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Waking Her Bear: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy with Witches, Werebears, and Werewolves (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 8)

Page 11

by Vella Day

  “True. Most of the time the guns come out when bears cause trouble, but not always. There will be those who like to kill for fun.”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  “That’s smart. Be aware that humans often leave food out, and that attracts the bears. The bears show up in people’s backyards and scare them. It’s out of fear that the humans kill them. It’s not for food though. We only hunt deer, moose, rabbit and the like to eat, but not wolves or bears.”

  “Good to know, but I won’t be leaving the shifter compound any time soon, except to go to work.”

  As much as she wanted to ask Zane a million questions about Cargonia and what his life was like, she’d probably taken up too much of his time already. Missy stood and picked up the plates.

  “I’ll help,” Zane offered.

  “You don’t have to.”

  She carried the dishes to the kitchen and placed them in the sink. As soon as Zane set his there, he turned her around. “I can’t thank you enough. I don’t think anyone on Cargonia would have taken the time to help me the way you have.”

  His brown eyes turned a beautiful shade of amber, and she wanted to get lost in them. While she couldn’t be sure where he came from, she did believe he needed her help to catch up on the last one hundred years. For most of her life, she’d played it safe, but where had that gotten her in the romance category? Nowhere. For once, she wanted to let loose and just enjoy herself. If he moved on in a few months, at least she would have some great memories.

  Missy wasn’t sure who moved first, but when Zane leaned over, she met him halfway. The moment their lips touched, her blue sparks shot from her body. She hadn’t wanted to break the kiss, but she couldn’t help it. The flood of hormones actually scared her in their intensity.

  Zane said nothing, but his gaze searched her face. “I’m sorry. Shouldn’t I have done that?” he asked.

  She smiled at his hesitancy. “You definitely should have done that. If you hadn’t, I would have.”

  His eyes widened. “On Cargonia, the women are aggressive sexually, but from what I’ve learned about humans, the women here are shy.”

  Her mind shot to a few of her friends who were anything but timid. “You do know that women can vote, right?”

  He laughed. “I keep forgetting those things. Please be patient with me if I say or do something stupid.”

  “I think your ignorance, if that is the right phrase, is cute.”

  Zane stood up straighter. “Cute? Grrr.”

  She grinned. “Would charming be a better word?”

  “Charming is definitely better.” He stroked her cheek, and her inner walls contracted with lust. “Now where were we?”

  Missy liked that Zane seemed to want her to take the lead. “I think I was kissing you.”

  “Is that what happened?” He smiled.

  Not giving him a chance to argue, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed on the back of his head to bring him down to her level. A second later, she was sitting on the kitchen counter with him closer to eye level. It was only natural for her to open her legs to allow him better access. He groaned, and the kiss intensified. Missy should have been reluctant to let go like this, but she had total faith that if she was scared in any way, he’d stop.

  Only she didn’t want him to stop. Not now. She lowered her hands to his chest and couldn’t help but squeeze his large pectoral muscles. The firmness and size caused more sparks to shoot off her body.

  Zane leaned back. “What was that light? Did I shock you?”

  Oh, crap. She couldn’t remember if he’d said whether Wendayans lived in his world. Even if they did, he might not know what happened when one was excited. Her sparks would seem odd to someone who didn’t know what they meant. It was why her mom always warned her about dating someone who wasn’t aware of their kind. It might lead to too many questions. “Not in the way you might think. It happens to a Wendayan when he or she is…um…sexually excited.”

  “Really? I like that. What happens if I do this?” Once more he leaned over and kissed her, but this time he dragged her closer to the edge of the counter so she was plastered against his chest.

  Oh, my! Even through her bra and shirt, her nipples tingled. When he dragged his tongue across the seam of her lips, Missy practically melted in his arms. If he wanted fireworks, all he had to do was keep kissing her like that and she’d be glowing blue so brightly, she’d blind him. Her pulse sped up, and the urge to be naked overwhelmed her. Nothing like this had ever happened before, so Missy had to take this as a sign from above that the two of them were meant to be together—at least for now.

