shane glanced down at Dustin’s crotch and saw his rock-hard dick. Their eyes met, and they shared a knowing look.

  Dustin’s body flushed hot at the attention. Shane’s mask of lust and need made him even hornier. Shane had a slight smirk, his hands behind his head. No way Shane is attracted to me. You think? Maybe Shane feels something too. Dustin glanced at Shane. “You got wood too?”

  Shane turned toward Dustin, the sheet tented over his crotch. “What do you think?”

  Dustin’s eyes darted around the room, jumping from the clothing he’d strewn all over, to the mirror, before returning to the rumpled bed, his cock doing most of the thinking. “We could fool around. Right? I mean, we’re both into guys and shit. I’m all horned up.” His eyes pleaded with Shane. “I promise not to narc you out.”

  An odd combination of desire and reservation flashed in Shane’s expression but disappeared so fast Dustin couldn’t be certain. “Sure. I’m horny too. It’s been a while.”

  Dustin sat on the bed, his cock tucked against his stomach, and stared at Shane. “You’d put out?”

  A drop of precome ran down the underside of Dustin’s cock at the thought of having sex with Shane.

  “Hey, you’re goo
d-looking, and I know I’m not. I’d take a pity fuck.”

  “You’d let me fuck you? I just thought we’d do hand— Wait, why a pity fuck? You’re hot.”

  Shane flipped back the sheet, his thick cock levitating from his crotch.

  Dustin’s focus snapped to Shane’s dick and its surrounding thatch of curly hair. Dustin was drawn like a bee to honey. He caught Shane’s sharp musky scent and realized he’d missed what Shane said.

  “The scars. How could you think I’m hot when I’m all cut up?”

  Dustin scooted closer and searched Shane for a clue if he was serious. Dustin lifted his hand, closing the distance to the scar that bisected Shane’s face. He hovered, meeting Shane’s deep blue eyes. Shane gave an imperceptible nod, and Dustin inched his finger to the white welt. From the edge of Shane’s hairline, Dustin followed the scar down, over the pale line through his brow, until it resumed on Shane’s cheek. The slight texture rubbing against Dustin’s finger heightened his desire for Shane.

  God, he’s hot. Doesn’t he realize the scars are like badges of honor for all the cowboys he’s saved?

  “Dustin, whatever you want to do, I’m down with.” Shane nodded at Dustin’s cock and the precome flowing like a leaky faucet. “We don’t have to kiss or anything. You can just fuck me.”

  Confusion and disappointment welled up in Dustin. “You don’t want to kiss?”

  Shane’s eyes met Dustin’s. “I love to kiss, I love foreplay. But…”

  “Hey, look, I already told you I’m gay. My mom died when I was little, and my dad and grandpa raised me,” Dustin blurted out. “I was seventeen when they found me in the barn sucking the neighbor kid off, and threatened to kill me. Said there’d never been a fag in our family, and there wasn’t going to be one now. I had to leave that night. Todd’s mom and dad let me stay with them. Kept me off the street. I’ve had a few hookups, mostly guys I found online. But if you’re up for it, I think it would be… ” Amazing? Fucking mind-blowing? Life changing?

  Shane rose onto his elbow. “Why didn’t you tell me last night? It would’ve made the whole thing easier for me.”

  “I dunno. I just didn’t think of it. I guess it was like your time to shine, and I didn’t want to screw it up.”

  “I think I can see that.” Shane hesitated before continuing. “Yeah, I’m good with fooling around.”

  Dustin’s heart constricted, and his body flooded with eager anticipation. “Yeah, sure. It’ll be fun.”

  Shane rolled over and fished condoms and lube from his bag. He sat them on the side table and cocked an eyebrow at Dustin. “I like to keep prepared, just in case. Even I get lucky sometimes.”

  You’d get lucky all the time with me.

  “Sounds fuckin’ good to me.” Dustin felt like a fumbling adolescent, not a twenty-one-year-old. His body filled with waves of desire at the sight of Shane. Dustin knew he wouldn’t last long. His body trembled at the thought of being with Shane. Already he was so on edge, he wasn’t sure how long he’d last. His awkwardness built, increasing his insecurity. The sight of Shane’s broad chest made Dustin feel inadequate. He struggled to stay calm. “Umm, what do you want to do first?”

  Shane ran his tongue over his lips, and Dustin’s heart melted. “Kissing is good, or just touching each other.”

  Dustin’s face felt like he was standing in front of a bonfire at the idea of getting to touch Shane. “Can I… Is it okay…”

  “Hey. Whatever you want, just ask.”

  “Can I touch your chest?”

  Shane glanced at his muscular torso. “Sure, knock yourself out.” He reclined on the pillows, interlaced his fingers and put them behind his head. “Go for it.”

  Dustin moved in, his typical hyper bravado gone. He sat close. His cock flexed at the heat between them. A spinneret of precome ran from the tip to Shane’s thigh. Dustin glanced down. “Looks like the little guy is reeling you in.”

  Shane winked. “He already caught me.”

  Dustin’s focus narrowed as his hands touched Shane’s chest. As he eased his palms across Shane, each dark curly hair sent a shiver through Dustin. He pressed his face into the dense growth in Shane’s armpit and inhaled. The masculine aroma forced a small groan from him. He glanced up and lost himself in Shane’s smile.

