problem, 135–36
romantic, 238
in Shakespeare’s development, 297
Comedy of Errors, The (Shakespeare), 56, 81, 130–31, 169, 212, 276, 329
Plautus as source of, 28, 130, 208
Condell, Henry, 18, 386
constables, public role of, 59–60
Cordelia (char.), 40, 84, 127, 327–29, 356, 358
Cordella (char.), 327–28, 357
Corin (char.), 57
Corinthians, First Epistle to the, 35–36
Coriolanus (char.), 369
Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 126, 170, 193, 296
Corpus Christi College:
Cambridge, 193
Oxford, 387
Corpus Christi pageants, 37
Costard (char.), 123, 260
costumes, 73–74, 76, 104, 184, 188, 332, 380
Cottam, John, 97, 98, 102, 103–4
Cottam, Thomas, 97–98, 99, 100, 114, 116, 118
Coventry, 36–37, 43–45, 50, 93, 159, 161
Cox, Captain, 44
Cradle of Security, The, 30–32, 34
Cranmer, Thomas, 91
Cripplegate, 164, 293, 362
Cromer, Sir James (char.), 171–72
Cross Keys, the, 184
Curtain Theater, 185, 189, 201, 291
Daemonologie (James I), 342–48
dancing, 74, 75, 176
Danes, 37, 44, 45, 66
Dante Alighieri, 129
Darcy, Brian, 344
Davenant, Jane, 330–31
Davenant, John, 330–31
Davenant, Robert, 331
Davenant, William, 331
Davies, Richard, 150, 154, 387
Day, William, 115
Debdale, Robert, 96, 97, 99, 116, 118
Dekker, Thomas, 167, 178, 262
Demetrius (char.), 134
Denmark, 295–96, 334, 346–47
Derby, Henry Stanley, Lord Strange, Earl of, 104, 105
Derby’s Men, 272–73
Desdemona (char.), 33–34, 127, 132–33, 180, 248, 325–27
Dethick, Sir William, 78, 80–81
Devereux, Penelope, 129
Dickens, Charles, 88
Discovery of Witchcraft, The (Scot), 352–53
divorce, literature advocating, 129
Doctor Faustus (Marlowe), 257
Domesday Book, 58, 85
Dominicans, 352
Donati, Gemma, 129
Don John the Bastard (char.), 180
Donne, John, 146, 173, 207, 330
Don Quixote, 370
Douai, University of, 19, 96
Dover, 98, 163, 365
Drayton, Michael, 387
Dulwich College, 191
Duncan (char.), 335, 338, 354
Duncane, Geillis, 346, 348, 351, 355
Durham, bishops of, 164
Dutch Church, 262, 267
Dyos, Roger, 93, 102
Dyrmonth, Adam, 17
Earl of Derby’s Men, 272–73
Earl of Essex’s Men, 161
Earl of Hertford’s Men, 272
Earl of Leicester’s Men, 30, 161
Earl of Pembroke’s Men, 272
Earl of Sussex’s Men, 161, 272
Earl of Warwick’s Men, 30
Earl of Worcester’s Men, 28, 30
Easter, public pageants for, 36
Edgar (char.), 116, 166, 356, 358
Edgeworth, Roger, 95
Edinburgh, 346
Edmund (char.), 34, 356, 357, 358
Edstone, 157
Shakespeare’s, 18–19, 25–28, 54, 64, 66, 73, 77, 96, 97, 103, 171, 208
women excluded from, 25–28
Edward I, King of England, 258
Edward II (Marlowe), 207, 256
Edward VI, King of England, 25, 90–92, 314
Egeus (char.), 127
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 11, 25, 63, 164, 228, 288, 310, 332, 333–34, 366
assassination attempts against, 158, 161, 268, 293
bear baiting patronized by, 177
cult of virginity of, 48, 254
death of, 329
Essex and, 273, 274, 308, 309
Falstaff admired by, 222
insecurities of, 187
intelligence service under, 267–68
Latin spoken by, 24
Lopez affair and, 273–78, 285
Lucy favored by, 153, 159
Elizabeth I, Queen of England (continued), Mary Queen of Scots condemned by, 333
papal incitements against, 92–93, 99, 100, 106, 114, 157
and pardon in Marlowe killing, 268
plays censored by, 339, 341
as Protestant, 61, 91–93, 94, 97, 314
royal progresses of, 42–51, 60
as spectacle, 45–46
theater supported by, 29, 187, 202
