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Catching Chase

Page 16

by Michelle Windsor

  “Earth to Megan.” My mother is standing beside me, her raised voice dragging me out of the trance I’m in, my eyes darting to her as she continues to speak. “Did you hear anything I just said?” She shakes her head, concern lining her face. “You looked like you were a million miles away.”

  “Sorry, mom.” I force a smile. “I was just thinking about how I should schedule time with Jasper.”

  “For Chase?” Her brow arches as she smirks.

  “Obviously.” Jesus, was I being that transparent? I need to get myself in check. “I’m going to go make sure one of the guest bedrooms is set up for him.”

  “The room next to yours is available.” Now who’s being transparent? She waves a hand when I cock my head at her, glaring. “Don’t give me that look. I put Leah and Tyler in the largest room, Tom is in the room on the other side of Chase, so that just leaves the one next to yours.”

  “What about the room next to yours?” My hand comes to rest on my jutting hip as I challenge her.

  “Oh, I’ve got a sewing project all spread out on the bed in there.” She gives me a triumphant smile. “Sorry.”

  “Yeah, sure you are.” I mutter under my breath as I leave the kitchen and head toward the living room. I peek outside to check on my boys. I stop in my tracks. Shit. My boy. Singular. Jasper is not mine. Never really was. I shake my head trying to untangle all the confusion swirling there, then continue to the stairs to go take care of my intended task.

  It doesn’t take long for me to remake the bed. I make sure to use the highest thread count sheets, and the nicest comforter. I know it’s silly, but I want to make sure he’s comfortable. Since I can’t be the one wrapping my arms around him, might as well make sure the sheets are soft. I look out the window, smiling when I see Jasper pushing Chase on the swing. Seeing them together, so content, their interaction so natural, sends another pang of guilt through me. I should have told him. I should have tried harder to get in touch with him. So many things he’s missed out on now. All because of me.

  I stare at him, taking notice of how defined his body still is, the muscles in his thighs bulging through his jeans every time he leans forward to push the swing. Jesus, he’s still hot as hell. As if he can sense me, he turns, looks over his shoulder, scans the house, then stills when his eyes lock onto me. Shit. My cheeks flame with heat as I realize I’m busted. I give a quick wave, then scurry away, leaving the room to go back downstairs.

  My timing couldn’t be better. The front door swings open just as my foot hits the last step, and I break into a happy dance. “You’re here!”

  “I’m here!” Leah sing-songs before swamping me in a hug. “Damn, I missed you girl!” She pushes me away, her eyes wide, her voice low as she starts firing questions at me. “So, is he here still? That’s his Porsche, right? The one in the driveway?” I look over her shoulder, seeing Tyler first, heading our way with a suitcase, but then notice the Porsche SUV. I had no idea what he drove, but damn, that’s a nice ride. I shift my focus back to Leah who’s still talking. “Did Chase like him? Where are they now? Is he still hot?”

  “Honey, take a breath.” Tyler chuckles as he walks past Leah into the house, then looks at me. “Hey Megan.”

  “Tyler.” I smile, moving to give him a hug, then point to the luggage. “You can put that up in the room you guys usually stay in if you want.”

  “Sounds good.” He heads for the stairs, looking over his shoulder at Leah. “Be nice.”

  Her mouth drops open a quick second, her brow furrowing as she swings her head back and forth to Tyler and then me. “I’m always nice.”

  “Except when you’re not.” He chuckles, climbing the stairs. “I’m going to change, then I’ll be down.”

  Leah’s head turns back to me, a pout on her lips. “I’m nice.”

  I laugh. “Of course you are.” God I missed her. I love Tyler and couldn’t be happier for her and the new life they have together, but I hardly get to see her anymore. Tyler’s a musician, and travels a lot. And she made the decision to stop working so she could be with him on the road. They left on a tour just three days after they got married, and just got back into town a couple days ago. The good news is that they live in the city, so when they are home, at least we’re close. I wrap an arm around her waist and give her a side hug. “Come on, let’s go say hi to my mom.”