  She dragged her hands down his corded back, further convincing her that this was the right thing to do. She leaned back and tilted her chin upward to look him in the eye. “Would you like to go someplace more comfortable?”

  His lids closed halfway, and his mouth hung open. “I’ll do anything you want. You have no idea how hard I’m working not to shift right now. Your scent has changed something inside me.” He inhaled and groaned.

  “Help me down.”

  His hands tightened on her waist, and a second later, she was standing inches from his powerful body. “Where would you like to go?”

  “To my bedroom?”

  “Why was that a question?” Zane stroked her cheek. “Are you having second thoughts?”

  Missy chuckled. “No. Never.” Or maybe she should have said not since she’d opened her heart and decided to believe him.

  “I’m glad, but just so you know, I will stop if you ask me to.”

  Zane was such a gentleman. “How about just doing what you want? If it’s too fast or too much I’ll let you know.” Goddess, how she loved his lips, his scent, and those sensual eyes. The man was totally divine and had such raw sex appeal that she couldn’t stay away. Funny, how her opinion of him had made such a big turn once she realized he’d been telling her the truth all along.

  Not wanting to waste any more time talking or thinking about what might be, Missy grabbed his hand and led him down the hall to her bedroom. The moment she stepped inside her room, her doubt surfaced, but only for a moment. Making love with Zane wasn’t the issue. It was that she might disappoint him.

  She spun to face him. “Just so you know, I’m on the pill, and I had a physical last month.”

  He stared at her for a moment. “What is the pill? Were you sick?”

  Oh, wow. If she ever doubted the concept before that he’d been asleep for one hundred years, that comment cleared it up. “I’m healthy. Being on the pill means I can’t get pregnant.”

  He clasped her shoulders. “I’m so sorry. Nothing can be done?”

  His tragic tone had her heart pumping hard. “No, it means I can’t get pregnant if we have sex, but once I decide that is something I want, I stop taking the pill, and then I can.” She studied him to see if he understood. “Does that make sense?”

  “Not really, but right now being this close to you has all the blood going to my lower regions. My brain isn’t working all that well.”

  Missy couldn’t help but check the truth of his statement. The bulge in his pants was huge. She didn’t know if it was because he was more than a foot taller than her, because he was a bear shifter, or both. She just hoped she could handle something that large.

  “Would you like to look at it?” Zane asked, obviously catching her staring at his crotch.

  “Sure.” She’d like to do a lot more than just look at it though.

  Before Missy could ask if she could take his pants off of him, he was out of them and completely naked. The man was a work of art and extremely well endowed.

  “May I see you too?” he asked.

  Missy couldn’t move if she tried. All she could do was stand there, picturing herself running her tongue all over his body. “Sure.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Zane had no doubt that he was in way over his head. He might have made love to numerous women on Cargon
ia, but none had been so delicate and small. Not only did Missy’s size trouble him, he worried if the way the Cargonian shifters made love would satisfy her human needs. Talking about what she liked might make her uncomfortable though. Speaking to a shifter during foreplay never went over well.

  Missy wet her lips, and his libido shot sky high.

  “Would you like help with removing your clothes or would you like to do it yourself?” he asked.

  From the way she tilted her head and sucked in her bottom lip, she wanted this seduction to be slow and sexy. “I’d love it if you helped me.”

  Missy toed off her shoes, helping with the first step. Zane ran his hands down his thighs. “Where should I start? I’ve never taken clothes off anyone before.” That was the truth.

  “So women just show up at your doorstep naked?”

  “No, but once we decide to have sex, we each undress.”

  “That doesn’t sound very stimulating. I’m guessing the naked body is no big deal to you, since everyone seems to have no problem with their nudity in Cargonia?” Her voice trailed off as if she were disappointed.

  “On the contrary, seeing your body is a huge deal to me.”