Emperor of Constantinople, 256
enclosure, economic impact of, 382–83
England, Elizabethan, 234
baiting of animals in, 177–78
child mortality rates in, 289
cities in, 166
death in childbirth in, 133
deer poaching understood in, 151–52
foreigners in, 261–62
hierarchical society in, 76
homosexuality in, 253
international book trade in, 270
Jewish absence from, 261–62
life expectancy in, 356
literary theorists in, 297
names spelled variously in, 104
ornate eloquence prized in, 23–24
public health regulation in, 236
unmarried mothers in, 123
vagrancy in, 87–88
England, Jacobean, baiting of animals in, 177–78
England, medieval, Jews expelled from, 258, 264, 280
England, Stuart, 358
England, Tudor, 358
religious upheavals of, 89, 93–94
social hierarchy in, 208
Erasmus, 24
Essays (Montaigne), 227
Essex, Earl of, 273–75, 308–11
Essex House, 273
Essex’s Men, 161
Euripides, 202
Evans, Sir Hugh (char.), 64–65, 154
Every Man in His Humour (Jonson), 89, 329, 365
Every Man out of His Humour (Jonson), 80, 329
Faerie Queene (Spenser), 327
Fair Em, 256
Falstaff (char.), 40–41, 69, 215, 259, 260, 290
as failed father figure, 70–71, 217–18
Greene as model for, 216–25, 251
Oldcastle as model for, 220, 308
the Vice as model for, 33–34, 220–21
Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth, The, 220
Fang (char.), 33
Faversham, 289
Fawkes, Guy, 336
fear, transgressive pleasure and, 34
Felton, John, 92
Feng (char.), 303
Ferdinand (char.), 142
Feste (char.), 56, 215
festivals, seasonal, 36–40
Field, Jacqueline Vautrollier, 194
Field, Richard, 193–94, 195, 240–41, 367
Finsbury Field, 176
First Folio, 18
Fitton, Mary, 233
Fletcher, John, 370, 373, 379
flogging, 26
as public entertainment, 178
Florio, John, 186–87, 227
Flute, Francis (char.), 51
folk customs, 32, 39, 40–42, 52
Forest of Arden, 40, 58, 85, 166, 298
Fortune Theater, 189, 293
Foxe, John, 91, 159
France, 223, 264, 362
French Huguenots, 99
Fripp, Edgar, 126
Frizer, Ingram, 267–68
“Funeral, The” (Donne), 146
galleries, 183, 184, 185
Garnet, Henry, 336–37, 338
Gauguin, Paul, 162
p; Geneva, 91
as actors’ roles, 74–75
Greene’s pretensions and, 204, 206
as John Shakespeare’s aspirations, 77–82
as Shakespeare’s aspiration, 41, 75–76, 78–81, 85–86, 149, 169, 204, 377, 378, 387–88
gentlemen’s rooms, 185
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 195
Germany, 91
Gertrude (char.), 136–37, 215, 306–7
Gerutha (char.), 303
in Hamlet, 304–6, 307, 318–20, 322
Protestant disbelief in, 320
Gilborne, Samuel, 73
Giovanni, Ser, 270–71
Giraldi, Giambattista (Cinthio), 325–26
Globe Theater, 40, 80, 189, 292–93, 330, 365–68
burning of, 379–81
New, 292
rebuilding of, 382
Gloucester, 30, 31, 93
Gloucester, Duke of (Richard III) (char.), 33, 34, 124, 126, 179, 257, 298, 299–300, 357, 372
Gloucester (King Lear) (char.), 166, 179, 356, 358
Goldingham, Harry, 49, 50–51
Goneril (char.), 127, 356, 358, 360–61
Gosson, Stephen, 186
Gowrie, Alexander, 340–41
Gowrie, Earl of, 340
Gowrie House, 340–41
Granada, Luis de, 157, 158–59
Gray, Joseph, 125
Gray’s Inn, 115, 228
Graziano (char.), 135, 279–80
Great Stone Gate, 173
Greene, Doll, 203–4, 205, 216, 219
Greene, Fortunatus, 205
Greene, Robert, 200, 203–11, 311, 362, 371
actors disdained by, 204–6
illness and death of, 210–11, 220, 224, 377
as model for Falstaff, 216–25, 251
posthumous memoirs of, 212–15, 226–27, 267
self-mythologizing by, 204–5, 206