  “But you haven’t told me anything yet!” She huffs out as we start walking. “I want to know everything.”

  “Of course you do!” I laugh, then tell her what I can in the short walk to the kitchen. “Yes, he’s still here. I guess that’s his car, I actually didn’t look, but it’s not my mom’s and it’s not Tom’s. He’s outside playing with Chase right now, and Leah, I think Chase is already in love with him.” I stop walking so I can turn and look at her. “He didn’t even hesitate to go to him. And Jasper.” I shake my head in disbelief. “He’s amazing with him.” I frown, lowering my voice. “I feel so shitty. Now that I’ve seen him with Chase. I should have told him so long ago.”

  Leah rolls her eyes. “I think I told you that like a thousand times.” She pulls me into a hug when I frown. “Oh honey, it’s okay. I know you thought you were doing the right thing.” She draws back from me, looking me in the eye. “And he’s here now. So let’s just focus on that, okay?”

  “Okay.” I smile at her. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Ditto.” We start walking again as she continues. “I have so much to tell you. The tour was so much fun.”

  “So, married life is good?”

  “Amazing.” She’s practically glowing as she beams a hundred mega-watt smile my way. “I’m so happy, Megs.”

  “Good.” I beam back at her.

  We turn into the kitchen, my mom giving a little shout of joy when she lays eyes on us. “Leah! You’re here! I didn’t hear you come in!” She strides over, then wraps her arms around Leah in a hug. “Now both my girls are home.”

  “Awe, Mrs. Lewis, you’re going make me cry.” Leah blinks, her eyes glistening as they pull apart.

  “Happy tears are the best kind.” My mom places her palm on Leah’s cheek affectionately, a warm smile on her face. “You look good. Marriage agrees with you.” Before Leah can reply, my mom drops her hand and swings back in the direction of the counter. “So, where is that husband of yours?”

  “I’m right here.” His deep voice sounds as he enters the room. “And look who I found!” He looks over to his right, Tom strolling beside him.

  “I come bearing gifts.” He holds up a bottle of wine in each hand. “What’s a party without a little alcohol?”

  “Oh my God, I love you so much right now.” I surge forward and snag one of the bottles from him, turning my head to Leah, a wide grin on my face. “Have I told you lately how much I adore your brother?” I stop in place when I notice her attention is focused on the far wall. The wall lined with windows looking out over the back yard.

  “Hell’s bells. He’s pretty smoking hot, Megs.” She continues to stare out the window, stepping closer as she does.

  “Um, husband here.” Tyler calls out, reminding her of his presence.

  “No one is hotter than you babe.” Her head swings momentarily back to him as she flashes a quick smile his way, then turns back to the window. “But you can’t deny that is one fine piece of male specimen out there.”

  “Still here.” Tyler chuckles. “And do you maybe want to say hello to your brother?”

  “Hey Tom.” Leah tosses out.

  “Love you too, Sis.” Tom laughs, walking over to the counter to set down the other bottle of wine, then walks over to me, taking the bottle I snagged a second ago. “I’ll open it.”

  “Oh, thanks.” I give him a smile then move to join Leah. I lower my voice to a whisper. “And yeah, he’s still pretty fricking fine.” We both break out in laughter, my mother muttering under her breath at our silliness.

  “I’m going out there.” Leah states.

  My head snaps aw
ay from the window to her. “Absolutely not.”

  “I’m going.” She starts moving toward the door at the end of the kitchen. “I’m going to find out what’s going on here.”

  “Leah!” I chase after her. “He’s here for Chase. That’s what’s going on here.”

  She stops and looks at me. “But what about you?”

  I throw my hands up. “What about me?”

  “How does he feel about you?” She persists.

  “I have no idea.” Which of course is a lie. If my instincts are right, he’s still as attracted to me as I am to him. But I have no idea what his dating status is, or where his affections may lie now. “Besides, that doesn’t matter. This is about Chase.”