  Her face flushed before she flashed him a sly smile. “Thank you. Just so you know, I’ve never seen a body like yours in my life—naked or otherwise.”

  She seemed to be pleased, but he couldn’t be sure. “Am I too large?”

  Missy held up her hands. “No, but you certainly are big; I’ll grant you that. I imagine we have men your size somewhere, but I’ve never seen anyone like you before.” She placed her hands on his chest. “And I like big men. They make me feel small and delicate.”

  He almost let out a huge sigh of relief. “You are small and delicate, but your size has nothing to do with me wanting to protect you.”

  “There’s no need to protect me.”

  “But what if I want to?”

  She ran a finger down his chest, leaving behind a trail of fire. “I guess you can.”

  She guessed? He wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but as long as she was happy, he was good.

  Missy was still wearing two things—a shirt and a pair of shorts. It wouldn’t be hard to remove except that her top was held closed with buttons—tiny buttons that would take way too much time to undo, especially with his big fingers. “Would you mind removing your shirt while I help you out of your shorts?”

  “Sure.” Instead of taking off her shorts, he became mesmerized by her agility to undo the buttons. Seconds later, she slipped the material over her shoulders and let the smooth fabric float to the ground. Then she reached behind her back and released her bra. Slowly, she lowered the straps.

  When it dropped to the floor, Zane’s breath caught in his throat. “You are perfect.”

  He’d been so enthralled by her that he hadn’t even started to remove her shorts. Fearing his inner bear might show up if he drank her in any more, he picked up Missy and placed her on the bed. Not only was she light, she was incredibly beautiful. His body was demanding that he take her for his mate, but Zane knew better. He had to wait to make sure she was ready to be with him.

  Dragging his gaze down her body, he worked hard not to stare at her perky breasts. He had to decide the best way to make love to her. While it might be wiser for her to ride him, he didn’t think he could wait that long. Knowing her, Missy would want to tease him for hours.

  She needs to be in control, his bear said.

  He agreed, but it didn’t mean he had to like it. “Would you like to lick it?” Kneeling next to her, he grabbed his cock and pointed it toward her.

  She grinned, and his body went wild. “I’d love to.”

  Drawing up onto her knees, she slipped his member from his grasp and leaned over. Her warm breath cascading over his cock nearly made him regret asking if she wanted to suck on him. His control wasn’t that strong. Zane grabbed a handful of her thick curls and tugged hard. The moment her tongue slid up his length, Zane’s teeth sharpened and his nails grew.

  Control yourself, beast. Zane rarely chastised his inner bear, but when he was near Missy, the animal wanted to burst free, and he couldn’t let that happen. This woman was such a powerful elixir, stirring deep desires that he’d never known existed.

  When she cupped his balls and tightened her grip on his cock, Zane had to close his eyes and focus on staying in his human form. Because his bear desperately wanted to be in his animal form, Zane feared the human part of him might not be able to stop his bear from shifting.

  He leaned back to move out of reach of Missy’s tempting mouth. “Enough. I can’t wait to return the favor.”

  His balls had hardened, and the hair on his face and body had thickened. “Please, Missy. Let me taste you.”

  She fell back on the bed. In his delight at seeing her breasts, he hadn’t taken the time to remove her shorts, so he quickly undid the button at her waist and slipped them over her hips. Before he could remove her panties, she hooked her thumbs in the waistband and tugged them off. He might have made another comment about how amazing she was, but her neatly trimmed red curls between her thighs had him at a loss of words. Missy was almost too perfect.

  His bear was clawing at him and growling. Mate, Mate!

  Too much is at stake to take her now.

  The demon Raymolt claimed Zane would never wake up because of the curse placed on him. Missy’s presence had to be the reason why he’d awoken. Each second he was awake was a gift—and he credited that gift to her.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked as she posed seductively.