Greene, Thomas, 382–83
Greene’s Groatsworth of Wit, Bought with a Million of Repentance, 212–15, 226–27, 241, 267
Gregory XIII, Pope, 99, 106
groundlings, 183
Guild Chapel, “reparations” of, 94–95
Guildenstern, 306
guildhalls, 184
Guild of the Holy Cross, 25
Gunpowder Plot, 336–41, 350
Gwinn, Matthew, 332–34, 335, 348, 350
Gyllome, Fulk, 104, 105
Hall, Edward, 169, 195
Hall, Elizabeth, 378, 386, 387, 390
Hall, Hugh, 157–58, 160
Hall, John, 144, 368, 378, 383, 384, 385–86, 390
Hamlet (char.), 33, 56, 66–67, 70, 137–38, 140, 158, 215, 293, 294, 298, 303–7, 342, 363, 369
Burbage as, 185
Kyd’s play about, 203, 294–95, 304, 318
madness assumed by, 307, 324
Hamlet, King (char.), 137, 138, 303, 306–7, 376
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 33, 56, 137–38, 203, 257, 293–94, 362
creative frenzy inaugurated by, 296, 325
doubleness in, 103, 155
drunkenness in, 66–67, 70
ghost in, 303–6, 307, 318–20, 322
Hamnet’s death and, 310–12, 320–22
inner life depicted in, 303–7, 318, 320
Hamlet (Shakespeare) (continued), new words in, 307–8
strategic opacity in, 323–25, 354, 377
Hand D, Shakespeare writing in, 263, 284
Harington, John, 341–42
Harris, Richard, 157
Harvey, Gabriel, 206, 208, 210–11, 214–15, 311
Hathaway, Anne, see Shakespeare, Anne Hathaway
Hathaway, Bartholomew, 118–19
Hathaway, Richard, 116, 118–19
“heavens,” 183
Hebrew Bible, 260–61
Helen (char.), 136
Helena (char.), 134
“hell,” 183
Heminges, John, 18, 104, 273, 292, 386
Henry, Prince, 331, 333
Henry IV (Bolingbroke) (char.), 33, 217, 300
Henry IV, Part 1 (Shakespeare), 40–41, 127–28, 217–19, 259, 289, 296, 308
quarto edition of, 291
Henry IV, Part 2 (Shakespeare), 33, 41–42, 69, 70–71, 215–16, 222–23, 251, 296, 308
Henry V (Prince Hal) (char.), 33, 41, 71, 216–20, 223–24
Henry V (Shakespeare), 65–66, 298, 309, 310, 329
Falstaff excluded from, 223–24
Henry VI (char.), 110
Henry VI, Part 1 (Shakespeare), 33, 123–24, 155, 194–95, 199, 201, 207, 209, 210, 212
Marlowe’s influence on, 192, 196–98, 256
Henry VI, Part 2 (Shakespeare), 110, 167–73, 194–95, 196–97, 199, 201, 207, 209, 210, 212
Marlowe’s influence on, 192, 256
Henry VI, Part 3 (Shakespeare), 123–24, 194–95, 199, 201, 207, 209, 210, 212, 213, 296
Marlowe’s influence on, 192, 196–97, 256, 257
Henry VII, King of England, 80
Henry VIII:
King of England, 31, 43, 157, 177, 234, 333–34, 380
as Protestant, 9, 89, 93–94, 314
Henry VIII (Shakespeare), 56, 373, 379–80, 402
Henslowe, Philip, 182, 191, 273
Herbert, William, 232
Herefordshire, 202
Hermia (char.), 127, 134
Hermione (char.), 84, 131–32, 370–71, 376
Hero (char.), 135, 180
Hero and Leander (Marlowe), 257
Hertford’s Men, 272
Hesketh, Sir Thomas, 89, 104–6, 108
Heywood, Thomas, 262
Hicox, 76
Hippolyta (char.), 52–53
Historia regum Britanniae (Geoffrey of Monmouth), 195
history plays, 195, 207, 222–23, 256, 296–97
boundary between tragedy and, 296–97
in Shakespeare’s development, 297
Hock Tuesday, 36–37, 43–45, 50
Hoghton, Alexander, 89, 103–6, 108, 113–14
Hoghton, Richard, 106
Hoghton, Thomas, 104
holidays, see festivals, traditional
Holinshed, Raphael, 169, 195, 335–36
Holofernes (char.), 24
Holy Trinity, priory of, 165
Holy Trinity Church, Stratford, 289, 311, 386
Holywell, 183
homosexuality, 143, 254
in Elizabethan England, 253
fear of, 27, 28, 119, 186
of James I, 333
of Marlowe, 268