  “Oh, you silly friend.” She shakes her head, giving me a pat on the cheek. “Of course it matters.” And before I can stop her, she’s out the door heading straight for Jasper. I stand, frozen, like my feet are stuck in quicksand, and watch as she strolls right up to him. I keep watching, Chase’s face lighting up when he sees Leah, jumping off the swing to run into her arms. Her talking to Chase for a few minutes before he runs over to the slide. Her shaking Jasper’s hand. Her crossing her arms as she begins what I can only assume is her interrogation.

  “Here, take this.” Tom’s voice is beside me, dragging my attention away from the scene in front of me, a glass of wine in his hand. “I think you’re gonna need it.” I take the glass from him, taking a gulp as he walks away, my head turning right back to Jasper and Leah.

  Well, no one seems to be yelling, and so far, she doesn’t seem to have drawn blood, so maybe it’s going to be okay. Oh wait. Shit. I watch as Jasper shakes his head, his face flushing red as he throws his hands up, then turns and stomps away. What in the world did Leah just do? She calls to Chase, who goes to her instantly, and then a minute later, she’s coming back through the door.

  “What in the world did you say to him?” I take another swig of my wine, then place it on the counter as I unzip Chase’s jacket.

  “Nothing.” She rolls her eyes. “Well, not nothing obviously.” She snags my glass in her fingers and takes a sip of it. “I just asked him what his intentions were, and reminded him that he already-” She lowers her voice to a whisper as she speaks over Chase’s head. “fucked you over once with Miss McPoppy Pants.”

  “Oh, for crying out loud.” I point a finger at her. “You had no business discussing that with him.” I glance at my mom. “Can you keep an eye on him?” Then swing my head back to Leah, shooting her a dark look. “I need to go clean this up.”

  “Of course.” My mom nods, wiping her hands on a dish towel. “I got these boys here to help me too.” She looks at Tom and Tyler. “Go!” She shoos me away.

  I give Leah one last angry glare, then hustle for the front door, hoping I catch Jasper before he leaves.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Oh, thank God. You’re still here.”

  I stop pacing and twist my head in the direction of the slamming front door. I kick my toe into the gravel of the driveway, nodding. “Only because I didn’t say goodbye to Chase.” I try to keep the anger from my voice, because what her friend just did to me isn’t Megan’s fault, but I know it still has an edge to it. “What the hell was that?” I point to the house, to her friend inside it. “If you want to know something about me and Poppy, all you have to do is ask. I’m not trying to keep anything from you, and I never did.”

  “I know.” She’s reached me now, and crosses her arms over her chest, hugging herself. “I’m sorry. She’s just being protective.”

  “You don’t have a jacket.” I frown, then open the hatch on the back of the Porsche. I reach into one of the boxes I have stowed there and pull out a sweatshirt. “Come here.” She takes a step closer, watching as I gather the sweatshirt in a way that I can help her put it on. She releases the hold she has on herself, then raises her hands, slipping them into the center of the material as I slide it completely over her.

  “Thank you.” She tilts her head so she can read the front of the sweatshirt, then looks back at me. It’s got my name and number on it. Her hair is tousled and she’s smiling. She always did look good wearing my number, but right now she’s never looked more beautiful to me.

  “I’m not a complete dick.” I shrug, jerking my chin toward the house. “Contrary to what your friend in there thinks.” I move to sit on the bumper of the Porsche, patting next to me, inviting her to sit as well. “I do care about you.”

  “Like I said, she’s protective of me, and she doesn’t want to see me get hurt again.” She scoots up onto the bumper next to me, then turns to look at me. “My heart was pretty shattered after our time in Los Angeles, and Leah was the one that had to watch me process all that.”

  I frown, watching as she picks at her fingernails. “I don’t know how many more times I can apologize to you until you believe that I’m sorry for what happened.”

  “I believe you.” One side of her mouth slides up into a small smile. “I do.”

  She shrugs. “We’re just going to have to figure out where we go from here.”

  “Well, does it really matter how I feel or what I want when it comes to you?” I stare at the house. “Looks like the job of boyfriend is taken.”