  Hoping he was capable of taking his time, he crawled on top of her, resting his weight on his elbows. Her long lashes beckoned him, and her red lips called for a kiss. As gently as he could, Zane pressed his lips to hers, putting more weight on her as the seconds passed. Missy’s goodness seeped into his soul the longer he kept contact. If he had the willpower, Zane never would have moved, but his bear wanted him to explore more of her.

  As he slid downward, her breasts glided against his chest, further exciting him. When his lips were at the right height, he cupped one breast and ran his tongue around the outer edge of her nipple. The tip peaked, and his nails almost turned into claws. He wanted to savor her for hours, but between her moans and small hip movements, he’d be lucky to last another few minutes.

  Take her now, his bear demanded.

  Not yet. Zane was driven to taste her. The first swipe of his tongue had a bit of cum leaking out of his cock. He closed his eyes as he inhaled her delicious scent, savoring everything about her. The next tug had her moaning and clutching his shoulders, doubling his need to drive into her. He would have too, if she hadn’t lifted her hips from obviously enjoying what he was doing. Wanting to add to her pleasure, he slipped a finger into her tiny opening, and she cried out his name.

  “Yes, Zane!”

  Her mouth opened as he curled his finger inside her, hitting a sensitive spot. Her hold on him tightened, and her body bucked as a huge climax claimed her. Thrilled he’d satisfied her, he continued to lick a few more times before crawling on top of her.

  “I hope you’re ready, Missy, because I can’t last another second.”

  “Yes. Take me.”

  The increased pressure of her nails on his shoulders not only felt divine, it was the signal he was looking for to claim her as his own. Mating would come later, but for now just loving her was in their future.

  When Missy’s lips slightly parted, Zane lost all focus. He lined up his cock, ready to take her with care.

  “You’re so big,” she said.

  “I’ll go slowly.”

  “I have something that will help.” She reached out, pulled open the drawer next to the bed, and then extracted a tube.


  She chuckled. “No. Better.”

  A second later, she smoothed some kind of cool gel on his cock, her magic fingers ramping up his libido something fierce. He could now see that the
slickness would make entering her easier. But even after she finished slathering it on him, she lingered.

  “Enough, woman.”

  She grinned. “Spoilsport.”

  Zane hovered over her, ready to slide in. His witch must have decided it was best to hurry because she lowered her hands to his hips and drew him toward her while lifting up. Without hesitation, he slid down the narrow wet channel. Her eyes went wide, and Zane stopped. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No. You’re so amazing!”

  His chest expanded, causing her nipples to press against his body. Hormones soared through him, and he could no longer keep still. With as much constraint as possible, he eased deeper into her. Stars surrounded him, and if sunlight hadn’t been pouring in through the window, he’d bet a halo of blue would be vibrating around her. Never had he experienced anything this fantastic in his life. This was where he needed to be. For the briefest of moments he considered thanking Raymolt for sending him to Earth—to Missy.

  “This is incredible,” he panted. “You have no idea how excited I am right now.”

  “Me too.” Missy lifted her hips higher, meeting each of his thrusts with one of her own. “Oh my goddess, that feels wonderful.”

  Knowing she was enjoying the experience meant the world to him. He withdrew and plunged into her again, setting off a chain reaction he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. Capturing her lips once more, he delved his tongue into her sweet mouth as he continued to thrust into her. With each foray, his climax built, but he desperately wanted Missy to experience her satisfaction first.

  Her beautiful green eyes were closed, and her groans grew louder each time he pummeled into her. He was thrilled her inner walls seemed to accommodate his wide girth so well.

  “I’m so close.” Zane needed to warn her.

  “Me too. Kiss me again.”

  Her demand heated his blood. The kiss that followed altered him. Never would he be able to look at another woman. Missy was all he wanted.

  He thrust into her once more, and when she let out a primordial scream and contracted hard around him, he could no longer keep from coming. Together, their orgasms collided, and Zane swore the world spun. Time seemed to mock him as he held her close, their bodies rejoicing.


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