of Shakespeare, see Shakespeare, William, sexuality of
in sonnets, 233–35
Honigmann, Ernst, 103, 213–14
Hooper, John, 93
Hope Theater, 182, 189
Hopton, Sir Owen, 115
Horace, 109
Horatio (char.), 56, 66, 305, 342, 362
hornbooks, 25
Horwendil, King (char.), 303
Host, Elevation of, 90
Hotspur (Harry Percy) (char.), 127–28
Houndsditch, 165
houses of resort, see whorehouses
Howard of Effingham, Charles Howard, Lord, 272
Huguenots, 99
humor, 32, 52
Hunsdon, George Carey, Lord, 288
Hunsdon, Henry Carey, Lord, 272, 288
Hunt, Simon, 18–19, 96, 97, 102, 118
Hythe, 163
Iago, 33–34, 179–80, 325–27, 372
inhibition, closing of theaters as, 288
Innogen (Imogen) (char.), 166
inns, 176, 184, 187–88, 288
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin), 193
Interlude of Youth, The, 31, 32, 34
Ireland, 106, 308, 313
Isabella (char.), 110, 136
Isam, Mr., 210
Isam, Mrs., 210–11, 219–20
Italy, 106
Ithamore (char.), 265, 267
Jaggard, William, 235
> James I, King of England, 11
anxieties of, 333–34, 337, 364
Gowrie assassination attempt on, 340–41
Gunpowder Plot against, 336–40, 341, 350
homosexuality of, 333
hunting by, 333, 340
Macbeth written for, 334–36
marriage of, see Anne of Denmark, Queen of England
in Oxford, 331–34
as theater patron, 329, 339, 364–65, 366
witches and the supernatural feared by, 333–34, 342–48
James VI, King of Scotland, see James I, King of England
Jaques (char.), 64
Jenkins, Thomas, 27, 96–97, 102
Jessica (char.), 133, 135, 271, 280–82, 284
Jesuits, 19, 96, 97, 100, 101, 106, 107, 111, 115, 116, 156, 160, 275, 277, 316, 336, 337, 338
Jew of Malta, The (Marlowe), 257–58, 262, 265–67, 270, 286
and narrative of Lopez conspiracy, 275, 278
Jews, 257–62, 264–68, 270–72, 274–87
conversion to Christianity by, 258, 266, 278, 280
English imagination and, 258–60
in expulsion from England, 258, 264, 280
moneylending by, 258, 261, 270–71, 282–83
Orthodox, 283
secret, 258
Shakespeare’s baiting of, 259–60, 264
as spiritual predecessors to Christianity, 260–61
see also Jew of Malta, The (Marlowe); Lopez, Roderigo; Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare)
Joan of Arc (char.), 110, 197
John of Gaunt (char.), 259
Johnson, Samuel, 150
Jonson, Ben, 173, 227, 289, 330
playwriting of, 66, 80, 167, 182, 256, 329
on Shakespeare, 17, 189
Jonson, Ben (continued), Shakespeare’s death and, 387
Joyce, James, 144
Juliet (Measure for Measure) (char.), 141
Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) (char.), 55, 111–12, 122–23, 141, 146–47, 370, 389
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 56, 128, 169, 193, 293, 296, 298, 301–2, 308, 310, 323, 388
eyewitness account of early performance of, 293
in First Folio, 18
Justice Shallow (char.), 154, 156
Kate (char.), 126, 134
Kemp, Ursula, 344
Kempe, Will, 104, 210, 273, 292–93
Kenilworth, 43–50
Kent, 289
King John (Shakespeare), 289, 290
King Lear (Shakespeare), 23, 34, 40, 84, 116, 163, 179, 296, 356–61, 362, 365, 382–83, 388
as meditation on old age, 356, 359–60
retirement in, 133, 358–61, 369, 374
strategic opacity in, 327–29, 354
King’s Men, 329, 337, 339, 353, 355, 368, 373, 380–82
court performances by, 329–30, 334, 364
Gowrie assassination attempt and, 339–42, 364
touring by, 365–66
King’s New School, 18–19, 25–28, 55, 64, 118, 171
Catholic schoolmasters at, 19, 95–98, 102
King’s Revels, 332
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