  “I shaved my chest once. It itched so much it made me miserable. So I just trim it up a little. The guys who fuck me are drunk and horny. They don’t care.”

  Dustin curled his fingers through the thick hair under Shane’s arm. Leaning in, he kissed the underside of Shane’s thick bicep. When he raised his head, Shane had a strange expression.


  “I’m hairy, scarred and ugly as fuck, but you think I’m hot. You could have anyone you wanted. You’re the poster child for a blond stud. What the hell’s your deal?”

  Dustin was unfazed by the sudden change. His entire life was like that, so he thought nothing of it as he traced the outline of a thick scar on Shane’s shoulder. “I like guys that look like guys. I like you. I think you’re sexy.” Dustin cocked an eyebrow and glared at Shane. “And if you say you’re ugly one more time, I’m gonna band you.”

  Shane crossed his legs to protect his nuts. “I’ll be good. I like my balls attached.”

  “I thought so. Now, less talking.”

  Dustin ran his nose along Shane’s jaw, then buried himself in the short curly hair at the base of his skull. He nibbled on Shane’s ear and worked his way down until the lobe slipped between his lips. Shane tilted his head to one side, his eyes easing closed as Dustin worked his magic. A small sigh escaped Shane’s lips when Dustin released his earlobe.

  “I haven’t had a lot of experience, so if I’m doing something wrong…” Dustin acted sheepish, light years removed from the exuberant cutup from last night.

  Shane opened his eyes and gaped at Dustin. “You’re doing great. No complaints from the ugl—from me.”

  “Well, I have watched a lot of porn.” Dustin let out an uninhibited laugh.

  “You did a damn good job on your homework, ’cause I’m boned up.”

  Dustin locked eyes with Shane. “I want to kiss you…”

  He lifted his hand toward Dustin. “I’d like that. I’d like it a lot.”

  Their lips brushed, but the pulses running through Dustin made bolts of lightning seem inadequate. His cock flexed and smeared precome over Shane’s hairy thigh. The contact drove a trembling breath from Dustin. His nuts snapped against his shaft, and his dick jumped. Fuck! Algebra. Changing oil. Mucking stalls! Fuck! He convulsed, shooting across Shane, his erotic cries louder with each spasm. Dustin’s eyes rolled up as the spicy scent of sex drifted through the air. With a final high whine, Dustin collapsed on Shane, panting.

  Shane’s light touch traveled across Dustin’s chest. “That was hot.”

  “Sorry! It. Was. Too good.”

  When their eyes met, Dustin could see the melancholy even as he enjoyed Shane’s finger sliding along his jaw.

  “Don’t worry. It’s fine. You got off,” Shane said.

  Dustin pinned the larger man onto the bed, threw his leg over and sat on Shane’s groin, his hard cock trapped under Dustin.

  “Come on. I need to shower so we can head out.”

  Dustin clamped his legs tight around Shane as he tried to unseat Dustin.

  “I ride bulls, and I’m damn good. You ain’t bucking me off.” Dustin leered at him and ran his fingers over Shane’s chest. “I can go again in a few minutes. Sorry, but when my dick ran over your leg, the fireworks went off.”

  Shane’s expression relaxed from the tight frown. “A few minutes, huh?”

  The joy returned to Dustin’s face, and he bounced on top of Shane. “Yup, give me a couple of minutes, and the old pecker will be back in action.”

  Dustin’s bounces gained in altitude until
Shane grabbed his thighs and pinned him down. “Easy! You’re smashing my nuts.”

  Dustin stopped squirming, cocked his head and considered Shane. “Do you like having your nipples messed with?”

  Rather than answer, Shane smirked and flicked his fingers against Dustin’s nipples. A deep groan came from the slender man as he enjoyed the sensation.

  “Yeah, it’s fucking hot to have my nipples played with,” Dustin said.

  Dustin leaned over, his hands caressing the sides of Shane’s torso. He found Shane’s nipples and let his thumbs touch the stiff tips. Shane sank back against the bed. His eyes fluttered and then closed. Dustin pressed his body against Shane’s, reached out with his tongue and flicked its tip around the quarter-size circle.

  “Yeah, that’s good.”

  Dustin’s tongue danced around and over Shane’s nipples, first one, then the other. Shane began to caress his back, leaving trails of warmth over him. He lifted himself from Shane and traced the scar again. “I love your touch. And whaddya know, little Dustin is wakin’ up!” Dustin lifted his torso. His plump cock uncoiled from its trapped position between them and slid into place beside Shane’s dick.

  “Glad to hear it. He seems like a world of fun.”

  Dustin slid down, intent on Shane’s crotch. Shane lifted himself to his elbows as Dustin studied his package. He met Shane’s gaze with a guarded expression. “Sorry, but you’re bigger than I am. And you have a curve.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s the equipment I got in the deal. Sorry if it isn’t what you expected…”

  Without another word, Dustin sank his mouth over the thick head, eased lower, sliding deeper inch by inch until Dustin’s lips pressed against his pubic hair.

  “Holy shit!”

  Dustin lifted his head with agonizing slowness until his mouth popped off Shane’s cock. “You fit perfect.”

  “Damn! I thought you didn’t know how to do stuff?”

  “I’ve never shoved the whole thing down before. But I thought yours would fit, and it did.”


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