  “What are you talking abo-” I twist my head, just in time to see her eyes widen. “Oh! You mean Tom?” She covers her mouth as laughter escapes, my brows furrowing in confusion.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Tom is so not my boyfriend. He’s Leah’s big brother and I’ve known him for ten years. We’re just friends.” She folds her hands in her lap, looking over at me. “And that’s what I think you and I should try and be.” She shrugs. “At least, that’s what I’d like.”

  I nod, bending my head down in an attempt to hide the smile that erupts on my face the second she said Tom’s not her boyfriend. “Friends would be great.” For now.

  “So, you always keep boxes of sweatshirts just lying around in the back of your car?” She looks over her shoulder at the boxes there.

  I chuckle, standing up to turn and look in the trunk. “I have an online store. We sell a ton of merchandise that way, but I usually have some with me for events that I pop into and stuff like that.”

  “That’s cool.” She jumps off the bumper then pulls one of the boxes closer and pops open the lid. “You got anything else in here I might like?”

  “You can take whatever you want.” Including me if that’s in the cards.

  She stops rifling through the box and turns to look at me. “So, you’re still playing football?”

  My eyes pop wide. “You really don’t go on the internet, do you?”

  “Nope.” She shakes her head. “Crazy but true.”

  “Not so much crazy, but rare these days.” I scrub at the scruff on my chin. “But to answer your question, yes, I’m still playing football. I’d like to get one more ring before I retire. But either way, this year will most likely be my last.”

  “How come?” She pulls out a pom-pom hat with my logo on it and pulls it on her head.

  “I’m going to be thirty-four this year. My body is tired.” I bat at the pom-pom on the top of the hat, smiling as I do. “I don’t want to get hurt so bad that I can’t get out of bed in another ten years without being in pain.”

  “Well, I promise Chase and I will watch all your games this year.”

  “I’ll get you both season tickets. You can come to a game anytime you want. I’d love to have you there.”

  “That sounds great.” She looks toward the house, one side of her mouth drifting down. “Guess we should go back in there.”

  I let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, guess so.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll call off Leah.” She promises, then taps the hat on her head. “Can I keep this?”

  “Of course.” I slide the other box closer, rummage through it, and pull out a child’s sweatshirt. “For Chase.”

  We go back inside, and as promised, she has a chat with Leah.
The rest of the afternoon goes by in a blur, but with much less hostility. I spend more time with Chase, feed him dinner, help give him a bath, and the best part, read him some stories before putting him to bed. When I step out of his room, I ease the door close, startled when I turn to find Megan leaning against the wall of the hallway. Wow. She’s wearing a short, white, sleeveless dress that looks like it’s made of lace. Her hair is curly, and she’s wearing deep red lipstick, something I’ve never seen on her before. It’s sexy as hell and makes me want to slam my mouth against hers. “You look gorgeous.”

  She pushes off the wall, then takes a few steps, closing the distance between us. She stops when she reaches me, the nude colored-high heels she’s wearing making it easier to look into her eyes. “It’s actually a gift from my mom. I know it’s a bit extravagant for a dinner with friends, but it will make her happy to see me wearing it.”

  “It’s your birthday celebration, but you want to make other people happy?” I muse, unable to stop myself from brushing my fingers down the soft skin of her arm until they link with her fingers.

  “It’s an easy thing to do.” She murmurs, her head tilting as she follows the path of my touch, swinging back up to meet my gaze when I join our hands. She stares at me, her tongue, so pink in contrast to the color of her mouth, darts out to pull her bottom lip between her teeth.

  Lifting my other hand, I use my thumb to tug her lip free, her breath hot as it floats over my knuckle. “God, I want to kiss you so bad right now.” My voice is husky as my hand drifts across her cheek, then wraps around the base of her neck, her eyes never leaving mine as her head arches into my palm.

  Her pulse drums under my touch, and she finally blinks, her voice a whisper as she grants her permission. “I’m not stopping you.”

  I tighten the hold I have on her hand as I slide it around her back, hauling her body up against mine, inhaling her citrusy scent as I lower my mouth to hers.

  “Meghan, where are you?” Her mother’s loud shrill sounds from the bottom of the stairs. “Everyone is waiting down here.”


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